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Conflucian Slumber Party

Ok, Conflucians, did everyone bring their sleeping bags?  Who has the copy of “Plan 9 from Outer Space”?  Pretty soon we’re going to turn off the lights and tell ghost stories.  I brought my nail polish in case anyone has a foot fetish and wants to give me a pedicure.  Tomorrow’s a big day.  If I get up early enough, I can catch the train from Trenton and be in DC by 9:00am.  But in the meantime, let’s short sheet someone and paint a mustache on the first one who falls asleep.

And here’s a bit of surrealism for those of us who were little kids in the 60’s:

You can sneak in a beer.  We promise not to tell the ‘Grups’.  This is an open thread.

42 Responses

  1. The Celtics made the championship!

  2. Awesome video – cheers and good luck tomorrow!

  3. from the page:
    “Land of Lincolner looks at booking Xcel Energy Center — site of Republican convention and in a swing state — for victory event on cusp of nomination.”

    this is a bit ridicuous
    how many times will Obama quasi-celebrate??

  4. This is becoming absurd. His entire campaign is stage craft and cheap lines. Can you even fathom Democrats are poised to nominate someone who said “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”?

  5. Jonas8,

    It’s kind of like when you’re a kid and you’ve won the big game because the umpire’s calling the game in your favor and you have a pizza party to celebrate anyway … yeah, just like that.

    You know, they don’t want to look their doing a dance in the endzone.

  6. right Melanie, absurd is the right word

    and elixir, they dont know anything!! they are bluffing since February! its absurd.

  7. Melanie: That one line makes me sick to my stomache. Please, please never refer to it again unless you can decipher for me just what the hell “we who we have been waiting for”.
    Between “hope”, “change”, “transcendent”, “illuminating”, “gravitas” and “Messiah”, I don’t think I have the strength for anymore bs coming out of that place. “The thrill running up my leg” is something I am just now getting over. Promise?????

  8. Oh, good he plans on having a “victory” party but doesn’t have a plan to actually win in November. Good to hear.

    We all know Axelrod himself said that the only way Obama can ever win is not as a conventional candidate–experience, policy, substance–but as a personality. Knowing what we already know about Obama’s fondness for befriending bigots and terrorist wannabees, his race card strategy, and the fact McCain’s maverick personal narrative is only bested by his war hero status, how can any person even think Obama has a chance? How?

  9. Melanie: Can you even fathom Democrats are poised to nominate someone who said “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”?

    Well, they got a will.i.am video out of it. Basically, the Dems are suffering from a mid-life crisis.

  10. Do we know who else was going to DC besides Gary and Murphy? I lost count.

  11. “Basically, the Dems are suffering from a mid-life crisis.”

    OMG, that’s exactly what htis is. They’ve doned a toupe and are speeding off in the new covertable vette.

  12. Pat, sneak me a beer.

  13. Do we know who else was going to DC besides Gary and Murphy?

    Well, I live here, as does daria1g, but I was planning to be in Annapolis tomorrow. However, the weather forecast is crappy enough that I might stick around and swing by to see what’s going on here.

    Local weather for tomorrow:



  14. Oh, and RD: Will you please continue holding Obama and the DNC’s feet to the fire if the nomination is, indeed, given to him (as it seems all but certain seeing as how the RBC basically already decided)?

  15. Melanie: Only when you tell me the meaning of that stupid, ridiculous, meaningless phrase. Add the Oprah sop, “the One” to the mix and I go limp. I thought my ex was “the one”, even though my Mother told me he wasn’t, and I married him anyway. So you can see how that would stick in my craw.

  16. This one’s for Melanie — (I posted it earlier, but I think it got lost in the ether).

    The new Democratic Party!

  17. well good nite to everybody and good luck for tomorrow

  18. I say we go out and buy a nice bottle of Maker’s Mark just to tell Kentucky, “thanks!” and raise a glass to Hillary…

    I’m not giving up this fight until after the convention lights go out and the floor is swept…

  19. Isn’t BO’s victory party right now something along the lines of “Mission Accomplished”?

  20. I do believe we listened to the Monkees. I liked Davy Jones. And, I was also the little girl who ummmm went to the mom when that lipstick mustache was threatened. Gee. It pays to have been a Girl Scout.


    hey RD, all the best to you tommorrow. Have the BEST TIME.

