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Michelle Obama Speaks

On Good Morning America this morning, Michelle Obama denied that she is against having Hillary Clinton on the ticket with her husband.

“I think the world of Hillary Clinton, particularly as a woman…There is no way that I would say absolutely not to one of the most successful and powerful and groundbreaking women on this planet.”

Well isn’t that nice.

Is this part of the new “suck up to Clinton supporters” strategy? Michelle goes on to say that

one of the things she has said is that the nominee has earned the right to pick a running mate who suits them. Adds she doesn’t want to have any say in it.

Hmmm…. O-kaaaay. Sure, Michelle.

For his part, tough-talkin’ Barack warned the Tennessee Republican Party to “lay off my wife.” The Obamas were offended by a you tube video that featured Michelle Obama saying in February that she was proud of her country for the first time. Obama said

“The GOP, should I be the nominee, can say whatever they want to say about me, my track record,” Obama said. “If they think that they’re going to try to make Michelle an issue in this campaign, they should be careful because that I find unacceptable, the notion that you start attacking my wife or my family.”

He called the strategy “low class.”

Oh really? Reactions, Conflucians?

Update: Here is the video from the GMA interview.

82 Responses

  1. Oh, Lord, “the notion”. WTH hell is Byrd doing? What a bastard. Is this supposed to help BO in KY?

  2. Is this the same Michelle Obama who had to think a while before she’d vote for Hillary?

    Or a different one?

  3. Color me unimpressed.

    Thank you.

  4. kissing up to us

    her husband desperately needs our votes

    nice to say but the motive must be questioned

    kissing up for sure….trying to butter us up

  5. Code blue (“stark reality”) mode. That’s all it is.

  6. “no way that I would say absolutely not” is NOT kissing up.

  7. he realizes he’s in deep effin s**t

    maybe he’s seen that Oregon poll which must be quite a shocker, and the Ky poll, which will only get wider

    so he decides not to declare victory, his wife is extolling Hillaryu’s virtues,

    maybe he is in trouble….

  8. didn’t work for me. Still can’t vote for him

  9. “Liar, liar, pants on fire!”

  10. And just to be a little “snarky” today with Byrd jumping ship, has anyone put a mirror under his nose lately?

  11. Is this part of the new “suck up to Clinton supporters” strategy?

    Hmmm, lemme see…YEP!

    Based on what we’re seeing from the trolls, Obama, and now his wife, I’m guessing the Obama campaign is freaking the hell out over the backlash.

    Oh, well.

    Too late.

    Too bad.

    So sad.

  12. Never again should anyone say that superdelegates can’t vote however they want. WV goes for Hillary by 41 percentage points and both senators ignore the people’s choice. Nice.

  13. Didn’t Teddy Kennedy say bad things about Hillary when discussing why she shouldn’t be VP choice…..This statement by Obama looks silly and immature…The nice thing about Hillary is all the badmouthing of her she just laughs off and never takes seriously which is the perfect reaction IMO…

  14. She seems to be positioning as a “weaker” wife than she was a couple months ago. Oh no, I don’t have an opinion… anyone want some tea?

    I wonder how that is supposed to appeal to Hillary voters? Isn’t Hillary tough as nails? Don’t we LOVE that about her? Why would a wimpy wife for first lady appeal to us?

    I don’t think it is for us, I think it is for SDs worried that obama would choose another VP.

  15. I thought the ad was effective. It was her own words and didn’t pick on her. Obama constantly insists everyone play by his rules. The fact that he even thinks that’s an option shows how arrogant and ill prepared he is to an American President. About the Byrd endorsement it’s par for the course. Just more evidence of the backroom deals going on. Reminds me of the stuff I’ve been reading on RezkoWatch (Chicago Combine, etc.). The Democratic Party either needs a complete overhaul or we need a third party.

  16. About that Byrd:

    If I hear anybody bring up the guffaw inducing fallacy that “delegates represent the will of the people” one more time, I’m gonna run amok.

  17. MABlue: I’ve got my sneakers on. We can “run amok” together. These delegates should be tiebreakers not opinion makers. They are attaching their allegiance to a tricycle instead of a moving train.

