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Follow The Money!

Something doesn’t make any sense to me. Now some people might think I need to get my tinfoil hat out of the closet but over the years I’ve learned to trust the voices in my head. Well, not about the lottery, but I trust them on other stuff, and the voices are telling me that something ain’t right.

Riverdaughter and other bloggers have posted recently about Barack Obama’s money troubles. His fundraising has been dropping dramatically since last March. But I’m more interested in how he raised so much money at the beginning. Not the beginning of this year, the beginning of last year.

Let’s jump in the Wayback machine and return to January 1, 2007. Ahhh, those were such pleasant and optimistic times for Democrats. It seem like our long national nightmare would soon be over. Just two months earlier a tidal wave of new Democratic candidates had swept a bunch of GOP incumbents from office. Not a single Democratic incumbent lost a Congressional race, and along with victories in open seat contests the party had taken back control of both houses of Congress and several governorships. Soon we would have a new Speaker of the House and for the first time in our history we would hear the title “Madame Speaker” used.

Most of us were sure that we would soon be withdrawing our forces from Iraq and many of us were looking forward to impeachment hearings by that Summer. But very few of us were paying close attention to the people who were jockeying to become the Democratic Presidential nominee for the 2008 elections. Who cared? There were so many good choices, and it was obvious that it didn’t matter who we nominated, they would cruise to victory over whatever token candidate the GOP offered.

Other than political junkies, very few people care much about elections that are nearly two years away. But anyone who intends to make a serious run for the White House starts planning and preparing much earlier than that. Just getting in position to be taken seriously as a candidate usually takes a decade or more. Although the Constitutional requirements are pretty low, realistically a person needs to do a lot of things to get ready.

Dwight Eisenhower was the last President who didn’t hold any prior elective office. But the former Army general had been the Supreme Allied Commander in WWII and he had been involved in politics most of his career. Since then we have had Kennedy (HR and Senate) Johnson (Senate Majority Leader, VP, HR) Nixon (HR, Senate, VP) Ford (House Minority Leader, VP) Carter (Gov, state legislator) Reagan (Gov) G.H.W Bush (VP, HR, CIA Director, Ambassador to China & UN) Clinton (Gov, State AG) and George W. Bush (Gov).

Every person elected President in the last 50+ years was either a governor, former Vice President, or had completed at least one 6 year term in the Senate. Kennedy was the only one who was not either a governor nor a Vice President prior to becoming President, but he was a war hero and came from a politically connected family. Ford was never elected President, but he did serve briefly as Vice President.

So, a politically knowledgeable person who reviewed the list of Democratic hopefuls back in January 2007 would see some heavyweight contenders and some lightweights. There was, of course, Hillary Clinton as the supposed frontrunner. She was starting her second term in the Senate, and although she never held elective office before she became a Senator her 8 years as First Lady were the equivalent to a Cabinet position. She also had name recognition (both good and bad), fundraising ability and “family connections.” Definitely a heavyweight contender.

Then there was John Edwards. A former Senator and Vice Presidential candidate, he was well-known and popular within the party, and could self-finance his campaign through the early contests if he couldn’t raise money elsewhere (but he could raise money too) Heavyweight. Next would have to be Chris Dodd and Joe Biden. Two experienced Senators with leadership experience, name recognition, and fundraising ability. Two more Heavyweights. There was one light-heavyweight in the group, Governor Bill Richardson. He was the only Latino candidate, and prior to becoming Governor he was a Cabinet Secretary under Clinton. He did pretty good raising money too.

That completes the heavyweight division, unless you wanted to count Al Gore, who many people expected to run eventually. He had a good year in 2007, but never threw his hat in the ring. After the heavyweights there were several lightweight contenders, Mike Gravel, Dennis Kucinich and Tom Vilsack.. Their problem wasn’t necessarily that they weren’t qualified, but rather that they lacked name recognition and fundraising ability.

Am I forgetting anyone? Oh yeah, Senator Whatshisname. This is where I get confused. Now remember, this is January 2007, and Senator Obama has been in Washington DC for only two years. Prior to that he was an unexceptional state legislator. He wrote a couple books, and gave a couple speeches, but that’s about it. He might have potential, but he hasn’t done anything yet to prove it. He ran unopposed to become a state senator, and ran virtually unopposed to become a US Senator. He didn’t pull off an upset election victory over an incumbent to reach the Senate, and the only time he was seriously challenged in an election was when he ran for Congress and he had his clock cleaned in the primary by Bobby Rush.

I can see some starry-eyed college students getting all excited about hip internet-savvy newcomer, but I simply can’t understand how anyone else could consider Barack Obama to be a serious contender back then. It makes no sense. This is a full year before the first caucuses and primaries. Check this out:


A senator for only two years, the Illinois Democrat has been cast in the early stages of the campaign as an upstart who refused money from Washington lobbyists and parlayed Internet savvy, opposition to the Iraq war and grass-roots enthusiasm into a surprising $25 million first quarter of fundraising — money that has made him a legitimate contender for the party’s nomination.

Behind the closed doors of last week’s strategy session, though, was another side to Obama’s fundraising success. Filling the room were many veterans of the Democratic financial establishment: a Hyatt hotel heiress, a New York hedge fund manager, a Hollywood movie mogul and a Chicago billionaire.


As the first-quarter finance report his campaign will file today is expected to document, Obama has managed to successfully bridge two very different political worlds. Along with thousands of first-time donors who sent $50 or $100 from their home computers, the report is to list scores of longtime political insiders who funneled stacks of $2,300 checks to Obama’s accounts.

The campaign announced earlier this month that Obama has received money from more than 100,000 people, including 50,000 Internet donors — more online donors than his chief Democratic rival, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.), had total donors. Less well-known is the story of how he built a more traditional fundraising machine fueled, in part, by some of the biggest names in Democratic politics.

In contrast to Clinton and former North Carolina senator John Edwards, his other main Democratic rival, Obama was a late entrant in the presidential race, first raising the idea publicly last October and not deciding firmly until January.


Fundraisers in the field also worried that Obama’s initial pledge to reject money from lobbyists would slow the early hunt for donations.

“One of the quickest sources of cash was off the table, and there was some early grumbling,” said one campaign adviser, who was not authorized to talk to reporters and spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The original goal for the first quarter, back in December, was cautiously set at $8 million to $10 million.


The initial enthusiasm about Obama pushed his first-quarter goal up to $15 million early in the year, and by March it had shifted again to more than $20 million.



From the outset, Obama tried to establish a “Washington outsider” image — moving his campaign operations to Chicago and making a bold promise to refuse checks written or gathered by registered federal lobbyists.

The campaign received $50,566 from 49 lobbyists, but aides flagged the checks during initial screening and said they will return the money. Still, for hosting events and otherwise raising money, the Obama fundraising team is relying on partners in lobbying firms who are not registered for specific clients, former lobbyists who recently dropped clients and spouses of lobbyists. The strategy allows Obama’s team to reach the wealthy clients of lobbying firms while technically complying with his pledge.


Obama also has no prohibition against using state lobbyists to raise money, even when they represent companies with business before the federal government.


Speaking to voters in New Hampshire earlier this month, as the news broke of his formidable first-quarter haul, he tried to remind them that he has “always tried to curb the influence of money in politics.”

“Listen,” he told them, “I would love not to have to raise money so I could spend all my time in town hall meetings.”

There are soooooo many things wrong about that article. If the last sentence was true, Obama wouldn’t have opted out of public financing. But the part that’s relevant here is that Senator Obama raised $25 million in the first three months of 2007, second only to Hillary Clinton. A nobody, with no resume. Two books, Two speeches, and a few appearances on Oprah. $25 million!

