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Episode 16: Public Speaking

Here’s another experiment in podcastland.

How is MSNBC hiring Ronna McDaniel like a high school public speaking class and a couple other things in this shorter version. I’m trying not to ramble too much.

BTW, MSNBC, if you’re looking for someone who will talk about controversial subjects, I can be bought for $300,000. 🤙

You can listen to Episode 16: Public Speaking at Hey, We’re Here.

Episode 14: “things desired”

In this episode, I try to make a coherent narrative out of Trump’s half billion fine dilemma, bond money, top secret documents, Witness #5, Ken Buck, Lauren Boebert and the House Majority. There are a lot of moving parts and way too many revelations lately. Also, how did ScarJo’s parody of Katie Britt’s SOTU rebuttal highlight something unpleasant about Katie Britt. Then some random philosophical stuff based on an old poem.

You can listen to it at “Hey, we’re here!” Episode 14: “things desired”.

Episode 13: Woman, Whoa Man!

How did we get to the place where Katie Britt, junior Senator from Alabama, gives the GOP response to the president’s State of the Union response from her kitchen, why did it go over like a lead balloon, and what does it say about the public image of women in America in this era? I meander but eventually get to the point.

You can listen to it here at Hey, We’re Here!, Episode 13: Woman, Whoa Man!

Cultural Reference 😉:

Episode 12: We are the Firewall

Well, it looks like Trump is an unstoppable force on the way to the Republican nomination for president. The Supreme Court seems to want to help him out. And he’s planning mass deportations and concentration camps. What can we do about it when he and his minority of voters suck all the oxygen out of the room and we are invisible? We do like the Germans are doing: mass protests against the far right AfD party. We become the firewall. Protest after protest, week after week, all across the country until the media finally stops chasing the diner people and recognizes that we are the majority.

Listen to it at Hey, We’re Here, episode 12: We are the Firewall.

Joe Biden: Nursing Home Resident and Full Time Mastermind

This is brilliant. Pick it up after the 2:00min mark:

Episode 11: Connections

Happy Presidents Day!

I’ve done another podcast episode but this has nothing to do with Washington or Lincoln.

In this episode, I review what it means to be gaslighted, how plot lines in HBO series can lead to the further distrust of scientists, and how the BITE model works on MAGA people and the SuperBowl.

You can listen to it here at Hey! We’re Here! Episode 11: Connections.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Love to all of you in the electric wire’s hum. 🥰

The Tucker- Putin critiqued by an actual Russian.

NFKRZ is a YouTube channel that pre-dates Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. I say “Putin’s” invasion because right now, there is no way to get an objective opinion from the Russian people. Also, if you don’t keep your opinions about the war to yourself in Russia, you could be sent to a cozy penal colony in Siberia or get defenestrated.

NFKRZ left Russia shortly after the war began, just about the time when western sanctions started to make commerce with the global banking system almost impossible. So, for him, it was a business decision to leave. Then when mobilization kicked in, it was self-preservation to stay away. Passport issues have been a nightmare. But basically, he represents the brain drain from Russia.

Here’s his critique of Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin. I only watched a brief snippet. He watched significantly more. We both came to the same conclusion: Tucker isn’t a real journalist, Putin is not a nice guy by any stretch of the imagination, and any right wing Americans who thinks we need to give Putin a break need to have their heads examined because how could you be so stupid, gullible and tribal?

Anyway, without further ado, I am reposting NFKRZ critique so you get an idea about what real Russians think about this interview, if only we could ask them:

Episode 10: Let the Games Begin

It looks like one of the major party candidates is already on the general campaign trail and showing us how ugly this election year is going to be.

In this episode, we’ll revisit smear campaigns, the Tversky similarity index and how it shapes the way we perceive candidates, and talk about the Tale of Two Donalds and our place in the world.

I’m trying to figure out how this podcast thing works so bear with me. It looks like new editing tools are needed, including finally retiring my MacBook Pro and getting a mini Mac so I can stop recording everything on my phone.

Here’s the link to Episode 10: Let the Games Begin.

Let me know if you want to join the conversation.

Episode 9: Advice Column

I recorded this at lunch just as the news came out about tue DC Appeals Court’s ruling on Trump’s immunity from prosecution. It’s unedited, as is my bad habit. I also discuss the function of a scapegoat and how the scapegoat can solidify group dynamics in a family or cult. Also, how do you decide who to vote for? The advice may surprise you.

Listen to it here at Hey! We’re Here, episode 9, Advice Column.