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Casablanca, the remake, directed by Trump, starring Scott Pruitt

Trump’s administration is turning out to be worse than we thought. The news about Scott Pruitt is almost unbelievable. Robert Mueller is uncovering Pruitt’s work in Russia and Ukraine in real time. Trump hasn’t fired Pruitt yet. But the the junket Pruitt had in Morocco might just do him in.

It appears that Scott took this trip to Morocco on behalf of Carl Icahn and his natural liquified gas terminal business. Pruitt and 6 other EPA staffers flew first class to Paris. I’ve done that. It’s pretty swank. The seats are luxurious and sinfully large. The flight attendant brings you a cocktail when you first get on the plane. You get a flight bag full of scented hand lotions and comfy socks and other niceties that the cattle in coach never see. After your delicious dinner and night cap, they break out the sundae bar to go with your Ambien. But all that pampering comes with a cost. Fortunately for me, my company paid for it. And for Pruitt and his entourage, WE paid for it. Yep, everyone from the IT developer to the Oklahoma school teacher to the parent in Flint Michigan who can’t let her kids drink the tap water, paid for all that pampering.

But wait! There’s more.

That trip included a weekend in Paris for those lucky seven people among whom was Samantha Dravis, who was paid a salary from the fund set aside for clean drinking water, and reportedly never came to work. Except for this trip. One can only assume her linguisitic services were exceptional. It must have been a very memorable trip.

I can almost Scott and Samantha standing on the Tarmac in Morocco in the misty evening. He looks down at her shining eyes as she’s about to get that last plane out of Casablanca and says, “We’ll always have Paris – on the tax payers’ dime. Suckerrrrrrs!”

Meanwhile, Trump wants to up the tariffs on China to $100 billion. Why would he stiff so many of his constituents like soy bean farmers and pig growers like this? Because he is a “f*cking moron”, as Rex Tillerson said. The market is going to LOVE that.

So will the electoral college. Sure, some of Clinton’s voters will be affected. But Trump’s voters are spread out over more sparsely populated states. There are senators in those states that are up for re-election this fall.

Like Nebraska where Deb Fischer, the Republican incumbent, may be facing Democrat Jane Raybould.

Here’s what Ben Sasse, the other Republican Senator from Nebraska, said about those tariffs:

“Hopefully the President is just blowing off steam again but, if he’s even half-serious, this is nuts. China is guilty of many things, but the President has no actual plan to win right now,” Sasse said in a statement.

“He’s threatening to light American agriculture on fire. Let’s absolutely take on Chinese bad behavior, but with a plan that punishes them instead of us. This is the dumbest possible way to do this,” he continued.

Yes, you just go right on hoping, Ben. Everyone who voted for Trump can keep on hoping. Maybe this there is method in his madness. Or maybe, it’s just madness and we’re all screwed.

Trump voters, you can continue to believe that Trump has some grand plan to drain the swamp, but if any of this had happened under a Democratic president’s term, he would have been forced to resign or had been impeached so fast his head would spin. Both sides of the aisle would be screaming their bloody heads out in terror of what he was doing to our country’s economy and reputation. We’d all be shaking in our boots at how incredibly vulnerable we are to attacks from all kinds of international malefactors.

I can only assume that Republicans have yet to feel this personally because their constituents haven’t felt it personally. But they will. It’s coming.