Lets compare that to the fundraising of the other Democrats:

John Edwards          $52 million

Bill Richardson       $23 million

Chris Dodd            $18 million

Joe Biden               $12 million

Dennis Kucinich    $4.5 million

Now if you’re thinking that Obama’s fundraising doesn’t seem that exceptional compared to Edwards, Richardson and Dodd, that’s because you’re only looking at the first quarter of 2007 for Obama. The amounts for the other five ARE FOR THE WHOLE CAMPAIGN!

Obama raised more in the first quarter than everyone but Edwards and Hillary would raise during the whole year. According to Open Secrets, these are Senator Obama’s fundraising numbers through May 2008:


Q1 $25 million

Q2 $31 million

Q3 $19 million

Q4 $24 million


Jan $37 million

Feb $57 million

Mar $43 million

Apr $32 million

May $23 million

How does a candidate with Senator Obama’s resume raise $99 million dollars before a single vote is ever cast? Hillary Clinton raised a phenomenal $230 million through May 31, 2008, but Obama did far better, raising $287 million during the same period. What’s wrong with this picture?

How could a rookie Senator raise money like a popular incumbent President running for reelection? I watched him, I’ve listened to him, and I wouldn’t give him a nickel. I can understand the donations this year after he started winning primaries and caucuses, but he raised 1/3 of his money before he ever got a single vote. (Actually, I can’t understand the other 2/3 either, not the amount of it anyway.)

Lastly, check this out:


Obama also has the support of industry, although some more than others. He ranks at or near the top of contributions received from the pharmaceutical industry, retirement associations, securities and investments outfits, the entertainment, banking, computer and Internet industries, education organizations, health care, law firms and investment industry.

If you’re looking for answers, I don’t have them. Riverdaughter suggested that the GOP may have been behind Obama’s fundraising. That would certainly explain the sudden drop in receipts. Joseph Cannon thinks the Chicago Machine was the source of money, and that the Rezko prosecution put an end to the funds. Both of them may be partially correct.


(Cross-posted at Klownhaus)

155 Responses

  1. You may want to check out Joshua Green’s “The Amazing Money Machine: How Silicon Valley made Barack Obama this year’s hottest start-up”


    The venture capitalists began this unique fund raising effort in early 2007 on behalf of Obama.

  2. Thank you, myiq, for an insightful piece. I continue to be flabbergasted by the wholesale deception in Obama’s campaign.

  3. I’m not sure. some of all I suspect. But also the overlap of the Harvard network, for sure.

  4. Wow. That’s certainly thought. There’s no way that amount of money makes sense. Where was it coming from and where has it gone?

    Seems like he was here for a purpose and was funded for that purpose. Now that he’s completed his mission, they don’t have any use for him. Pity.

    He shouldn’t have turned down public financing.

  5. Until you have seen this laid out in black and white it is amazing the degree of deceit behind this campaign. Does anyone doubt that all this anti Hillary, from the media on down, has not been carefully orchestrated?

    She did her best to buck them right to the end.

    A hand picked, inexperienced man who just happens to be black. Aren’t we just the “sophisticates” now.

  6. Pat: We are so awesomely post-racial.

  7. I really think this needs to be looked into further!
    I was talking about this with others back in Feb. It made NO SENSE to me that some little nobody would have 100mill before any votes were cast, before this supposed online crusade, before ANYTHING!

    Since then, I’ve heard all types of rumors, about who was financing him. Repubs. DC insiders determined to keep Hillary out, Corporations like google, and even Iranian or other foreign investors illegally channeling funds, which they can no longer do now that he’s under a microscope of coverage.

    But clearly, someone who is closer than ever to getting into the White House should be increasing funds not the other way around.
    But just today Plouffe is out begging for help from those 1.7mill donors of his. Where ARE they?!?! Why in a month he was supposed to bring in 100mil did he only net about 30?

    Every time I go over to his site all you see are his culties fund-raising. Donating to each other and talking about their fund-raising events. Where’s the money?

    Does any of this add up?????

    Also, you keep hearing one of the chief reasons so many DNC higher-ups and Super Del. are intent to get him in, is so they can get their hands on his list of donors, well, if his fund-raising keeps drying up, that carrot won’t be dangling for long!
    Which should be good news for Hillary!

  8. John Cain:

    What rumors did I mention?

  9. Citizen K:

    I keep hearing about how Obama found a way to spin straw into gold via the internet but it doesn’t make sense.

    He still has to find people with money and convince them to donate. The article you cited doesn’t answer the question “why” people would give him money, only the “how” it was supposedly done.

  10. The thing that bothered me was that if Obama was continually raising money from so many new people, he should have also been increasing his lead in the popular vote. But after Feb, he didn’t. He should have easily won more votes than Hill. It never added up to me.

    That says nothing of his early success. I think historians are in for some interesting surprises.

  11. I believe The Combine is responsible along with their foreign connections. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that there have been fictional donors used to funnel foreign cash, and don’t forget how helpful dead people are in politics.

  12. The kind of money that was coming in for Obama would have instantly gone to an investigation mode had those dollars been donated to the Clinton campaign. I went trolling around his web site during those months when the money was seemingly endless and found what I thought looked like a lot of fundraising being done by bundlers getting donations from foreign sources. The idea of an Obama presidency was very appealing to people all over the world who believed his influence would benefit their lives. He has since alienated some of those groups with his non-stop flip flops, and I heard Hamas had withdrawn its endorsement of him. The Gaza had internet cafes dedicated to trying to raise support for Obama.

    It does appear that the Obama trolls have backed off and no longer attack the non-Obama blog sites. Does it amaze everyone how much more civil the Obama supporters have become lately? The whole dynamic of the Obama movement has changed significantly. About the only group that seems to have remained constant is the DNC in their efforts to keep pushing Hillary out.

    I wonder if the Hillary delegates could refuse to vote at the convention if Hillary isn’t allowed to have her name put into nomination.

  13. Oprah, Oprah, Oprah, Oprah, Oprah, Oprah, Oprah

    She is behind all of this. No one had heard of him until she 1st endorsed him and then introduced him.

    Oprah, Oprah,Oprah, Oprah, Oprah, Oprah, Oprah

    PUMA$ Who want to stop this Shit, had better Donate!

  14. From the Atlantic article:

    I asked Roos, the personification of a buttoned-down corporate attorney, if there had been concerns about Obama’s limited CV, and for a moment he looked as if he might burst out laughing. “No one in Silicon Valley sits here and thinks, ‘You need massive inside-the-Beltway experience,’” he explained, after a diplomatic pause. “Sergey and Larry were in their early 20s when they started Google. The YouTube guys were also in their 20s. So were the guys who started Facebook. And I’ll tell you, we recognize what great companies have been built on, and that’s ideas, talent, and inspirational leadership.”

    What ideas, talent and/or inspirational leadership has Obama provided?

  15. Hillary can be drafted.

  16. Carol:

    If it was Oprah, then the donors would mirror the demographic that watches her show. But that is Hillary’s strongest group of supporters.

    If it were the Silicon Valley crowd, then it should show up in the FEC filings with SF/SJ addresses.

    If it were all the Illinois Combine, then all the donors would come from there.

  17. John Cain, I’m going to give you 15 more minutes to substantiate you accusation and if you don’t I’m deleting your comment.

  18. He won’t supply the info regarding his fund raising. He is such a fucking, fuck, fucker (I’m trying to compete with Janis).

    McCain has already supplied everything including the small donors he doesn’t even have disclose.

    PUMA$ Who Donate Rock & Rule!

  19. It is difficult to believe that much of this money came from the GOP. After all, only a year ago Hillary had very high negatives. The talk at that time was that the Right was very eager to go up against her because of those negatives.

