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Join Us Tonight On NO WE WON’T

Hi all, Sheri Tag a NO WE WON’T is on again tonight and I’ll be filling in for Will Bower who’s got a busy schedule of his own tonight. Nancy A. will be on to discuss Obama’s ACORN connections and Sheri and I will be taking your calls on the Lanny Davis interview, Obama’s Grand European Tour and anything else you want to talk about. Join us at 8:00pm EST a NO WE WON’T on blogtalkradio.

I Am Ridiculous

It’s true! At least, according to the media, the Democratic Party, and of course, the man even our bought-and-paid-for press corpse is starting to call the “presumptuous nominee.”

I’m not ridiculous because I’m a PUMA, though. I’m ridiculous first, because I’m a woman, and second, because I’m a woman who refuses to do what Daddy tells me to.

You know, there’s just something so icky about being a woman anyway. And kind of embarrassing. I mean, I look down at my body, and I have two bumps where I don’t need them, and I’m missing a critical bump somewhere south of my belly button. Ewwwwwww, what’s that about? If only I had that bump, I could be in charge. I could do whatever I wanted to and no one would think it was ridiculous.

Look at George W. Bush. This man has the manners of a pig in slop. He talks with his mouth full, he farts, he calls his right-hand man “Turd Blossom,” he gives the Chancellor of Germany a shoulder rub, he can’t keep from invading peoples’ personal space. Of course, his Bushisms are legendary.

Yet is he ridiculous? Why no. For most of his horrific Reign of Error, no one in the press or the Democratic Party questioned this man’s credibility or right to be in his seat. He has that scrap of flesh hanging off his pelvis, so he must be respected.

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Wednesday: Berliners’ Beer Googles Befuddle Barack

Maybe Obama has some kind of airplane cabin induced euphoria after his Grand Traipse through Europe. As Jonathan Weisman of WaPo’s The Trail notes (H/T to Taggles), he seems to be buying his own hype:

In his closed door meeting with House Democrats this evening, presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama delivered a real zinger. According to a witness, he was waxing lyrical about last week’s trip to Europe, when he concluded, “this is the moment, as Nancy [Pelosi] noted, that the world is waiting for.”

The 200,000 souls who thronged to his speech in Berlin came not just for him, he told the enthralled audience of congressional representatives.

“I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions,” he said.

(SophieL finds more along these lines from Dana Milbank this morning)

Heavens! I don’t want a symbol for president. The next thing you know, he’ll be performing at Superbowl halftime shows behind a giant scrim onto which he can project his giant, er,

Does that thing hurt?

Does that thing hurt?


Didn’t someone in his massive entourage tell him that most of the crowd was there to catch a buzz and quick afternoon snack? I hear the brauts in Berlin are pretty good. (Can someone work on the Brauts, Berlin, Barack tongue twister? I know it’s there somewhere) The rest of the crowd was CGI generated because it looks really good in the pictures splashed across the frontpage of the NYTimes.

Nawww, not our Schmoozer In Chief to be. At some point, even his miniscule conscience must start to bother him.  There he is, sitting on top of the world, in front of screaming throngs, knowing that he’s a cut throat lightweight with a razor thin CV.  It must seem unreal for him.  It seems unreal for *me* so I can only imagine the “Oh, $#%@!” thought going through his head.  If they discover that he’s a fraud, he’s done!  I’d be scared out of my wits.  So, there MUST be something there that the throngs want.  Something that only HE can give them.  Something that will make up for the incredibly vast empty sections of his resume.  That’s it!  He’s a symbol.

And they like him!  They REALLY like him.

In other news:

Obama’s campaign continues to flip us the bird according to this piece in the NYTimes called “Chance of Obama-Clinton ticket seen as increasingly unlikely”.  I find this article particularly amusing because many of the party loyalist Democrats went over to Obama after Clinton suspended because they were convinced that he would pick her as his running mate.  It made so much sense that it didn’t really need to be discussed.  It was a forgone conclusion.  “He *needs* her”, they’d assure me with a knowing smile.

Apparently not.  Either his campaign knows something that we do not, like the fact that they secretly implanted chips in our brains that they will activate on November 4 so that we all vote for him against our will, or they are the biggest collection of politically tone deaf operators we have ever seen.  Don’t get me wrong.  I wouldn’t want Hillary to take the VP slot anyway.  But as a courtesy, they needed to publicly offer it to her to gain the respect of her voters.  It was the polite thing to do.  Etiquette demanded it.

No, the Obama crew are determined to defyl logic and sensibility.  They’re risk takers, alright.  It must be an adrenaline rush to stick your hand in the mouth of victory to pull out almost certain defeat.  They don’t need us, they say to themselves.  They *have* to say that because the truth is terrifying.  It’s sort of like standing on that podium in Berlin.  They can’t let Hillary onto the ticket because she makes him look like the ethereal Invisible Man he is. Heck, they can’t even be seen together.  Therefore, she must campaign for Barack without him in the same venue, although, whether this is by the campaign’s choice or the lady’s is in question…

There is another possibility.  They could be copying the “in-your-face” stylings of their inspiration, Karl Rove.  Just do what you want to do and if people start complaining, kick it up a notch.  BAM!  What are they going to do about it?  They got nowhere else to go.  Well, when you put it that way, I HAVE to not vote for Obama.  Otherwise, I am contributing the the Republicanization of the Democratic Party.

The Obama Campaign must secretely be working for Clinton because every day they pull this kind of $#@%, I come to loathe them more and am more convinced that Hillary is the only person who can win this for the Democrats.  Yep, that’s got to be it because no campaign in its right mind pulls this crap *before* they win the election.  It’s just stupid.  Even Karl knows that.