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Sunday: Time

Update:  Cue the X-Files music.  If you’re in  Central NJ, consider taking in the free concert at Duke Island Park tonight where the entertainment will be Al Stewart.  Maybe he will sing The Year of the Cat? Bring your cat chow and picnic .

Well, I’m back from vacation and resting comfortably.  On Friday, I decided to take a boogie board out on the waves, just like I did when I was a kid in Hawaii when I spent the whole day shooting curls.  East coast waves?  Hah!  Piece of cake, said I.  So, I paddled out beyond the breakers and rode one of those little suckers in where it made short shrift of me, tossed me like laundry in a washing machine and spit me up on the beach after dragging me for awhile.  I have a nice big abrasion on my left knee and I’m still shaking sand out of my hair.

I got up early today to download the latest mega update from apple because, gosh darn, once the whole block starts playing with their browser, the intertubez get all clogged and the DSL doesn’t work so well.  Half a gig later, I took the new browser out for a test drive to check the wifi update and started site hopping.  I landed in the middle east at a place called Hamoukar.

It’s a city that was destroyed by warfare about 5500 years ago.  The discovery of this city is rewriting the history of the development of ancient civilization as is Gobekli Tepe in eastern Turkey.  Gobekli Tepe is thought to be the oldest temple/shrine complex in the world.  Carbon dating puts it at about 11,000 years old.  The site is located at the top of a mountain near Sanliurfa, one of the proposed sites of Ur of the Chaldees where Abraham might have come from.  What’s cool about Gobekli Tepe is that it may be the biblical “garden of Eden”.  The theory goes that the shrine was built by neolithic hunter gatherers in an area of the fertile crescent that is very close to the site of the first domesticated wheat.  (Genetics have confirmed a nearby mountain as the site of the wheat)  So, archaeologists propose that the hunter gatherer societies in the area banded together to protect the source of the cereal and in the process, they built this temple complex.  Its construction coincides with the dawn of farming and animal husbandry.  It also moves the location of civilization from the area around Babylon to an area much more north and east.

A weird thing happened with Gobekli Tepe.  At about 8000 BC, someone wheelbarrowed in tons of dirt and debris and covered the whole thing up.  The site is only 1.5% excavated so far and is expected to yield some major discoveries.  But back to Hamoukar.  The place was destroyed by warfare, possibly over the obsidian trade.  Obsidian was quarried in the area and mass production of obsidian tools went on in Hamoukar.  Unlike downstream cities in Iraq, the area benefitted from local rainfall so irrigation was not necessary.  The city arose from its obsidian production and trade.  No one knows the circumstances behind the warfare or the fire that destroyed some of the buildings that have been uncovered.

And, no one may find out for a long time. Like Gobeckli Tepe, the site remains covered.  As it turns out, Hamoukar is located only 8 miles from the Syrian-Iraqi border and excavation was interrupted by the Iraq War.  It just isn’t safe for the archaeological team from the University of Chicago to go there. So, on top of stopping stem-cell research in the US, rewriting government funded science and denying global warming for eight years, the excavation of our history has also been put on hold by the Bush administration.  Granted, it might be a little thing for the University of Chicago at Hamoukar but the Germans are going gangbusters at Gobekli Tepe.  Call me sensitive but I hate to see our institutions of learning and research take a backseat to any other country in the world.  It offends my “We’re Number One!” American self image.  (Not to mention that the youtube videos are all in German which I feel I *should* understand but simply don’t.  Go figure, Barack.)

Anyway, maybe we can right what’s wrong with the country in the next 5 weeks.  There is a lot of activity going on in the next couple of weeks that should keep us busy.

Tonight: Alegre, she of the DailyKos Strike fame, will be on NO WE WON’T PUMA radio with Sheri Tag.  That show is a lot of fun and a great place to hear from other PUMAs.  I plan to sit on my hands tonight and let other callers phone in.  The more the merrier!  Also, check out Alegre’s Corner for more interesting reads.

