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Friday: Pick Your Poison

Ahhh, I *knew* there was a catch to potentially seeing the presumtuous nominee give his victory speech at Invesco Field.  According to the Caucus at the NYTimes, you have to sign up for the Obama package:

Updated Want to score one of the tickets to Senator Barack Obama’s speech next month accepting the Democratic nomination in Denver? You won’t have to pay, but you may have to work for it, according to the Obama campaign.

In an interview with The Denver Post, the deputy campaign manager Steve Hildebrand indicated that the price of admission to the speech would be a pledge to volunteer and recruit new voters on behalf of Mr. Obama.

“We’re going to ask those 80,000 people in that stadium to march out of there and go with very specific instructions and goals to register millions of new voters,” Mr. Hildebrand told the newspaper.

It’s like a subscription you just want to try out but you find that you have to fork over your credit card number and sign up for 4 years.  You can retract at any time in the next 4 months but I’m guessing they are very persistent in badgering you.  What is it they hold over your head? Well, to score the ticket, a “community credential”, you have to ask for one through your local DNC office. Gotcha! Now, not only do they have a promise from you to work for The Precious but they will be badgering you, sending out Jehovah’s Witness types to bang on your door with tracts. “Brother, we are worried about your eternal soul. You PROMISED to be an activist for Obama and you haven’t put in your time. When can get you to fulfill your PROMISE?” This sounds pretty bad to me. You lose your anonymity locally and we’ve already seen that some Obamaphiles are nasty pieces of work, kicking over tripods and generally harrassing women. I don’t like it.

Superdelegates, you are responsible for what happens at this convention. The longer you allow for the DNC-Obama holy marriage to go on, the harder it is going to be for those of us who reject him to vote for him. We are now up to over 40% of Democrats in the latest CNN polls. Rasmussen gives a generic Democrat a double digit lead over McCain but Obama comes in at a statistical dead head while Hillary and Gore trounce McCain. The media is fawning all over Obama, now, but it hardly matters. The public isn’t buying it. And if we are subjected to ads during the Olympics, we’re going to blame Obama for ruining it.

It’s beginning to feel like you can’t get away from the guy. He’s on every channel, every radio station, every web page. It’s like visiting a country run by a dictator and finding the guy’s picture on every street corner. We don’t want that. It doesn’t make us want to vote for him. The aura of inevitability will not work this year because no matter how repugnant Republicans are, John McCain is about the mildest of the bunch. I’m not voting for him but if he ends up being the lesser of two evils…

As I see it, you need to pick your poison. You can let this farce go on and alienate half your base or you can take the Obama campaign aside and tell them to knock it off. If we go into the convention that is bought and paid for by Obama when the delegate count is this close, if is going to make us dig our heels in even more. The numbers are so close, the states he has won so indignificant next to hers and the differences in their qualifications so striking that to completely shut out the half of the Democratic voters from enfranchisement in the nomination process is going to spell electoral disaster for you in November.

I don’t want to buy a product. I want to elect a president. In 2000, we saw that it’s not enough to say there are no differences between the candidates. Who the president is *does* count. Neither one of these men is as fit to lead as the woman who was shut out. But if one of them should reach the White House and leaves her voters behind with nothing, then it will be on YOUR heads for leaving the rest of your party but with no choice but a big fat sack of “NO!”

157 Responses

  1. This whole Invesco display is to dilute Hillary’s support in delegates. There would no doubt be a walk out at the nomination given the delegate break down if it were held as it should be, at convention. So, they want to make it appear that all Democrats are actually super sold on Obama. This has become nothing more than theater.

  2. “I don’t want to buy a product. I want to elect a president”

    Me too.

  3. It never was anything more than theater.

  4. He is nothing short of a dictator…the audacity of him. I cannot comprehend, if these people are the so called “highly educated”s, how they can allow this sham to go on. Maybe their brains are so cluttered that any common sense has left them. What is he going to do next? Have a “Sadaam Hussein” like statue of himself erected out side of the stadium?

  5. RD says “It’s beginning to feel like you can’t get away from the guy. He’s on every channel, every radio station, every web page. It’s like visiting a country run by a dictator and finding the guy’s picture on every street corner.”

    This is the part of their whole plan that I feel is gonna backfire. Contrary to what many may think you CAN have too much of a “good thing”. And if you don’t think it’s a “good thing” having it shoved in your face constantly is certain to bring about a backlash IMHO. (Good place to advertise nausea medication thought.)

  6. prplvette85, after wwii there were studies done about what sort of people were attracted to “movement” stylized candidates. It was the highly educated. It’s because working class people tend to have a lot of community in their lives. They go to church more regularly. They live in the same towns as the people they went to school with and their families. They are union members, etc. Where as highly educated people are more transient. They don’t know all the people who live on their street. They are less apt to be regular church goers. They don’t have as strong a sense of community so they are very attracted to the idea of being part of something greater than themselves. Think of it like College football games. The aulmni go. They sing the fght songs together. They cheer together. For those few hours, they are part of a very tight community. It’s like that. I say this as a highly educated, transient. So I mean no disrespect. But I do think that’s what its all about. It’s not about high-info V. low-info.

  7. Though they want Obambi to appear as though he is All-Seeing, All-Hearing, All-Knowing and Ever-Present, he is a theatrical gimmick to keep Hillary, who might bring back the FDR’s New Deal from the ashes, out of the presidency, and ruin the big plan of Ultimate Control of the corporate and financial puppetmasters’ behind the scenes. Obama is Bozo in the three-ringed circus.

  8. To paraphrase, “Mr. and Mrs. America, otherwise how was the play?”

  9. masslib: interesting explanation.

  10. At the rate the economy is going you would hope that no amount of entertainment is going to divert the attention of Mr. & Mrs. & Ms. America from the fact that we need a solid, executive in the White House to start the country on a plan of restructuring and rebuilding.

    Instead we get bread and circuses. Oh wait, the bread is disappearing.