  18. I hope Hillary does NOT join the ticket as his vice president. Michelle knows if Hillary is on the ticket Obama would have the race locked up. I will not vote for Obama with or without Hillary on the ticket. Michelle is not the woman to represent this country as the first lady. She thinks america is mean and she is not proud of america, she sounds like she was paying attention to like Rev. Wrights’ sermons for the past 20 years. I will vote for Hillary as president. If Hillary is not the nominee I will vote for McCain. I will not vote for Hillary as the vice president.

  19. Wow, Barack will consider attacks on his wife ‘unacceptable’ and tells the GOP they better ‘watch out’.

    What’s he going to do, hold his breath until he turns blue?


  20. Well… Michelle decided to campaign for her Husband… I think it’s fair game to go after her…

    Isn’t Obama going after Bill Clinton’s record anyways… so why can’t the GOP go after her? or is it only fair when Obama does it?

  21. Well, well, well. What’s new pussycat? Whoa, whoa-ah-whoa-oh-oooooooh!

    My FOS (full of -ish!) obameter’s going off again. Those Obama’s can really lay it on thick. Oh yeah, got me convinced. Now where do I sign up? Or is it a blood pact?

  22. Remember when Hillary said she was not about to stay home and bake cookies? Remember the Tammy Wynette reference? The media tore her to pieces. It was the beginning of the Hillary hate war. Michele is no different. If you want to play in the big leagues you have to take whatever is dished out. If you don’t like it then adopt the Laura Bush attitude. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. You hardly know she is there.

  23. I love the way that big, tough Barack stood up for the little woman. The fact that she has played a key role in the campaign, and has attacked President Clinton and the soon-to-be President Clinton countless times, seems to be lost on him. I think that I need a list of things that Obama will not allow me to do. Of course, I can not mentions his minister, his drug use, his wife’s yuckiness, his inexperience, his cheating in caucuses, his house purchase, his ties to terrorists,… RD will need to get more band width if I list them all. PS I can’t believe Byrd. What a loser, I am so glad that I am not a Democrat anymore.

  24. It’s too bad they didn’t ask Michelle about the time she said she wanted to claw Bill Clinton’s eyes out or when she implied that Hillary wasn’t qualified to be prez because she put up with Bill cheating on her. That would have been interesting.

  25. LOL! He can’t be serious. Do you remember how Rush et al went after Hilary and poor Chelsea? She was like, what? 12? 13? Oh, yeah, didn’t matter in the slightest. What’s he going to do? Suspend the first amendment?
    As for the VP thing, I will not vote for Obama at the top of the ticket. Sorry, that is a deal breaker. Non-negotiable. You couldn’t pay me enough money to make me do that. The ONLY way I will vote for Obama is if Hillary is at the top and he is her VP.
    So, the commentators and pundits and Michelle can just stop floating that meme. As far as I’m concerned, it’s Hillary #1 or me an my vote walk.

  26. Wow, Barack will consider attacks on his wife ‘unacceptable’ and tells the GOP they better ‘watch out’.

    And in all of this nary a peep is brought up about the degree of scrutiny leveled against Hillary throughout the 1992 election cycle. But of course, what am I thinking: it’s a well-known fact both Bill and Hill’ kick puppies while smacking babies at least 3 days a week and twice on Sundays.

  27. So, playing a clip of Michelle Obama saying something is considered an attack? That’s ludicrous.

    And honey, Hillary could tell you all about what it’s like to really be the focus of an organized GOP attack. If the Obamas think this is too much to handle, they need to go back to Chicago. (I will say right now, though, that their little girls are off limits and I hope the Repubs don’t go there.)

  28. From this New Yorker smooch piece on Michelle Obama, we get this from Craig Robinson, MO’s brother:

    I asked Robinson about Bill Clinton’s “fairy tale” comment. “He’s straight up saying things that aren’t true,” Robinson responded. “And it was great, because Barack didn’t go crazy. He just said, ‘Hey, we just have to say something when somebody says something that’s blatantly not true.’ No one’s ever called those people on it.” He went on, “Michelle and Barack’s plan is to win this election. They can’t be worried about what he says. I mean, you know, sometimes you get angry. But it’s so ludicrous that it’s almost comical. It really is. It really is. And the whole crying now before every primary? You’ve got to be kidding me. If I was a woman, I’d be embarrassed for her,” he said of Hillary Clinton.

