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Wednesday: Showdown

Mornin’ all, I have a presentation I need to prepare for so posting for me will be light today.

As you may know, there’s a debate tonight. It will be televised nationally on ABC starting at 8pm EST (5pm PST). Post debate coverage will be on C-SPAN2 at 10:00pm with caller reactions. If you want the most accurate reactions to the debates, your best bet is to follow up on C-SPAN2. Otherwise, the media has decided that Obama has already won it handily. Tweety and friends have already written up their notes praising him. He was brilliant. He was eloquent. He was fresh and new.

But I digress. Maya at the H-burg HQ tells me that before the debate, they re planning a haka of sorts. Yep, supporters for each side assemble near the debate site during the day and psych each other out with cheers or has the news media always describes protests in other countries, “the protestors held signs and chanted slogans”. Of course this is not a protest (unless you don’t like the fact that the media has already crowned Obama the winner without him having to utter a single word).

If you’d like to join the fun, and this is supposed to be *fun*, not confrontational, get thee hence to the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia sometime this afternoon. Here’s the address and map:

National Constitution Center
Independence Mall
525 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
(215) 409-6600

National Constitution Center

Give the Philly HQ a buzz before you go to see if there is a particular plan for this haka (eg, where to stand, what to wear, slogans to chant) and while you’re at it, volunteer your time for this weekend’s GOTV.

520 North Delaware Avenue
Suite 202
Philadelphia, PA 19123
Phone: 215.625.0329
Fax: 215.625.0379

11 Responses

  1. Good Morning, Riverdaughter — I’m REALLY looking forward to this debate. It’s been too long since the last one.

  2. I’m tuning out this one. I feel like a walking ulcer right now. I’m going to (try to) not watch/listen to political “news” for the next week or so.

    I’ve had it.

  3. Davidson,

    “I feel your pain” but you need to keep on. How do we expect Hillary to make it if we can’t even watch the debate. Every time I feel that way, I wade right in and I’m always rewarded by Hillary’s performance and expertise. I think she’ll do great.

    I’m all with you on “news”. It’s very hard to watch any type of televised campaign coverage. It’s kind of like the movie “The Invasion” (Nicole Kidman) where you get this mind altering, soul destroying virus through alien vomit (great scene re vomit); if ingest the spittle and SLEEP you get the virus. So you and I and many other Hillary supporters may feel like Nicole Kidman’s character, desperately trying to avoid infection and staying awake – until Denver.

  4. Is this another Cable Only Debate? Have any of them been on broadcast networks?

    It seems really elitist to shut non-cable viewers out of the Debates

  5. Kbird: I’m trying to find out where it will be broadcast. *Most* people in PA have cable. And if that’s the case, C-SPAN is likely to be the best place to watch the debate. In fact, C-SPAN is probably the most accurate news dispenser we have right now, even if that wasn’t its original mandate.

  6. rd, according to the NY Times,

    The question is whether he’ll be grilled by his rival, Hillary Rodham Clinton, moderators Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos of ABC News, or by the audience of Pennsylvanians who still may be ruffled by the comment.

    It looks like it’ll be on ABC. Unless they’ve got a cable branch?

  7. In the linked article, it says the debate will be broadcast by ABC. I suppose that means Stephanopolous will be asking questions? I hope it will be Philly Inquirer writers instead. I’m watching. I think Hillary will kick Obama’s “skinny ass.” I love that we can say that here, riverdaugher!

  8. Good morning. Riverdaughter, I wish Pa all the luck in the world. Today the front page of the LAT–is horrible. The media slant on this thing? It’s the most rotten thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Fight on we must. I know the NYT came out for her, LAT no.

    How best to fight? Anti-O or pro-Hillary? That FEC thing is an angle non of the media is covering–just a tiny bit over at Wash Post. We need to get loud about this–it’s an outrage and like cheating!

    I’m going to check around again today and see what I can find. He has taken all this money, held up the FEC and is laughing all the way to the bank. Yesterday I saw one of his supporters in a BMW out here. She was one of those no make up Birkenstock shoe types–they are usually cranky nightmare people when you meet them–you know the type–never eats white sugar so they can’t ever have any dessert.

    This fool is going to lead this country into a total disaster if he wins.
    Hell on earth. Oh well, good luck to all of you east coasters! We won for Hillary out here–just think of us in CALIF!!!!!! We love her!

  9. BB: Philly Inquirer used to be a decent paper but it was acquired by a very conservative money guy a couple of years ago. You can count on them to be uber pro-Obama. Go look at their online edition where they say that Hillary is holding onto a slim lead by the skin of her teeth. Tha’ts based on their own polling and we know that the most reliable pollster to date, SUSA, has her ahead by 14 points. More on this below.
    Also consider, Obama’s skinny ass has had 6 weeks to cram on this debate. There is every reason to believe that he will be better prepared and well rehearsed. His debate performance will be more polished than in previous debates. What they both need is a memorable knock out line. Combine this with the pre-debate spin that Hillary is desperate and it sets up a mindset that in order to “win”, she has to be so damn good, unflappable and brilliant, more brilliant than any politcian has ever been just to break even with him. (the meme-meisters truly are evil bastards.)
    I’ve already primed my mother. I asked her who was ahead. She said Hillary. I asked her by how much. She said 4 points. I told her about the SUSA poll. I also told her that Obama was going to win the debate tonight, no matter what her lying eyes and ears told her and that she should avoid CNN, MSNBC and FOX like the plague and go directly to CSPAN2 after the debate to call in. They want to hear from PA voters after a debate like this. The BEST spin, is from the voters who will be directly affected.
    Now, how do we get those points out there…

  10. C-Span 2?? Got it- i did not know that. I live here in Pa- you know – one of those bitter folks? Think I have a chance? What is the number? if anybody has it- e-mail it to me luswife@yahoo.com

  11. Melissa: When you go to C-SPAN2, they will post the number at the bottom of the screen. I expect that the Obama campaign will be ready to jam the phones with obnoxious callers saying he is Buddha, Jesus and Dr. Phil all rolled into one and that he’s going to win, win, WIN! So, counter haka measures should be taken.

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