  11. *** UPDATE *** From NBC’s Jim Miklaszewski and Courtney Kube
    A U.S. military official tells NBC News they were making preparations for Sen. Barack Obama to visit wounded troops at the Landstuhl Medical Center at Ramstein, Germany on Friday, but “for some reason the visit was called off.”

    One military official who was working on the Obama visit said because political candidates are prohibited from using military installations as campaign backdrops, Obama’s representatives were told, “he could only bring two or three of his Senate staff member, no campaign officials or workers.” In addition, “Obama could not bring any media. Only military photographers would be permitted to record Obama’s visit.”

    The official said “We didn’t know why” the request to visit the wounded troops was withdrawn. “He (Obama) was more than welcome. We were all ready for him.”

    While Hillary was on the floor of the Senate giving one of the most comprehensive and compelling speeches I’ve heard on energy policy–urging her colleagues to adopt legislation that can help curb oil speculation–Obama is taking a pass on visiting wounded troops because there’s no photo-op for him. Is it any wonder that large numbers of Americans just aren’t buying what he’s selling?

  12. Good Morning.

    If we sign up and know where there is a really good recycling bin near our home to distribute the propaganda, do you think we could get our tickets to the magnificent event?

    PUMA$ Who Donate Rule!

  13. Let me clarify that:

    “a toxic waste recycling bin”

    PUMA$ Who Donate Rule!

  14. This reminds me of all the people who stood in line to buy the I-phone. They paid $600 for it. When they got it home, they found out it would only work with one service provider and it had quite a few glitches. Then, only a few months later, a new and improved I-phone came out for half the price and could work on multiple providers. The people that bought thwe first one, “had to have it”, were stuck and within days new and improved versions of similar phones were released but the early birds had jumped the gun, bought the newest, latest gadget for the maximum price and were stuck in contracts that they couldn’t get out of. Very similar to what we can expect as Obama’s supporters want the latest , newest candidate without finding out that he will be obsolete immediately.

  15. I’m closing out the Scratching Post total of contributions to our campaign debt:

    Grand Total:


    Thanks so much everyone. It was a great party!

    PUMA$ Who Donate Rule!

  16. Just read this Daily Mail article … it’ll make your day!

    The UK knows Obama’s type … I’ve been saying he reminded me of Tony Blair.


  17. Now the number in the stadium is up to 80,000?

    At this rate, it will be couple hundred thousand by August 28.

  18. yeah they want to channel everything into the one direction, closing all off-ramps and branches, foreclosing all other possibilities and getting that hay into the barn, or rather the sheep into the pen.

    Because it’s herding.

  19. sending the three network’s head nit wits was an over reach . That’s post winning stuff. Now everything will be boring. They have gone though their bags of tricks at hyper speed. Also Barry’s “appeal ” such as it is, is emotionally based. But his speech was totally from the head…..and not a smart head either . Super D’s :
    Run to Hillary to save your asses NOW! This is almost your last warning . Anyone around this guy when it blows up is political toast .Plus his check is NOT COMING. Figure it out already!

  20. I think that we should all sign up for tickets, agree to do anything his hollowness requests, get tickets and then have another cocktail party on August 28th. The stadium will be empty, we will have fun and they can spend the time leading up to the election hounding us to register our voters.

  21. Thanks to the person who referenced Hillary’s speech on energy. I didn’t know about it.

    Here’s a link, for those interested:


  22. From the article in the Daily Mail mentioned by britgirls:

    “His very incoherence over policy, the fact we don’t know what he really believes in, enables people to project onto him their hopes and desires. He is the perfect fantasy politician. He is America’s very own Princess Obama.

    But, of course, the belief that a handsome prince can magic away the troubles of the world is infantile. The idea that there is a new kind of sanitised politics by which problems can be solved without having to make hard choices is a dangerous delusion.”

    So true.

  23. britgirls, the last 4 paragraphs are, um, just precious:

    “But, of course, the belief that a handsome prince can magic away the troubles of the world is infantile. The idea that there is a new kind of sanitised politics by which problems can be solved without having to make hard choices is a dangerous delusion.

    To be fair, there are signs that light may be beginning to dawn in America. Despite – or perhaps because of – the saturation media coverage of Obama’s world tour, his poll numbers are showing no bounce.

    This may be because people are beginning to see the media manipulation, with Obama refusing to answer journalists’ questions and participating only in ‘faked’ interviews by the military in Iraq.

    While America may be wising up, however, Britain is about to have its Princess Obama moment. Get out the smelling salts and prepare to swoon. “

  24. I have not followed most comments the last few days so apologies if my following comments have already found expression…(mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa, pounding my chest with fist).

    Yesterday I was listening to Talk of the Nation (I think) and the Obama-Deutscher’s speech. It is clear now that Obama will be the leader that will unify the whole world.

    Germans love him, they really really love him….Turkish immigrants and their progeny not so much, I guess. Infatuation with “charismatic” leaders is such a human trait. History is a total b*tch.

    Kudos for GE and their PR department. “We bring good things to life” indeed.

  25. Obama’s face is plastered everywhere, he has a fawning press, he gives his speeches in stadiums and we learn from RiverDaughter yesterrday that he plans to stifle all dissent at the convention.

    Looks like he’s adopted the Kim Jong-il strategy. Maybe Obama’s next trip should be to North Korea where he can learn at the foot of the master.

  26. I love this site. I really do. I laugh more when I read the rants on the front page than I ever have before when it comes to reading humor.

    If you only knew how utterly unbalanced you come across.
    You keep addressing your muttterings to the Super D’s, as if they would come to this crazed little site. You keep thinking that somehow stealing this from the guy who won it, at the last second, is the answer to all your problems.

    It’s never going to happen. Choosing HRC now, would cause mass chaos. The party would be fractured. The election over. But that’s your sick, twisted ugly demented goal. You republicans don’t give a shit about the Dems. You’re a disgusting lot of old decrepit delusional bitter idiots. And now to rant and rave that Obama is actually on TV and signing up volunteers??? You republicans are evil pieces of garbage, I’ll give you that.