    Nice. Shouldn’t some apologies be the starting point of any “I have a great deal of respect for Hillary Clinton” charade?

    PS. To all of us men out there: Never ever start your sentence with “If I was a woman”. Never. Ever.

  29. Dear Michele: You had me at hello. <snark

  30. Anyone want to accuse Obama of pimping his wife like MSNBC said about Clinton’s daughter, just to find out how long their token suspension will last? I place the over/under at 1000 years.

  31. RD,

    I think Lambert is right. Obama Nation is currently in the “blue” “stark reality” zone. They have temporarily realized that Barack may not be getting all of Hillary’s voters, as he so presumptuously claimed way back when.

  32. Oh my. Does she like Hillary’s tone now? It’s acceptable to her? So happy to hear that a 30-something hospital administrator now finds respect for Hillary Clinton.

    Amazing that it’s taking them this long to realize their jaw-dropping arrogance and disrespectful behavior is going to cost them the general election. And even still, it’s as though the realization is barely getting through. That is, of course, IF Obama is the nominee.

  33. Michelle Obama hasn’t been shy about injecting herself in to the campaign — as at the Trumpet awards in January, when she vouched for the fairy tale version of Bill’s “fairy tale” remark, and publicly snubbed HIllary’s eminent African-American supporters.

    As First Lady, she’d never get away with a “hands off” press policy. No dice.

  34. Guys, you are not getting it. She says she would NOT say ABSOLUTELY NOT. That’s hardly a compliment. Further, suddenly Hillary is a powerful woman? Neither Obama ever ONCE mentioned the significance of Hillary’s run before this statement by MO. Color me unimpressed.

  35. Guys and gals, just like any run-of-the-mill, textbook dysfunctional relationship, you need to take whatever attention you may get – good or bad – and consider it attention. Attention, in our case, = worry. The more they talk about us, piss about us, moan about us, scream about us – it’s about us and it means they’re worried. Take every piece of crap as a cookie of concern.

    Who wants chocolate chip?

  36. Don’t worry, Barack. You’ll have plenty of free time to walk your dog after the Convention.

  37. @BB: I wish they were in stark reality mode because they would realize the only way he’ll get to the White House in ’08 is as VP. Instead, Obama is going all-out to get the nomination and, thus, doom our chances in November.*

    *Even Obama/Clinton wouldn’t work. No VP can help Obama.

  38. Davidson,

    You’re right. Nothing will help him. But to me the most unbelieveable part of the interview was when Michelle said that she wasn’t going to have any input into the VP decision. My guess is Michelle has more input into every decision than Barack does.

  39. Elixier has put it all into perspective. Absolutely correct. As long as they are talking about us they have come to the right conclusion that maybe there is movement afoot to block this supposed march to victory. They thought they could do it with just the few constituencies they had but have now come to the realization that they have alienated a large piece of the populace whom they will need come November. I am sticking to my guns: too little, too late. We have seen Obama for what he really is and the transformation is phony.

  40. And color me unconvinced. Must be some serious arm twisting going on if Michelle Obama is going to try and make nice. Problem is, she’s not very good at it. Personally I don’t like her “tone” and she doesn’t come across as “sincere” to me. Words matter and sometimes those words come back and bite ya in the ass.

  41. You’re right Melanie, the whole “There is no way that I would say absolutely not ” is a veiled “yeah, but I’d say ‘maybe not'”

    Regardless, Operation RAT Sweetie Software has bumped into Operation TurnDown, Mad as Hell, No vote for Obama Write in Chelsea’s Mama.

    For a nicey word to come out of Michelle Obama regarding the wife of a man whose eyes she wants to rip out and make omlettes with, I give you a “bitch, please” and a “talk to the hand cuz my vote doesn’t understand” with french fries on the side.

  42. Reminds me of Ms. Benita on “In Living Color”. instead of Ms. Jenkins its Sen Clinton. “nobody better say nothin bout sen. clinton, she is a strong woman, a tough woman” (aside)-“just don’t ever make her mad, that woman is a real b***, but I ain’t one to gossip, so you didin’t hear nothing from me….”

  43. @BB: The Democratic Party doesn’t understand that people vote for the top of the ticket and when you put an empty suit running a personality-based campaign who has exploited misogyny, the race card, and has close ties to inflammatory or corrupt figures, there’s nothing anyone can do to save him. Nothing. My God, even the entire media industry, a huge money advantage, misogyny, and a DNC rigging the primary system couldn’t help him win one critical state or build a coalition beyond AAs, rich white liberals, and students.

