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Join Us Tonight On NO WE WON’T

Hi all, Sheri Tag a NO WE WON’T is on again tonight and I’ll be filling in for Will Bower who’s got a busy schedule of his own tonight. Nancy A. will be on to discuss Obama’s ACORN connections and Sheri and I will be taking your calls on the Lanny Davis interview, Obama’s Grand European Tour and anything else you want to talk about. Join us at 8:00pm EST a NO WE WON’T on blogtalkradio.

327 Responses

  1. RD – it’s been Troll Heaven here today. Have a great show! 🙂

  2. Riverdaughter,

    I’ll be listening — I’m looking forward to it. I love listening to you as much as I do reading your stuff.

  3. madamab- Well you do know that the cockroaches do come out when the lights get turned on! I scares them…..hmmmmm

  4. OH MY GAWD I have never heard RD’s voice. I can’t wait. Can I ask about whether or not the McCain ad that equates Obama to Brittany and Paris is RACIST?? Mean, ineffective, maybe—but racist. According to talkleft having ‘white women’ near the chosen one is of course racist. Who knew??

  5. I thought the 200K figure in Berlin had been rescinded by CNN, Berlin police, and some Berlin press.

    Why do people keep saying he had that many people there if he didn’t? If he didn’t, why is getting away with this hype?

  6. hello all fuzzybear is finally home!
    do not forget blogtalk radio fuzzy will be there tonight with his usual wit….
    love fuzzybeargville

  7. Will someone comment on the dnc moving to Chicago.
    In my opinion they lost and crediblity and gave in to the obama show.
    there really isn’t a democratic party that has America’s best interest at heart.
    What can we do to bring the real democratic party back to America?
    I look forward to the show.



  8. damn-I missed the trolls again I so love playing with them….it like how a cat toys with a mouse-

    madamab I got into the spirit of your last thread and called a mail obama troll at HH ho goes by the name t-bone called him flacid and impotent!


  9. I miss “woman with a brain stem”, she was my favorite troll…..I laugh everytime I write that name….

  10. I’ll be at the chat, RD, but I doubt I’ll be able to hear. Good luck!

    Anybody wanna go through the NO Veep list with me again?

    Starts with Hillary and ends with?

  11. Has anyone seen The Nation’s pitiful plea to Obama to listen to them? I am hoping that the guys from The Nation wiil share their granola with us when they arrive under the bus. Of course, Pat always has her raisins and shares nicely.

  12. Will be my first time listening. Do I need to register to listen? or just click on something?

  13. TM is announcing it is official that Hillary will speak on 8-26. F*ck these pieces of sh*t.



    Punishment, Retribution, Reform 2008

  14. Note to The Nation (and also the nation):

    Don’t vote for someone who doesn’t listen to you.

  15. Honora, this is just the same old tactic of calling anything anyone says against Obama as being racist. We’ve been hearing this for months. When I saw that ad, the equating of Obama with the celebrity of Paris/et al means “vapid.” Nothing racist about that.

  16. Yay! this is cool! WIll try to listen in.

  17. Yikes, I used the dreaded “r” word in a post and am now in moderation. Help!

  18. Granola is actually full of fat and calories and not very healthy.

  19. Want Tickets to Obama’s Acceptance Speech? Forget Ticketmaster

    Money won’t get you into Denver’s Invesco Field when Barack Obama gives his acceptance speech at next month’s Democratic convention, but a pledge to volunteer time to his campaign might do the trick.
    Denver Admission = Pledge to Obama

    Colorado’s Democratic Party and the Obama campaign are talking about distributing tickets to the Thursday, Aug. 28, speech to those who pledge to do door-to-door canvassing, make phone calls, register voters, work on get-out-the-vote projects and otherwise help the party in Colorado this fall.

  20. Honora, what is the Nation wanting? Didn’t they realize they were under the bus?

  21. Honora,

    RD has a great voice. I can’t wait to hear the show.

  22. {{bostonboomer}} I’m running out for a quick walk.

    Are we going to blog RD’s show?

  23. I say we all sign up to get our tickets and then pass them out to the homeless. They would probably like going to the stadium, being US citizens (some vets) and all, instead of to the movies or zoo.

  24. Carol: She’ll be discussing the 19th amendment. They say it’s a sign she won’t be the running mate. That’s a good thing.

  25. SM, I am sorry but I have not gotten my children to teach me how to do the linking thing yet. It is over at Talk Left and it is very long, and ‘encompassing’ .

  26. Who ever gets to talk – ask what the legal duty the SD’s have! What is the legal duty they have as the “deciders”?

  27. I know. She knows. We all know.



  28. Ok Honora – I’ll go later.

  29. Yesterday I heard something very interesting on the Mark Levin show ( I know…I know.. this has been a very STRANGE year).
    Anyway it’s more about Obama’s socialist/marcist views & his troubling association. Esp. to me his 1st
    mentor @ the ripe age of 10-18yrs. old…Frank Marshall Davis!! “New” name Gerald Kellman. The art. is referenced on his web-site: http://www.marklevinshow.com , under “BO Stealth Socialism ” investor’s business Daily.

  30. Magdalena Said:
    Note to The Nation (and also the nation):
    Don’t vote for someone who doesn’t listen to you.

    Or, as some folks say, if they treat you badly while you’re engaged, it isn’t going to get better once you’re married.

  31. I’ve been trying to listen to these radio programs, but frankly, the sound has been very patchy over the Internet the last few nights. I try to read the running blog commentary from listeners to figure out what I missed, or if others are not hearing it either.

    Is it just me, or is the latest egomaniacal hooey from Obama really starting to aggravate you all, too? I pray the feeling of aggravation catches on with the masses, and the mass media (MSM or otherwise).

    Q. Can we get an update on the PUMA PAC Conference in D.C.? I had not signed up yet, but wonder if there are still slots for the package deal.

    I’m aggravated enough to consider finding some way to go to Denver, even though I fear we’re put ourselves at personal risk. That’s why I think you need to talk about security and survival for any street rallies in Denver.

    Lord, we need a hundred million miracles to stop Obama, and get Hillary nominated. Perhaps miracles are happening, and we just know it yet. The MSM seems to be cracking a bit, but we have to reflecting the Obama mirror back at them (and crack the mirror).

  32. soyousay: Just what is it that you seek here?

  33. Sorry – had a long day. Meant to type “we just don’t know it yet”, and concerned about “putting ourselves at personal risk”.

    Anyway, thank you all for being supportive.

  34. Would someone please fill me in on what happened with Hillary? I’ve been so busy that I’m really out of touch? What did they do to her?

  35. SoyouSay is the Obama Campaign rent-a-troll this evening.

  36. RiverDaughter,

    Thank you for bringing and taking the heat day in and day out.

    I have been called just about every nasty term by 0buma supporters for 6 months now.

    Funny that somebody here wants to call me a republican. That’s rich comming from people who think it’s fine do disenfranchise 1.7 Million of my fellow citizens in Florida….hummm what would you call that?

    And, didn’t the plastic (hayzouse) say Republicans had all the inventive Idea’s???

    Well no matter, he said he would accept public financing, FISA was illegal, Iran was tiny and no threat, and Grandma was a typical WP.

    Flippy the World trotting Flip Flopper say alot of things that he dosen’t really really mean.


  37. You know, in a way you can’t blame the trolls. The level of discourse (to say nothing of the level of diction)is much better here than on PrObamaNation sites.

  38. Has anyone read that great article on No QUarter by Texas Darlin’/Judah Benjamin about Obama still possibly being an Indonesian citizen?

    Having dual nationalty disqualifies him from being POTUS.

  39. hello all cant wait to log in to blogtalk…zingers are loaded and ready for trolls

  40. BB: She’s scheduled to speak Tuesday Nite during the convention (the anniversary of women’s right to vote).

    She’s supposed to be accepting the nomination!