    Do you blog from your job? Do you sit there and monitor the posts to delete while you are supposed to be working? That is interesting.

  27. Wow masslib, interesting studies. I was just on the point of posting that I thought that it was more specialized pandering to the weaknesses of a certain segment of the populace whose vanity and egoism can be massaged by bedazzling them with shining images of their specialness. The carrot of the ‘in crowd’ of the brilliant and beautiful. Perhaps my point is convergent with yours.

    Okay, not to go all LoTR fan, but what people need is a dose of Sam Gamgee here, who was tempted by the ring with a grandiose image of himself – and laughed at it.

  28. “Infantile” is a very good word for it.

  29. You’re so cute morningstar.

  30. Karolina, even serving tapas with five loaves and a couple of fishes I’m sure that some within the 5,000 didn’t get their fill. With BZero, it wouldn’t be an embarrassment of riches, but vainglory of hope.

    One thing BZero fails to realize is that vision without a plan of execution is a hallucination.

  31. Aha! I see we have an early morning troll who thinks we’re all Republicans. Apparently hasn’t heard of free speech. Must be one of those who loudly applauded the idea that protesters at the Dem. convention be caged. Sheesh!

  32. Great article britgirls, thank you for sharing it.

  33. How on earth can the people at TalkLeft and Atrios not see that Obama is no better than Bush?

  34. Obama’s speeches have left me feeling flat. I think because I was so taken in by Blairs’s speeches when Bush rolled him out to talk about WMD. He got me … I believed him. Everyone I know believed him. Apart from one friend who was out on anti-war marches. And I thought she was crazy at the time.

    But as Bush so eloquently said “Fool me once …. shame …. uuuuuhhhhh?”

  35. Princess Obama….thats my new favorite

  36. “One thing BZero fails to realize is that vision without a plan of execution is a hallucination.”

    Excellent, Prolix. Excellent!

  37. “How on earth can the people at TalkLeft and Atrios not see that Obama is no better than Bush?”

    because he is way better than bush.

    how can you not see how you discredit yourself as a thinking individual when you make such a ridiculous, bullshit assertion?

  38. I just love it when the train from Crazy Town gets in on schedule.

  39. kenoshamarge is 100% correct (comme toujours)

    This is the part of their whole plan that I feel is gonna backfire. Contrary to what many may think you CAN have too much of a “good thing”. And if you don’t think it’s a “good thing” having it shoved in your face constantly is certain to bring about a backlash IMHO.

    People are not going to stand for this. They are starting to mistrust the media already. With the price of gas where it is, people losing jobs, and foreclosures in every community, people are looking out for themselves before they buy any new flim-flam.

    Ironically, reaction against Bush (which in most situations would benefit the Democrats) is making people sour on the media’s ability to create sham interviews and photo-ops. People look at Obama and think “Oh, a liberal version of Bush. No thanks.”

    Plus the perceived “nanny state” liberal Dems are a hugh turn off.

    The PUMA movement has a resonance that threatens all established parties. Even people who are not political junkies see that PUMAs have called out loud and clear “You aren’t the boss of me.” The next wave has already started, but as of yet it’s not visible.

    No wonder we are scaring people.

  40. Please do not engage S-troll in conversation. He is a GOP ratfucker that usually frequents Balloon Juice.

  41. Yeah, that’s one thing Obamalini MIGHT do—keep the trains running on time.

  42. Carol – Are you still here?

  43. Well, Chris Matthews finally told the truth:

    He said that anyone that thinks the Democrats have this won are not ……….Hillary Clinton supporters are not on board, not her Donors, not the Women that support Her, …….it is deeply fractured!”

    Did you hear that SD’s? Even Chris Matthews has finally figured it out!

    PUMA$ Who Donate Rule!

  44. K NYC — LOL.

  45. Prolix, I think they arrived early today!

  46. “Do you blog from your job? Do you sit there and monitor the posts to delete while you are supposed to be working? That is interesting.”

    Oh my, such a good work ethic. Besos.

  47. myiq: too late, darn.

  48. Hey morningstar are you the troll of the day? Please try some new talking points. I have been very disappointed in the quality of troll we get at this site. Try a little harder, this site deserves better trolls. And BTW, bless your heart.

  49. Yes, I am still here. What’s up?

  50. You know, with all of these huge rallies that he’s having, coupled with the fact that he’s made a career out of running for higher office, I get the distinct feeling that Obama doesn’t want to govern. He wants to be worshipped.

  51. Carol – e-mail me arabella_trefoil at yahoo

  52. myiq2xu….I feel foolish but…..what is Balloon Juice?

  53. I thought Axelrod upgraded us and assigned us some better trolls.

    But then again “better troll” is an oxymoron

  54. Balloon Juice is CDS central for white male ex-Republicans who consider themselves progressives but hate women.

    They’ve hated Democrats since the nineties, but since G-Dub fucked up their party they want to join ours and then kick us out.

  55. grayslady, That Landstuhl story is ugly. If that story takes off the big O is going to take a major hit. That is exactly the kind of the thing the public hates. Is there a spin from the campaign yet?

  56. Isolde–The Landstuhl story exposes this trip for what it really is: a manufactured campaign ad with an ever compliant media aching to be Obama’s fluffer, all on the taxpayer’s dime.

  57. Wow, myiq, those are harsh words for Ballon Juice… I do not know if Markos “hates women” but otherwise he would fit the profile..oh wait, he has DK, pfff.

  58. Obama obviously didn’t take this trip to learn anything. He went to campaign.

    If that was my first major trip to Israel, Iraq, Afganistan and Europe, I would have passed on making speeches and spent the time listening instead.

  59. The BJ crowd is confused, they think you can’t be a misogynist if you’re a heterosexual male.

  60. Fluffer. That word had to be explained to me and I nearly choked laughing. That is exactly what the press does.

    The O campaign will have to come up with a story fast or make up some controversy to distract because going into those hospitals takes guts and compassion, which does he not have.