Later this week, PUMAs and other interested parties will be meeting in Seneca Falls, New York to celebrate the 160th Anniversary of the First Women’s Rights ConferenceHeidi Li of The Denver Group will be using this opportunity to work for a fair, transparent and open convention in Denver, as well as to continue to pay off Clinton’s campaign debt.  The Finger Lakes area of NY is beautiful this time of year and there are a lot of state parks with campsites if you are interested in combining a cause with a mini-vacation.

The first PUMA conference is still in the planning stages but is tentatively scheduled for August 8-10 in DC.  More information as the plans solidify.

What are you doing with your time?

51 Responses

  1. Hold On PUMAs This One is for YOU !!

  2. this one is by Boowitch13

    Remember Seneca Falls.

  3. Seneca Falls! ummm, hmmmm!

    And they thought les Pumasbelles had no connection to the history of sisterhood, well, well…RD! totally funny from the LAT paper version this am an article called “Who listens to blogging heads” in which your old stomping ground is quoted as saying “This is not a site for conservatives and progressives to meet and discuss their differences…the efforts here are to define and build a progressive infrastructure”

    Really? xxoo! tend le knee — ah yes well I see Bull Moose has arrived chez Confluence! It was the PUMAS’o 1912 in fact that…

    do you think we might be the reincarnation of?

    Stranger things have happened…

    hugs, bandaids and LOLS! to all!

  4. I’ve spent my early Sunday morning writing this…

    An Open Letter to Caroline Kennedy—July 13, 2008

    In which I urge her to exhibit a “Profile in Courage” and retract her endorsement of Obama….which would show respect for millions of Americans like those in PUMA.

  5. o wait i forgot! you have to go see uppity’s bus — I’m still cracking up over how she did it!~


    it’s just one of those LOL days…..and she has the punchy puma

  6. That Punchy PUMA cracks me up !

  7. GRL:

    Why should we even care about whom Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg endorses?

    Even funnier is that she leads the search committee for VPOTUS. What in the world qualifies her to select the VP of anything? What part of her resume am I overlooking?

    Is there something wrong with me for asking these questions?

  8. Welcome back from your vacation a little ATB ointment on that abrasion will heal it right up without a scar ….
    Hope you had fun !! That site looks so incredibly interesting I will come back and devour the information after my show is over …
    This morning I have been leaving comments on blogs with links to PUMA sites … including GRETA WIRE actually there were people on Gretawire ASKING about PUMAS and lots of people were leaving info and links .. did my heart good to see that .
    I subscribed to PUMAWIRE …….this morning 🙂
    been posting here and loving it ….

    Right now this very second as I am typing this I am on the air at http://www.cygnusradio.com doing my Neighborhood ( if you are on the internet you are in the neighborhood ) radio show … playing a song
    called FIND THE COST OF FREEDOM by an artist named PURA FE ….

    come on over if you are so inclined .. its internet radio . we are on iTUNES too .. dress is casual …:0

  9. Watching Obama this week, I am reminded of a Pride and Prejudice scene regarding the media’s differential approach to Hillary and Obama. Elizabeth speaks to her sister Jane regarding Wickham and Darcy with a line something like ‘… I’m afraid one has all the goodness and one has all the appearance of goodness.’

    Yes, PUMAs, I believe I have found it, the ultimate female tie-in. Concerned with his public personna, cheating, lying, amoral, corrupt, hyprocrite who sweet talks everyone, yes. From now on, when I see Backtrack Obama, I know I’m going to see Wickham’s face.

  10. I watched Meet the Press today to see if was any better now that Tucker is gone. I heard Obama called a Hillary supporter to explain that his problem with her as VP is Bill Clinton. I can’f find any articles on this. Does anyone have a link?

    From the last thread. I listened to Bill Clinton’s speech before the the Govenors’s and was reminded of how far the bar has been lowered by GWBush in terms of intellect. Clinton blends history, current events, analysis, science and is just sooo superior to Bush. Perhaps when people listen to Obama, the bar having been lowered to the floor in terms of intellect, they just can’t see or hear how Obama is another Bush. Even McCain who could’t touch either Clinton in intellect is superior to Obama. I really miss both of them. The DNC has robbed America.