  41. {{Katiebird}} Yes, we should live blog it, don’t you think? I’m going to be here tonight. I miss you guys so much!

    I just can’t wait until I finish this job. At least I’m over the hump of week one. Just two more days to the weekend. And I’m showing a movie tomorrow so I can goof off tonight.

  42. SophieL,

    What do you mean? I’m confused. What happened with the roll call vote thing?

  43. Liberty Belle,

    I sometimes have trouble hearing too. My hearing isn’t that great anyway. I even tried headphones.

  44. Funny

    Over at Mydd soyousay is one of the most extreme pro-Hillary voices.

  45. in the mind of “The Nations” writing staff:
    if obama the “chosen” lets us lick his shoes….then maybe just maybe we can influnce his hardening heart!

    get me my vomit bucket


  46. SM- I think that the whole birth certificate thing is interesting because Obama must be trying to hide something. I do not, however , see why being a dual citizen stops you from being president. I personally, a citizen of US and Ireland, am planning on running for president as soon as Hillary has her 8 years.

  47. I guess there is extreme and then EXTREME.

    I think she was banned for being so over-the-top anti-Obama

  48. Janet- That may say more about MYdd than it does about soyousay.

  49. I respect Hillary, and I fight back for myself. Anyone else?

  50. how do I get banned for mydd?


  51. Go for it, Honora!

  52. Honora, it’s anti-constitutional to be president & have dual citizenship. Article II says born here with 1 nationality.

  53. soyousay: This is not my blog. I am a guest here. But, my goal is twofold: NObama and Madame President. (and I have found kindred spirits here).

    I was here yesterday while you were perseverating over who lied to us, Hillary or Will Bowers. NO ONE did. Hillary still has debt. Will was encouraging the troops. He didn’t say we payed off her debt. He said we could have and if we did, yada, yada, yada. You read it as an absolute. It wasn’t. So, either your two day tirade can be solved with some more reading comprehension skills, or you are not really looking for the same things we are.

  54. SM, but apparently it’s all right to have more than one personality.


  55. >how do I get banned for mydd?<


    Work for a pub presidency, torture, loss of rule of law, degradation of the constitution, against civil liberties and civil rights, arbitrary imprisonment at the whim of the executive, the looting of the workers by the plutocrats

  56. Magdalena: the problem with being all things to all people is that you are also nothing to anybody.

  57. Magdalena – LOLOL!!!!

  58. $20.08 to Hillary says that when he gets backed into a corner to produce his birth certificate, he says the demand itself is racist; that no white candidate has ever been asked to produce a birth certificate.

  59. yes please do!!! I can’t keep up with the chat on the show…

  60. Y’know, when Nader starts campaigning, Obama’s going to have to tack sharply to the left to nudge him out.

  61. Soyousay, for him to be adopted by his mom’s 2nd husband both Stanley Ann Dunham and little Barack HAD TO get Indonesian Citizenship. They have very strict laws there – the law states that no child over the age of 5 can be asopted, Barack was less than 5 a- and in order for him to go to school, to engage in Indonesian society the way he did – he HAD TO HAVE BEEN A CITIZEN.

    There is nothing xenophopic about that. I am a WOC, so don’t test me.

  62. Damn! I lost audio.

  63. Who is waffling on voting for Obama?

  64. Hillary’s debt is not paid off.

  65. RD is saying that the DNC expects us to act like our mothers’ generation. Well I’m older than RD. I grew up in the 50s and 60s, and I’m not putting up with it! I grew up reading Betty Friedan and Germaine Greer. RD is saying the DNC is going to have a real wake-up call in Nov. I agree wholeheartedly!

  66. My mother didn’t take crap from anybody.
    Neither did her sisters.
    Even when they pretended to.

  67. soyousay, on July 30th, 2008 at 8:14 pm

    What is your plan? What do you plan on doing? Whom do you want to vote for?

  68. BB reported: RD is saying the DNC is going to have a real wake-up call in Nov. They could wake up now, but they insist on tapping that snooze button.

  69. Fuzzy bear is on!!!!!!!!

  70. What’s he saying (no audio here)

  71. He joked around. I can’t reproduce it. I’m a lousy live blogger, I guess. I hope he’ll tell us. He just hung up. He has a very nice voice.

  72. >BB reported: RD is saying the DNC is going to have a real wake-up call in Nov.<

    If so, they will awake to the discovery that the American democratic experiment is over.

    The pubs will finalize their control of the judiciary, the justice department and the mechanics of elections.

    Bye bye love, bye happiness, hello emptiness… I thinkIour country’s a gonna die

  73. One thing he said is that the more people see and hear Obama, the less they like him. RD says it makes sense because Obama is hollow and empty. There is nothing there. What a perfect description of Narcissitic Personality Disorder!

    I just got a couple of books on NPD I ordered from Amazon. I can wait until I have time to read them.

  74. they should have kept fuzzybear on longer!

  75. sophie L
    love the snooze button

  76. The person who is calling in right now from No Quarter has a New England accent.

  77. She’s from Kansas, but she definitely must have grown up in New England.

  78. Fuzzy, you have such a sweet voice. I love this.

  79. bostonboomer
    I think a borderline personality which is of course a narcisstic disorder may be me fitting

  80. She’s been researching ACORN, talking about how they get people to protest big box retail outlets like Walmart. They accuse them of not paying a living wage, but ACORN only pays their employees minimum wage.

    The outlets leave and then people in small towns have nowhere to shop. ACORN accuses Wall St. firms of discriminating against low income people, and the big firms end up giving ACORN a lot of money to buy them off and banks leave areas creating “ghost towns.”

  81. I heard fuzzy bear!!!!! He sounds so cute.

    ACORN is unfortunately embezzling money – that is neither right/left wing – its a crime either way.

  82. BPD is a personality disorder, it’s not a “narcissistic” disorder. Borderlines have extremely low self-esteem and enage in self-injury. They often commit suicide. I sure hope you don’t have it.

  83. SM,

    Are you going to call in? I love your voice too. I’d never have the nerve to do it.

  84. OOoh, so ACORN is commiting voter fraud!

    They are taking money through a company that is supposed to help low income families funneled by the Obama campaign to be used for Obama’s campaign. OH BOY.

  85. acorn sounds like the mafia

  86. Boston – aw thanks! I did but I was in line and hung up – I wanted to curse our Lanny Davis, but they moved on to Nancy A.

  87. >The outlets leave and then people in small towns have nowhere to shop. ACORN accuses Wall St. firms of discriminating against low income people, and the big firms end up giving ACORN a lot of money to buy them off and banks leave areas creating “ghost towns.”<


    As an urban designer I hear this constantly from the corporate shills.

    Destroy the downtowns for Walmart or you will suffer!

    Is there no place so low that PUMAs won’t go?

    Come on, shake it off, you are better than tools.

  88. Janet, in my darker moments, I agree with you.

    Hollow figureheads.

    CGI-generated crowds.

    Empty slogans.

    A mono-party of republicrats.

    A complacent, complicit, compliant public . . . or a else public too busy trying to survive to fight back.

    Writers from Orwell to Atwood have told us this was coming. Why didn’t it help?

  89. Soyousay, I had nothing to do with your post being deleted. You earned it by being a troll.

    And I’m right look at your Constitution – you can’t have dual citizenship and be POTUS.

  90. Responding to Janet’s first comment, not her second one.

  91. sheesh

    Acorn is a well-known democratic voter registration effort that has received special, hostile attention (including bogus prosecutions) from Rove & the Bush Justice department.

    Search Scott Horton’s blog at Harper’s for more details.

  92. I deleted soyousay. that person logged in with a fake email address, and I think that’s grounds to assume he/she is a troll..

  93. A complacent, complicit, compliant public . . . or a else public too busy trying to survive to fight back.

    Writers from Orwell to Atwood have told us this was coming. Why didn’t it help?