  61. Thanks for the Balloon Juice info. That means the ex-Repug can no longer get instantly laid by throwing his toy-money, THAT HE WORKED SO HARD TO GET, around, (since it was taken away from him), so he tries to act like his caring next-door neighbor who seems to get girls’ attention? Or, did I get that wrong?

    I think if he wants money that he has to WORK SO HARD TO GET, he should go pick some stawberries for pennies all day. Might change his perspective.

  62. BJ is a smaller version of Cheetopia. I used to hang out there until it turned into a CDS sewer. Way back in January I started getting personally attacked for defending Hillary from recycled right-wing smears. I was supporting Edwards back then (I don’t know why) but I still defended Hillary, and I got insulted and called names by total strangers.

    There are a few GOP ratfuckers that hang out there fanning the flames of hate.

    Or maybe just one with multiple aliases.

  63. Why listen when you a transcend all wisdom? Wouldn’t you want to share with others?

  64. Good Morning

  65. Isolde–I’m curious. Who did you ask?

    Anyhoo, I’m sure the WORM (What Obama Really Meant) will be unleashed soon.

  66. Isolde- I guess the Chicago Suntimes is going to help the spin on that story- here is the link

  67. I know this sounds paranoid, but Obama and his followers really damn firghten me.

  68. The crowd at Balloon Juice also has a weird fixation with goat sex.

    It’s really bizarre. S-boy is one of the worst.

  69. They all seem so delusional and they are mean.

  70. RD says “It’s beginning to feel like you can’t get away from the guy. He’s on every channel, every radio station, every web page. It’s like visiting a country run by a dictator and finding the guy’s picture on every street corner.”

    If you think it’s bad in most parts of the country, try living in Chicago or the surrounding area. It’s all Obama all the time. The Chicago Tribune, which used to be very conservative, they have Obama’s ugly mug on every front page, or a front page story about him. It is all filled to the brim with stories about “Black America”. I have nothing against fighting for equality for ALL, but the amount of stories about everything Black is getting really creepy.

    The front page story in the Chicago Tribune today…

    “Study sees racial bias in traffic-stop searches”
    Below that headline is a HUGE picture of Obama in Berlin with Obama standing on a stage in front of an enormous crowd of “fans”. And then a teeny-tiny pic of McCain which points you to page 24, about McCain’s search for a VP. Of course that is followed by another story about Latino’s backing Obama.

    It’s going to be a long haul to the General Election for those of us who can’t stand Obama. 😦

  71. Kim – They frighten a lot of people.

    How are you doing today?

  72. myiq2xu–Is Mickey Kaus posting at BJ now? Seems fitting.

  73. Mary Ellen – This kind of thing is back firing already. Trust me.

  74. Oh I am good. How are you doing? I hope you are relaxing and having fun.

  75. Ah, the putrid scent of trolls in the morning.

    What does it say about someone if we are in her own words “You’re a disgusting lot of old decrepit delusional bitter idiots” that pops in to berate us? And sorry sweetie, but we still aren’t going to vote for Obama, bless your tiny little heart.

    What does it say about someone so stupid they don’t know the difference between a pissed off Democrat and a Republican?

    What does it say when instead of working FOR your preferred choice, you are scolding those that don’t agree?

    Obamacrat Trolls are sad little people with no life to live and too much time on their hands. Too bad they don’t love their country or democracy like they love their little poser.

  76. Arabella – I emailed you.

  77. BJ hates Mickey Kaus – he’s not a kool-aid drinker.

  78. hey, guys, I’m in the parking lit on my iPhone checking my mail and I saw the references to the Landstahl (sp) photo op that didn’t materialize. Can someone write a post on that? It could be powerful.
    Oh, and Morningstar, fuck off.

  79. Carol – Chris Matthews can blame himself and his extremely bigoted coverage of the primary for helping to create the mess. The other day someone blogged on Cafferty’s criticism that Clinton supporters are humorless and Cafferty, himself, has such a fun-filled persona! The amazing thing about Obama propagandists is their complete lack of self-awareness. The kid-trolls for Obama can almost be excused for being “irony-challenged”, but to see this in two grown men who are media professionals is beyond comprehension.

  80. I like seeing the trollies. They are a realiable barometer for how Obama’s campaign is going.

    Right now, there is panic. They are testing out new memes like a teen age girl trying on bathing suits.

    No. Ick. Not sexy enough. Nobody is paying attention to me in this one.

  81. myiq: “The crowd at Balloon Juice also has a weird fixation with goat sex.”

    he…had a good laugh.

    Mary Ellen, reading your comment, just realized how fitting it is that GE can stand for General Electric/Election…..spooky.

    Bye for now. I am going back to work (I am sure mstar will be totally proud of me).

  82. KM:

    Don’t let the female names fool you. If you close your eyes you can hear the male voices behind the keyboard.

    Women are socialized to be polite (until provoked anyway) but little bloys are rude and obnoxious. I speak from personal knowledge, I was a little boy once too.

  83. Breaking News – someone jacked BO’s prayer and then it got published in an Israeli Newspaper. I’m sure that was his intention.

    Wait until we find out that it really is his grocery list from MO.

  84. I have a hard time understanding the Obamabots. Everything about the man reeks of Republican ideals. No one in the MSM has jumped on his privatized civilian army statement. I have been waiting for The Nation to address this statement. Jeremy Scahill’s biggest concern is a privatized army, yet The Nation is still singing his praises. I just do not get the rationalization.

  85. Hey Arabella, what about we vote Obama for president of the United Federation of Planets? Do Talaxians like him as much as Germans do?

    Sorry could not help myself. I will now leave with my head down in shame.

  86. To be fair, I have long suspected that these trolls we see are not true Obama supporters.

    I hope they’re really not that stupid.

    I suspect some of them at least are GOP trolls working for Karl Rove. Their job is to keep us pissed off.

    They could save their time, I’m not voting for Obama even if every one of his supporters kisses my ass from now until Novmember.

  87. Piper in Pucci, Fluffer was explained while standing in the kitchen of a dear friend with two motorcycle riding, hell raising, women chasing sons. She still tries to monitor what they are doing. They apparently used the term so she asked them and then used it herself. She was a band director before she retired and is one of the funniest people I know.