  11. since you asked…

    am on the air doing my Neighborhood Radio show at this very second 🙂 at http://www.cygnusradio.com

    come on over dress is casual

  12. Parentofed – speaking of old movies/ videos, doesn’t BO reminds you of George Kittredge, the phony “Man of the people” from the Philadelphia Story?

  13. parentofed, on July 13th, 2008 at 12:47 pm Said:
    Watching Obama this week, I am reminded of a Pride and Prejudice scene regarding the media’s differential approach to Hillary and Obama. Elizabeth speaks to her sister Jane regarding Wickham and Darcy with a line something like ‘… I’m afraid one has all the goodness and one has all the appearance of goodness.’
    Yes, PUMAs, I believe I have found it, the ultimate female tie-in. Concerned with his public personna, cheating, lying, amoral, corrupt, hyprocrite who sweet talks everyone, yes. From now on, when I see Backtrack Obama, I know I’m going to see Wickham’s face.


    Spot on!

  14. If he wants to do that, then why not scrap it out at the convention and let the loser becomes VP? She should be choosing he she wants as running mate. He is not even nominated officially yet!

  15. Riverdaughter – I’m glad you’re ok after you venture into the Atlantic. I hear that Hurricane Bertha, way down Burmuda way, is so poerful that dangerous rip tides/currents were possible as far north as the Jersey Shore.

    It’s summer season/hurricane season/silly season. Nobody is following the election now that Hillary is not campaigning. Nobody is watching the news, period, except for shark stories.

  16. totally OT but….
    I can’t tell you how proud I am of RD & SM of the movement they have sparked and named….EVERYWHERE you go its astonishing to see PUMA, PUMA, PUMA.

    and it all started here… and has spread like a wildfire of truth and vindication. thank you for our safe place. thank you for putting thoughts and feelings into concerted action…
    and thank you in advance for your success.
    your uncompromising patriotism is the catalyst that is going to make all the difference in this election and by extension the world.

  17. MABlue, on July 13th, 2008 at 12:39 pm Said:

    Why should we even care about whom Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg endorses?

    Even funnier is that she leads the search committee for VPOTUS. What in the world qualifies her to select the VP of anything? What part of her resume am I overlooking?

    Don’t you know? Dynasties are OK, except when they are not. It’s wrong to say Hillary learned anthing from being in the WH for 8 years and going to more than 80 countries, but apparently little Carolyn’s time there 40 years ago can be counted.

    BTW, this is payment to Teddy Kennedy and his family. Carolyn gets her first politica job from BO, and runs for something else next. Her kids are grown, and she is ready to jump in.

  18. Here is the info on a few of my SD’s in Texas within a few minutes – guys this is doable. Let’s get busy!

    1 – an hour from my house (he can expect me to visit)
    2 – now a Texas Supreme Court judge and adjunct professor UT Law (wonder what he thinks about Rezko)
    3 wobbling and his district voted Clinton
    4 Cheerleader Decency Bill – wonder what he thinks about “ho’s”

    Our job can be done!

  19. Wow, thanks for the Sunday morning history lesson that was really interesting. I, too, am glad that you did injure yourself more. Wasn’t the water freezing?

    I’m off to make signs for our protest. Can you believe how lucky we are? Donna Brazile will be in SF Tuesday. She’s attending a fund raiser for Obambi. It’s like Christmas in July.

  20. Just so that you know – the site also posts the schedules of some of the delegates so that you will know where they are.

  21. Puma-SF: Why not sample some Donna? No, not Donna Summers, the other Donna.

    I would make posters conisisting of quotations from “The Best of Donna – the e-mails.”

    Puma 4 Evah

  22. You mean something about her “momma?

  23. Nah – Just quote from her hypergraphic e-mails responding to Hillary supporters.

    If I didn’t live on the east coast, I’d come over to your house with my oaktag paper and a big ole magic marker and help you make signs.

    Do they call it “oaktag paper” any more? When I was a kid we used to have to make posters for school projects, We actually took a course called “Geography.” I remember doing a poster called “Exports of Brazil.” I got an A on the poster because my map was so colorful. I also glued samples of the exports right on the map.