    Well, I’d say that this blog space alone pretty much discredits the first sentence. The fact that disenchantment with Obama from within the ranks of the Democratic Party is even more evidence to discredit the statement.

    To quote someone wiser than I, “You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”

    People are more aware than you give them credit. It has been the uneducated peasant, er, working class who most opposes Obama. That pretty much goes against the situation that Orwell imagined. They aren’t easily fooled, contrary to popular belief…

  94. Janet aka KarenKaren, sys – you’re a booger and we shall flip you out the window booger.


  95. That lady that’s on now sounds a bit … well, off.


  97. Janet,

    I was reporting what was said on the radio. What did you want me to do, make up something different? I don’t know anything about ACORN and have no opinion about the topic.

  98. under the bus report!

  99. I deleted some of soyoussay’s post too. Seemed like a troll to me. Who is Janet?

  100. the whole country….under the bus

  101. BostonBoomer,

    Obama supporters have a very narrow allowable range of discussion. I don’t know what makes them think they can come to our refuge and define OUR discussion.

    But, they clearly think someone has given them that power.

  102. looks like janet just dropped in to leave a turd and move on…

  103. On Walmart, I know people up in very rural New Hampshire that would have a hard time if they were driven out. A person I know works for Walmart part time, is treated very well, makes pretty good money for a part-time employee (about $14/hr.) and is very happy. She even has flexible hours. We don’t have Walmart where I live, so I have no direct experience.

  104. Hi Guila! Yes, that video is very very very good!

  105. He has done NOTHING to prove his own theory and hype!

  106. Katiebird,

    This entire experience with Obama has me reevaluating everything I have ever believed about the Democratic Party. I know I will never think the same way I did about politics again. I will make up my own mind about every issue from now on. I’m not buying into anyone else’s narrative without closely examining it.

  107. bb: That is because the current leaders are corrupt.

  108. BB, I haven’t dropped out of the party yet. But, if they give the nomination to Obama — I’m out. My dad too.

  109. Pat,

    You can say that again. They are beyond corrupt–as corrupt as the Republicans. We really don’t have a party for the people anymore.

  110. Wig wagging fingers at katiebird!

  111. Pat ♥

    I’m reading a book that reminds me of you on almost every page. Some of the characters are putting out a magazine and the helpful hints REALLY remind me of you. I laugh and laugh.

  112. No, BB — we don’t.

    I hope there’s a role in PUMA for developing one.

  113. And my character is absolutely beautiful as well?

  114. Bull shit, their office told me on Wednesday that it had already been decided.

  115. They wanted her gone and they did it.

  116. 🙂 These sisters are putting out a magazine called Skint Old Northern Woman

    They live up by where the Bronte sisters lived. And I think they are all beautiful.

  117. Puma-SF??

  118. I can’t beleive how they treated her..They really are acting like republicans…its really shameful

  119. Yes, Katiebird.

  120. gary: They are creating their own party. It has nothing to do with us.

  121. Puma-SF, who decided what? I think I missed something..

  122. If he ever wins the presidency there will be no room for dissent, criticisms, questions. It will be treated exactly as we do the trolls.

  123. Michelle would not say if she would vote for Hillary. Why is this any different?

  124. When I called the Wisconsin Dems office on Wednesday they told me it had already been decided that her credentials would be stripped. But the conference call she’s talking about was on the Friday after.

    Pat Johnson is right. They wanted her gone and they did it.

  125. Pat, I just don’t think that’s going to happen. Steal the presidency? Maybe (It’s hard to imagine stealing that many votes). Win? No.

  126. Pat,

    You have to ask? Obama is god and Hillary is a witch who deserves everything she got.

  127. Oh, I see. Yes, I’m sure they decided that in advance. I was sort of surprised they pretended it was an open issue.

  128. I want so much to believe this. Just the thought of him getting away with this is disturbing.

  129. Obama: Don’t let other side scare you

    Did you guys see this?

    “He’s spending an awful lot of time talking about me. You notice that?” Obama asked a crowd of just over one thousand seated in a university gym. “I haven’t seen an ad yet where he talks about what he’s going to do. And the reason is because those folks know they don’t have any good answers, they know they’ve had their turn over the last eight years and made a mess of things.”

    “They know that you’re not real happy with them and so the only way they figure they’re going to win this election is if they make you scared of me,” Obama continued, repeating an attack from earlier in the day. “What they’re saying is ‘Well, we know we’re not very good but you can’t risk electing Obama. You know, he’s new, he doesn’t look like the other presidents on the currency, he’s a got a funny name.’”

    Obama playing the race card, YET AGAIN. I am so sick of this crap.

  130. somebody called me today from the obama campaign and asked me to volunteer….

  131. Dear Trolls — don’t bother. You are not welcome here tonight.

    (unless you happen to be particularly amusing — them we might swat you around a while.)

  132. Remember the Indiana primary vote? Very easy to manipulate the system to win.

  133. They also told me on that call that it has already been decided that Hillary’s name will not be put into nomination. Although, when I called the DNC today they told me her name would be put into nomination. So, I don’t know WTF is going on.

  134. But, Pat — that’s the point: He didn’t actually win Indiana. He cut the percentage. But, he couldn’t pull off the win.

  135. gary: And your response was………….?

  136. I just can’t beleive it…I guess the party has always been so weak down here that I can’t imagine them acting like that here…

  137. Puma-SF, everything they say should be assumed a lie.

  138. katiebird: By one point when she was at least 8-9 point ahead that morning.

  139. (nodding) But, in the General — that’s good enough!

  140. Bet it all comes down to Ohio again.

  141. Katiebird: Good point but when the guy today told me her name would be put into nomination and that there would be a roll call I said great, then she will win. He goes uh oh um I doubt it and then he started typing like crazy.

  142. As strong as this woman is supporting her point of view, corporate America is much too entrenched to be swayed.

  143. I think he’ll lose pretty badly

  144. We all hate KO!!!

  145. I hope gary is correct. The one thing that keeps me going.

  146. Puma-SF, That guy might not have realized how close it is. But, you can bet Obama does. He knew that he couldn’t give ANY slack to FL & MI (he stole those 4 delegates even though they only had 1/2 votes!) AND He knows that he can’t give Hillary any slack at the convention.

    Why did he redefine “Open Convention” if he was going to let her be in contention? Bah! (I’m getting worked up)

  147. “Do you not care about the truth?”

    You’re on think ice, soyousay

  148. katiebird, the Indiana primary actually made a lot of sense when you look at the turnout. The pollsters all estimated African American turnout at around 8-10 percent, and in reality, African American turnout ended up being about 15-17 percent. Since Obama gets basically all of the African American vote, that is how Obama made up the gap. I think part of the problem was that there hasn’t really been a hotly contested Democratic primary race so pollsters didn’t really know what to expect in terms of turnout models. The African American population is about 8-10 percent in Indiana, and they basically used the same figure for turnout, which is not correct…

    Was there fudging of the numbers in Gary? It would not surprise me at all, that mayor has a bad reputation, but the numbers can also be explained by higher than expected African American turnout…

  149. Pat,

    I wonder if Dana Millbank will ever be invited on Countdown again? I haven’t watched it in months, but I assume Keith is still making excuses for Obama.

  150. katiebird, mawm was saying the other day that they’re acting like republicans…you never give an inch, ever. you push back and push back, and that’s how you stomp the competition.

  151. Gary,

    What was Maum auditioning for? I’m completely out of the loop these days.

  152. JJ: The mayor of Gary withheld the final tally until the very last minute. There was some controversy concerning the final vote there. Not sure what came of it.

  153. Jeopardy!

  154. bb: Mawm was auditioning for Jeopardy and passed the test. He is on a waiting list to be called.

  155. gary, do you really think so? The numbers don’t show it, and I know a lot of people who can’t stand him, but they will vote for him because they want a dem…and McCain is not exactly the strongest campaigner…if the media would report the truth, it seems more likely that it would be a fair fight, but they are still totally carrying Obama’s water.