    Also of some note. A neighbor is the director of the local TV station and he said the network news rating is way off but people are watching the local news. I told him people were sick of the political coverage, and he said I was probably right.

  88. rd – Atriots are blaming the failed opportunityh on Bush!

    No evidence presented, of course.

  89. Upstate – I’ll ask my Talaxian relatives.

  90. Arabella – I emailed you – what’s up?

  91. Kim:

    They are former Republicans who left the GOP because of the Bush Clusterfuck.

    But they have hated Democrats for so long, they gravitate to Obama because he’s new and they aren’t used to hating him.

    Plus, he’s almost a Republican anyway.

  92. Isolde–That’s a relief. I would be horrified if you had asked a co-worker or something. 😉

    Thanks for telling me about that network news/local news trend. I hope it trickes down to newspapers.

  93. Carol – thanks. I just e-mailed you back.

  94. For those that would like to thank Andrea for the “fake interviews” comment, and for those that would like to tell her what a lying ass liar she has been all year supporting the piece of sh*t BO:


  95. I see John E is denying the NE story.

    I don’t believe him. The tabloid was tipped off and had the hotel staked out. Their story was loaded with specific details, it wasn’t just anonymous rumors.

    The question is who tipped them off?

  96. prplvette85, I left Sweet a little something advising he could go with Senate staff but not campaign lackeys and the press. Only military photographers are allowed in those hospitals so the patients and staff will not be exploited and their privacy violated. He is a US Senator and can go to any government facility, just not as the head of a circus. The Pentagon did not tell him he could not go. They told him he could not bring the Keystone cops with him. You go in alone if you have the guts and compassion. He wanted someone to hold his hand. Coward.

  97. Fake interviews?

    He gives speeches in front of fake voters.

  98. Kim – I’m doing much better. I saw my shrink yesterday and he convinced me that I am not going insane. For some reason, that helped.

    I’m also daring to think of some really different things to do. I don’t want to work in corporate America again.

  99. Isolde:

    No, he just had no interest in going if he couldn’t use it as a photo op

  100. Kim, the privatized civilian army has been really bugging me for quite a while— why would enough people want to volounteer to be in the army to make it able to win a battle?

    Then I started to think—they would volunteer to risk their lives TO EARN MONEY, since there will be no other jobs in the USA.

    Part of the f*ucking, sick plan—the elite REPUGS (both D and R) would pay us to protect them and conquer for them, so we can eat .

    And you say The Nation is ignoring this?

  101. Not visiting wounded soldiers in Germany just wasn’t appealing to Obama since he couldn’t bring his own press. I guess to Obama if the press doesn’t see it, it didn’t happen so why “waste” the time. Pathetic isn’t it.

  102. The last time I saw my shrink he was yelling for the orderlies to bring a straight jacket.

    I decided I was done with therapy and left.

  103. Who would have thought BO could unite Dems and Rethugs. The PACS, protests are multiplying viral as we post.

    The spector of the desparation of the trolls, the continuing whining by the howler, DBZ, the corporate media shilling going into overdrive is heartening…….and I love this site. Intelligence and humor all in one package – great site!

    I am enjoying watching what we TOLD them will happen, happening. They still will not stop. They are so clueless. To think that the only thing the power brokers/DNC/party “elders” got out of the past 8 years of criminal Bu$h administration was we can top your idjit by going even lower.

    So good to see the desparation saturated trolls spewing their garbage – you give us validation that we are doing what we set out to. BO reeks of Rethug ideals but even they do not want him.

    Wish I had more time to read!

  104. “If that was my first major trip to Israel, Iraq, Afganistan and Europe, I would have passed on making speeches and spent the time listening instead.”

    Myiq – you are a sane, rational and compassionate human being, so you would have spent time listening. Obama doesn’t know the word listen except when applied to everyone listening to him. He is truly narcissistic, I believe – and maybe even more so than the narcissist currently occupying the White House.

    Are we allowed to say White House or is that r*cist? Perhaps he has the name been changed to Obama House of Worship?

  105. myiq2xu, he could have had a very stiff upper lip type interview when he came out, but I think he cannot relate to anyone and has to be the center of attention. The press and his campaign flunky staff protect him from the real world and its problems. Remember he did not go see his mother when she was dying. I think he is afraid someone will see him not relating or with compassion and he knows enough to hide it. This is something that the public can relate to because we all know someone who acts like this and it is shameful.

  106. Arabella, I completely understand your position of not wanting to go back into corporate America. My last trip within that world has been into Children’s Educational Publishing. There I started to feel like I was involved in the dumbing down of America, and started feeling guilt. I want to be doing something where I am actually helping people or contributing something positive to society….

  107. That last sentence was supposed to read: Perhaps he has already changed the name to the Obama House of Worship.

    Sigh – the coffee is just hitting my system – sorry!

  108. “Who would have thought BO could unite Dems and Rethugs. ”

    Hey, Boo! He is a unifier after all!

  109. Obama reminds me of an old con man’s saying: “Once you learn to fake sincerity, the rest is gravy.”

  110. Delphyne:

    Bush is a spoiled rich kid, but he doesn’t think he’s better than everyone else because he has self-esteem issues.

    Obama really thinks his farts smell good.

  111. Riverdaughter – you are awesome! Thank you for bringing this up!

    What scares me most about this is that Hillary will have about 2,000 delegates in that stadium and to be honest, I am worried about their safety. They will be there to do a job – vote the way that they are pledged to vote – but with all of those Obama-cultists, they are going to be badgered and heckled – it is not going to be SAFE for them. We have to find some way to get the DNC to reverse this decision. I don’t mean to sound like Cassandra, but I think given the kinds of things that his people have said about HRC and her supporters, it is not unreasonable to be raising this issue.

    How can we change this?

  112. Arabella T,
    I’m glad to see you’re doing well. What kinds of things are you thinking about? I left engineering and became an educator. I’m self-employed now, still involved with education, though, and I love it! This is career #3. (Or maybe two and a half) When my students would tell me that they didn’t know what they wanted to be when they grew up, I would tell them, “Neither do I.”

