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Taylor and Travis: It’s a Human Interest Story FFS

They are two of the most famous people in their own fields. All by themselves they attract attention. They’re both extroverts on steroids who are phenomenally talented.

It doesn’t matter what you think about her singing voice. She writes her own songs and can entertain stadiums for 3 solid hours in brutal heat and pouring rain. It’s a 3 hour singalong and she’s making a fortune on it. You might not be a swiftie and you might understand the way they think but that’s genius.

Wow, who else do we know can pack arenas and yak for hours to a crowd of devoted fans? Does Trump have Swiftie-Envy?? I mean, she’s making money like crazy. She’s probably worth more than he is.

Wait, didn’t she write a song about this scenario?

And I can see you years from now in a bar
Talking over a football game
With that same big loud opinion
But nobody’s listening
Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things
Drunk and grumbling on about how I can’t sing
But all you are is mean
All you are is mean
And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life
And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean

Mind blown. He walked right into that. That’s incredible. How did she know all those years ago?

And Travis, nice guy. He makes her look dainty. Always got a smile on his face. Also raking in the bucks but not intimidated by her bigger bank account. The opposite of toxic masculinity. He is the alpha. You know why? It’s because he doesn’t walk around talking about being an alpha. If you have to talk about it, you ain’t one. This is one happy man.

What’s Not To Love??

In the past, their relationship would merit an Up Close and Personal. You know, how they met, what drew them to one another, the hardships they face. She’s hated by a crime boss running for president and his horde of philosophical zombies, he risks permanent injury 6 months a year, they try to be with each other for the most important events in their lives by flying around the world. They’re young, good looking, horny. Jeez.

MAGA people make Taylor Swift encouraging her millions of Swifties to register to vote sound like a bad thing. They need to calm their tits already.

All I’m saying is we have completely forgotten that there is more to the news than Trump 24/7/365 for the last 8 years.

After Election Day, we’re all going to need therapy.

Episode 8: Victim Impact Statement

In this episode, I imagine that Judge Tonya Chutkan allows me to give a victim impact statement at Trump’s January 6, 2021 trial. I start with an example from E. Jean Carroll’s second defamation lawsuit against Donald Trump.

You can listen to it a Hey, We’re Here, Episode 8: Victim Impact Statement

Also, I make reference to this scene from Life of Brian with what might a typical MAGA voter think of The Romans:

Podcast Episode 7: The Palantiri

In this episode, we talk about New Hampshire, the dangers of predicting outcomes too far in advance, the perils of fundamentalism, why having the perfect family could get you in over your head in debt, what can be done with AI and other things that popped up on the radar this week.

Listen here on Hey, We’re Here, episode 7: The Palantiri.

Episode 6: why does the economy feel lousy when it’s booming

We’re hearing a lot about how the economy is doing great by every possible metric but Americans don’t believe it. In this episode, I try to get to the bottom of it. Spoiler alert: I go over the last 10ish years from a personal perspective and it gets grim.

Check it out here at Hey, We’re Here! Why the economy feels not so good even when it’s booming.

Podcast Episode 5: A Whiter Shade of White

In this episode, I make some corrections. Also, the Iowa caucuses happened tonight and the cable news journalists are like magpies, trying to interpret the polls of white republicans in a very white state. They never seem to ask these voters the question I’m most interested in getting an answer to.

You can listen to it at Hey!, We’re Here!- a Whiter shade of White.

Podcast Episode 4: The Rise of the RINOs

Why are never Trumpers called RINOs when we know some of them are the most conservative Republican badasses around? In this episode, I’m going to dive into the Behavioral component of Steve Hassan’s BITE model and apply high control religion’s enforcement of behavior to the current incarnation of the Republican party.

I have some suggestions on what to do about it so stick around for the whole podcast.

Or fast forward to the last 10 minutes. I tend to ramble.

I need co-hosts or guests to curb my bad habits.

Check it out here at The Rise of the RINOs.

Podcast Episode 3: Is chaos a ladder

Hi everyone, I did it again. I made another podcast. I can’t help myself. I think I just like the sound of my own voice.

This episode is called Is Chaos A Ladder? Or What happens after MAGA’s day dream of extreme political Armageddon with collateral damage? Have they thought about that? Let’s do some thought experiments.

You can find the latest episode here at Hey, We’re Here by the Confluence. Enjoy. Or ignore. I’m having fun.

Let me know if you’re interested in correcting my record in an upcoming podcast. I’d love to have a co-host or two.

Podcast Ep. 2: Who do I think I am

I’m still experimenting with this podcast thing. By the way, I signed up for Anchor and it morphed into Podcasters for Spotify. Not going to apologize for that. It’s a good place to start, fairly easy to use and if Spotify wants to pay me Joe Rogin type wads of filthy lucre to represent truth, justice and the American way, I would listen to that pitch as long as I don’t have to spread disinformation.

This episode is a little insight into how people join cults after seeing it first hand.

You can find it here: Who do I think I am?

Bear with me as I find my voice, literally, and figure out how to structure this podcast thing.

Your comments and suggestions are welcomed.

Ok, so I started a podcast

My first episode of “Hey, We’re Here! By The Confluence” is up on Spotify.

I have some kinks to work out. Like, I don’t want music playing in the background the whole episode, competing with my dulcet tones. But bear with me. It will get better by the third podcast.