    I made the mistake of flipping through MSNBC and pausing this afternoon. David Shuster was interviewing a repub woman (I think a congresswoman, I didn’t catch her name) who was basically asking the question, what on earth has obama ever accomplished? And David practically shouted her down and told her that it wasn’t true Obama had no accomplishments and he cited the ONE example of Obama working with Lugar on nuclear arms legislation as proof that he wasn’t unqualified. It was ridiculous. The poor woman just looked so bewildered…

  156. Oh wow! I hope he gets on.

  157. I care about truth – that’s why I’m a PUMA!!!!!!!

  158. Pat, I am from around there originally and I am pretty familiar with local politics. What they now say happened is that he held the numbers back just to rain on Hill’s victory speech, but that there is actually no evidence to indicate vote tampering. I would make the assumption that there was vote tampering given the mayor’s history, BUT the Hammond mayor was pretty adamant about looking into it AND the results can be explained by the higher than expected African American turnout.

  159. Good show again tonight!!

  160. they are trying so hard to make him look inevitable because if people stop and think about it, the idea of him being president is ludicrous..they can’t sustain that until november, everyone already is saying how presumptuous it is, despite their play to label that term racist…not working anymore…his numbers just keep dropping. He’s going down hard, in my opinion…if Hillary can’t be the nominee, the consolation will be watching hiim go down in flames

  161. JJ, when it comes to Obama, where there is smoke, there is always fire.

  162. Gary, “mawm was saying the other day that they’re acting like republicans”

    I have to agree. And it’s why I’ve been left behind. I wasn’t raised to be a Republican.

  163. Gary, “the consolation will be watching hiim go down in flames”


  164. It was fun talking to you guys. I have to go to bed, unfortunately. See you tomorrow night.

  165. Sweet dreams, BB !! ♥

  166. I call it the buzz saw. They can never think about any of the moral implications of their actions. It is all about the goal. Anything that gets in the way must be cut down, “by any means neccessary”.

  167. I will dream about Obama going down in flames and wake up smiling. In fact, I’d like to see him utterly humiliated. I hope he loses every state.

  168. Mawm, buzz saw politics. That’s a new idea. I wonder why no one has ever done it before?

  169. BB, Obama put a prayer into the wailing wall that asked the Lord to help him “guard against pride”. One way to accomplish that is to be humiliated.

  170. Although, I think some of his supporters are sadists, they are not the ones making decisions. I believe this is a simple utilitarian power grab.

  171. Mawm, congratulations on Jeopardy, I’m very proud of you — that’s a real accomplishment.

  172. There’s nothing wrong with ACORN. I think they’re mostly disorganized because they nonprofit and low in funds. Leftist organizations are investigated a lot.

  173. Talk Left has an article up on The Nation. They have written to Obama asking him to be the “progressive” he promised to be.

    Ha. I’d settle if he’d just be a Democrat.

    So . . . he’s losing The Nation, he’s lost Dana Millbank, and even Maureen Dowd seemed to hit him just a little bit harder today.

    I can’t wait to see who he picks for VP. Nobody’s going to be happy!

  174. Have fun with the show, RD and everyone!

  175. KB, if Obama is elected, I think Bush’s saw is going to look puny in hindsight. These guys really scare me.

  176. Hello all just back from the show was fun calling in love to talk to RD Will and Sheri in person they make me feel like we can really pull this off…


  177. Thanks, I’m on a list now. I may or may not get on, just depends on whether they get to my name. They give you 3 weeks notice. How well you did on the test they give at the audition is the biggest part of what position your name appears on the list. I think I did well on the test, so I think my chances are good.

  178. Great, please let us know when they give you the call — we will all be cheering for you.

  179. Mawm, I’m so excited for you. I know you’ll get on and do well. Have you started practicing with the doorbells?

    & I’m scared of what’s happening too. Giving the nomination to Obama is a frightening idea.

  180. (waving) Hi Fuzzy!

  181. HI Donna!!! I wish you’re ok – any time you want to vent – this is your home!

  182. Fuzzy has such a fuzzy sweet voice doesn’t he???

  183. Uh-oh…I forgot. How do you do the little heart thingie?

    (too many drugs in my youth; short-term memory loss) j.k.

  184. fuzzy, I wish they had let you talk longer. It was great hearing what you sound like.

  185. ♥ = & h e a r t s ; (minus the spaces)

  186. Thanks katiebird! ♥

  187. did i leave out a space or somethin’?

  188. & h e a r t s ;

    (semicolon at the end)

  189. Oh it worked now! Duh!!

  190. Can we go “&fingah” for da trolls?

  191. Fredster! That’s funny!

  192. Oh, okay.

  193. gotta remember to put in &finger;
    can’t forget the semi…

  194. If you google “html symbols” you can find a lot of sites with lists of the codes.

    they all begin with an “&”
    they all end with a “;”

  195. By George, I think you’ve got it!

  196. Thanks! I’ll do that and then have to bookmark the page when I find it.

  197. Worked for Walmart for 3 years. They, like many other organizations, if you give them an inch, will take a mile. The wages when I worked there were IMO substandard and getting health insurance was super expensive. They expected open availabilty for $6.50 an hour and then were surprised that thjey were unable to find workers and were always begging off as shorthanded. I’m glad I’m done with it but it would be unfair to say that it is anything less than typical in retail.

  198. CWaltz, I know Winn-Dixie (grocery in the South) did the same thing. A friend’s wife was looking for work while going to school part-time. She could not get them to stipulate to a set of hours for her and she blew them off.

  199. katiebird: you’re right they are just lying throught their teeth. how can there be an open convention with a 75K coronation scheduled.

    Okay, I have to tell you. With the help of my good friend SimoFish I am going to see Hillary tomorrow, too. I am so goddamn excited I just can’t wait!!

  200. KB, found this:

    Damn…no finger.

  201. Good luck, PUMA-SF.

    By the way, me thinks that Coronation is going to be a real “retirement” party. If he doesn’t become the nominee he disappears into obscurity. Call it a gut feeling.

  202. !! Puma-SF: Give her our love! You must be jumping out of your skin with excitement! I can’t wait to hear about it.

  203. According to CNN”s Political Ticker:
    “Sen. Hillary Clinton has agreed to speak on the second night of next month’s Democratic convention, headlining on the 88th anniversary of the day women earned the right to vote, sources say.

    Two sources close to Clinton said the former presidential candidate will speak August 26 with all female U.S. senators on stage with her.

    “Tuesday night is Hillary night,” said one supporter.

    That night is the anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which gave women the right to vote. “

  204. My posts aren’t getting added. Am I in trouble?

  205. In case anyone here hasn’t read it yet, TexasDarlin has a great series of articles written by Judah Benjamin looking at evidence suggesting that the Messiah may in fact be a dual citizen of the US and Indonesia and therefore ineligible to be POTUS based on Article II of the Constitution. It has been cross posted to NoQuarterUSA as well.




  206. tonights prayer or if you like though or affirmation will speak to a great soul who’s presence I have felt alot lately-Former Gov. of Texas the Late Ann Richards-

    Creator father mother God/dess-

    Tonight we thank you again for the strength you give us and our Hillary for being a woman of her convictions she has set about the peoples work we are so proud of her.. where did this spirit come from I believe I know in everyones life you give a mentor…

    Our Hillarys was a great woman and a great soul who moved a great state towards compassion and caring. Ann Richards is in my prayers tonight I know she is up with you and she is raining tears of strength down on her PUMA children.

    Ann was a light in the darkness and a she made us laugh at ourselves and at the human condition. She truely opened eyes to the possibility that there was room in this land for everyone and everyone has a responsibility to make sure government works for the people.