    Does your “Trefoil” handle indicate a connection to the Girl Scouts? (I just received my 40 year pin.)

    Sam’s mom

  113. This dictator is unbelievable! He has NO CREDENTIALS–The Emperor Has No Clothes Syndrome. What has happened to my longtime and only (since I began voting many years ago) party? I will be wearing my PUMApac tee shirt a lot. Just got it yesterday.
    Hillary makes great sense as POTUS. Not #61.

  114. myiq2xu:

    I am also wondering who leaked the NE story/Edwards visit?

    I think it was the Obama vetting team…John Kerry/Pelosi getting his revenge. They have hilled Edwards off now for everything….even a future admin job.

    They did not want to distrurb the message on “universal healthcare, unions, poor people” message thaat Edwards may have used to help out on the GE tour.

  115. I think you are right myiq. He has completely bought into the adulation of his followers. It is almost understandable that he would though, he has flip flopped on almost everything and they are still singing his praises.

    But you have too wonder if he won’t take it a step too far. Please let him do it before the convention.

  116. L Brown, your concerns are very relevant and vital for everybody’s safety (including the country’s).

  117. Anita look at history—most dictators are nobodys out of nowhere, having done nothing, propped up by bigshots who think they will be able to control the “Leader,” once they push him into the position of ultimate power and then finding out that the nobody with power is living every narcissist’s personal dream come true and makes the whole world his playground.

  118. nobomo:

    When Obama ran for the Senate, he was running second behind another Democrat in the primary but some juicy dirt got leaked to the media and the other guy had to drop out.

    Then the same thing happened to Obama’s original GOP opponent.

    Last fall, Obama needed to eliminate Edwards to make it a 2-person race, and suddenly rumors about Edwards surfaced.

    Edwards pops up, and people are talking about him as a VP or AG. Obama doesn’t want anyone around him who has their own power base, he wants everyone dependent on him. Wes Clark got hung out to dry a couple weeks ago, now Edwards has been torpedoed.


  119. MyIQ:


    I think not.

    PS, I’ve posted a story about Obama cancelling the troop visit…

  120. Truth for me is, I don’t give a rat’s ass how many secret love children someone has, that is between him and his family.

    I care about what this dickhead, who is passing himself off as the new messiah, is going to do to further fuck up the United States.

  121. samanthasmom: Arabella Trefoil is an obcure character in an obscure novel by Anthony Trollope.

    I don’t know what I’ll do next, but I am going to be self-employed. Luckily my husband and I have paid off our mortgage, have savings in the bank, and have always lived frugally. (And no kids to support.)

    I’ll find my way eventually. I don’t need that much income.

  122. This years primary is so Machiavellian it makes the Grand Prix look like a straight course. Yeah, I know it’s politics “as usual” – except it’s our own party who have choosen to use expediency.

    With just the tip of BO’s iceburg exposed – he is found lacking. These people are just dumb. The American voter is not going to stand for it.

  123. MyIq,

    If it quacks like a duck…

    I agree with your hypothesis and I’m wondering what will befall Richardson — perhaps tawdry pictures of him and a cactus in a compromising position?

  124. It isn’t entirely “HIM”…Obama is an arrogant empty suit….what frightens the hell out of me is I don’t know “WHO” the democratic (and perhaps republican) politicians, corporates interests, lobbyists are behind O. “WHO” is setting his flipping agenda??

    How can Senators Kerry, Kennedy, Leahy among others, who “WERE” icons in the senate knowingly allow and support a candidate who literally hijacked a primary from us voters??

    In these perilous times why are they not discussing issues and instead promoting a rock star? Why did they throw Bill Clinton under the bus?

    So many serious questions with no answers.

    If democratic power brokers won’t allow Hillary to be in nomination at the convention a McCain presidency with a democratic congress is fine with me…that would create GRIDLOCK.

    GRIDLOCK…a 4 year vacation from political stress, what a relief that would be for us voters!

    John Kerry wanted McCain as his VP, that meant he believed his friend McCain could serve as president if he were ill, how can Kerry campaign against McCain now??? “08” should have been a cakewalk for democrats and look what they have wrought!!

  125. I’m not worried about Obama becoming a dictator. The GOP has been trying to manipulate things to make him the Dem nominee because if they can’t win the White House they want a Democrat they can destroy in office.

    Bet the rent, the GOP will eat him alive if he wins. They’ll pick up seat in 2010 (maybe the Senate) and the WH in 2012.

    They’re just laying low right now because they want him to be the official nominee before they turn the dogs loose.

  126. If Obama wins (and there is no way that will happen) he will be impeached.

    There will be a new party that consists of Lunch-box democrats and non ideological Republicans. (Hillary’s kind of people.)

    These people have common sense and they want to get to work to fix things.

  127. That is what I have always thought. The GOP is loving every minute of this. As soon as he is crowned in Denver, they will lower the boom on his skinny ass. They probably have a dossier a foot thick on him and are smiling all the way to the election.

    Dems were set to take this one with this smartest candidate and we always find a way to bend over and take it.

    Why are we so stupid? Why do democrats do this to themselves time and time again?

  128. Richardson is nothing. He owes everything to the Clinton’s, who helped him rise above his ability, and he betrayed them.

    I knew he was a zero when I saw him at the LGBT forum. Melissa Etheridge asked him if he thought homosexuality was genetic or a choice, and he said it was a choice.

    She said something like, “perhaps you didn’t hear me, is it genetic or a choice?” He said “choice” again.

    How freakin dumb do you have to be to go to the LGBT forum and say that?

    He might as well as said it was a sin too.

  129. Go over to NQ and see the Jon Stewart video about BO’s World Quest – it is hysterical and right on point!

  130. Remember all the Whitewater crap? 6-7 years of bullshit. The Clintons were innocent.

    Rezko is a gift that will keep on giving to the GOP, even if they have to sacrifice every Republican in Illinois.

