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Wife Coach

Train, train, train!


Now that all of the country has had a chance to see what a monumentally stupid idea it is to arm teachers, thereby filling the pockets of the gun manufacturers of America without any possibility that even one child’s life will be saved and many more may be lost, can we get back to common sense restrictions on the mentally ill obtaining assault weapons?

I’m not wasting any more bandwidth on the “hardened schools” concept. And anyone who is running a social media site should be on the lookout for trolls, domestic or foreign, who want to reintroduce the idea. Time to get out your hobnailed boots and squash the MFers. It looks like Twitter is taking this seriously. If you’ve lost a lot of followers lately, it could be because they’re located in St. Petersburg.

They post in droves, usually from the same network domain. If you ban one IP address, they’ll jump to another in the same domain. Sometimes, they’ll use several network domains at once. An attack can last a couple of hours. To terminate them, truncate the last segment of the address and put them in your banned address settings list. That will eliminate any further postings from the domain. You won’t have to squash every troll posting because you would have stopped them at the network domain level.

Heads up to the trolls: I have been collecting all your IP addresses since 2008. I even know some of the company domains and universities you were posting from. Oh, yes, did you think the Obots didn’t use this same technique? Of course they did. And I wouldn’t be surprised if they got help from some Republicans or financiers. The attacks had that certain “Smartest Guys in the Room” je ne sais quoi at the time, as if they were getting one over on the old knitting grannies. (I assure you, I’m not anything like an old knitting granny).

It worked the same way as the overconfident Russian trolls. Of course, their English was better and they were more psychologically savvy because they were Americans. But it worked exactly the same way, network domain jumping and all.

Have a nice day.