    Ann was a good and faithful servant of the people we thank you for her presence among us. I see in Hillary the Ann we all love and miss so much. We lost Ann to soon let her know she is still Loved and greatly missed.

    We do not know what our future holds, we hope and we pray we petition only to you the highest power, but we know with Ann in heaven being for us and our Hillary-who can stand against us.

    Bless all of us tonight and let Ann be at each of our sides as we fight the good fight and see this race to its end for we know to those on the sid a justice and right a merited crown awaits.


    good night all and bless you may we all one day get to live in Hillary’s world of peace and prosperity I only wish Ann were here.


  207. Thank, so much. I really hope I can sleep tonight I’m just so excited. I promise to hug her really tight for all the Conflucians. I just can’t stop smiling.

  208. Fredster, sometimes unformatted links get caught. Here’s the code for links:

    <a href=”http://URL”>The words you want people to see</a>

  209. Puma-SF, don’t do anything that could get you arrested!

  210. {{fuzzybear}} Sweet dreams & sleep tight!

  211. thanks for the complimnt I am truely humbled I just wanted to get some important info out I think the listeners need to know that all is not well in DNC?Obama bizarro world


  212. JJ: Of course, he’s still playing the race card. Sometimes it’s hard for the poor litte fella to wax eloquent about hope/change for an hour at a time, day after day. What else can he talk about? Hillary’s gone.

    You got to mix a little fiber of hate in with the hopey pablum, or else the baby Bots get hungry real quick.

  213. So have any of you seen the open letter to Senator Obama from The Nation. almost 6000 signatures asking him to move away from the center. A lot of high profile names, do ya think they are starting to get it?

    Here is the link:


  214. Kim, no. I think they believe he’s “the one” they just one him to be someone else.

  215. The rap singer Ludacris has put out a song calling Hillary awful names.

  216. Katiebird: No worries I’m saving that for Denver.

  217. fuzzybear: what a nice voice you have. I love your meditations.

  218. Kim: We’ve been talking about it all day.

  219. night all {{{confluence family}}} may you sleep well you are in my heart


  220. Night, Fuzzy!

  221. good evening conflucians! thank you rd for helping me with the show tonite, you were great. and thanks to all the callers too! and of course Will! and Nancy A and Debbie!

  222. Good show again, taggles!

  223. Ladies, thanks for the radio this evening. I know how difficult it is to do that, talking, engineering, etc. and you carried it off with great aplomb — nicely done.

  224. The news is saying that the gas & electric bills are going to double this winter, so start saving now.

    We need Hillary.

  225. thanks pat, when are you gonna call in again?!?!?!

  226. i am looking into a bixby stove regency

  227. taggles: I have to do it when I don’t feel like I sound moronic. Your callers sound so intelligent. I sound like Obama off the cuff.

  228. It is astonishing that the Nation feels compelled to get 600 signatures to plead with Obama to become more centrist when they had a ready made candidate who was already there! Idiots!!!!!!!!!!!

  229. no you don’t pat! we are both from massachusetts. although I know you don’t have my boston accent, but we gotta stick together.

  230. ♥ taggles

  231. The symbol is adorable!

  232. pat, and some of those people are the same ones that are calling us racist republicans…they make me sick

  233. This one too! Where is it to be found?

  234. I am so getting immune to what they are calling us. At least I know that I am not supporting this dubious candidate.

  235. Which one, the smile? It’s just

    : ) (Only no space between them.)

  236. PJ: At least we know we’re supporting the candidate that could actually win a general election.

  237. Pat, I think the smilies are converted to the cartoon thing automatically. So you can use most of the traditional ones.


  238. Apparently Nancy has been busy “trying to save the planet”. This may account for her 9% congressional poll rating since she has been much too busy elsewhere. I am running out of names for these tools.

  239. it would be nice if nancy took herself off te table!

  240. ! taggles ! That’s funny!

  241. Pat, I think they are asking him to move away from the center – back to the left.

    They thought his running for “change” was a run to the left (unlike Hillary – who is center) and come to find out he’s right of center. In other words, “progressive” means different things to different people.

    I also read today that someone on his staff said he can’t pick an ordinary democrat for VP because he promised when he ran to be a different sort of politician. So to me, his definition of change is to be more Republican – as in no red state/blue state.

  242. FYI! Email the “ludacris foundation” and voice your opinion about Hillary being called an “irrelevant bitch” in Ludacris’ “song”!

    info@theludacrisfoundation.org; President@theludacrisfoundation.org; Director@theludacrisfoundation.org

    I did. I am DISGUSTED that this guy who claims to be trying to do good stuff gets away with this shit.


  243. She needs to go! The most seriously ineffective “leader” ever. She makes Tom Delay look like a friendly walk down Memory Lane. Evil as he is, he pushed things through. She just sits there and wags her finger.

  244. sorry I missed Talk Radio tonight. Sounds like a lot went on.

    Got home, fixed dinner, hubby and I turned on CNN. Their big news: Hillary will speak at Convention; will stand on stage with “other female senators”. no mention of her name on the ballot for nomination. However, the anchor said something like ‘Hillary doesn’t hold much chance of being nominated’. So it wasn’t an absolute. I was pretty upset – my husband said a ticker ran at the bottom and said “Hillary will speak on SECOND day of Convention.” Oh, and they also said, as an added bonus (sarcasm) “This will be HIllary’s Convention.” Uh-huh.

    They went on to discuss McCain’s “negative” ad about BO that showed today. Gerghen was the commentor – he brought up the race card after orally listing all of BO’s wonderful attributes, by saying “did I mention that he’s black?” What a guy.

  245. Dual citizenship issue — I had to leave Pumatalk early, so I didn’t hear this part, but what I don’t understand is: even if Obama has dual citizenship, he could just give up his non-US one before getting sworn in.

    I’m afraid I’m not getting the point of this, somehow.

  246. Obama has expressed his manlove for Ronald Reagan and his admiration for Bush Sr. Which really surprised me since not very many people admire Bush Sr. for much.

  247. Sheri, I give you credit for watching. I no longer can stomach this crap spewing 24/7 on his “greatness”. The apologists are worse. I usually cringed when one of Bush’s apologist would appear and spin the top on his behalf. Now to listen to those excusing the Boy King is just too much.

  248. Valhalla: I am not sure of what the dual citizenship means either. His mother was an American citizen so I have always believed that no matter where he was spawned her citizenship carried the day.

  249. I hear ya Pat. I know what you mean. Usually, I don’t watch much – I’ve even turned to FOX. Lord, I never thought I’d do that. But, every once in awhile we turn on CNN to see if anything has changed. Nope – not a chance. But, like you, when Gerghen came on and played the race card, we turned it off. I just couldn’t stomach it.

  250. Pat – ha! the funny thing is, I hated Bush Sr., until I saw how well his son drove this country into the ground. Now I look back with near-fondness for Sr., he was fairly ineffective and while he had his own Gulf War it didn’t drag on for 7 years.

  251. Sheri: Me too! Another piece of the Bush legacy. Most of us are picking up any news we get from there. Who would have believed this a year ago? My world has been punctured and I am living updside down.

  252. Pat: LOL!!! “What a difference a day makes.” You are right, though. When Gerghen came on, we turned off CNN and went to FOX. There was Howard Wolfson talking with O’Reilly who I can barely stand. BUT, I said to my husband “Good Lord – we’re not only watching FOX but we’re nodding along with Bill O’Reilly.” Ha!

  253. Bush Sr. was just a mediocre president as far as I was concerned. They gush over Reagan but Bush Sr. barely left a mark. However, Obama was singing his praises not long ago. It may have been just a bid to wax eloquent with the Repubs he needs but he still comes across as a shadow GOPer in many ways.