And if there are any listeners who found this blog from that podcast, welcome. Suggestions appreciated.

What January 6 was about IMHO FWIW

I guess you have to be trying hard to miss all of the footage and hearings and testimony from people who were at the Capitol that day. And you might be able be blissfully ignorant of all of the pieces of that plan that are starting to come together. Storming the Capitol was only the noisiest part of it. There were pressure campaigns and fake electors and attorneys generals all over the country filing suits on behalf of Trump voters.

If you’re deliberately avoiding all of the news about that day, you may not have an opinion. It may not trouble your “beautiful mind”, as Barbara Bush once said about something her son did.

But I watched it live on TV, watched the hearings, read the indictments, read the rulings from PA judges before January 6 so I do have a pretty good hypothesis about what Trump and his droogs were trying to pull off. And let me say that I’m not a fanatic on the subject. I’m just reading the news on this like all the other news items on the weather and book banning and Israel and Ukraine. I’m not seeking the information out. It’s finding me.

So here’s my best guess:

Pennsylvania more than Georgia was the big kahuna. If the conspirators could get that election nullified, they wouldn’t need Georgia. That’s why there were so many suits filed here. Ang there was an alternative slate of electors here too except the state legislators involved sat on them for the moment they would be needed.

The plan according to Sidney Powell was to seize the voting machines in PA or straight out cancel all of the votes in PA regardless of how they were cast once the certification process was suspended.

So, if you were a mail in voter, it wouldn’t have mattered if the law permitting mail in balloting was passed in 2019 prior to any Covid pandemics and you rigorously followed all the rules to vote. Your vote would be disqualified. And if you voted in person by machine, your vote would also be disqualified. I don’t know how they would have rationalized this but that was the plan.

It was a test of Pennsylvania MAGA voters. Would they accept nullification of their own votes in order to cancel out votes of people like me. Were they so angry with Democrats who voted for Biden in this state, and so infuriated that our votes completely wiped out Trump’s margin in 2016 that they were willing to be disenfranchised just so we could be disenfranchised.

Of course there would have been fighting in the streets of DC and Philly and Pittsburgh if that had happened. I have no doubt that Trump would have triggered the insurrection act and blood would have been spilt. Even if the Trump coup was later aborted, he and his shadowy advisors would have achieved a big thing.

They’d know that their supporters were willing to submit themselves to rule by one man rather than let themselves or the rest of us rule ourselves by democratic means.

The one thing that we still don’t know as far as the insurrection goes is what was the plan if the certification had been halted. What was waiting for us in terms of military involvement. Trump had fired the defense secretary in December and appointed his own guy along with Kash Patel. They must have had a plan. Even if Miller decided not to get involved and the joint chiefs of staff decided not to play, there must have been a plan to deal with disloyalty to Trump. What was it?

That’s the penny that hasn’t dropped yet but I think it will make regular GOP voters’ blood run cold when they find out what it was.

So that’s my theory. Trump et al wanted to see how MAGA voters in PA would react when their votes were cancelled. That was the whole enchilada.

These past three years, the Trump campaign has been feeding off of the donations of millions of its followers to pay the myriad of lawyers he needs to fend off trials by jury. In the process, he has been largely successful in making this seem like a victimless crime. I was alarmed, seriously concerned when I found out that MY vote was in his cross hairs. But the only one claiming victimhood is Trump himself. The media isn’t helping with its obsessive pre-occupation with what’s going on in the minds of MAGA voters.

I don’t GAF what’s going on in their heads and I don’t want to hear their emotionally charged, completely rationless ideas about the state of the country. I grew up with a parent and her religious community who were taught to believe that all the bad people on earth, even the babies, even myself at seven years old, were going to die horrible deaths if we weren’t perfectly obedient to the whims of a jealous god. Only people who believed without question would go to an earthly paradise. Just because I refused to accept their fantasy didn’t make it less scary as they filled my childhood with fear and anxiety.

Trump’s supporters remind me of those people. They are caught up in a manufactured unreality where the world is so bad that the only thing that can save them is a scorched earth political Armageddon. I can’t take any of them seriously. They might as well be going house to house as missionaries selling their tracts and books. The media invites them in and urges them to tell us what they believe instead of slamming the door on these people,

If the world is a scary place, it’s because they’ve talked themselves into it. They aren’t the victims, they’re the perpetrators who make it dangerous because they’re the ones who see extreme measures with collateral damage as the only solution.

Meanwhile, there’s always a group of people with deep pockets who stand to gain from all of this fear, uncertainty and dread. It’s the same with every religion.

So, I don’t want to hear any more interviews of Trump supporters who have switched off their brains. Most of them will not come around. It will take a very long time for some of the smarter ones to get tired of holding up the items on their mental shelves that don’t make any sense. Short of another Albigensian crusade don’t expect a purging of their psyches to happen for years to come.

Right now, I want to hear from the real targets who everyone has forgotten. That would be people like me. Legitimate, law abiding American citizens who didn’t deserve to be disenfranchised just because we didn’t vote for Orange Jesus.

January 6 wasn’t a victimless action. A riot to obstruct an official act of Congress with the intent to overturn legitimate votes of millions of Americans, just like attempted murder, aborted armed robberies, and attempted assault, is still a crime.

When Trump’s base shrugs its shoulders and wants to forget it all happened, it only means the conspirators know now that they have a pretty good chance of succeeding next time.