    Honestly, for Michelle’s sake (and her daughters) I pray Obama doesn’t get the nomination because the media and the GOP will eat her alive. Worse, she’ll get the full heat of misogyny leveled at her, in which she’ll be blamed for any failure. No one deserves that.

  44. LMBO @ Gary! I remember. I remember. 🙂

  45. AT LAST!!! Obama unveils the very first of his revolutionary New Rules of Politics, the heretofore unrevealed sacred texts around which his Movement is constructed.

    New Rule of Politics, #1: Nobody gets to say mean things about my wife, even if my wife says mean things about my opponent and her husband.

  46. is it possible to hate the obama’s any more than i do.
    do they have to keep talking? Can’t they just go away?

  47. Chloe, on May 19th, 2008 at 1:38 pm Said:

    “I hope Hillary does NOT join the ticket as his vice president. Michelle knows if Hillary is on the ticket Obama would have the race locked up. I will not vote for Obama with or without Hillary on the ticket. Michelle is not the woman to represent this country as the first lady. She thinks america is mean and she is not proud of america, she sounds like she was paying attention to like Rev. Wrights’ sermons for the past 20 years. I will vote for Hillary as president. If Hillary is not the nominee I will vote for McCain. I will not vote for Hillary as the vice president.”

    Now, I understand the principled arguments against an Obama vote by all of the strong Hillary supporters. But, even Riverdaughter said she’d vote Obama with Hillary in the #2 spot. This business of voting McCain is either just a knee-jerk (and completely understandable) reaction to all the sexism, an ill-conceived strategy to somehow “punish” the BO folks, OR a Republican’s plan. That would be my guess, Chloe. Why? Because you could always just not vote instead. Why in the world would you — would anyone –want to cast their ballot for McCain? Do you really want another (possibly worse) four years of Bush2 (or 3, however you want to count it)? Can you believe that such a result would be in ANY way better than whoever the Democratic party put on the ticket?

    Look, I’m just as disgusted with ALL of it… I want Hillary as the nominee, too. But, please, let’s not make Michelle O the new whipping “girl” to give McCain any kind of legitmacy. I never thought I’d seriously advocate just NOT VOTING for president, but it would be far better than giving our votes to a dangerous candidate and a reprehensible party.

    Actually, I was tempted to vote for Cynthia McKinney, the Green Party candidate (although I’d probably have to write her in as third parties are generally not recognized state to state). But, I won’t do it, even though I agree with the Party’s platform and think McKinney was shafted by the big boys in DC and is certainly presidential material. But… I WON’T DO IT. I will not contribute to any more Republicans winning ANYTHING.

    Please, Chloe (if you aren’t a closet Republican here to stir up votes for your side) and everybody else thinking the same way, if you can’t vote Obama, don’t vote McCain. Just DON’T VOTE FOR PRESIDENT AT ALL.

  48. I have this really sinking feeling that the DNC is going to try to force Hillary to take the VP slot, thinking that will passify all the “little women” and “sweeties” out there to vote for the ticket. Being male elitists, I’m sure they could actually convince themselves of that. Somehow, we need to make sure that they understand this won’t passify us, nor will it make us vote for him. That would be my worst nightmare. I don’t want Hillary’s good name associated with that sleazeball in any way. Let him choose Ayres or Rezko and just throw it all right out there for everyone to see.

    As to Michelle’s latest pronouncement, I’m reminded of the Church Lady and her usual comment: “Well isn’t that special?”

  49. AO, the problem with your argument is that for many of us an Obama presidency is the worst possible outcome. I will not vote for McCain, but I will use my vote to do what I can to insure that Obama does not become President. It seems to me that you are following Obama’s gameplan of trying to win elections by suppressing votes. I will not stay home, I will actively campaign against Obama IF he is the nominee…which is nowhere near a certainty in my opinion. If that does happen I am sure there will be a viable alternative for my vote in Nov besides McCain, but thanks for your concern….

  50. Sorry, I take back my last post. It was neither original nor clever. I’m just thoroughly tired of the Obamas and their utter disregard for any of the basics of acceptable human behavior.