  254. We are all off to dream of England.

  255. Has everyone gone to bed here?

  256. Jmac: Remember, you are doing this for country.

  257. I’m here, reg. But I’m pretty dull

  258. I’m up, trying to decide if the country is really screwed or if God’s just really funny.

  259. Wonder if they will send Luda to the Rev. Wright Camp for wayward souls.

    BTW, watch out when BZero’s IPod comes flying under the bus, “It wasn’t the IPod he once knew or programed…”

  260. luda is booking his world cruise as we speak.

  261. Ah, reg, a good look at the history of man shows that generally we are headed in a better direction. We may have some points of regression from time to time, but its hard to stop progress. Most people tend to see only the last several years and fail to recognize the thousands of years of civilization, or even the 200+ years of the US. It hasn’t always been pretty.

  262. I can deal with unpretty. I can even deal with setbacks. It’s just hard to see history corrupted and halted in person, in real time. In the future, this will feel like a blink, but right now, it’s hell and it refuses to end.

  263. Pat – I must say this about Pappy Bush – at least he had the good sense to not take us all the way into Iraq . At the time, I confess , I really didn’t realize the importance of this – he lived up to his word to the UN etc.. .. AND –

    he did put his country before politics when he broke his mantra .. “Read My Lips ” .. No New TAXES .. they say it lost him the election when he raised those taxes … I repeat I didn’t appreciate any of this at the time .. but after the horror we have had from junior …. well.. . Yes, I appreciate and feel deep sorrow for Bush Senior … it’s just got to be a real heart breaker to him , not to mention the shame .

    I’m with those of you who find it very hard to watch ‘much’ news .. when I do – I flip it real easily – when the adoring crap and the oh .. he does everything right stuff comes on .. I’m thinking I do not watch more than an hour a day of news .now .. and never – ever at one time … cnn international is the best for me .. as at least I am able to get a limited view of what’s going on in the world .. yes, they go into our elections .. but it’s not front and center .. all the time ..

    me too fox .. occassionally now .. “who ever would have ‘thunk’ it ” ??? … 😯

  264. There’s no way it will end if people are silent, reg. And there are enough voices speaking out that I feel confident. I think Obama is going to rip apart the Democratic Party, but that’s not a bad thing. The corruption and willingness to cheat the system has been exposed. “Cleaning up” the political system won’t be easy, but I think we know what has to happen.

    Then again, I’m a perpetual optimist :o).

  265. Sheri, I’m excited about this 19th Amendment thing at the convention. I think the Democrats are trying to send a signal that, if elected, they’ll actually continue to allow us to vote, you know, so long as we actually reside in an area that’s not slated for disenfrachisment. If that ain’t a peace offering I don’t know what is.

  266. The 19th Amendment thing at the convention is lip service, nothing more. They had an opportunity to stand up for women by speaking out against the sexism and misogyny in the primary. They chose to be silent. Anyone can give a comfortable little speech, but the fact that they didn’t do anything when they had a chance speaks volumes.

  267. Seriously — that is brilliant. Well, that’s it for me! No more PUMA I’m going to rush back to the Dems, they’re being so magnanimous!

  268. gq, wht worries me, though, is that even after Obama loses, these hacks still have control of all the party levers, and they’ll do what they have to to keep themselves there. What do we do when they won’t go away? What happens when Obama tries to play ‘party leader’ and install himself as perpetual nominee?

  269. GQ: I like your optimism. I’m not known for it myself, but I can most certainly get on board.

  270. I’m a load full of optimism, reg. Even when its not warranted. Part of the optimism is because I am willing to do the work that’s necessary and genuinely believe in the people of this country and the world. The internet only speeds up the pace at which we can find problems and correct them.

    Seriously – I’m not worried about Obama after November. If he loses, the Party will be in for a major overhaul which means Dean, Brazile, Pelosi and company are going to have lots of ‘splaining to do.

  271. Nitey nite, folks….

  272. Not sure if any of you are interested in this, as many of you are more concerned about getting Hillary’s debt covered. But this just drips irony and actually is the right thing to do:


    This truly transcends politics; My write-up is here:


  273. Seriously —

    I’m not worried about that. If Obama loses, all those party people don’t get their bribe money. I think they are already learning that his donors will not become their donors.

    If he loses and Hillary runs in 2012, and he tries to run also, it will be a wipeout.

    First, he’ll have that lovely ‘loser’ aura attached to him

    Second, a lot of his support is younger voters who are following the fad. I doubt they’ll last to November, nevermind for 4 years.

    Third, an awful lot of people (not just PUMAs) will be saying Hillary would have won, they picked the wrong person.

    Fourth, he won’t be able to game the caucuses again. That was a trick that could only work once.

    Fifth, Hillary will start the race the way she finished 2008 — playing to her strengths.

    Sixth, the trick where he promises the moon and the stars and then flips it all back won’t work a second time. FISA.

    Seventh, if he loses, Dean’s out. The problem with buying SDs is that when you don’t pay up on your promises of downticket money and support, they tend not to come back.

    Eighth, no MI/FL shenanigans and stripping delegates and giving some back and generally f*cking those states around again.

    Ninth — us. So many of us were trapped in bloggerkidz hell. Now we’re free-range PUMAs. I gave a bunch of money this year but didn’t do any volunteering. I’ll be giving even more money and getting off my butt and doing something in 2012.

    I’ve been giving this a lot of thought. There’s no other Dem as far as I can see that could rival Hillary in 2012, and Obama specifically won’t be able to repeat the bullsh*t from this year. They may as well just hand her the 2012 GE now.

  274. Night, GQ.

    Thanks, MikeO. I’ll look later on.

  275. flineo has a new video up on NO QUARTER.
    worth watching



  276. Why You Think Obama is Dangerous

    It might be a subtle uneasy feeling…you’re not quite sure what it is about him, but you know something about Barack Obama is a bit, well, frightening. Dangerous, even.

    It could be that you aren’t sure if he has socialist tendencies (witness his recent wild popularity in European countries with socialist leanings), or Muslim sympathies (he has received funds and endorsements from Muslim groups and even terrorists). The two are on opposite ends of the spectrum, so you don’t really know what to believe about Barack Obama.

    You might think Obama is dangerous because he doesn’t seem to think before he speaks, unless it is a carefully crafted speech, of course, and those are often blatantly stolen from speeches of the past. When he does speak off the cuff, his remarks show his inexperience, like his comments about invading Pakistan, a country with nuclear weapons – and again after he has oft said he wants to pull out of Iraq. Where does he stand on war? Who truly knows, since he will never admit when he is wrong.

  277. soyousay, and I mean this nicely, shove it up your ass. Yes, Clinton was sancrosanct and nobody would ever dream of calling him a name. *snickers* Regardless of his age, he had executive experience, and you better believe that people would refer to Obama’s spiritual doppelganger, Bush, as ‘Boy King,’ though he actually has more experience that Obama as well.

    I have to agree with you that bs diminishes valid arguments. Yes, I have to agree with you there.

  278. fred, I had a BAD BAD feeling about GWB beforehe was elected the first time
    .. I have an even worse one about BO .. and of course the fact that he is such a blatant LIAR and his entire lying history
    how do you know when Obama is lying???
    his lips are moving

  279. I wish to God Obama had socialist leanings like FDR (Social Security) and LBJ (Medicare). Unfortunately, Obama is the Wall Street/Corporate Pirate puppet who was set up to block the only true Democrat in the running.They cannot wait to shred what’s left of the safety net.

  280. Thanks, Seriously. I just dropped in for a sec and was hoping Pat was around to slay old soyousay, but you did just fine.

    Now I’m off to bed (really) to dream of country.

  281. I have socialist “leanings”… bo is a marxist and after carefully reviewing his global world poverty program I think he would gladly bankrupt this country to redistribute the “wealth ” … Evidenly he isnt aware of what is taking place in china and how the people and the government are giving up the iron rice bowl ( the iron rice bowl being the guaranteed rice in the bowl from communism ) it simply does not work

  282. Katiebird, Thanks for the info on several subjects.

    Was away for awhile, had to get the Mom down for the night and her medicines in her.

