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Happy Pi Day

What’s your favorite pie?

Mine is key lime.


Re: Cuomo.

I don’t really have much of an opinion. He was instrumental in keeping us sane during the peak of the pandemic last year when almost no one else was willing or able to do that. So, you know, he’s not all bad.

The accusations of against him? I dunno. Maybe some of them are serious enough to have him Frankened. Some sounded just paternalistic, like the way a dad might treat his daughter. Not exactly professional but hardly harassment. I guess I wonder about the timing. If these allegations were so serious, why now? Why not back when Cuomo was trying to bogart the mic from DJT?

I’m not that familiar with NY politics but I do know that Cuomo’s popularity peaked there some time ago. Lots of people in his own party are not happy with him. Whether or not the charges against him would allow them to boot him out of office is another question.

I’d try to impeach him for being a bully at work against everyone he worked with, not just women. That seems like the consensus about him from his subordinates. He’s just a dick. And a mean one.

The problem is that impeachment should be reserved for really REALLY serious offenses. Like using the power of your office to extort another country to dig up dirt on your opponent. Holding that country’s national defense capabilities hostage for political dirt. Violating all diplomatic norms and using the political power for personal gain. Or inciting an insurrection, conspiring to stage an insurrection, causing the death of police officers, all for the purpose of disrupting democratic processes. Or engaging in racketeering practices to change a legitimate electoral outcome.

I’m not saying that there’s no there there with respect to the sexual harassment claims. But I’d like to see a full and thorough investigation of the allegations before filing articles of impeachment. Anything less would cheapen the impeachment process in the same way that a blow job between two consenting adults was elevated to “bribery, treason or high crimes and misdemeanors”. It would be a crime in itself if we nullified impeachment altogether or made it all about sex and unequal power between individuals while leaving out any possibility of impeaching for crimes against the state itself.

Let’s put the sexual harassment charges in a courtroom, not a statehouse.

16 Responses

  1. Fresh boysenberry pie. Very hard to get unless someone bakes it for you.

    If we are at the point where people are going to be thrown out of office because some other people don’t like their management style, then we will have open season on Democrats, because we know that Republicans are never going to resign for that, they will just vehemently deny it, blame the accusers, and stay in office as heroes. Democrats will be eliminated one by one, at least those who pose a threat to Republicans.

    Outside of dramatic extremes, this poring over someone’s management history: was he angry at times, demanding, even mean; did he occasionally say something which someone might deem inappropriate, should not be definitive in terms of him staying in office until he is voted our or termed out. Or, if people want to think it is appropriate to force him or her to resign of be impeached for it, then prepare for more of these. Maybe someone will accuse Adam Schiff, or any Democratic Senator, who is of course the swing vote, of saying or doing something or other, and then the media frenzy will ramp up again. Remember those stories about Amy Klobuchar, how she was a mean boss, yelled at people, threw things was hated by her staff? All over the NYT. i always figured that it came from the Harris or Warren people, but who knows? Democrats never seem to learn the effects of this.t

  2. Happy Pi Day!

    • “You’re suspicions are imaginary”?

      • The small i is the mathematical symbol for an imaginary number.
        I remember learning about them in higher algebra, though I don’t remember the concepts, but they are apparently useful for advanced algebraic equations. And then Pi is an irrational number because it is not a repeating decimal, it continues after the decimal point with a series of never-ending numbers, for however long one wants to keep computing it. So the cartoon is quite clever. I only explain this because while you are a science and game show whiz, i think I remember you saying that you were not good at math.

        • I know that “i” is the square root of -1, which is seemingly impossible so that it’s imaginary.
          I also know that “i” is used in the Fourier transform so you pretty much can’t do crystallography without it.
          I also know that since it’s an imaginary number whose value we can’t translate, you have to carry that sucker around in the damn equation, which is almost but not quite as annoying as schlepping around an operator.
          My advice is to arrange your equation so you can cancel it ASAP.
          I really do suck at math.

          • That is very impressive for someone who doesn’t think she is good at math! 🙂

          • I’m not. I went to 14 schools before I graduated from high school. I am very bad at arithmetic and get panic attacks when I have to take tests. But I get the overall concept of most stuff. Like Hamiltonians I get but Dirac – Delta? Ehhhh… not so much.

      • I posted this cartoon simply as a second pi joke; I was not making a comment on anything.

  3. I am also a Key Lime lover… But I can’t remember the last time I had a really GOOD slice of Key LIme.

    • For what it’s worth, which is nothing in this context, there was a pop/rock group in the ’80’s called Camper Van Beethoven, who had n album called “Key Lime Pie.” There may have been a picture of it on the cover.

  4. I too am suspicious about the timing of this so called Cuomo scandal. Regardless of their character and history, I have a lot of respect for people who actually stand up in a crisis and do what is necessary. I keep thinking in this regard of LBJ who, while majority leader in the Senate, did the unthinkable and enacted Medicare, Voting Rights and Civil Rights legislation. Whereas Obama, with his sterling character, did not have the moral courage to say to McConnell that he would go public with Russian meddling in the 2016 election regardless. This would have been a great opportunity to shame and embarrass McConnell. And, of course, might have gotten Hillary elected. Ah well.

  5. I’m making a quiche. Does that count as pie?

  6. Welp, I went for my heart catheterization angiogram today.


    No coronary arteries were blocked. The only abnormal thing about my heart was that the heart muscle wall was thicker than normal. That probably results from my years of hypertension (aka high blood pressure), which I already take medicine for, and it works most of the time, keeping my BP in the safe levels.

    So it looks like all I need to do is keep losing weight down to my goal, and regulating my intake of sodium, cholesterol, and “bad” fats (saturated and trans). :mrgreen:

  7. That sounds like mostly good news!

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