  21. My tribute to Rep. Corrine Brown…FL-3

    Corrine Brown Has Been Fighting for the Vote Since 2000 and Is Fighting for Hillary Clinton Today

    Here’s my tribute to her…

    “Corrine Brown Has Been Fighting for the Vote Since 2000 and Is Fighting for Hillary Clinton Today”


    Revisit some of here courageous acts…

  22. I will probably stop over there tomorrow for some of the time.
    Annapolis was beautiful last weekend.. wow, thunderstorms and hail and 80 degrees? that’ll be a treat.

  23. Just left a little love note in Nancy Pelosi’s inbox regarding her “scorched earth” comment… wanted to let her know that if Obama is the nominee and loses in November, it is not Hillary’s fault and not our fault…

    If she is going to be stomping around and taking names, you’d think she’d be powerful enough to at least put up a Dem that can actually win in the fall.

  24. People like Pfleger are scorching the earth right now.. What struck me watching one of those talking heads debates on Fox was.. regular Democratic strategists and supporters are going to have to go on TV all summer and fall defending this stuff or changing the subject to try and portray McCain as just as bad. It was depressing. I thought. The public isn’t stupid and they know the difference between a 20-year relationship with someone (by a candidate they don’t know well) vs. McCain clumsily pandering to & then disavowing a couple of right wing bigots.

  25. for anyone still up i will submit this video again for hillary:

  26. saw the same thing Darla. yeah, that is their talking point but it just doesn’t stick. i think that is just to get US, the disaffected Democrats worked up. Mention Rod Parsley and we go screaming to the streets. Frankly, I just dont care about that stuff any more.

  27. To all Hillary supporters in DC ..

    Kool & the Gang – Celebration

  28. i live mine better, Briana 🙂

  29. LoL .. Ben … 🙂 – look what else I ran into …

    Rick Roll

    a real blast from a past lifetime ..

    good nite – Hugs to All

  30. I don’t even know who Rod Parsley is (which is saying something given that I follow media all day long during the work week). Nah I mean I’m sure he’s a right wing wacko but they seem kind of interchangeable at this point. Meanwhile Pfleger basically underscores the Wright issue and probably removes all doubt in the minds of many people about Obama’s close association with this stuff.

  31. dar1a g: The public isn’t stupid and they know the difference between a 20-year relationship with someone

    The thing is, it’s not just ‘one’ — it’s a passel of ppl spouting, at minimum, divisive diatribes, and at times, pure hate speech.

    Hillary may have felt ‘entitled,’ who knows? If so, probably because she’s done so much fundraising for Dems, or has taken it on the chin for Dems, and so on. Hardly because she’s a white woman.

    What is long overdue is for Democrats to stand up and say this is unacceptable. We can’t always blame it on the media. Superdelegates, Pelosi, Dean etc keep whistling like nothing is the matter while the rest of us are subjected to this sickness.

    The good thing about Pflegler is that we’re spared one of Obama’s sanctimonious race speeches — you know, where the nation is having a conversation about race, EXCEPT that it’s only one person talking and putting labels on everyone.

    This started a long time ago — I remember during one of the debates, Biden was asked about his gaffes, and one in particular regarding convenience stores and stereotypes. Obama stepped forward to “vouch” for Biden’s bona fides as non-racist. At the time, I thought to myself — I don’t need Obama to give a stamp of approval — I’ll figure it out for myself, thanks much.

    No, no, no — between McClurkin, Wright, and Pflegler, a lot of people are getting trashed and abused left and right, and the Democrats keep whistling past the graveyard and enabling. This is the reason I personally have no issue voting against them this cycle. Democrats have lost their minds, and need a good kick in the pants.

  32. McCain’s not a right wing whacko. You can ttell he doesnt believe in that stuff. thats thte differnece. People actually think and rightfully so that Obama does believe it.

  33. Melanie, that’s the quote that woke me up for good – I haven’t slept since.
    Doesn’t dictature begin when people are afraid to be labelled for voting Reason instead of going into trance over chanting.