    And you have to be aware of the timeline here. Even if it appeared that Hillary may be gaining strength, that money was already assured in the coffers as start up.

    I would look more suspiciously toward the mideast connections. That Iraqi living in Chicago who was very close to Rezko and who was reportedly fleeing Iraq due to questionable banking practices.

    I realize this sounds conspiratorial, but I bet the link goes back to Chicago as the genesis.

  20. My theory, other than the fact that the Republicans were making mischief once the primaries started, is that Kennedy and Kerry gave him their fundraising rolodexes early in the process. I know they made a big deal about doing it after they formally endorsed him but I’m betting that it was earlier. He needed a warchest. They had the weapons.

  21. So at least now we know the amounts, but still no word on who, how and why. Mmmmm. How to find the truth?

  22. myiq2xu: The Combine must have access to info outside of IL needed to set up “dummy donors.”

  23. Or in the words of Donald Sutherland: Follow the money.

  24. Oprah has her hand in everything. She hangs with the heavy’s. They all want to advertise with her in the magazine, on her 2 stations and on her future network. She is global. She is a success. Everyone is going to appease her. Especially, the radical left.

  25. MyIQ, the Silicon Valley idiots are the ones who cerated the dot-com bust when they forgot that you had to do more than schmooze VCs to make a company a success. You had to actually move product. Whoopsie!

    They forgot that one, and that’s when http://www.icantbuildshitbuticanconvincerichidiotstoforkovertheirmoney.com and its ilk went straight into the toilet.

    Compared to Larry and SErgey, methinks Barky’s more in the http://www.freetoenailclippings.com category.

  26. I think anyone who was paying attention was asking these questions then too. I remember having this conversation with mawm over a year ago “Where the hell is that money coming from?”

  27. But even if that were the case with Kerry and Kennedy, wouldn’t some kind of word slip out? I must be on that list of donors to both Kerry and Kennedy from living in MA and donating to their campaigns and I was never contacted. Not a huge donor true, but still I must remain on the list somewhere.

  28. Oprah – Kennedy’s – Hollywood – Networks – she is in every power center.

  29. I keep saying this: all of that money came from what was previously the GOP. Stop categorizing the parties by their commonly worn labels.

    All Barky’s money came from the former GOP backers who realized that they had killed the GOP’s brand stone-dead and needed a new one. Same, parasite, different host. Karl Rove’s probably got money on him at this point, and wants him to win more than he does McCain.

  30. I received a glossy multi-color fundraising letter again from Chicago
    (Obama for America). The phrase I found most ridiculous in the
    primary was the idiotic “We are the people we have been waiting
    for!” was at the top, as well as something about Senator Obama, I agree…
    I add “dis” before agree, clipped off my name and code, and wrote
    that he should accept public financing as he agreed to do.

    As for the early wins, most in Republican states with caucuses. Those
    were gamed in a Rovian manner. Biden used to look out over crowds
    in Iowa City and shout, “Hello, Chicago!” to the bussed in Obama
    supporters. The DNC refused to request ID for caucus voters.
    Hillary’s lead in delegates comes from 34.5 million voters in mostly
    primary states while BO’s comes from 1.1 million voters in mostly
    caucus states.

    As for McCain, he is going to be Hilla-reed by the MSM, at least Time Warner (CNN, Time Magazine and NBC and MSNBC)…both of which are top donors to BO, but not McCain. Goldman-Sachs is BO’s top
    donor, giving $601,480. Merrill Lynch at $249,960 is McCain’s
    top donor.

  31. RD,
    You are probably right. Maybe even Dean as well. I got fundraising letters from Obama’s PAC early on despite never signing up for his mailing list. This was maybe the end of 2006. I didn’t receive solicitations from any of the other candidates that I didn’t donate to or sign up for. Strange. Unless he was buying lists right off the bat.

  32. Bundlers – in the beginning, Bundlers – now.


  33. $99 million divided by $2300 = 43,043 donors giving the maximum.

    That’s a lot of fools parting with their money.

  34. CB: I just got a call from Linda Stender’s campaign to volunteer with office work this Saturday. When the woman asked me if I wanted to help out, I told her yes, as long as I don’t have to lift a finger or do any joint fundraising for Obama. If Obama was involved in any way, shape or form, forget it.
    I must have sounded nuts but she actually said she understood.

  35. Oprah should never show her face in political circles again. Money has way too much power.

  36. Something in one of the blogs this past weekend really hit me and relates to all of this. Hillary supporters have been saying for months that the DNC chose Obama early on. We know about the realignment that Donna Brazille talked about months ago, now all of the questions about early money, but what made this clear to me in the last day or so was the fact that the DNC changed the convention from the usual July dates to Aug. to coincide with MLK’s speech. This confirms to me that the fix was in, probably since Obama’s 2004 convention speech. Wish I had the time to track all of this down, but it is clear to me now why DNC and so many Democrats kept calling for Hillary to pull out, especially when she kept winning. It explains the penalties against MI and FL, but not other states that broke the DNC rules. This all makes sense. What the Dean, Brazille, etc. didn’t forsee was the strength of Hillary Clinton. Can you imagine how big the margins for her would have been if the MSM wasn’t so biased or if the race card wasn’t used before SC? This is all breath-taking. I still can hardly believe they thought they could get away with all of this.

  37. I think the Chicago machine is largely responsible for his early fund raising start. The Daley’s are infamously connected and I remember reading an article during the primaries about how Obama was able to secure Mayor Daley’s blessing to run…this is only the second time in nearly 20 years that Daley endorsed a candidate in a primary…also Bill Daley, Mayor Daley’s brother, is rumored to be a master fund raiser with connections to people at the top. Also, I have read sources that say Karl Rove had connections to Tony Rezko, so maybe that explains something about Republican dollars? I think the Chicago machine connection explains part of his big dollar fund raising. I also think Oprah is an important piece of the puzzle. I don’t think her fund raising clout necessarily comes from her viewers, but more so from all the other rich people that she knows and the connections she has made through fund raising for some of her charity projects.

    In terms of small dollar contributions, I think some of this may be illegal money from abroad, or lots of unreported contributions under $ 200. That being said, I also think the Obama campaign was brilliant at using the internet to tap into the younger generation. I know that I am a minority among my friends (I am in my twenties) – nearly everyone supports Obama, almost all of them have volunteered for him in some capacity, and given small dollar contributions to his campaign. They very much have the attitude quoted from the silicone valley folks that experience is not that important, just look at the amazing stuff people have done without experience…

    There is no doubt, though, that a lot of the big money he got was VERY much designed to give Clinton a run for her money – it was anti-Clinton and I think Obama’s star power (and he definitely had star power thanks to the 2004 convention, Oprah, the media who started fawning over him early on) convinced them that he would be the one to beat her…I, for example, never thought Edwards could beat her because I didn’t see any enthusiasm for him all around me, but I very much worried about Obama…

  38. Oprah is paying for it now. She’s losing her audience. Ratings and magazine sales are down 10%, and that’s attributed to the sense of betrayal by women. But she’s filthy rich and probably doesn’t care.

  39. Are the trolls not being paid anymore? Gee, money must be tight.
    Oh, I guess now that the nomination has been “cinched,” no need
    to burn through as much money.

  40. Oprah’s numbers (viewership, mag sales, favorability) are on the decline. This may predate her Obama endorsement, but the endorsement sure didn’t help.

    As far as I’m concerned, Oprah can do what she wants. I don’t think she had much influence either way. What I find more worth discussing is the DNC’s “involvement”.

  41. Going back to the post RD made the other day, if Obama’s fundraising was from rich Democrats and yuppies, why has the flow of cash slowed to a trickle?