  131. Richardson is dead in the water. NM is now a toss up state and heading to McCain. You would have thought the great one would have been touring it with him to make it a blue state.

    This people are ignorant! They really believe we have no where else to go and won’t damn well make sure the entire universe sees what an arrogant piece of horse manure they all are!

    PUMA$ Who Donate Rule!

  132. I’m hoping some of the more talented video folks in Pumaland will throw together a piece of famous dictators before enormous crowds, cult leaders, and pyramid scheme scammers intercut with BO and his campaign doing all the exact same things.

    The recruiting thing, added to the campaign’s already cult-pressure type tactics is beyond creepy.

    Don’t these people read science fiction? Don’t they know these things always end badly?

    Oh wait, you don’t need scifi, you just need to look at the last 8 years!

  133. My take on this is a little different. Obama’s “handlers” have assured him that he will win in November. Absolutely guaranteed. They base this on the premise that the US is sick to death of the Repubs and McCain is an old man with little to offer beyond another 4 years of Bush. And the fact that he is black and offering an “historic” opportunity to become president. The fawning has paid off.

    This is why the DNC disses us, the hardcore Dems who have a different belief system. This is why he can ignore the wounded soldiers. This is why he can turn his back on the gay community. This is why he can walk away from appearances with the black community because he knows they will vote en masse for him at any cost.

    This man is solidly convinced that the job is his already. He can cast his Senate votes however he chooses and is assured that his “flock of fans” will just live with it.

    We may sit and wonder at his arrogance but if you were Barack Obama and have been repeatedly assured that this thing is just about over, you too would more than likely react in just the same way. As far as he is concerned, November is just another stepping stone to his moving into the Oval come January. Probably accounts for his bored demeanor on occasion. He is merely going through the motions as he packs up for the move.

  134. Whoever thought to order hundreds of tickets for entry into Invesco Field purporting to work for the campaign…

    and be a KOOL “NO SHOW” IS a GREAT IDEA!”…

  135. Scifi?

    Obamanation does resemble the Fosterite Church in many respects.

  136. “Don’t these people read science fiction?” lol True….the recruiting thing IS beyond creepy, and I was so glad to see a post and thread on this topic.

    “Making people work” for the tickets to this megaplex is a common theme: the Obamas are gonna make people work for the Obamaborg Collective.

    Mandatory public service. It’s a twisted abomination of “Ask not what your country can do for you…”

    I do wish PUMAs would fill up those seats….and throw the Obama recruiting literature in the recycle bin. But what a nightmare. 60,000 thugs. In the middle of nowhere. No hotel rooms to be had, and they are discussing whether the one highway there will be shut down.

    I suppose we could try to organize faux caravans by requesting tickets from our local Dem chapters along with fake plans to get to Denver. But they say most of the seats will be filled from nearby towns and states.

  137. From http://camille424.wordpress.com/

    This is a letter received by an Obama supporter:

    Dear ___________,

    You have an opportunity to play a major role in this nationwide movement for change.

    Dedicated volunteers like you have brought us this far. But to execute our strategy for the general election, we need supporters to step into one of the most important roles of our campaign.

    If you’re ready to take the next step, you are invited to attend a two-day Camp Obama training session near you.

    Learn more about this special opportunity and apply to attend Camp Obama right now: http://ca.barackobama.com/CampObamaLA

    Camp Obama trainings offer a unique, in-depth look at the strategies and techniques that have driven this campaign.

  138. Yeah, Zee. I am very afraid of what’s going to happen in Denver. I want Hillary’s delegates to stand by her. I want her to win the nomination. But can you imagine that stadium full of irate Obamatrons? And all the Hillary supporters penned in cages. You can’t cage PUMAS! Wrong, just wrong.

    Wasn’t it Rush Limbaugh who was hoping for riots in Denver? I lived in L.A. during the riots … never want to see that again.
    I imagine when McCain gets elected this fall Rush will take the day off and just leave a laugh tracking playing on his show.

    I still can’t believe this is happening …

  139. Check this out:


    Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) tells People magazine in the issue out Friday that he and his wife, Michelle, do not give Christmas or birthday presents to their two young daughters.

    Never mind that this sounds crazy. Obama is again thumbing his nose at the electorate. Most other politicians in his position might worry that such a statement would cause dismay amongst people who are not convinced that Obama is a real Christian.

    Those tiresome lunch bucket people, clinging to their guns and their Christmas trees. “I don’t need them, and I’m rubbing their nose in it.”

    Those poor little girls.

  140. Why don’t they celebrate Christmas? Are they Muslim or something?


  141. Mountain Sage….please tell me more about a floor fight. I need hope.
    I haven’t blogged in a while as this is my busiest time of year..for work….but I have been reading every day and participating in the daily puma actions.

    Hillary is coming to my home town of East Hampton for a fundraiser for her debt at a private home.. The minimum is $250 to attend. I have already given as much as I feel comfortable, but I am contemplating the opportunity to meet her and perhaps ask some pointed questions.
    I need to balance this vs either giving money for Denver or ACTUALLY going to Denver. The thought that the money and the time would be wasted in a “cage” is off putting…but, that of course is the point. It only matters if there are enough to overwhem the cages and I don’t think that can happen.
    What to do…what to do????

    I last travelled to a political demonstration when I was in college and attended an anti war demonstration in DC. That was when we still had a draft and people were very serious about not wanting to die in vietnam! It seemed like the whole country was there.

    Yesterday’s mention in the times was a huge success. Congratulations and thanks to those who are working so hard and giving so much to fight this fascism.

  142. myiq2xu; I saw that, too. Didn’t Richardson say the same thing?

    This Invesco thing is such bull shit. We should all try to get tickets – blocks of tickets – and then we can just hang out somewhere and have Causmos.

  143. Hello and Good morning from La La Land!!

    This is my thought this AM: “this too shall pass…”
    Let BO be the master of his own defeat, we know it will happen, it’s just a matter of time. He’s light can only last so long, before it comes crashing down, and fizzles before all to see.