  24. Riverdaughter, I am so envious of anyone going to the Al Stuart concert tonight. I wish that I were home. Aaaargh….

    The info about the excavations is very interesting and I share your frustration about how this administration has so actively and purposefully taken us backward. The dumbing-down, resource-robbing, de-strengthening of America.

  25. Well,,, when i play my clips from obama saying something stupid I cue them with the jaws theme ….

    Welcome back from your vacation a little ATB ointment on that abrasion will heal it right up without a scar ….
    Hope you had fun !! That site looks so incredibly interesting I will come back and devour the information after my show is over …
    This morning I have been leaving comments on blogs with links to PUMA sites … including GRETA WIRE actually there were people on Gretawire ASKING about PUMAS and lots of people were leaving info and links .. did my heart good to see that .
    I subscribed to PUMAWIRE …….this morning 🙂
    been posting here and loving it ….

  26. Her “momma told [her]” that being obnoxious was equivalent to looking smart.

    I’m really starting thing her mother was Jerry Falwell.

  27. parentofed: Wickham. Love it. Smart.

  28. Watched most of Inside Washington. Nina Totenberg gave Backtrack a pass for FISA & flag pin. Mark Shields [never a Clinton supporter] not only gives him a pass on everything, but says Obama’s just moving to center.
    Clarence Page, who used to be interesting before joining the Obama tank, says Obama’s very sensible to become a centrist.

    An aside: discussing McCain, someone on IW said former pilots [McGovern, Glenn, McCain] aren’t good at managing campaigns since they’re used to being in charge. I think that’s bogus, but curious why they said it, of course these people are always trying to prove they’re interesting & have inside knowledge and skills.

  29. Should have made clear: Page wasn’t on IW, I just read his column this morning.

  30. I wish you all were here to give her a big Puma greeting. How about:


    I am not a racist and I am not a hater. I am a Democrat and I demand democracy.

    If you have an idea please pass it along.

    Her momma could be Jerry Falwell but whoever she is she sure did raise a fool.

  31. Wow RiverDaughter, glad to hear you are ok!

    What a great lesson in history and WHAT A SHAME that such historical places are so vulnerable.

    I read about the Ur place also being the source of the stories of creation, Adam & Eve and the stories were folk tales that spread through the region – which made it into the Bible.

  32. RD, glad you had a nice vacay and that you are okay from your tete a tete with Poseidon.

    PofEd, picking up on the commentary for today, I was surprised with the number one huggie bear of BZero, MoDo’s column today. She said something to the effect that if BZero makes it to the rose garden, he will always be an orchid since everything he does is cultivated.

    Might the bloom is gone from the lily or in this case the orchid?

  33. Why is it okay that BO is moving to the center but when we had a candidate who was already in the center, she was triangulating? Anybody?

  34. Regency, the word hypocrisy comes to mind.

    Read an article earlier in the week that compared BZero’s moves or should I say avalanches to Pres. Bill’s moves re: triangulation. The pundits never quite get to the point of equating the two, but of course, given how kool BZero is it would be called Triangushizzle.

  35. Triangushizzle. Teehee. Prolix, equating the two is the latest talking point. Some troll at Troll-Mart tried to feed me and a few others that line last night and I wasn’t buying. Bill had always been a centrist, but BO ran as a radical leftist to get the nom, then turned into a centrist.

  36. I’m sorry he turned into a Republican. Sometimes I confuse even myself.

  37. Reg, I agree with everything except the last clause and I’d adjust it just a little. To turn into something, you had to be something to begin with and end up as something once you transform. I don’t believe BZero has any core values at all — he’s a shape shifter without the enduring quirkiness of Odo from Beep Space Nine.

  38. Deep not Beep — hehehe

  39. Prolix, saw the MoDo article, but refused to read it on principle. I don’t trust that nutcase one bit, so I’d never try to presume her intent.
    No matter what kind of perfume the media tries to spray on this mess, I think the quote I mentioned earlier from Reg Henry nails it: “He hasn’t got a prayer of getting their vote anyway.”