    Anyone maxed out for the primaries can still donate for the general, and there are no limits on donating to the party itself.

    so what’s up?

  42. Yep. McCain is the wrong guy. Had Huckabee or Romney won, the filthy-riches would have been in a quandary. But they got a moderate Repub, proof that the GOP brand was damaged beyond repair.

    McCain does not have the support of the media, nor even of the GOP’s former life support system. He is on his own.

    The reason the former money machine of the GOP, the filthies as I call them, didn’t want Hillary is that she and Bill have way too much clout. They cannot force her to be beholden to them entirely. When you want to latch onto a host, you want it to be strong enough to walk, but weak enough that it’s a doable task to get it to the point where it can’t walk without you. It had ot be strong enough to sustain you, and weak enough that it can’t fight you off.

    Hillary was not the latter. They needed a fool — someone who could be pumped up, someone arrogant and stupid enough to believe the sunshine they must have pumped up his ass to get him to agree to it. He’s dumb enough to believe them when they tell him how wonderful he is, and that his wonderfulness is why they’re filling him with money. A more experienced candidate would smell that bullshit suckup for what it was. Obama was precisely what they needed — egotistical, more ambitious than smart, and willing to sell his soul.

    McCain is like Hillary — cranky enough and experienced enough to be able to sniff out a bullshit artist, and to know better than to believe someone who blows sunshine up their skirts. The voters may surprise us all — they did pick McCain, after all, which was a surprise to me, and he has some things going for him — but the GOP is riding a donkey now, people. Which means the Big Money and the media wants Barky to win it.

    His declining fortunes mystify me more than his earlier climbing ones. That is a surprise. They may simply have run out of air, and I know for a fact they didn’t plan on Hillary sticking it out as long as she did. Thank GOD she did — that may be our only salvation. She stuck it out long enough to force them to overplay their hand. That may be all that saves us. May be.

  43. Times up, John Cain. Bye bye!

  44. Another thing about his small donor funds that a lot of people are not aware of is that the campaign often charges for rallies, buttons, bumper stickers, and they count those people as donors. For example, way back, I wasn’t sure which candidate I was going to support and Obama was going to speaking in my area, but you had to pay 10 dollars to get in. Since he wasn’t doing any free events, I figured it was the equivalent of springing for a movie ticket, so I would go. Well, I am counted among his small donors. I didn’t even think about the fact that my ticket counted as a contribution. I read an article during the primary about how unusual it was for the campaign to include such people as their donors and that the Clinton and Edwards campaigns didn’t do that…

  45. His sister lives in London perhaps she’s funneling money from their uncle Odinga or whatever his name is.

  46. Oprah DISGUSTS me. Every one of those billion dollars in her coffers started out life in the pocket of a working-class woman. She’s a fucking quisling.

    Let young men watch her show. Let them buy Alice Walker’s books. I qwonder how many white college boys in gtheir 20s will purchase “The Temple of My Familiar” from their local Borders?

  47. One more person’s thrown himself off the Veep list.

  48. Even though the dipshit had it explained to him by Hillary and George at the last debate, he keeps insisting he needs to raise capital gains. What an ignorant piece of crap.

    The stock market is tanking because of his ignorance, and oil has skyrocketed since he pissed off the Arabs (I’m not a Muslim, Jerusalem will stay undivided in the hands of the Israelis.)

    Someone tape his fucking mouth.


  49. #
    gqmartinez, on July 14th, 2008 at 7:17 pm Said:

    Oprah’s numbers (viewership, mag sales, favorability) are on the decline. This may predate her Obama endorsement, but the endorsement sure didn’t help.

    As far as I’m concerned, Oprah can do what she wants. I don’t think she had much influence either way. What I find more worth discussing is the DNC’s “involvement”.

    Do you really think Oprah’s influence hasn’t brought him any success? I think it has raised him A LOT of money…even if people don’t support Obama, if Oprah personally asks people she knows and has helped with their charity projects, etc, to write Obama a check, they are going to write Obama a check…also, I wonder how much Oprah’s endorsement has made a difference behind the scenes in terms of media coverage. She is a media mogul, it is undeniable that she is very well connected and revered in the media world and I wonder if part of the reason for his soft coverage is Oprah’s influence…

  50. Do you recall how Obama bragged about “Obamacans?” They were supposedly Republicans who were going to support Obama.

    Maybe he believed they were serious when they gave him money at the beginning and promised to vote for him.

    That would explain his sudden lurch to the right too.

  51. You know, I am not sure who will be worse for this country, Obama or McCain, which is why I am not planning to walk this fall. But if Obama wins, I truly believe that it will be a disaster if he walks into the White House totally unchallenged. That’s what is happening now. McCain’s campaign has no idea what it is doing, the media doesn’t call Obama on anything, and everyone else just keeps apologizing to him or for him. And if he walks in totally unchallenged, without having to fight for it, without being held accountable by anyone, I really think that could be a disaster…I hope McCain gets his act together and makes this a real fight so that BOTH candidates can be held accountable and we can have a better idea of what we actually get with an Obama white house.

  52. JJ, I have to wonder, too. She in the media, and the only guy who comes to mind who has more money than she does is Rupe.

  53. Oprah is a puke. I used to gag everytime she pushed the sappy book of the month. She can’t pick a movie for shit either! I know it sucks if Oprah likes it.

  54. Summers here. The youngsters are not focusing – they think it is over for now.

    Bundler’s are still out there and that is where his money is coming from right now.

    And, remember, he is not having 20 -30k person rally’s several times a day now – charging them to see his brillance.

  55. Oprah has all those Scientology celeb friends with big money.

  56. Good diary, thanks. There was never a time I would have given Obama a nickel, either. But other people are bamboozled much more easily. They are swayed by, yes, pretty words.

    In 2004 I was in a core group of Iowans trying like the dickens to get Wes Clark to be the nominee. Two women with whom I was working closely were both very well-educated, very feminist, and very liberal. One was around 45, the other around 65. They had seen Obama’s speech. Both said to me “He’s going to be president one day.” Both were very impressed. I was a little surprised. I watched a rerun of the speech later and still wasn’t impressed. But they definitely WERE impressed. And guess what, there were Obama fantics from the start in 2007.

    Sometimes I just have to shake my head over the foolishness….

  57. I have a friend in California and his entire family (wife’s family in Republican politics in Texas) voted early for Obama because they wanted McCain.

    That was 2 weeks before Super Tuesday! It happened all over the place.

    This is exactly why, 1 Primary Date, 1 GE Date. They can have as many debates as they like, but like, I think it is England, media has to stay out of it until the decision made.

  58. myiq: Yeah, I was wondering about that. There are 2 possibilities that come immediately to mind: 1.) Buyer’s remorse. The original Dems who backed him are now regretting that they didn’t go with Hillary. and 2.) Karl Rove’s GOP fundraising machine. It could be a little bit of both but I’m beginning to think the Rove machine had something to do with it. Here’s how it goes: The Republicans know how strong Hillary is going to be. Americans will get all nostalgic over the good old days with Bill and, gosh darnit, she’s the best candidate the Dems have run in years. So, the GOP has to take her out, but how? Well, they *could* fund one of her challengers. It probably can’t be John Edwards because if he won the primaries, he could actually win using the old southern strategy. White southern male and all that.
    BUT, what if they choose Obama? Perfect for so many reasons, the major one being that it splits the Democratic base and pits them against each other. Rove is the master of divisive politics. If Hillary wins, there goes the AA vote. if Obama wins, the women will get so steaming mad that the general election is a toss up. Will Dems take the bait? Sure they will. You can always count on a Dem to go all social nanny. It’s who they are.
    So, the GOP pumps a lot of money into the early primaries in hopes that Obama will take. He does. They pump in more money. Obama looks like a money magnet. The DNC is starting to hurt because it is dissing its largest constituency in the base for the African-American vote. It becomes completely dependent on Obama for operating cash. Now, imagine that you are on one end of a tug rope. All the sudden, you let go of your end. What happens to the guy at the other end? He collapses. Voile! McCain waltzes in.