  51. BO/MO are a PRODUCT – the DNC is trying to market to select few Dem voters with the help of corporate media. There are two ways the Dem party could go – actually have a succintly qualified candidate or try for a “pocket” candidate and control him. They chose the wrong candidate. This is Bush all over again except our own party is the culprit and he qualifies even less in experience and character, hence more dangerous.

    BO/MO have said some of the most moronically stupid statements ever made by a politician. They have been protected by Corp Media, but also the DNC. That any media would provide cover for these idiots is amazing. I guess I just have a longer memory and actually think words matter. Not to mention actions.

    Who cares what they say now. Pols is pols does not justify what they have been saying and doing. Screaming racist, denigrating superior party members, withholding votes/delegates of FL/MI just doesn’t get it in my book.

    The only real record of these two people we have is this campaign – it is ugly and hateful – BO’s book is a fairy tale, 65% untrue, he changes policy at the drop of hat. Michelle is shrill and nasty. The Democratic party is no longer representing me. I did not suffer through these past 7.5 years to be given the task of propping up a woefully inadequate and piss poor candidate with shrew as a wife.

    The only win possible is Hillary Clinton. I am getting dangerously close to using the same words I used to describe the Rethugs, vile and vermanious to describe my life long party -D-. Each day hardens my resolve. We have seen the best these two have in this campaign – we unthinking believed they really were “the ones” – geesh, the arrogance is palpable. They had fun smearing Hillary, no holds barred. Now they are changing tune, maybe realize they went over the top? Power is an intoxicate – the shallow and weak use it to attack and keep others down. Those who are not power grabbers, insipate, use it to raise themselves and others up to a higher level – they are humane, humble and trustworthy.

    When you juxtapose Clinton vs Obama it is so clear –

  52. But, even Riverdaughter said she’d vote Obama with Hillary in the #2 spot.

    When did RD make such remarks? Guess that one completely slipped past me – never read that, ever.

  53. Gary, you just brought back some happy memories for me and made me laugh out loud. I never missed “In Living Color.” That was the best comedy shoe evah!

  54. Edwardian, Riverdaughter never said that. She said she would vote for Obama only as Hillary’s VP, and then reluctantly.

  55. For a political campaign that was called “masterful” their wheels have totally come off.

    Hubris will do that to ya.

  56. She obviously got the memo. There are many reasons not to vote for BO, but the biggest one is the way he wants to reshape the Party.Obviously the Democratic leaders are deciding this race. they show zero concern for what ordinary people want or how they are voting.pox on them all! I will write in Hillary.

  57. Obama would not offer HIllary the VP (in the alternate universe where Obama steals the nomination.)

    Obama does not understand the depths of his problems with the Democratic base.

  58. “Edwardian, Riverdaughter never said that. She said she would vote for Obama only as Hillary’s VP, and then reluctantly.”

    Exactly. That I’ve known to be her stance on this matter. In fact, what I can recall RD stating, regarding this matter, is that she’d personally find it hard to respect such a decision by Hillary – accepting the VP position to Obama.

  59. AO, sweetie, some of us think McCain would be better than Bambi. Which is saying a lot. So if Bambi is foisted on us, we’ll be voting for McCain to ensure that the Precious doesn’t win by default. And riverdaughter–blessings on the heads of her and her generations!–doesn’t even attempt to dictate to us. Unlike some people we could mention.

  60. Obama trotting out his wife is the way he shows his love to American women. See, he has a wife and knows a woman personally.

  61. So, playing a clip of Michelle Obama saying something is considered an attack? That’s ludicrous.

    Beyond ludicrous… the clip is of her speaking at an Obama campaign event ON BEHALF OF HIS CAMPAIGN! Since when is the “fair game” status of any public campaign event in question. Only a demagogue of the worst order would think that demanding obedience on that one could fly.

  62. edwardian, on May 19th, 2008 at 2:41 pm Said:

    “‘But, even Riverdaughter said she’d vote Obama with Hillary in the #2 spot.’ When did RD make such remarks? Guess that one completely slipped past me – never read that, ever.”

    bostonboomer, on May 19th, 2008 at 2:46 pm Said:

    “Edwardian, Riverdaughter never said that. She said she would vote for Obama only as Hillary’s VP, and then reluctantly.”

    edwardian, on May 19th, 2008 at 2:49 pm Said:

    “‘Edwardian, Riverdaughter never said that. She said she would vote for Obama only as Hillary’s VP, and then reluctantly.’

