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This part is interesting… to

It’s from Jean Carroll’s account of her rape by Donald Trump in a dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman:

You could focus on inconsistencies in this account. Where were the cameras?? Where were the sales attendants??

But not knowing whether Trump’s whole penis or part of his penis is all the way in would be consistent with Stormy Daniels’ description of Trump’s short, mushroom shaped, um, head.

You can’t make that up.

Carroll says that incident was the last time anyone had his penis in her, halfway or all the way. Twenty-three years with no sex. Something about that encounter turned her off that kibble for more than two decades.

That might be Donald’s worst crime.

6 Responses

  1. That was a serious crime, yes, but I’d say his setting up, or allowing the setup, of concentration camps is a greater offense, and his greatest of all his many offenses is his TREASON against the United States of America, which he shares with Senator Mitch McTraitor and the rest of the Treason Party (fka GOP). 😡

    • It certainly ranks up there with crimes against humanity. Next time he flies to Europe, we shoul make sure he visits The Hague.

  2. Not sure that they had cameras in dressing rooms at that time.

  3. Why do fascists always think they will win any physical confrontation, after the greatest physical confrontation in human history resulted in a crushing defeat for the fascists?

  4. And now for something completely off topic: 😆

    (Note: Dees recorded this a few years before Elvis died.)

  5. The biggest of my ongoing political concerns now is that this legion of Democrats running for President, all trying to stand out, or make the most dramatic promise, are not helping things at all. How did reparations come up again? 80% of the populace would be against it. Do Democrats actually want to win, or do they just want to feel virtuous? Now Sanders is blaring about some program to remove all student loan debt, at the cost of about $1.6 trillion. Warren has something similar. Not nearly enough general election voters want to pay for this, nor do most of them want to pay for Medicare for All. Hillary’s idea of improving the ACA, was appropriate, but of course the media had no interest in covering any of that. Now, it seems as if we have a bunch of candidates trying to out-purity one another, or who keep thinking that the country is more progressive than it actually is.

    I suppose this was inevitable. The Democratic Party is made up of an amalgam of minority groups. In past eras, most of them subsumed their wish lists to the reality that Democrats were much better than Republicans in terms of helping working people. But now the various groups are clamoring for their pet issues. And they’re entitled to do it, but it won’t play sufficiently in a national election. Perez is responsible for some of this. The superdelegates should not have been diminished. And while the DNC should not try to stop people from running, they could have made the debate stage qualifications higher, thus eliminating the likes of Williamson and Yang, among others. Why do I have this feeling that we are seeing a modern replay of 1972, perhaps without the complete landslide?

    It is very difficult to win an election against an incumbent president, no matter how awful he my be. It is possible that the Left, which cost us the electoral vote in 2000 and 2016, and which never relents or feels any qualms, will cost us this one, too. I always hated the pundits telling us how Reagan was so wonderful because he only focused on two or three simple issues in his campaigns. But outside of a few of them, most of our candidates now are coming up with proposals or impassioned prose which are pretty easy to shoot down with “costs too much,” or “only helps minorities.” Some overarching themes are necessary to win national elections. Some possibilities would be, “We will save health care while the Republicans will destroy it.” “Republicans are planning to eliminate Social Security and Medicare.” “The fate of the planet is at stake, and Republicans are owned by the fossil fuel companies, and will do nothing to deal with climate change.” “Republicans will never pass any form of reasonable gun legislation.” “Trump has sold the country to Russia.” Things like that, over and over.

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