  59. This was posted on HillarysVoice yahoo email list. Obama was the empty suit to fit into Dean’s campaign strategy for 08, but he certainly has the arrogance to fill it out.

    Sue Castner of Portland is a longtime Clintonite who was a big fund- raiser for Hillary Clinton and will be one of her delegates at the
    Democratic National Convention. Nobody was more loyal. Days before
    Clinton dropped out of the race, Castner told me: “If it comes down to
    a [convention] floor fight, I grew up in New Jersey. I’ve got brass
    knuckles. I am not remotely afraid of a floor fight.”

    Castner is still coming to terms with the reality of Barack Obama as
    the Democratic nominee, judging by an e-mail of hers (see it after the
    jump) that is making the rounds. Castner was in a group of Clinton
    supporters who met with Obama and Clinton on June 26 in D.C. – and she
    wasn’t too happy with how it went.

    Ms. Castner’s email:

  60. Montague:

    I never “got” Obama. I heard all the fuss and checked him out early on, but I wasn’t impressed. That was way before the negative stuff came out. All I saw was a smooth-talking empty suit.

    Frankly, I was way more impressed with Obama Girl.

  61. I have never heard a word out of his mouth that has impressed me. I cannot believe that he does not have a speech therapist for all of his halting, studdering speech. (He doesn’t studder in the true sense, it is because he is trying to figure out what he needs to say this time – no core values on any issue other than wanting to be President).

  62. I have to wonder why his contributions aren’t being investigated….I don’t buy and never have that it was $25 donations from private citizens.

    One has to wonder who the money people really are and what are they going to want in return.

    Mountain Sage

  63. What’s interesting regarding public speaking is that at he Unity speech HC proved is a much better speaker than BO.

  64. Reed says ‘not interested’ in VP role

    Reed, a graduate of West Point has been mentioned as a possible VP candidate given his foreign policy credentials and bipartisan respect on Capitol Hill, told the Associated Press Monday being Obama’s running mate is a “position which I have no interest in.”


    Another bigwig down.

    By the way, His Holiness gives another major speech tomorrow on Iraq & National Security. Apparently, he gave a Major one to AAs today. Enough with this already.

  65. But riverdaghter, why do you think McCain is flailing so badly right now? Honestly, this is NOT what I expected…as I said, I am no McCain fan and I am truly not sure who would be worse, but I don’t want Obama to just waltz in there…he isn’t being held accountable by ANYONE, and at the very least, I expected the McCain campaign to do it. His fund raising is reasonable given how little republican enthusiasm there is this year, but the campaign itself is awful. And Obama, from what we are reading, has a tremendous organization on the ground…if it is as close as it seems, and I think it will stay close through November, Obama wins based on organization alone.

  66. Thank God Reed said no. He’s the only respectable politician in RI.

  67. I’m inclined to agree with RD’s second theory.

    Any genuine supporters would be donating to the DNC even if they had buyer’s remorse. GOP ratfuckers wouldn’t give money to our party, but they might finance a weak candidate.

    And if it were buyer’s remorse, why aren’t we hearing from the remorseful buyers? Obamanation is still mostly supporting him, and the drop-off in money started months ago (just about the time he supposedly clinched) and long before disillusionment started.

  68. Obama money declined because Tony Rezko is in JAIL, and all Tony’s money delivers are being watch. Therefor Auchi and Al Alsamari can’t get the money to Barack….

  69. Mountain Sage:

    If the GOP is behind the Obamaphenomena then don’t expect this administration to investigate.

  70. Bill’s Heckler Now Hillary’s Supporter PUMA

    Our family urges everybody to support Hillary Clinton for president by emailing the super delegates to (request that they) cast their nominating vote for Hillary.

    “We didn’t always feel that way, though. I am the Obama supporter Bill Clinton got angry at in Fayetteville, West Virginia, as seen on the YouTube video, Bill Clinton Argues With Voter (CBS News).”

  71. I agree with john. I believe the investigation is intensifying.

  72. It’s not just money we should look at. Obama was being fluffed by the media since the very beginning too.

    Rolling Stone did a cover story about him in March 2007, and he got lots of press all last year (all favorable)

    John Edwards, OTOH, couldn’t get positive coverage to save his life, and was virtually invisible after last summer.

  73. I stand by the conspiracy theory. John McCain’s going to let Obama destroy himself and what doesn’t burn to the ground, he’ll light a cigarette off of.

  74. Chuck, Chris, Tim, Andrea……………..all said on the Saturday she stopped that he had it in the bag after the 11 state run. Everyone knew it because they were not about to take it away from him because (not my words) “he was black and the black community would riot”.

    The fix was in. He didn’t need the big bucks still. He was surviving on the on-line donations that had caught fire.

  75. Pat – Chuck Shummer looks pretty damn good also. I think I will invite him for next weekend.

  76. Carol:

    Part of the reason that the “fix was in” was Obama’s Magical Money Machine.

    The DNC was so eager to get their hands on the money he would bring in they steamrollered all opposition in order to give him the nomination.

    So where’s the money now?

  77. I always found it curious that Matthews was making a joke out of BO and BO’s lack of accomplishments and then shifted. I can’t believe that experienced political journalists really buy into the “change” BS.

  78. #
    myiq2xu, on July 14th, 2008 at 7:46 pm Said:

    It’s not just money we should look at. Obama was being fluffed by the media since the very beginning too.

    Rolling Stone did a cover story about him in March 2007, and he got lots of press all last year (all favorable)

    John Edwards, OTOH, couldn’t get positive coverage to save his life, and was virtually invisible after last summer.

    Exactly…it was in October that the press coverage changed from being more neutral to being PRO-OBAMA ALL THE TIME. That was right after the debate where Hillary was asked the question about drivers licenses for people her illegally and she was excoriated for fumbling. The negative coverage of that went on, and on, and on. When Obama made the same mistake at the next debate, he got a total pass…that is when the narrative truly changed, I think. When did Oprah endorse? Was it around that time? If so, that makes me more inclined to believe that behind the scenes she helped a lot with glowing media…

  79. I wonder how much $ these “journalists” got to make nice with BO

  80. you can use this link to find donors by zip code or state. if you want to find the early donors, sort by date and look at the end of the list.


    you can use this link to see how much $$ ppl in each state gave to the various candidates. click on the light blue tabs near the top to sort by metro areas or zips. e.g., it looks like NY gave around $17M to Obama, the Bay area around $14M and LA around $11M.


  81. Tweety and Co. say Veep will be Biden.

    I will lose all respect for Biden if accepts. Let’s be honest here though, nobody else will accept. I fully believe that Hillary’s turned him down more than once, likely a lot more frequently these days.

    No Veep:

    Teddy Strickland
    Eddy Rendell
    Jim Webb
    Harry Reid
    Wes Clark – let’s be serious here
    Mark Warner
    Hillary Clinton – Nooooooo.

  82. DNC Protest Zone Will Be Surrounded by Two Fences
    The designated protest zone at the Democratic National Convention will be surrounded by two fences, placed eight feet apart, that will create a buffer between protesters inside the first fence and people outside, such as delegates.

    In documents filed in federal court, the Secret Service said that if delegates walk directly from the security checkpoint to the Pepsi Center, they will pass “within 200 to 400 feet” of the protest zone, which will take up about 50,000 square feet in parking Lot A.