    “Exactly. That I’ve known to be her stance on this matter. In fact, what I can recall RD stating, regarding this matter, is that she’d personally find it hard to respect such a decision by Hillary – accepting the VP position to Obama.”

    I am correctly chastised — and corrected. I don’t frequent comment sections often and wasn’t familiar with Riverdaughter’s stance. I glanced too quickly over her words in this thread and did a dislexian thing, I guess. Really sorry about that.

    riverdaughter, on May 19th, 2008 at 1:54 pm Said:
    “…The ONLY way I will vote for Obama is if Hillary is at the top and he is her VP.”

    Quite clear. I apologize to her and anybody who may have been offended by my inference.

    Believe me, I grasp the depth of feeling regarding both Hillary and BO, and I always respect someone’s honestly held thoughts. I never, ever knowingly mis-repesent others’ words.

    Best to all.

  63. Not only does he have a wife, who has said a couple of nice kiss up sentences about Hillary, but he is sticking up for her too.

    Is that supposed to make women see him as a good guy? So now we can vote for him? because after all, he is protecting her?

    Can we epect his campaign to now roll out the kids ?

  64. garychapelhill, on May 19th, 2008 at 2:37 pm Said:

    “AO, the problem with your argument is that for many of us an Obama presidency is the worst possible outcome. I will not vote for McCain, but I will use my vote to do what I can to insure that Obama does not become President. It seems to me that you are following Obama’s gameplan of trying to win elections by suppressing votes. I will not stay home, I will actively campaign against Obama IF he is the nominee…which is nowhere near a certainty in my opinion. If that does happen I am sure there will be a viable alternative for my vote in Nov besides McCain, but thanks for your concern…”

    Gary, I’m going to take “but thanks for your concern” in a positive way, and not compare it to a “sweetie” comment (that was/is a joke).

    Of course you must do what you feel in your heart is right. And THANK YOU for saying you will not vote for McCain.

    I have to take issue, though, with your comment “It seems to me that you are following Obama’s gameplan of trying to win elections by suppressing votes. I will not stay home…”

    Maybe my suggestion to not vote McCain might play into such a strategy, but I follow nobody’s “game plan.” My determination not to cast my ballot for McCain is just in my blood, it’s visceral. I cannot support the man, and there are numerous sites on the web that illustrate why he is a horrible alternative.

    I wasn’t advocating anyone should stay home. No doubt all states have very crucial races going on for senate and local offices and ballot initiatives. People need to vote, even if there is still evidence out there of much vote tampering in the electronic voting systems.

    For me, it’s just an issue of, well, I’ve been voting for years and more times AGAINST somebody than in favor of a person I can genuinely suppot. This time I told myself I will not do that. I’d just rather pass. Fortunately, the Republican choice makes my decision easy.

    Gary, one note. As I said at the start, you need to do what you need to do…and that includes actively campaigning against BO. But, how about putting some of that energy into campaigning FOR someone in your state or county or city, somebody you CAN support in good conscience. It’s a great feeling, isn’t it, to be able to put a positive spin on something in the election process, and sweet indeed when your candidate wins. Some years, that’s our only consolation.

    Best to you.

  65. Ann On, on May 19th, 2008 at 2:53 pm Said:

    “AO, sweetie, some of us think McCain would be better than Bambi. Which is saying a lot. So if Bambi is foisted on us, we’ll be voting for McCain to ensure that the Precious doesn’t win by default. And riverdaughter–blessings on the heads of her and her generations!–doesn’t even attempt to dictate to us. Unlike some people we could mention.”

    Ann, unfortunately you’ve chosen to pull out all your stops in answer to my comments. That’s your right to free speech which I’ll always, always defend. And, like Hillary, I’m impervious. But, why don’t you try speaking to somebody you don’t know in a less menacing way? You can still get your points across.

