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Predictable Headline.

Just saw this at The Washington Post:

{{rolling eyes}}

Let me see if I can interpret this into language we can all understand.

The stimulus spending means that someone is going to have to pay for it down the road and the wealthy and well connected, cough!, Republicans, don’t want it to be them. They might have to give up their tax cuts that go back to 1980.

Omg, they might take their dishes and relocate to another country!! Cue the fearmongering about all of us losing our jobs to India or Paraguay!!

It’s a bit too late for that, isn’t it?

But they have the money and the propaganda outlets so I’m sure it will only be a matter of days before we start having to care about their feelings more than the brutal austerity they want to impose on us.

Gosh, what might they have done differently? Oh, I don’t know, maybe got out of the game when they had gotten 90% of their wet dreams? Told their employees in the Senate to cut Trump loose as the reports from China were starting to filter in? Compromised on their extreme libertarianism and encouraged a federal response so we wouldn’t be terrified to leave our houses to go back to work?

I know! Maybe they could have exercised the self-control they’re always trying to impose on the rest of us and refrained from taking every last penny of stimulus money they could get their hands on.

So many possibilities. So little effort at doing any of them.

You know they’re going to go straight for the Social Security trust fund, right? Means testing, benefit cuts, asking for sacrifices to prop up the billions in lost 401k retirement funds.

Stay tuned…

8 Responses


  2. I think that most of these purported leaks from the White House are planned by them; they are trial balloons to see how the public and media respond. It’s not like there are these spies in there who are sneaking out messages. The goal here is l to get the deficit back in the headlines, so that they can indeed start saying that we need to cut Social Security and Medicare, get rid of the ACA, and stop all government spending which goes to states that are not their allies.

    As we know, Republicans scream about the deficit when Democrats are in office, then they do not care a bit about deficits when they are. Clinton inherited a massive deficit, left office with a large surplus, and then Bush got in and gave it all away with a big tax cut to the upper earners. Obama’s tenure did cut the new deficit that Bush piled up, but when Trump got in, the only major bill that Republicans passed with their majorities was an immense cut in the high-end and corporate tax rates. When people said, this will greatly increase the deficit, they either ignored them, or promised that they would pay for themselves, which of course is an utter lie which somehow gets reiterated in each of their terms. Also, this signals that if a Democrat is elected, the Republicans will fight against any stimulus or spending designed to help average folks. They pivot on a dime, and there are always willing mouthpieces like Chuck Todd and Andrea Mitchell to help them. in this way, the Republicans always manage to frame the arguments in their favor even when they are the opposite of the ones they previously advanced. A nightmare would be Trump somehow being re-elected. A lesser one would be listening to Todd say every weak, “But how can you pay for any of this with the massive deficits that both parties helped pile up?”

  3. “But they have the money and the propaganda outlets so I’m sure it will only be a matter of days before we start having to care about their feelings more than the brutal austerity they want to impose on us.”

    “Oh, Mr. Hitchcock, may we modern serfs borrow your exercise equipment?” 😈

  4. Off topic: Happy Mother’s Day! 😛

  5. He’s finally discovered the Federal Employees’ pension fund. “Trump on Monday nominated three members to replace the majority on the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, made up of five investment experts who oversee the retirement plan.”


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