  83. @Janis, 7:19 PM

    “His declining fortunes mystify me more than his earlier climbing ones. That is a surprise.”

    This doesn’t make sense to me, either. The only way I can square it is if they think they’ve secured what they paid for. A McCain win? A Barky win? Anybody but Clinton?

  84. According to this article, there was Repug money at the beginning behind Obama:


  85. For more on who’s backing Obama, his Bush Admin. supporters, and connections to Iraq War profiteering:

    Why Obama represents Bush’s Third Term

  86. gqmartinez,

    i got mail from just about everyone but Gravel and Kuchich in fall and winter 2006. Obama, Richardson, Clinton, Edwards, Biden. I can’t remember if i got it from anyone else. i’m definitely not a big donor.

  87. AnnieO:

    Everyone looks at the journalists, but that’s a mistake.

    Look at the owners and editors of the media. They tell the journalists what to cover and how to slant the stories.

    Who are the owners? Rupert Murdoch, Disney, . . .

  88. The protester’s should be 50% of the delegates inside the stadium.

    A good pair of fence cutters is under $10.

  89. Theo nly thing I can think of is that Hill kept it up far, far, far longer than they thought. They laugh up their sleeves at her lack of a post-Super-Tuesday strategy, but NOBODY had a post-ST strategy, including them.

    They thought she’d bow out, and women would come crawling back over Roe. They creamed their fucking pants over finally being able to use THAT little secret weapon on us. They were SO FUCKING CONVINCED of it.

    But Hillary kept on going, and still has only suspended and wants her name in consideration. That plus the fact that we dug our heels in over Roe I think forced them to overplay their hand.

    PUMA and the campaign to retire Hillary’s debt I think also provided another outlet for all those juicy checks.

    I really do think that they simply underestimated her refusal to give up. They should have known better — she stuck it out with Bill far longer tham most women would have. Once she has the bit between her teeth, she never lets go. She’s worse than a goddamned ferret once she latches on.

  90. Regency, you know what — I think that nobody banked on McCain also sticking it out like he did. Not only did Hillary’s regusal to open her jaws fuck up the DNC’s plans, but McCain also kept on going. That old fuck does NOT give up — everyone expected him to bow out early and be an easy loser, then clear the way for Huckabee or Romney, or Sneezy, Dopey, Doc, Bashful, whichever one would float to the top.

    He also threw a monkeywrench in their plans. He and Hillary are both bull terriers. They’ll effing DIE with the bit between their teeth, and the embalmer still won’t be able to pry it loose.

  91. someone was calling it a “freedom fence.”

  92. Panders Ovomit got $160,000 from executives at Exelon in the first quarter of 2007 alone. He took money from state lobbyists and pacs. He was a fraud from the beginning. The LA Times was one of the first outlets to expose his bullshit, but no one cared.

    Let’s get in the Wayback Machine again. It’s the winter of 2000. The Republican Party has just thrown John McCain, a man who at that time could have creamed Al Gore, under the bus for George W. Bush. Why? Because they wanted a sock puppet who wouldn’t mind leading the charge into Iraq in the name of Haliburton’s no bid contracts. McCain was not going to be duped or controlled.

    Sound familiar? Who’s going to control Hillary? Nobody. Who’s going to control Panders Ovomit? Bill Ayers, and a host of people I don’t want to meet. So let’s kick the bum to curb in Denver. If that fails we’ll do it in November.

  93. Janis,

    i think that’s why McCain liked Hillary and helped pave her way with some of the boyz in the Senate. he saw that they were a lot alike and told his friends that she was ok.

  94. Freedom fence. Hm. Hoping that was ironic but knowing better …

    Bush’s third term indeed …

  95. myiq2xu: But some seem to do it with such enthusiasm.

  96. Sassy, I remember hearing that McCain has a bit of a weak spot for mentoring. He was taken under another older Senator’s wing and shown the ropes when he was in and he’s always very eager to pay that one forward.

    Barky doesn’t know HOW to give a shit for anyone but himself.

  97. OT, but what is missing in Oblah’s head that he has to pander to white voters by dissing African American ones? He wouldn’t talk to Hispanics or Asians like he did at the NAACP.

  98. I have to disagree with Bill that Vets can snap at any time. That is a wrong headed statement.

  99. I remember hearing that McCain has a bit of a weak spot for mentoring. He was taken under another older Senator’s wing and shown the ropes when he was in and he’s always very eager to pay that one forward.

    Barky doesn’t know HOW to give a shit for anyone but himself.

    and that is why, if i were in a swing state, i would probably vote for McCain.

  100. BO is about do as I say, not as I do. I am sure he has woman issues – his mother abandoned him and MO – what can I say, a domineering, radical, militant,………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

    PUMA$ Who Don’t Want to see this woman in the WH, DONATE!

  101. regency, I think the VP will be Evan Bayh. I just posted about this at TM and talk left earlier, so I will just post my thoughts here:

    I don’t think Bayh was or is the top choice, though I like Bayh, but a lot of people who were clearly in the running, such as Webb and Rendell, have opted out, so I think this leaves Bayh with an opening.

    The Obama campaign opened 25-30 offices in Indiana…the state has not gone for a Democrat in many decades and there have been no demographic shifts here to suggest that it will be different in 2008, like in VA and NC. In 2004, Bush won reelection by something like 20 points. The only way they could really make a play for the state is with Bayh on the ticket (I think they would win the state).

    Bayh also makes sense because he has executive experience (2 term gov of IN before the Senate) and he will not outshine Obama. It also makes sense for Bayh because whether Obama wins or loses, it gets Bayh’s name out there on the national stage and he can try again in 2012 since he is still pretty young. He wanted to run for 2008 but couldn’t get enough name recognition.

    Doesn’t change anything for me. The presidential candidate is unqualified, no VP choice can make up for that (though I admit Hillary as VP would probably get me to vote for the ticket because at least she will be there watching over the country), but I think Bayh will be his choice.

  102. “McCain does not have the support of the media…”

    That is crazy. McCain is the media darling all the way; in fact, the media are part and parcel of this entire campaign. 24/7 propaganda to make McCain and Obama the contenders.

    Once Obama is officially nominated, he will be eviscerated by the GOP, the 527s, and the media.

    I will NOT support any candidate the media tells us we have to support.

  103. myiq – Great post!

    gqmartinez, on July 14th, 2008 at 6:49 pm Said:
    The thing that bothered me was that if Obama was continually raising money from so many new people, he should have also been increasing his lead in the popular vote. But after Feb, he didn’t. He should have easily won more votes than Hill. It never added up to me.

    This is what I didn’t understand. The Obamans were always bragging about how huuuuuuuge their movement was. Why didn’t it materialize into votes?

    I have always had this feeling that the Obama “movement” is made up of paid astroturfers, Moveon.org followers, about 500,000 true believers, and a large number of AA’s who have been “hopenotized” into believing that Hillary and Bill are racists. At most, 4-5 million people.

    It’s all a house of cards, and the Internets made it seem like a well-built castle. But the weakness in the structure is showing, and it will soon come tumbling down.

  104. For heaven’s sake, why am I in moderation?!

  105. elizinsandi

    That’s not what Bill was talking about. He was speaking about Nelson Mandela. They took the statement out of context. I read the entire statement before anyone made a big fuss over it. It was fine.

  106. RD- I am going with #2.. I think it is Karl Rove and his gang of thieves. I have thought this for a very long time. It makes so much sense as to how and why this guy got as far as he did, with nothing but a speech in 2004.