    In this case, I get it, you’d rather give McCain another vote. Also, your right. Yet, for reasons I’ve given above, I could never follow your lead. I know firsthand about McCain from years in his homestate. Keating is one name that should be on everyone’s mind. Although, from what I’m reading now, apparently that episode is the least of our worries. McCain is absolutely against everything sensible people think and want. If you don’t agree, please explain how any sane person makes a joke about bombing Iran to a Beach Boys tune… or who calls his wife a c— in public. And we might wish to keep our eyes on all the resignations that are coming out of his campaign on a daily basis. There’s so much more, but you can google it yourself.

    Let’s hope Hillary gets the nomination and then all such thoughts of supporting a truly frightening alternative can remain that. Just thoughts.

    Best to you, Ann.

  66. SM is on with Steve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  67. O.M.G.

    The biggest, baddest of the “blogger boiz”, er, wimenz, is Arianna Huffington in her post on Hillary today. The “nicest” one she’s ever made. See, she got the message to play nice with the Hillary supporters and she’s as good as all 400 of those Obama posters put together.

    You see, Hillary is triumphant, in her defeat. How’s that? Yes, it’s n historic defeat? Huh? WTF?

    Check out the picture on the headlines and the article and weep. What a big, bad load of BS this is!

    “Hillary Clinton’s Defeat: A Historic Triumph”

  68. AO,

    Enough lectures, OK? No one is intending to be menacing. We just don’t appreciate being told what to do by someone we “don’t know” This blog has a specific purpose–providing a home for Clinton supporters who have been driven out of the big liberal blogs. Each individual here will make up his or her own mind about the election. We are not “low information voters” and don’t need any further education.

    And yes, I do have a senate race I want to vote in. I plan to vote against John Kerry. I’ll vote against any Democrat who endorses Obama.

  69. Oh, wait, that’s not all there is to what M.O. said (I can’t even get myself to type out her name, I hate her so much):

    “I think the world of Hillary Clinton, particularly as a woman, having watched her go through a lot of what I might be going through and doing it with a level of grace, and raising a phenomenal daughter,” Michelle Obama said.



    she’s incorrigible.

    and the article is titled “Obama resists temptation to declare victory”

    Well, I resisted temptation today to declare myself the Queen of Timbuctoo. I also resisted temptation today to have another piece of the leftover, yummy chocolate cake on my kitchen counter. Methinks I deserve an article too.

  70. Hey RD—

    Is AO showing more of that ratshit power dynamic crap? The posts go from faux-concern to faux-empathy to advice to where Gary should put his energy. And see how it goes to dissing McCain and concerns about issues.

    And yet each post retains that unmistakable stench of flopsweat and suppressed rage.

    The length of the posts suggests sweetie-R.A.T.S. get paid by the word.


  71. Good grief, the Obamas really do believe they are above the commoners, don’t they? Obama decrees that no one shall speak ill of his wife and family? Where has that shallow, phony hypocrite been and why has he never condemned the attacks on the Clintons? What makes him so special? Oh, wait, that’s right — he’s precious. Ugh. Then again, he waited ages to admonish his fanbase to be nice… until he was about to declare himself emperor while the corporate media fawned and applauded.

    Hoo boy, did NOT need to see this one today.

  72. Too bad for her Michelle Obama can’t take back the things that have already been said. (And written.)

  73. As I said in another post, gay men (I include myself in that group) can sniff this stuff out a mile away. We’ve been bullied, lied to, been patted on the head for a long time. And if the Obamas think we are going to fall for this load of crap they have another thing coming. We want Cindy McCain as first lady, dammit!

  74. Hello all…

    I have absolutely NOTHING to do with the Obama campaign or its people. I’m a “woman of age,” who tries very hard to be fair online and in life. If I came off as sounding in lecture mode, I’m sorry. You don’t know me, and things often get misunderstood in comments. I was making suggestions ONLY. I never tell people how they should think or what they should do. I try never to be nasty or hurtful to anybody and the reason I used “menacing” to define the way I perceived one person’s tone was simply, that’s how it felt to me.

    Please let it occur to all who obviously visit here regularly that sometimes people (like me) just drop in to read and want to make a contribution. That’s it. Isn’t it okay to do that? I didn’t realize it was more or less of a closed club. Why would you want to chase away a person who likes Hillary, and hopes she ends up being the Democratic nominee? Isn’t the point to rally ’round?

    To sum up, I meant no offense to posters. I offered my own thoughts only, to be taken or left at will.

