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Biden Town Hall Live

So refreshing to hear a rational human being presidential. It’s so calming. I can feel my heart rate slow down, my blood pressure getting lower.

He even understands the science of vaccines in smart, layman’s terms. It’s like he’s interested and paying attention.

I’m getting all verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves.


I didn’t watch the Trump Town Hall but this clip is all over Twitter. In it, Savannah Guthrie gets to the heart of the matter:

This is what we’re all thinking. He’s everybody’s crazy uncle who believes all the nutty stories he emails to you.

And he’s got the nuclear football and some grudges he wants to settle.

8 Responses

  1. If anyone is watching the Trump town hall, is he playing with his feces yet?

  2. I’m very happy to see Joe doing quite a good job. His answers are informative, just wish he’d slow down and gather his thoughts. It’s not a race.

  3. Well, he IS Mary Trump’s crazy uncle for sure.

  4. Did not watch, but THIS is totally unacceptable:

    Joseph R. Biden Jr. vowed to be “everybody’s president,” casting himself as a unifier who would work with Republicans should he be elected to the White House.

    Trump may be right about ‘Sleepy Joe’, he has obviously not been paying attention for the last 40+ years. First Regan, then Bush, and finally Trump have turned the Republican Party into a cult.

    NO REPUBLICANS in a Biden administration. If there are I am really hoping for President Harris to step in.

    • It’s definitely a risk.
      On the other hand, the way this election year is ending, there may not be a critical mass of Republicans left in 2021.
      I don’t think that’s an exaggeration.

      • I hope you are right, but you have more faith than I do.

        • I said *may*.
          Right now, they’re not the most popular people in the country. They might get their Supreme Court justice but they’re making themselves even less popular as time progresses.

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