  107. JJ: McCain could be doing a Wronsky Feint. Lull the Dems into a false sense of security: “McCain is weak. The Republicans don’t even like him. The wimmins folk will come back after their over their little snit.” That way, there’s not evolutionary pressure on the DNC to replace Obama with Clinton. McCain looks very beatable. Except that Obama is tanking in the polls early so there actually *is* some pressure on them. Now, why is Obama tanking if McCain is so weak? Maybe it has nothing to do with McCain. The voters are not flocking to McCain. They are flocking to… no one. Or, should I say, the place where someone once was. What we have here is two incredibly weak candidates or one that is only acting weak right now so that the presumptive nominee for the Dems doesn’t get replaced. Everyone is laying low and praying they make it though August without Hillary coming back.

  108. Is this just too much of a coincidence!

    MLK Birthday January 15

    MLK Birthday Holiday January 19, 2009


    What the Fuck!

  109. Nothing on earth would get me to vote Obama. The idea that Hillary could save us from Blair House or OEOB is not realistic. He still has his fingers on the button and she is still Constitutionally irrelevant.

    Besides, her as VP means she doesn’t get to be President ever most likely.

  110. Gosh, I’m just catching up today – been “working” all day – Every post today has been as always PERFECT (God I love this place) !!!

    I have a Scratching post Bastille Day celebration post coming up…let me know if 9:00 is ok, if not, I’ll hold it for another hour or so.

  111. regencyg – You are a teenager – what about school, friends, chores?

  112. sm77 – does that mean party and fund raising?

  113. Carol Diamonds!!! I hope that I can get my next post tonight up – it’s a Scratching Post Bastille Day post & I mention you & Fuzzybear for donations of course…

  114. YES!!! Carol Diamonds – always, our Marianne of the Democratic party NEEDS OUR HELP.

  115. I just saw him put his hands on her again! He is looking for a bruising!

    I just saw a few minutes of his speech live right now – he again said “it doesn’t matter what color your skin is………”

    What a racist he is!

  116. The money has a name: Pelosi. She’s been behind Obama from the get-go and maneuvered his rise. Pelosi’s fundraising prowess is legendary. That’s all she did before being elected to represent San Francisco and that’s how she became House Speaker. She doesn’t have to spend a penny to get elected and doles out money to her chosen candidates. The drop in campaign contributions is not difficult to explain because of the limits imposed on those who contribute. It also happened to Hillary. If it wasn’t for the online contributions, Hillary could not have continued her campaign.

  117. Let’s make it for at least $10.08 – a good lunch amount. Please ask them to donate and post the details. How many days are we going (I have to watch the new “The Closer” tonight)

  118. Oh dearie me–I thought prostitution was illegal. Apparently not. BO’s the biggest political prostitute I’ve ever seen–and Oprah was one of the biggest ‘Madams” in the brothel. Never again will I watch, listen, or read any of her sh*t. She and Barky better start hustling up some new customers, though. I don’t think they’re liking the “lube-free @$$-fu**ing” they’ve been getting (God Janis-that was a good one). Not when they paid for the “Pretty Baby”.

  119. Please remind them of the T shirt also. Thanks.

  120. Carol – I do remind of the coffee cup & t-shirt – I’m just trying to take advantage of the French Holiday of LIBERTE!

  121. Merci’ Bearcoup! – Ya think that is good enough for BO!

  122. Congressional Quarterly is in need of some edification from us all, get yourself to the comments section of this story mistitled

    Diehard Clinton Supporters Fretting About Democracy or some such trifle…


  123. If you look at the polls, which are probably irrelevant at this point in time, it is interesting that they seldom move much in either direction. McCain is holding between 41 to 43% and Obama is holding between 44-46%. No groundbreaking numbers there. And considering that McCain is probably the worst candidate ever, holding only as a few point difference, tells us more about Obama than it does McCain.

    It is difficult to defend McCain against any slam since he seems totally out of it. Relying only on is foreign affairs strength won’t be enough to drag him over. The guy is bad.

    Obama needs competition. Someone above pointed out that if he goes into the WH almost unchallenged he and the DNC, who most assuredly sets the agenda in congress, will be able to do whatever they choose.

    This year is a very disappointing year overall. The most qualified has been kicked to the curb and the least qualified, along with a geriatric, will be handed the keys to the WH in January. Dismal outlook.

  124. Nancy Pelosi is wealthy. Her donors have more than likely coughed up a great deal of money on behalf of The One. It is because of her, along with Bush, that we are where we are today. She had her chance, did nothing, and now wants us to back her chosen candidate?

    I wouldn’t trust her to choose my laundry detergent.

  125. Carol: Chuck Schumer is yours. No fight there.

  126. Who are the owners? Rupert Murdoch, Disney, . . .

    General Electric

  127. Carol, on July 14th, 2008 at 8:38 pm Said:
    regencyg – You are a teenager – what about school, friends, chores?

    It’s summertime. I just graduated and I don’t start college until the last few days of August. My friends and I regularly text and email each other. I just spent Friday shopping with two of my best friends, Angelique and Layla. I was five seconds from buying a “McCain is my Homeboy” t-shirt but I decided to save it for Hillary. I just washed the dishes and helped mom put away the groceries.

    I’m covered.

  128. I have been saying it forever. Where has all this money come from? It seems so suspect. They need an investigation.

  129. I wonder if they ran out of dead people in the country to donate. Dead people still vote in Chicago so I don’t see why they wouldn’t donate too.

  130. Maybe we need to start with Obama’s 2004 race against Keyes.
    Very funky.
    He (Obama) was one of Dean’s Dozen: Dean and Kerry actively campaigned for him.
    Donna Brazile spoke of the “Obama factor in Slate magazine.”
    Wikipedia’s a good place to start but no authority.
    However, the answers start before the current questions, imo.

  131. God Pat–is that the deal with Pelosi? I thought I was going to come unglued watching her snotty attitude during her interview with Greta Van Susteren. She was SO “not our kind, dear” about Hillary, and then to even TRY to defend BO’s racist church attendance was more than I could stomach. The neighbors were hearing some LOUD howling that nite. I’m feeling very, very betrayed by my sisters, and I’m not liking it one bit.

  132. Whatever it is, someone or some group of people are buying the Democratic Party and the election for BO. This is an election fraud in its ugliest form. Many voters, especially the youth group, were fooled by the scheme.

  133. I agree with the couple above who compared O to W in the sense of being a beholden puppet. if he becomes president, I guess we’ll find out to whom he’s beholden.

    eight or so years ago, I literally lol’d when I heard George Bush wanted to become president. as if! suddenly money was falling off trees into his pockets. I was stunned! I thought people wanted at least a modicum of proven experience in the leader of the free world, but I was wrong.

    W’s presidency has been very very good for those who bought it for him. the Dems aren’t as dumb as they seem. and they aren’t as ethical as we kidded ourselves into thinking they were.

  134. New Thread! Scratching Post celebrates Bastille Day – Grace Jones special guest!

  135. http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=weeklyreport-000002915798

    Oh, goody, more temper tantrum charges being leveled at us.

    I haven’t figured out if the O supporters are dense or what. Either they are too stupid to get what we are saying or are deliberately misunderstanding. Or maybe some of both.

    Even my 81 year old father has finally gotten it….Obama is just another politician who, once the hope and change thing wasn’t enough, had no specifics and no plan for the country.
    Mountain Sage

  136. For my money, its Karl Rove. Does no one else find it odd that he left Bush’s Administration almost a year ago? For what? What has he done? Not much as far as we Liberals know. But, I have always felt it was so he would be free to do *something*…manipulate *something* that would benefit the Republican Party WITHOUT the hassle of prying eyes. And, I believe, stopping Hillary was his primary agenda. – and I believe the big benefactors have all been in on the game. It worked, didn’t it. One more success for Rove.

