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What’s WRONG with these people?

Jimmy Kimmel thought that if he introduced Trump voters to a real life DACA recipient who had been here in this country since she was 2, has her own baby (a US citizen) and us engaged to a guy in the National Guard, that maybe their compassion for another human being would soften their position to deport the Dreamers. Watch what happens:

Perhaps the best psychological experiments of the 20th century, The Milgram Experiment and the Stanford Prison experiment can explain much of what is going on here. There’s a mindlessness about adhering to a law so rigorously that you are willing to separate a mother from her child and partner for 10 years. And there’s a bit of lecturing going on by people who have NO idea what it’s like to deal with the US INS. I’ve had colleagues who have tried to get green cards, had US citizen children, were from France and Canada and STILL spent thousands of dollars, waited patiently while INS lost their paperwork and sat on the edge of their seats for months after their final interviews waiting for their green card. The humiliating questions we ask of regular people just trying to live with their families and keep their jobs (one was an astronomer teaching at a college in PA, the other was a structural biologist, soooo, hardly sucking off the public) was just ridiculous.

So, imagine how much worse it is for someone who had no choice in the matter and can’t really go back to a country she doesn’t know.

A nursing student engaged to a US soldier. Why are we making their lives so difficult? What purpose does it serve?

It serves only the purpose of making these Americans of little thought and self reflection look like losers who finally have a chance to self righteously lord their puny powers over desperate people who are asking for their help.

They have the choice to be mean or merciful. They choose to be mean.

The quality of mercy is not strained;

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest;

It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:

‘T is mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes

The throned monarch better than his crown:

His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,

The attribute to awe and majesty,

Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;

But mercy is above this sceptred sway;

It is enthronèd in the hearts of kings,

It is an attribute to God himself;

And earthly power doth then show likest God’s

When mercy seasons justice.

– Portia, The Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare.

Exodus 22:21-22 “You shall not wrong a sojourner or oppress him, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt. You shall not mistreat any widow or fatherless child.”


I heard this interview between Maria Schriver and Bill Gates yesterday about Alzheimer’s disease and Gates $100 million donation to find a cure.

This is well intentioned but a couple of things jumped out at me:

1.) $100 million is a drop in the bucket compared to what has already been spent. Pharma R&D spent billions working on gamma secretase and beta secretase inhibitors, gene therapy, immunotherapy. Some of these therapies actually killed people. That’s not to say there isn’t a cure waiting around the next corner. There well may be. But up to this point, all researchers have been able to do is document what doesn’t seem to work.

2.) Bill Gates says the biggest problem is none of these companies share data. That’s true to some extent. Lawyers have a lot to do with this. The companies don’t want to give away their SAR (structure activity relationship). If they have a series of compounds that have activity that is increased/decreased by some subtle tweaks, then someone who does medicinal chemistry or computational chemistry like yours truly, could look for patterns and create a model of activity for that series, piggybacking off the knowledge and research dollars of another group. And I have actually done that by reading patents and publications, and reconstructing models. But Gates does not understand the nature of the Alzheimer’s beast as far as research goes. It’s not as simple as inhibiting gamma secretase, my own personal bugaboo for several years. There is a complex interaction going on in the brain between many proteins, the immune system and just the nature of the blood brain barrier makes solving this problem very very difficult.

Not saying it’s not worthy. But biomedical research is not as easy as writing the next version of Windows. I know Silicon Valley types think all they need to do is introduce a few new ways of doing things and all that non-productive activity will suddenly bear fruit. And I’m all for new methods of doing things. It’s just that this kind of science really is different and requires slow, methodical, analytical trial and error. It’s not going to be a trial and success endeavor.

Gates should spend some time really listening to the experts who don’t need a software engineer to tell them how to do drug design. If he’s going to donate that kind of money, he needs to be in it for the long haul. And a couple of extra billions wouldn’t hurt.

And he should think about getting the companies who have the data to join a consortium where they agree to share whatever patent comes out of it. Good luck getting the lawyers to agree to that.

27 Responses

  1. My question to these people who scream “illegal” is the same I posed to our resident troll in chief. Where did your ancestors come and were they legal? If they were not legal, YOU are not legal. Chances are that they won’t be legal. Period. trump’s grandfather was thrown out of Germany, a felon.


    “Why should we be deported? This is very, very hard for a family,” wrote Friedrich Trump in 1905.

    • He was not a felon. That is a lie. Here is more context from your link:

      Trump’s grandfather was born in Kallstadt, then part of Bavaria, and immigrated to the U.S. as a teenager without performing his military service. It was after he’d made his fortune there and tried to resettle in Germany that he was ordered expelled, and returned to the U.S.

      Trump’s grandfather was a US citizen who tried to move to a country that didn’t want him so they told him to leave. His wealth and his ass-kissing didn’t help.

      • Hey, Hannity wannabee, you want to quibble about what is true or not, now?