    By the way, I’ve been a feminist (yes, I actually LIKE that word) for most of my life. There is nothing more I would like to see than Hillary taking the oath of office. May it be so,

  75. AO, I think a significant number of us ended up here after frequenting other political blogs where, gradually, the atmosphere degenerated into all-out war against Clinton supporters and nothing was off the table – personal attacks, rudeness, insults, etc.

    I haven’t read what was said previously on this post, but a few folks from those same blogs have stopped by here and as a Conflucian said yesterday, it feels a little like they weren’t through pissing on us elsewhere & followed over here to piss on us some more. I know that all sounds terribly aggrieved but I did think it was a shame that sites I’d read and posted on for years suddenly became thoroughly hostile to rational discussion. Well, I guess they always were to Republicans (I also wish that weren’t the case) but never expected it to be directed at a Democrat (Lieberman doesn’t count, although that got vicious too).

    Hence the.. wariness.

  76. There are many reasons not to vote for BO, but the biggest one is the way he wants to reshape the Party.

    Absolutely. I want no part of his New Politics.

  77. KAYLA B,

    You sound angry. Let it go. Calling people names because they don’t agree with you is bad Karma. If you think “Michelle” is so wonderful then list her qualities. Don’t lash out, anger leads to stress, stress, can lead to high blood pressure, constipation, diabetes, and stokes.

    And if you are in the 15 million that “Michelle’s” wonderful husband chose not to cover…then you are screwed.

    So let it go.

    Peace be with you.

  78. AO actually the “thanks for your concern” was this southerners take on “Bless your heart” as in go take a flying fuck. and if you’re going to troll, try being more succinct. I couldn’t make it past the second paragraph

  79. “Why? Because you could always just not vote instead. Why in the world would you — would anyone –want to cast their ballot for McCain?”

    “Staying home” or voting third-party (or write-in) is EXACTLY what the Obots would love for us to do — indeed, Obama’s Number One Fan, Donna Brazile, told us to do exactly that: “Stay home.” Thus, I suspect your pleasant tone is a mask for pure concern trollery. No real believer in democracy encourages anyone to “stay home” from voting.

    That’s why — and Hillary supporters, PLEASE, this is very important — you cannot stay home. You cannot vote third party. You cannot write HRC in. You MUST VOTE FOR McCain. Every vote for a third party, write in, or noone, is a VOTE FOR OBAMA. Every vote for McCain means Obama must fight twice as hard…so PLEASE, if you want BO to lose, you must vote McCain!!

  80. dar1a g, thank you so much for your explanation. I understand better now about why I received the kind of comments I did. There are surely enough reasons for people’s frustration in this campaign. And, I admit, I’ve been shocked myself at the kind of vitriol aimed at Democrats BY Democrats. Maybe that’s why I so rarely participate in these types of discussions. I might have had stronger heart for it 40 years ago, but not so much now. We had plenty to argue and anguish over “back in the day” … war (isn’t Iraq just a continuation of Vietnam?) … women’s liberation … civil rights … It really was a violent, difficult time, and people weren’t always “nice” to one another then, either. Then, though, you had your differences face to face. With the Internet, you’re anonymous and safe. It can ratchet up in volume, without much chance for reconciliation on a personal basis. You begin seeing people as typed words on a screen, so it’s not easy “feeling” the full range of human emotions. Anyhow, dar1a g, thanks again for “breaking though” to me. I appreciate it.

  81. garychapelhill, on May 20th, 2008 at 12:12 am Said:

    “AO actually the ‘thanks for your concern’ was this southerners take on “Bless your heart” as in go take a flying fuck. and if you’re going to troll, try being more succinct. I couldn’t make it past the second paragraph.”

    Gary, I’ll try to be as “succint” as possible. First, I don’t troll. Never have. Never will. Second, I appreciate the explanation even if I don’t much like the meaning.

    Look, I’m not your enemy. I popped in here just to offer some thoughts of my own. Disagreeing with me is fine and expected. But, what I don’t understand is why you’d want to go after someone who is on your — Hillary’s — side. So, let me say “sorry” one last time for whatever it was that made you decide I was off-limits to the conversation. It really is too bad we had this kind of encounter, as I meant/mean you no disrespect. In fact, I wish you well in all things.

  82. Obama says he’d never dream of going after another candidate’s spouse?

    There is not enough O RLY? on the internet.

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