    She has to go to the doc tomorrow. When she was self-mutilating er, trying to trim a toenail, she cut into the skin pretty good and I think it’s infected.

  283. S Sue, so true — the largest treasure trove of American untapped capital left is the Social Security Trust Fund and payroll deductions. Given the export of the capital based upon W’s deficit and the price of oil, there’s no where else to look. The Wall Street vultures are salivating at the prospects of having a Muppet through which they can take control over the last vestige of the safety net. It takes serious coin to run a 5th Avenue condo and a house in the Hamptons.

  284. yes thanks Seriously, “she” was cloyingly annoying …;)

  285. You’re right, Prolix and if we object to the looting under a President Obama, we’ll be called r*cists. Will Josh Marshall lead the fight against privatization-I call it piratization-if Obama is President? Somehow, I don’t think so.

  286. Jmac, against fierce competition, soyousay gets my vote as lamest troll ever. I’m going to have to now fly to Berlin to ascertain whether or not food was served, and if it wasn’t, I’m going to spend the rest of my life in the fetal position wailing and keening over the injustice of it all. It’s like the second coming of 9/11.

    Why, it’s almost like I’m too fragile to live in the world. 😉

  287. One thing that the BZero camp doesn’t seem to realize is that there was a lesson to be learned from “crying wolf,” — after a while, no one pays attention. I think we are quickly coming to that time.

  288. “I hear you. Calling obama inexperienced is cool, but calling him Boy anything opens us up to the ra’cist charge.”

    Yes, if you’re a moron.

  289. soyousay, no I didn’t listen to the broadcast, and no offense but I won’t take your word on what was supposedly said on it either, but if you’re going to call Pat a r—— based on her using a common phrase that has no racial connotation whatsoever, then you better have something to back it up beyond ‘you know you’d never’ and other such transparent bs.

  290. Seriously, we might replace “boy” with “presumptive king” — oops, can’t use that one, how about “king in waiting” — oops, no can’t be that one because his time is now, how about “full-time king,” oops, not that one because he’s never had a full-time job, I got it “experienced challenged king.”

    That works.

  291. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/07/did-obama-accus.html

    Jack Tapper has a story up about Obama playing the race card and seems pretty annoyed about it (but he also foolishly indicates that he bought into the Obama race card regarding the Dem primary)…the question is, of course, whether this will get any MSM coverage…

  292. “If we spend the next 100 days repeating every stupid smear John McRoveBush hands us”

    Dude, that thing about the food was not a smear. That was beyond character assassination. I mean, my god, implying Kerry shot himself looks pretty silly now. We’ve moved into a whole new level. My mom doesn’tt believe Obama is God–she believes he’s only God’s son! It breaks my heart with its viciousness!

    “and generally make ourselves look as marginal and fringe as could possible be”

    I saw PUMAs standing outside teh National Day of Mourning about Se5rving Food in Berlin–and they were laughing! LAUGHING! O the humanity!

    If you are at all sincere with this, you need to calm down and stop expressing yourself in such apocalyptic hyperbole. It makes you sound more than a bit foolish. Not an effective means of communication, yanno?

    “let ra’cists ply their innuendo without recourse”

    Don;t worry, I heard someone use the word “arrogant” and sent for the paddy wagon.

  293. “Obama continued: “And so the only way they figure they’re going to win this election is if they make you scared of me. So what they’re saying is, ‘Well, we know we’re not very good but you can’t risk electing Obama. You know, he’s new, he’s… doesn’t look like the other presidents on the currency, you know, he’s got a, he’s got a funny name.’

    Sigh…isn’t this all he does? Poor, poor pitiful me. Well, guess it worked in the primaries. 🙄

  294. soyousay, nonsense. To paraphrase you, no one can help but that you’re calling her a r—– or saying she made a r—– statement because you are. She ddn’t call him “b&y.” She referred to him as “b)y king,” a common phrase with no racial connotations. To say, “that can’t help but be taken as r—––you KNOW you would never refer to Clinton that way” (as if that’s at all relevant, it’s not about age it’s about experience and the more proper comparison there is to Bush), is bs, and could be taken as confrontational, condescending bs to boot.

    If you have something to say, you might want to consider how you say it instead of throwing around what looks a hell of a lot like unsubstantiated, scurrilous charges. Once again, your means of communication is extremely ineffective if you are not trying to cause offense.

  295. I’ll even help you out, soyousay. You could have said, “I know this probably wouldn’t cross anybody’s mind, but while ‘B)y King’ is a common phrase used for Bush, well, I think it would be wisest not to refer to Obama with any phrase that includes the word ‘b(y.”” That’s reasonable and even helpful. And kind of the polar opposite of what you said. If you can’t see the difference, I can’t help you. I’ll just ask you to imagine the soul crushing horror you feel when someone talks of Berlin and food and imagine that’s how other people feel when you throw around this apocalyptic rhetoric about liars and r—— with seemingly little or nothing behind it.

  296. soyousay is a troll who was deleted earlier today after the moderator determined he/she had a fake email address. Also asked to leave yesterday. Ignore.

  297. regencyg, retirement party is right. he’s a goner.

  298. “When I find out that they took ’snacks available’ and twisted it into free food and beer I ask myself if this is all we’ve got?”

    Nobody CARES! Jesus, grow up. I mean, yes, I’m assuming hat that person is an evil liar dragged from the pit of hell to create vicious smears–or, maybe it’s just a genuine misapprehension that kind of ISN’T THE FREAKING END OF TEH WORLD AS WE KNOW IT.

    Why do I engage with trolls, why? (Because I need to go workout and am procrastinating, that’s why. I’m sorry).

    “To mainstream people calling someone a fraud is rater serious charge”

    Yes, much like calling people liars and r—— like you do over every stupid irrelevant thing. Jesus h>, with all the crap thrown at Clinton in this primary, I really don’t think anyone is going to have the vapors over this.

    “and saying now that make us toxic to main stream democrats.”

    Um, dude? We are mainstream Democrats. If we wnat to look good to Obos, we need to start being viciously misogynistic and classist and homophobic and racist against all POC with the possible excpetion of African Americans, and frankly I don’t want to. I’m good with toxic.

  299. Puma-SF, my thoughts exactly.

  300. “When I find out that they took ’snacks available’ and twisted it into free food and beer I ask myself if this is all we’ve got?”

    Nobody CARES! Jesus, grow up. I mean, yes, I’m assuming hat that person is an evil liar dragged from the pit of hell to create vicious smears–or, maybe it’s just a genuine misapprehension that kind of ISN’T THE FREAKING END OF TEH WORLD AS WE KNOW IT.

    Why do I engage with trolls, why? (Because I need to go workout and am procrastinating, that’s why. I’m sorry).

    “To mainstream people calling someone a fraud is rater serious charge”

    Yes, much like calling people liars and r—— like you do over every stupid irrelevant thing. Jesus h>, with all the crap thrown at Clinton in this primary, I really don’t think anyone is going to have the vapors over this.

    “and saying now that make us toxic to main stream democrats.”

    Um, dude? We are mainstream Democrats. If we wnat to look good to Obos, we need to start being viciously misogynistic and classist and homophobic and r—— against all POC with the possible excpetion of African Americans, and frankly I don’t want to. I’m good with toxic.

  301. soyousay, who cares?
    Vote for whoever you want, support whatever causes you want, frequent whatever blogs you want.
    Telling people what to do and how they should act is what rankles everybody about the DNC.
    They don’t know what’s best for the rest of us and neither do you.

  302. SYS: Hey, I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the best writer or explainer.

    Get the fuck out of here and please do not let this moron back in.

  303. Soyousay I won’t need to repeat what Senator McCain says. Nope. What I’m going to do is nail Obama with his own positions. FISA and health care will be good starters. I’ll add in his vote for Cheney energy policy and if he has our anti choice governor as his VP pick, I’ll nail him there too. Oh and I’m going to nail him for not acting on what happened during the primary and gaming the system.