      • “Friedrich moved to New York to join his sisters, who were already residing there.”

        Ruh-oh….sounds like chain migration to me.

  2. How many people did they have to interview before they found someone who fit their caricature of a Trump supporter?

    Why didn’t Jimmy Kimmel interview Jose Ines Garcia Zarate for his bit? Or maybe Kate Steinle’s family? Where was Alex Cabrera Gonsales, the illegal alien who was already deported twice before he got drunk and drove and killed two people and fled the scene yesterday morning?

    Trump was willing to let the Dreamers stay and work for citizenship. Schumer and the Democrats rejected the offer because they want open borders. So does big business. They like exploiting immigrant labor. That’s why Repubes like Jeb want immigration reform – to let more people in.

    You know who doesn’t want open borders? American workers. They want to keep their jobs and make decent wages.

    • It’s not a characature. That’s the typical Trump supporter. They’ve been on every channel and in every newspaper since his inauguration.

      I’m frequently shocked by what I hear about typical Trumpets. They seem to think we’re all thinking the same awful things about immigration and women and Black people and Hispanics and gays. But it’s absolutely not true. Not everyone is thinking that way. Trump may “say what everyone is thinking” but that everyone is a small portion of the country.

    • I don’t know where you got the idea that Democrats want open borders. *I* didn’t get that memo.
      Is it possible your news sources just made that shit up to inflame you? You’ve got to wonder what other bullshit it made up

    • Suppose your Dear Leader does manage to throw out all the Mexicans–over the loud objections of many business interests who depend on cheap foreign labor?

      Who’s going to pick the crops, Niles?

      If you eat meat, who’s going to slaughter the livestock to provide that meat?

      How much will the food processors need to raise their wages to get natives to do those dirty jobs?

      How much will that raise YOUR grocery bill? You KNOW the fat cats who own the food processing companies won’t take a profit hit; they’ll pass the higher costs on to YOU.

      Do you like eating out, Niles?

      Wanna pay 20 bucks for a Big Mac?

      Got a good stylish paunch built up, Niles? You may need it. 😈

      • I guess you are opposed to minimum wage laws.

        • Hardly.

          Now, how do you propose that those laws be effectively enforced, when the Grand Old Party of Worker Exploitation controls the White House, the Congress, the Supreme Joke, and a majority of state governments?

          Oh, and that’s the best retort you can manage? To quote your Dear Leader, SAD! 😈

    • Yeah, I don’t like him. I’m in good company.
      Not a damn thing you can do about it. 😃

      We’ll probably get a whole lot more club members after today. The Dow is plunging. That’s not what the greedy ones signed up for. He was great as long as he was making people money, screw all the people he’s hurting.

      I’m betting that’s all going to turn around today.

      • Mfers are screwed. He is screwing everybody but putin.

  3. “They like exploiting immigrant labor.”

    Wasn’t Chump the one pushing for 9 percent increase in work visas so he could bring even more workers over from his favorite shit hole countries? Which I guess since he can’t legally have slaves, just paying immigrants who will work for slave wages is the next best thing.

    • If it were up to me, I’d give every STEM professional we admit a green card. If we really really need them. If they are so rare and precious (some are, some aren’t) then they should be given permanent residence status the minute they get here. We want them to be able to shop their skills to the highest bidder. And they deserve to live in this country without stress that if they lose their jobs, they won’t be shipped back to Shanghai or Hyderabad.

      • Hi Riverdaughter, probably don’t remember me. I posted here once in a blue moon about 1000 years ago. Then got busy with life stuff and completely dropped out of politics for a few years, but the shit show which has been the past year has gotten me back into it.

      • Actually Hyderabad ain’t bad these days. They will have peace of mind there which is priceless. I think all of us, Indian Americans should go back to where we came from and let America fend for itself. My student, who is Chinese has gone back to Shanghai and doing pretty well working for a multinational company and with an Indian woman as his boss to boot!

        • I had a Chinese colleague who had to go home to China when our site closed and she hadn’t received her green card yet. She had to sell her house and leave in 6 weeks.
          Other Chinese colleagues told me that China was not ready to do R&D the way we do it here. The business environment wasn’t quite there yet.

          • Not just the business environment, some don’t like the other realities there having lived here. I once wrote a letter to the INS on behalf of colleague’s student who wanted to come back in. The colleague was saying how he went back home thinking it would all be worth it only to realize he wanted back here. There are challenges there but you at least know you belong there.

  4. Deliberate incompetence or Installed because of incompetence?


    • If he doesn’t have the economy, what DOES he have?

      And I’ve always thought that it’s double edge thing. It’s great for a prez when the economy is booming, however when it is, then people will focus on other things. including more social issues, like when you go out of your way to divide this country. And when the economy is tanking, that is ALL they focus on, and you sure as hell will take the blame for it.

      • “If he doesn’t have the economy, what DOES he have?”

        Bigots and Putin.

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