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Talitha Cumi

Emma Gonzales:


Something Reines said

I was on the road last night when Phillipe Reines was on MSNBC. I can’t remember which host. Chris Hays maybe? Reines is a former Hillary Clinton aide who played the part of Donald Trump during her debate practice sessions. They played a clip last night where Hillary called Trump out about being Putin’s puppet and then went on to describe the cyber conspiracy on social media. If Hillary knew the dimensions of what she was up against back in September 2016, then I find it really difficult to believe that there were any “unwitting” Trump campaign officials. Maybe some very low level staffers but Kellyanne? Corey Lewandowski? Of course they knew.

Really, is there any question? Hillary pretty much spelled it out. Now we know exactly who did it and how.

But that’s not the interesting thing that Reines talked about. He said something to the effect that he didn’t consider Trump to be legitimate. Trump is not 45. The next president will be 45, not 46.

Now that could just be wishful thinking. But what if he knows something we don’t know? What if Trump actually lost the election? I mean legit lost? Maybe that’s why he keeps bringing up the fact that he won. He knows it’s not true? Assuming it’s a possibility, how could that have happened? What are the next indictments going to reveal about how far the Russians got?

And can you imagine the amount of self restraint Hillary would be showing to know that she is the actual president elect and has to sit on her hands, allow for a peaceful transition of power, and wait patiently for all to be revealed and justice to happen on its own time table? I’m not saying that she’ll ever occupy the Oval Office but the fallout, when it happens, is going to gut our illusions about free and fair elections.

Just thought I’d mention it. It could be nothing at all. Nevertheless, it’s time for the media to start rehabilitating her image and unmute her supporters.

Also, let’s stop trying to understand what makes Trump voters tick. We know what motivated them now. It was a Russian troll farm. They knew what kind of person to target. They knew everything about the personalities, psychology and character of the Trump voter. Now, how did they know that? What data were they mining?

It will all come out.


And then there’s this:


Melania has probably regretted marrying him for years. She’s not my idea of a First Lady. She doesn’t have a calling to do much of anything. Maybe she’s just a very private person.

But this is inexcusable. It sure looks like he pushed her. I’d like to see the instant replay from a different angle. Maybe it was a matter of footing a gap between plane and stairs. But look at his face. It reminds me of what he did with the president of Montenegro. I dunno, maybe he just has a grudge against people from former Yugoslavian states…

Real men don’t have to throw their weight around, especially at their humiliated wife at the top of a dangerous flight of stairs. Jeez, dude, she’s probably wearing stilettos.