  137. #
    Carol, on July 14th, 2008 at 8:34 pm Said:

    Is this just too much of a coincidence!

    MLK Birthday January 15

    MLK Birthday Holiday January 19, 2009


    What the Fuck!

    Inauguration is always on January 20th.

  138. myiq2xu,

    I’m sorry to be so late in commenting. Based on my reading, I think that Obama and Hillary were both acceptable to the DLC, which is the organization that advises big corporations about who are the up and comers. Even though Obama made a big show of taking his name off the DLC list when he was confronted about it, he is still DLC and so are some of his top advisors.

    Obama is the choice of the investment banks, because he favors privatization of social programs and his top economic advisors are pushing for privatization of social security. That is the big thing that turned me off Obama very early.

    I believe that top Democratic “leaders” like Howard Dean pushed Obama beginning in 2004. Kerry gave Obama his donor list. Tom Daschle and his wife are both big-time lobbyists and Daschle pushed Obama to run in 2008. Axelrod is also a lobbyist, of course. Obama’s talk about not taking lobbyist money was an obviously lie from the very beginning.

    I think as the primary season began, it became clear that Obama would be easier to control than Clinton and the big media companies pushed him and screamed for Hillary to get out. Many Dem “leaders” fell for the media blitz.

    Now the media co’s and other large corporations will get either McCain or Obama–another Repub at heart. And it will be easier for Obama to dismantle social security than for any Repub. Social Security is the last big prize in the robbing of the U.S. treasury.

  139. Great post, too MyIQ. Thanks!! You are brilliant..

  140. I think who ever was behind this was a Democrat and I believe it was the DNC and I think they planned it in 2004. They went out and found the dumbest human being on the planet well I don’t care how weak McCain is? How is Obama going to win? The country is not going to him his numbers are horrible in a lot of swing states. I am voting McCain

  141. The $99 million were paid mostly by W’s pioneers, VRWC members. I knew it would stop the moment B0 made the deal with the DNC – funny how BO&comp didn’t figure it out.
    Fr those still thinking this was originated with the DNC, read this again:
    Frustrated Democrat Makes Friends in G.O.P.

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    Published: February 21, 2003

    Two years ago, Donna Brazile, then Al Gore’s campaign manager, was engaged in daily combat with Karl Rove, then George W. Bush’s top campaign strategist.

    Today, they chirpily exchange e-mail, chat on the phone and write letters, indulging in their shared zeal for the inner workings of politics.

    ”I like her a lot,” said Mr. Rove, now ensconced in the West Wing as President Bush’s chief political adviser. ….

  142. Speaking of money….did you know that despite saying in June that the Democratic Party wouldn’t take lobbyist money the Democratic Party has hired Steve Farber, whose lawfirm, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, is one of the fastest-growing lobbying shops in Washington and one of the most powerful firms in the West, to raise money for the convention?

    Here’s the info: Mountain Sage

  143. Great, great post, Miq. Terrific information. That Atlantic article is breathtaking…who knew those “democrats” out in Silicon Valley could organize that type of effort. I still can’t figure why the money is drying up. Even if HRC may “out of the race” wouldn’t those same donors keep the money flowing to beat McCain? Is it possible they’re feeling buyer’s remorse? I don’t think so because an integral factor of an Obamabot is seeing the empty suit/blank canvas as a reflection of themselves, and nobody gives up on themselves. I’m stumped.

  144. Great article and great comments, myiq. Was having the usual periodic difficulty with WordPress earlier so not even able to keep up with the comments, much less post a comment. Never understand why that happens–only with WordPress, and I just get completely cut off from the Internet. Oh well….

    My money is on Bloomberg and the Unity ’08 crowd. Remember when Bloomberg said he wouldn’t run if Obama became the nominee? Bloomberg is incredibly well connected with Republican money people. Those were the people Bloomberg pulled out of a hat to support Joe Lieberman in 2006. So it makes sense to me that Bloomberg put the squeeze on his pals to see if they could buy Obama the nomination. After all, in Bloomberg’s world, money can buy any political race. What he didn’t count on was that Hillary could still beat Obama with only one-third to one-quarter of the funds.

    At a certain point, however, it must have become apparent to Bloomberg’s buddies that, this time, campaign donations to the nominee were not the way to go. Just as Jay Rockefeller received large donations from the telecoms to push through the new FISA legislation, my guess is that money started being funneled to those in the DNC–and perhaps some superdelegates–that Bloomberg thought had a better chance of affecting the process in favor of Obama. Unfortunately, those donations are more difficult (maybe impossible) to track with certainty, but that’s my guess as to where the original money came from and why it began to shift away from Obama.

  145. K haus I digs you bigly! Did you know that Zell owns the Chicago Trib and the LAT — funny no?

    But, with an IQ like yours we are going to find out, no?

    BIG HUGS you little PB & J 2.0er very fab! I wonder if I know you from my newspaper daze & if Not I should have! You are FAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That Soros guy is behind some of this, too. It was in New York Mag? More in NYT. Creepy.

    ps: that Lamert is mondo fab too, just like you and RD!

    There is the no small matter of the NDN and the New Organizing Network & DeanPelosiTrippi deal too, along with MsHuffster & that orange dude… “rootscamp”

    you go! xxoo!

  146. Bostonboomer- so aptly said.

  147. OOops Lambert!

    is who I meant! another fab one…RD introd’ed me to! & then the Rezko & all that group…it starts to look majorly overseas? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    plus the big G and its “bubble sort” —- didn’t hurt things!

  148. RD – Your “theory” number 2 sounds exactly like a post of mine about a month ago. Then you called it a “conspiracy theory” and wouldn’t let me out of moderation. You said that this site didn’t engage in conspiracy thoughts ! What has changed? Maybe since Hillary’s debt is getting paid down it is ok to engage in ” conspiracy ” talk.

  149. edgeoforever

    Verrrrry interesting article about Brazile. Oh, the irony, the inconsistencies, the turncoat behavior, and the hypocrisy.

  150. Hey, did we ever find any of the $9 billion in cash that was stolen in Iraq? 😉

  151. This has been a concerted effort ever since the 2006 mid-term elections. I knew it when the very next day and every day thereafter Chris Mathews lead to each show, every day was “Hillary”. The idea was to make the public sick of hearing the name over and over. Add to that the misinformation and demonization and you could see where this was headed. I said so to my spouse at the time.
    Then comes Pelosi and Steney Hoyer getting the spot everybody wanted John Murtha to get. The fix was in from the get go. Its all to obvious that there was a concerted effort by the Republicans and Democrats in power along with their brokers (money brokers that is) to support the status quo. They couldn’t have the Clintons throwing a wrench into their plans. There was too much money to be made for the corporate types and we still had a war to profit on. The “Democrat for a day” campaign was the final straw for me.

  152. A “unity” ticket is a surefire disaster. Can you IMAGINE Obama picking a Republican like Bloomberg (no matter how liberal) or Hagel?

    The party should demand Obama’s ouster right then and there if he pulls that kind of crap.

  153. I would add it would prove beyond ALL doubt the GOP is behind Obama’s ascent; it will have control over BOTH parties.

  154. So, if Obama raised about 50 millions more than Hillary (about 20%), why aren’t you comparing with the same scrutiny the provenance of Hillary’s money ? Bill made a lot of nice friends in the last years, like the people who financed the Clinton Presidential library.

    And why is Hillary having difficulties paying off her debt now ? has her source dried up too ? Was it also the GOP ?

    It’s normal for Hillary to raise 230 millions, but if Obama raised 280 millions, there’s something wrong and we can speculate to find it out. Your question is not even : “is there something wrong ?” it is instead ” Where did he stole that money ?”

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