    Obama is supposed to be smart, but why does he bother pandering to the right-wing? All he had to do was hold the line on Dems, and a few anit-Mccain Indys/Repubs would wander over anyway. Voila, an election won. He should have pandered to the Hillary voters. Of course, it’s too late for me, he could select my husband as VP and I won’t vote for him.

  40. two states: Yes, I think you’re right about George Kittridge. Of course, Kittridge wanted that life, Obama just wants the rewards. Plus, he wants to be hip, he wants to be seen as an academician, he can’t decide who he is. Like I said once before, Edina in Absolutely Fabulous.
    Funny how we keep seeing him as movie/tv roles. Guess none of us think we’re seeing the real Obama, just a carefully planned PhotoShopped sham.

  41. PofEd, I agree that I shouldn’t read MoDo on principle, but I can’t wait for the worm to turn with her. She’ll turn on BZero, as Shelby said in “Steel Magnolias,” that’s her signature color.

    The fight is for the 40% in the center and the real irony was that Hillary was already there. What is really funny is that the perfume he’s spraying is like that of a skunk — it only smells good to other skunks. You can see that the Obamaphiles are tolerant, but the votes that really will count, the 40% of centerists are not picking up the whiffs he’s laying down.

  42. I must say that Al Stewart’s early work, like Roads to Moscow, is amazing…

    I think I have maxed out for Senator Clinton’s primary — $2300?


  43. (p.s. I no this is not a McCain blog the PUMA message is what I am sharing)

    Could 2008 Be a McCain Landslide?

    By Kyle-Anne Shiver

    Excerpt: Time

    The Anti-Obama Vote

    The Republican anti-Obama vote, I believe, will hinge on two issues, namely, the Supreme Court and our war against IslamoFascism. Forward thinking Republican voters will vote for treading water with McCain for 4 years over letting the whole American ship go down to defeat.
    Disillusionment among loyal Democrats has already begun and is mounting rapidly. In the wake of Hillary Clinton’s concession, a great many disgruntled Democrats started a grassroots groundswell under one banner group, PUMA, which stands for: Party Unity My A**. There are already more than 200 separate groups that are uniting under the PUMA banner, with only one thing in common. They vow that, no matter what, they will not support Barack Obama. There is already “Democrats for McCain” gear and all the hoopla that goes with it.

  44. What am I doing?

    Last night I wrote to some Calif. media asking for PUMA exposure. They’re taking the bait, interested.

    Their Q? How BIG is PUMA now? (My columnist wants to know this.) And I want to know how HRC and Oblah differ on immigration. The Hispanic community is quietly waiting to see what’s up with Oman and they don’t like him one bit.

    Anyone with some ideas for me to give him so he can write about it? Our SoCal meetup is gathering small media attention, or trying to since we just started last night.

  45. 200 groups, got that. any more?

  46. Are there ANY agreed on norms anymore? I just got pissed at my governor for saying that flip flopping is okay. Idiot.

  47. I’m wondering how much money we have raised to pay off Clinton’s debt and how much she still owes. I don’t see this info anywhere. Can someone tell me?

  48. ok, now we ARE psychic, riverdaughter. i was reading about Gobekli Tepe just this weekend in my new book, “After the Ice”. the weird events there were part of the (literal) coverup – female deities were being replaced by male ones.

  49. and p.s. – they didn’t have wheelbarrows. the wheel – and pottery – hadn’t been invented yet. this stuff is SERIOUSLY old.

    they probably used digging sticks and baskets to move the dirt, like the amerind moundbuilders.

  50. “For those who wish to stay together in a long term commitment to the ideals and principles that Hillary Clinton has spent a lifetime promoting, http://Together4Us.com offers access for activists, funders, students, policy-makers and ordinary people to come together in support of each other and their goals for America. Please come to our website and join, use the code below to put our linked logo on your website and distribute our message and this code to all your network. Spread the word. We will be happy to put up a reciprocal link, your own co-branded web page on our site, or your own blog. Thanks so much, Gretchen Glasscock, Together4Us”

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