    Everyone stay focused!! and loving..as our mentor and gifted writer said this morning from her blackberry,
    “morningale….(whoever) fuck off!!!

  144. PumaSF…you can believe, I won’t be there!! I too love the idea of getting blocks of tickets..how though?
    And we could find a fabulos bar somewhere far away from the maddening crowd, drinking our cosmos and fine wine!!

  145. Well personally I have no hope the Super-Ds are going to do the right thing. The odds that Obama will be the Dem nominee are are 99.99999999999 to 1.

    But I don’t have to like it, and I don’t have to vote for him in November. We are reduced to two possibilities for the White House, neither of whom should ever be President, but one of whom will be. Given that, I’d rather spend 4 years hating a GOP President than a Democratic one. (For one thing, I’ve had lots of practice at the former.)

  146. Well, SimoFish had an idea about caling the campaign office or the “private corporation” as the person I talked to yesterday informed me, and say that we are a Bay Area group supporting Barky and that we’d love to go to the coronation. I don’t know if it would work but if we could keep from barfing it might be worth it.

  147. I hate that friggin weasel .

  148. RD & Co, this is breaking from Colorado—–

    you know, given what you wrote that has been my problem with him too since the very start RD.

    But cages? This is wrong, and also signals what the Dems are now about. Hillary should distance herself, Riverdaughter. This is about Despotism and worse. This is not American Nationalism. I just read where one of his pals ( a panther) digs Mugabe. I’ll give you the link.
    You don’t erect cages in America to keep protesters at bay or we have lost our country. Like I said, I have always been a Dem. Hillary may have been warning us earlier on about what might happen. It seems to me, she has stepped aside right now. These cages? Anti-American. Berlin? Despot. Liberation Theology? Check it out for yourselves. You need to. All the tactics used are much like Fascism, this time around.

    Here is that thing on the cages, very important read…




    What is particulary ironic is how they have screamed racism at any dissenters, when in reality, the racism in this brand of ideology is like something we know nothing about, or have ever seen as Americans. That is why the cages disturb. Funny thing though — according to this theology anybody of European descent (white) falls into the same camp by these guys…

    Now, we have conditions that are ripe here economically for a thing like Fascism to take hold. It only starts under sever economic duress when people look to a charismatic leader. Hitler got started tthat way as well as Mussolini. I guess post-Martin Luther King there has been a movement to segregate, rather than integrate? It’s not like that here in CA, but it may look like that elsewhere.

    Here is more:

    If you are faced with non-American, non-Democratic practices don’t be blind to realities that grow each day, in the press. They are warning signs to Dems. Where is the money coming from in this campgain? Africa? That would fit with this theology, and so would the non-help to Hillary in terms of reducing her debt. Dems here should unpack that thesis for themselves — to look for root issues. I think he was pretty much floating around before he became iinvolved with that whole belief system — but now he has had 20 years of that kind of indoctrination into a world view.

    McCain has ideas for jobs that can fix our broken country, that is why I like him. I told you when I was a therapist I worked with the homeless– basically these were families coming out here from states like Arkansas where there is NO WORK. It was so sad. The last 8 years have been almost like a monarchy? Don’t go Fascism now, don’t. And refuse to be a caged PUMA or a caged DEMOCRAT! Research, and do the right thing for the country as a whole even if you feel like some kind of turncoat — because what the Democratic party is doing right now? It’s not DEMOCRATIC!

    hugs & I hate being so serious but geez. They rigged it. And now they want to cage dissent….not good.

  149. ok vote republican or vote independent or don’t vote, but if you do that and end up with McCain we will get more of the same. Don’t beleive me see the link to Dan Rodik’s webpage ” American political economics in one picture”


  150. If Obama is elected we’ll get more of the same anyway. Door #1 or Door #2, either way there’s a Republican waiting.

  151. Does anyone know, if Hillary’s name is on the ballot as a write in…will it count for BO? or will it go to Hill?
    General Election that is?

  152. What happens to your vote depends on what state you are in. I’m sure there is information out there about this. Let’s try to find it.

  153. Here’s the rule in Minnesota:

    Candidates for President of the United States – A write-in candidate for president of the United States must file a written request for his or her votes to be counted no later than October 28, 2008 (the seventh day before the general election) and the request must include the name of a candidate for vice president of the United States. The request must also include the name of at least one candidate for presidential elector. The number of presidential electors listed may not exceed 10. The Request Write-In Votes Be Counted form includes spaces for vice-president and presidential electors. (Minn. Stat. §204B.09, subd. 3)


  154. Here’s the cliff note version for the slow!

    Just say No to OBush 08!

  155. PUMA and the CONFLUENCE is gaining power every day. You see them on the CNN and MSBC comments, letters to the editors and on the blogs. I know its difficult to get the bastards to to post out comments, but in everyday in every way flood the comment sections and the letter to the editors, some will get thru, but it will show these “zombies” that they are not talking to the right people. If they want viewers, don’t continue to ignore us or demean us, or we might take it out on your advertisors. Remember who spends the dollars in this nation, its us! Again, the election will be won or lost in the battleground states. We must convince that bunch of spineless super delegates that if they don’t support Hillary Clinton and when Obama loses we will take over the DNC and they will be among the missing. All these dupes fear is power and when PUMA and the CONFLUENCE has that power they will stand up and salute.

  156. Post script again: I hate to do this again, but I must. I am not a racist, My husband was born and raised in the east, I was born and raised in the south. We have lived in seven different states and sections of the country. We have lived in Texas for the last forty years. Obama will not win the south, he will not win the border states and he will not win the normal red states (look at the polls for N.M. amd Colo. now). They are floating the name of the govenor of Kansas Kansas has not gone Democratic in my life time and it will not in yours.The election will be won or lost in the battleground states. Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and New Jersey. If He loses any two of these he is history. He is already 6 points behind in Ohio and all he needs now is one. Do you think that Florida, who are only thought of as half a person and Michigan, who some how got all those votes, will if Romney is the candidate will vote for the “chosen one”, if so you need a dose of reality.

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