  34. Let me try again and see if I can get around moderation:

    dar1a g: The public isn’t stupid and they know the difference between a 20-year relationship with someone

    The thing is, it’s not just ‘one’ — it’s a passel of ppl spouting, at minimum, divisive diatribes, and at times, pure hate speech.

    Hillary may have felt ‘entitled,’ who knows? If so, probably because she’s done so much fundraising for Dems, or has taken it on the chin for Dems, and so on. Hardly because she’s a white woman.

    What is long overdue is for Democrats to stand up and say this is unacceptable. We can’t always blame it on the media. Superdelegates, Pelosi, Dean etc keep whistling like nothing is the matter while the rest of us are subjected to this sickness.

    The good thing about Pflegler is that we’re spared one of Obama’s sanctimonious r*ce speeches — you know, where the nation is having a conversation about r*ce, EXCEPT that it’s only one person talking and putting labels on everyone.

    This started a long time ago — I remember during one of the debates, Biden was asked about his gaffes, and one in particular regarding convenience stores and stereotypes. Obama stepped forward to “vouch” for Biden’s bona fides as non-r*cist. At the time, I thought to myself — I don’t need Obama to give a stamp of approval — I’ll figure it out for myself, thanks much.

    No, no, no — between McClurkin, Wright, and Pflegler, a lot of people are getting trashed and abused left and right, and the Democrats keep whistling past the graveyard and enabling. This is the reason I personally have no issue voting against them this cycle. Democrats have lost their minds and need a good kick in the pants.

  35. I’m struck by irony. What would it have been like to have had blogs documenting how Democratic Party nominated McGovern? Would there have been the same sense of helpless outrage and the planned revenge?

    Though I actually HATE making that comparison. McGovern took a courageous stand against the war. He also symbolized the seismic shift that took place in Party/Country to put forward equal rights for women and minorities.

    What we have now is the palest of imitations. The Democratic Party has so lost touch with its roots that it has adopted America’s habit of treating everything like Disneyland. Can’t go to Africa – don’t worry, drive through our theme park. Want “hope and change” without surrendering your power under the status quo – nominate Obama and keep your upper class privilege (with added benefit of rinsing your white guilt – just like a good shampoo).

    However pale the imitation, the outcome will be the same. A widespread electoral defeat.

    More ominously, however, there were will be a huge vacuum in our country. Hillary’s supporters (i.e. large majority of working class) will lose all trust that their vote actually matters to anything and will seek change through the first strong leader that comes along. Many of Obama’s more sincere supporters are also in for an awful crash landing (though will hurt most with loss or victory?).

    I know they will NEVER do it. But that is really why the Clintons need to come forward with the Third Party. They are the one set of people who we could trust to unite folks for a common good.

  36. I’m off to DC. I had a hard time finalizing the slogans on my sign. I decided to go with one of those sandwich signs, so I could ‘talk’ more. The winning slogans–DNC- The Republicans called, they want their play book back. Florida 2000, Florida 2008, Same Horror story, Different Villian, and last but not least, How did not counting Florida work for us in 2000? RD I think I am on your train, look for a typical white woman getting on at Baltimore with a yellow and black backpack.

  37. Honora, love your signs!

  38. Just saw an AA Clinton supporting Rep from Florida on C-Span. She was very clear all votes counted no DNC disenfranchisement. She also said if they are not seated the Dems can say good bye to both Florida and Mich in the general.

    Part of me asks is the DNC this stupid? Sadly, I have to answer yes.

  39. any news from puerto rico today?

  40. That was Corrinne Brown on C-Span. She was great!

    Hi everyone, I guess I missed the slumber party. I went to sleep about 10:30 last night. I hope we get some actual excitement today and not just kabuki with a predetermined result.

  41. For those who wish to stay together in a long term commitment to the ideals and rinciples that Hillary Clinton has spent a lifetime promoting, http://Together4Us.com offers access for activists, funders, students, policy-makers and ordinary people to come together in support of each other and their goals for America. Please come to our website and join, use the code below to put our linked logo on your website and distribute our message and this code to all your network. Spread the word. We will be happy to put up a reciprocal link, your own co-branded web page on our site, or your own blog.

    Thanks so much,
    Gretchen Glasscock,

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