    I assure you I’ll be far more effective then any Republican. Particularly when less than 2 years ago I was manning booths for Democrats(so telling folks I’m just a GOP member ain’t going to work).

  304. Um…okay, soyousay. LOL In the old days it was things like domestic spying and disenfranchising voters that took you out of being a mainstream Dem, but I guess now it’s appearing on Fox News. Which I do practically every day, so I guess I have to turn in my card. *sighs* Does this mean my marriage to Larry Johnson, whosoever he may be, but I guess I’m responsible for him, is dissolved?

  305. Yes, and please don’t forget Acorn. As it turns out the federal government is funding the Obama campaign. You see all of our fears about a corrupt government have come true. George Soros controls the DNC. Howard Dean’s presidential campaign was funded by Soros. That’s why after he made a baffoon of himself in New Hampshire he appeared in Soros’ office the very next morning. I know someone who was there. This is some scarey shit.

  306. soyousay’s “opinion” yesterday was Will, Darragh and – get this – Alegre were stealing the money from the sale of PUMA t-shirts to give to “that jerk McCain”. (and soyousay’s greasy fingered rep. Whoever that might be?)
    We got your number soyousay. Give it up.

  307. Whose goal is abolishing the caucus system?
    How the heck can you presume to define my agenda?
    Does the phrase “I own my vote” mean anything to you?

  308. Yep–this isn’t a game of telephone–this is PUMA leaders deliberately misleading us–either Allegre and the other people are liars–or Hillary is!!!!! dunt dunt duhhhhh!!!!

    soyousay’s world is rather dramatic. I would not wnat to be the newsstand person who hands him back the wrong change.

  309. “Perhaps there are none other than denying Obama the presidency.”
    Works for me.

  310. Well….it’s gosh darn hard to see how we’re going to change the party and teh primary system as long as Dean aand Brazile etc. are in charge. It would seem that Obama losing and a housecleaning are preconditions for any type of reform, wouldn’t you say?

  311. soyousay, you worry a lot. The people in charge of this party have no credibility as it stands. Hillary was pilloried for the crime of being a Clinton and a woman. If you want credibility with John Kerry, well you better find a bikini and a penis shaped straw. If you wnat credibility with Pelosi and Reid, you better learn to crawl to Bush. It’s absurd. The American people are not fools. The Democratic establishment? Well, yeah, they kind of are.

    A loss doesn’t guaratee a housecleaning, true. But what’s happened here is that people who have held faith with this party their whole lives now feel totally disgusted and disconnected from these shananigans. And if these vile hacks want to hold on and we can’t dislodge them, well then, they better find voters to replace us and good luck with that. I don’t think most disaffected Dems are going to wnat to play kissy face with to quote Janet (and yes, she’s a troll but she inadvertantly described the Obama movement): “torture, loss of rule of law, degradation of the constitution, against civil liberties and civil rights, arbitrary imprisonment at the whim of the executive, the looting of the workers by the plutocrats.”

    So, um, either we fight the takeover of our party by these disaffected Republicans who wnat to rebrand/destroy our party or we might as well join them. But sucking up to them somehow? Acting as if they’re the arbiters of credibility? Uh…how about no. We have the Democratic Party and the population on our side, they have latte drinkers and ‘Democrats for a Day.’ I really have a hard time seeing elected Democrats who rail openly against voters as arbiters of ‘credibility.’ And if they and you want to pretend that Clinton supporters are bitter, deluded racists or whatever–that’s their prblem, but again, that seems like a losing strategy. You can’t force morons to actually become sentient by braiding their hair.

  312. soyousay, you worry a lot. The people in charge of this party have no credibility as it stands. Hillary was pilloried for the crime of being a Clinton and a woman. If you want credibility with John Kerry, well you better find a bikini and a p—- shaped straw. If you wnat credibility with Pelosi and Reid, you better learn to crawl to Bush. It’s absurd. The American people are not fools. The Democratic establishment? Well, yeah, they kind of are.

    A loss doesn’t guaratee a housecleaning, true. But what’s happened here is that people who have held faith with this party their whole lives now feel totally disgusted and disconnected from these shananigans. And if these vile hacks want to hold on and we can’t dislodge them, well then, they better find voters to replace us and good luck with that. I don’t think most disaffected Dems are going to wnat to play kissy face with to quote Janet (and yes, she’s a troll but she inadvertantly described the Obama movement): “torture, loss of rule of law, degradation of the constitution, against civil liberties and civil rights, arbitrary imprisonment at the whim of the executive, the looting of the workers by the plutocrats.”

    So, um, either we fight the takeover of our party by these disaffected Republicans who wnat to rebrand/destroy our party or we might as well join them. But sucking up to them somehow? Acting as if they’re the arbiters of credibility? Uh…how about no. We have the Democratic Party and the population on our side, they have latte drinkers and ‘Democrats for a Day.’ I really have a hard time seeing elected Democrats who rail openly against voters as arbiters of ‘credibility.’ And if they and you want to pretend that Clinton supporters are bitter, deluded r—— or whatever–that’s their problem, but again, that seems like a losing strategy.

    If this party continues to ignore and disdain actual voters, it will eventually cease to exist and it will be replaced.

  313. Good morning can I say the investigator of ACORN- did not refer to minority voter registration the way soyousay says she was repeating what Acorn folks said and investigators of acorn I thought i heard her say “… register so called lower class and minority voters” I thought it was a snark. I do not believe she was expressing her own thoughts.

    Obama’s elitist latte drinkers would surely have called those folks “low class” because they do not eat arugalla.

    Also I fear the Confluence using the PC Police Fuzzy often uses satire and exageration to make a point there is a long tradition of this in politics….soyousay I suggest you read Swifts “A Modest Proposal” as an example of this and it was an effective tool for change. Woke up England to the Irish Potato Famine!

    well gotta get ready for a day at the wheel-


  314. soyousay is a troll and was asked to leave yesterday. I hope it finds a new home somewhere but it is not welcome here.

  315. It is amazing. I guess the trolls have noticed that the moderators go to bed after a certain time, and they are free to leave their sleazy comments.

    Nothing that anyone said on the show last night was racist. The troll is just another one of Obama’s brown shirts trying to intimidate you into not speaking.

  316. John batchelor will talk about PUMAs on his show. he posted an excellent entry on us

    PUMAs rising

  317. mornin mawm thanks alot heading out the door have a great day


  318. Congrats people, soyousay successfully hi-jacked the thread. Once you start feeding the trolls you can never get rid of them.

    If nothing else why engage a chatterer?

  319. Hi fuzzy, have a good day.

    edgeoforever, that’s great. Nice intro to PUMA.

  320. Hi –

    I’ll be away the next two weekends (Thursday – Sunday) working on a volunteer project.

    Didn’t want you lovely people to worry about me.

  321. I have fed my children (human and otherwise), have had two cups of coffee (going for a third), and have read my Confluence (well, not all of it, too many comments, but most of them)….

    I am now all ready to face another cloudy morning in upstate NY.

  322. Hi Arabella, we know our moral officer will be fine, wherever she is.

  323. Arabella, thanks for the info. I get worried when I don’t see some of the regulars for a while. I worry a lot, so it’s just par for the course.

    Morning UpstateNY.

  324. Morning Mawn, so you may be at Jeopardy I hear….I find the Canadian guy annoying…he always knows the answers, then again, having them written in front of him helps….

  325. Right, and when someone gets the response wrong, he acts like the answer should have been obvious to anyone.

  326. heh. Agreed.

    His over-pronunciation of foreign words/names is always “delicious”…

    French is so overated (my mom is from Montreal so I CAN say that….)

    Sooo, Hija del Rio, donde esta tu proximo post? Spanglish rules.

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