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Let it all out

Marc Ambinder at The Atlantic reports David Plouffe saying that all the Obama campaign cares about is 18 states:

“The development on the out of touch argument is an actually critical development of the campaign,” he said, because “[s]ome of the voters images of McCain don’t jibe with reality.”

He acknowledged that the campaign still had work to do in order to fill in some details about Barack Obama. “We have to be very careful how we approach the swing electorate because they don’t have the information about Barack Obama.”

“All we care about is these 18 states,” he said. He repeated, with emphasis, that the campaign does not care about national polling. Instead, the campaign’s own identification, registration and canvassing efforts provide the data he uses to determine where to invest money and resources.”

Well, that’s nice.  I hope NJ isn’t one of them.  Oh, and it looks like Plouffe and Axlerod are planning perception management in the swing states where they don’t know about Obama.  Them stoopid people gotta be ejucated and get nollij about Obama and then they will forget all about having their primary votes nullified.  Piece of cake!

This is an open thread.

Welcome to Denver!

Denver cop greets Code Pink

NO WE WON’T: Don’t hold back

Sheri left Denver this morning and can’t host NO WE WON’T tonight so I’m subbing for her.  We will be talking to Brad Mays and what he’s caught on video and we’ll try to touch base with John West and Michelle Thomas about what went on behind the scenes with the delegates.  Call in and tell us what you’re thinking about Nancy Pelosi, faithless delegates, Superdelegates who were derelict in their duty and whether you intend to jump on the Obama Love Train. That’s NO WE WON’T at 9:00PM EST, 7:00PM MT.

So this is how Liberty dies, with thunderous applause

I will remain a PUMA.  No way, No how.  NO OBAMA.


Dear NJ delegates, *I* didn’t release you

There will be no love train.  I’m not onboard.  I will never be onboard.

You didn’t listen to us during the primaries.

You didn’t listen to us during the convention.

You are going to hear from us in November.

Barack Obama will NEVER get my vote.  I don’t owe the party anything.

And if you want to find someone to blame, look no further than the superdelegates.

Backlash is comin’.  We will make the powers that be the powers that were.

Let the DNC and your State Attorney General know how you feel about having your vote stolen by faithless delegates and a party who asks for your taxdollars to run a primary and then does what the hell it wants.

Blame the Superdelegates for the impending disaster

If I hear one more person try to guilt me into voting for this lightweight in order to save the nation, I’m going to dope slap him/her.

There are people who are responsible for the impending disaster.  They are the Superdelegates.  They have a choice.  They can go with the competent, dedicated, brilliant, knowledgeable DEMOCRAT, or they can choose the post partisan, unscrupulous, unethical, schmoozer whose party loyalty is in doubt.

To US, the choice is simple.  It’s not our fault that we refuse to swallow the poison.

When Obama loses in November, and he will, look to the people who had the obligation to rescue the country from three consecutive terms of Republican rule.  The Superdelegates.

Who owns your vote? Delegates?

The Roll Call

What’s going on? Day 3- UPDATE 3

Rumors are swirling fast and furiously around here.  I am trying to confirm the following:

  • The delegates voted this morning from their hotel rooms and the vote was so close that Pelosi is trying to do damage control.  We don’t know what the status of the roll call is at this time or whether there will be one.
  • Bill Clinton refuses to stick to the script that was written for him and may not be speaking tonight.

I am trying to confirm these rumors with someone working on the delegate petitions.  But I just called him a second ago and he sounds really, REALLY busy and overwhelmed.  I hope he’ll call me back in a bit.

Hillary gained back 10 delegates!  Terry McAuliffe is telling the delegates that they are to keep fighting.

Superdelegates: We all want to have a Democrat in the White House next year.  There is only one winning Democratic ticket.  That is Hillary on top and Obama as VP.  I don’t know whose arm you have to twist but do whatever you have to do to make it happen.

Update2: Hillary formally released her delegates but told them to vote their consciences for the person who they felt would be the most electable and ready.

Update3: Fox News is confirming that Bill Clinton will NOT be attending Obama’s acceptance speech.

It’s not too late, Superdelegates.  Fix it fast.

“Zero Tolerance” means zero tolerance

Righteous criticism of Barack Obama has been made by Hillary Clinton’s supporters and others because of his association with people like William Ayers, Tony Rezko, and Reverand Jeremiah Wright.  He has also been justifiably criticized for the misogyny, sexism and CDS-fueled abuse that has been directed at Hillary and her supporters from the fauxgressive blogosphere.

But what if there was incontrovertable proof that Senator Obama did not share the beliefs of any of the actual individuals involved?  What if he strongly disagreed with the actions and words of Ayers, Rezko, Wright, and the Cheetopians, but merely maintained the associations with them, and/or accrued the benefits of their support, in order to reach the White House?  What if he intended to throw them all under the bus once he was victorious, and then govern as a true liberal/progressive?

I hope you would agree with me that if all that were true, he would still be a hypocritical opportunist who was unworthy of the Presidency.

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Obama’s temple to…well, who else would it be for, HIMSELF!

While we get reports from our PUMA troops and the Denver Delegate situation, here’s a laugh from Wonkette:


Obama’s Pagan Greek Temple Sets Stage For Most Presumptuous Hedonist Acceptance Speech Since Kennedy’s

Oh, this is perfect. After spending all week straining to convince voters that he is a humble, all-American God-fearing Christian regular Joe, Barack Obama will deliver his acceptance speech tomorrow night from a structure that ABC News says “resembles an ancient Greek temple.” Because nothing hits the trifecta of Hollywood, presumption, and alternate religion like a wine-soaked polytheist boy-f*cking Vegas pleasure dome in the middle of a massive arena. [ABC News


UPDATE: The Stonehenge of HOPE


If you hear the hounds barking, KEEP GOING!


(Long live PUMAs!