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Revising History

Ann, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham

Ann, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham

I recently paid a visit to the Wikipedia page dealing with Barack Obama’s maternal grandparents, Madelyn and Stanley Dunham.  I quickly noticed that it had been changed since my last visit.  I don’t mean “updated,” I mean “changed.”  I wasn’t surprised because I’ve noticed that it has been changed repeatedly in the past.

Between when the page was created by GreekParadise on February 13, 2008 and October 31, 2008 there were hundreds of revisions (97 in March alone) made on a total of 84 different days by numerous users, but most of the revisions were made by a handful of users including the names Tvoz, GreekParadise, Boris Badinov44, Khoikhoi and  Americasroof.  The month of July belonged to “justmeherenow” who made 11 revisions on 7 different days, then faded away.

I’m not going to speculate on who these people are or what their motives might be.  I’ll let you do that.  But by scrolling through the revisions you will see:

While Obama’s mother Ann was pursuing projects around the world, Madelyn and Stanley raised Obama so that he could attend the Punahou School in Hawaii.

turn into:

When Barack was 10 and his mother Ann was employed on development projects in Indonesia and around the world helping women obtain microfinance, he decided to stay in Hawaii with his grandparents, Madelyn and Stanley Dunham. 

and eventually become:

After the Obama marriage fell apart, the young Barack spent four years with his mother and her second husband in Jakarta, Indonesia. He returned to the United States at age 10 to live with his maternal grandparents in the Makiki district of Honolulu and enrolled in the fifth grade at the Punahou School. The tuition fees for the prestigious preparatory school were paid with the aid of scholarships. Ann would later come back to Hawaii and pursue graduate studies; she eventually earned a Ph.D. in anthropology and went on to be employed on development projects in Indonesia and around the world helping impoverished women obtain microfinance. When she returned to Indonesia in 1977 for her Masters’ fieldwork, Obama stayed in the United States with his grandparents. Obama writes in his memoir, Dreams From My Father, “I’d arrived at an unspoken pact with my grandparents: I could live with them and they’d leave me alone so long as I kept my trouble out of sight.”

51 Responses

  1. myiq2xu, are the changes recorded in Wikipedia? Or did you save the information?

    Does a panel review entries before they are added?

  2. That was a lot of sh*t for a 10-yr old Decider to be deciding. No wonder he’s the Prez.

  3. purplefinn:

    On every wiki entry there is a history page.

    Check it for yourself.

  4. We are going to go through endless revisions of reality….

  5. That paragraph will have made him out to be the Messiah before the end of his first term, I bet.

    How is Hillary’s wiki page doing? Are the same people modifying hers?

  6. Here is something from the current wiki page:

    “During World War II, Stanley Dunham enlisted in the Army. Madelyn worked on a Boeing B-29 assembly line in Wichita. Her brother Charlie Payne was part of the 89th Infantry Division, which liberated the Nazi concentration camp at Ohrdruf, a subcamp of Buchenwald, a fact Barack Obama has referred to in speeches.”

    Actually, Obama claimed in his famous 2002 anti-war speech nobody ever heard that his grandfather (Stanley) helped liberate Auschwitz.

    Auschwitz was liberated by the Russian army in January 1945.

  7. There have been over 500 revisions since the page was first created.

  8. he went to school on scholarships? Why? His grandmother was a bank VP and they lived in a wealthy suburb.

  9. boo hoo….
    “I’d arrived at an unspoken pact with my grandparents: I could live with them and they’d leave me alone so long as I kept my trouble out of sight.”

    That’s the same pact we all had with our parents Barry.

  10. bad:

    He needed scholarships because Punahou school didn’t accept food stamps

  11. You have to either be 1) very smart or 2) very connected to get into Punahou. I don’t think Punahou was doing affirmative action admissions at that point since Hawaii was already full of every minority imaginable (I lived there at that time and, believe it or not, as a white family, we were minority – still couldn’t get into Punahou, though).

    Begs the same old question – what are Barack’s connections?

  12. I have no idea of the requirements at that time for scholarships .. however .. Good grades use to be an important factor …

    this is a beginning google page 0 search – “grades a factor in scholarships”

  13. scrubs:

    Madelyn Dunham was a VP at the Bank of Hawaii

    That sounds like a connection to me.

  14. If the new administration accomplishes these things .. I could die in peace.

    Obama and Holder Must Return to a September 10th Mind-Set

    please don’t hate me for this .. these things in our country had such a deep, tearing impact on me … all the time “outrage … tears” .. .. “yelling . . sobbing” …. bush years to me were the longest outrage I ever had in my life ….. just one knife in my gut after the other …

  15. In a weird way, this is on topic: Wright: Obama , still my child

    Wright: Obama is still my child

  16. How did Madelyn Dunham become a VP at the Bank of Hawaii? At that time, and awhile to come, women who had been acting head tellers for years, were training 21 year old men to be the head tellers. I’m just interested….not being snarky…For once

  17. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081208/ap_on_re_us/workers_takeover

    I’m giving the IL governor some props.

  18. These new Wright appearances are hilarious! US dropped the a-bomb on Japan on December 7th? Who knew?!

    I wonder how the other hosts of The View will treat Wright’s remarks about one of their own. Will Joy Behar defend her?

  19. Is it true that Obama is appointing a special US envoy to the middle east that will be reporting directly to him and not the SOS?

  20. myiq2xu at 3:16 pm Said: “On every wiki entry there is a history page.”

    Thanks, myiq, that will make my browsing more interesting.

    I went to tikiwiki where I thought someone was developing a PUMA data base. I haven’t been able to figure it out, however.

  21. Is there anything genuine regarding this man? Empty campaign promises, ever changing bio, no known creative abilities. We have just bought and paid for a stealth candidate.

  22. We just bought and paid for the Obama “coin.” The only thing different is the plastic case it comes in; inside, it’s same as the old boss.

  23. ““I’d arrived at an unspoken pact with my grandparents: I could live with them and they’d leave me alone so long as I kept my trouble out of sight.” How to make the people who brought you up seem to be aloof and indifferent custodians who didn’t give a damn about you as a person. Nice one.

  24. In the 1960s, affirmative action was mostly focused on Blacks. I don’t think it would have included Asian minorities. I think it’s pretty likely Obama got help because he was black. It’s the story of his like actually. He complains he has been the victim of racism, but in fact his skin color has helped him every step of the way. There is no doubt in my mind that it helped him get into Columbia and Harvard. Now it has helped him win the Presidency.

  25. Briar,

    Everything is always about Barack and his endless needs for attention. He is a pathological narcissist.

  26. Before Madelyn Dunham was VP of the bank in Hawaii, she held the same position at a bank in Washington State, from what I’ve read.


  28. sorry about the caps…was not yelling

  29. Hey evryone how is it going? looks like the MSM is setting Obama up for the big kiss off and an short and violent honeymoon!

    I have seen several articles and editorials that he is pissing off his followers!

  30. MYiq2xu…these revisions are almost as good as those “revisions” perpetrated by the ministry of truth in 1984….scary isnt it!

  31. It’s very easy to understand the Obama myth. You just need to understand that these are not lies, they are “metaphors.” Obama never lies. He just adds artistic flourish to his stories and speeches. Only imbeciles can not comprehend the difference. (snark, snark and more snark)

  32. fuzzy, the MSM has become the Ministry of Truth. Yes. It’s scary as hell!

  33. why did my post go down a black hole?

  34. Laurie:

    Dunno – it’s not in the moderation queue

  35. josephine:

    Do you have a source for that?

    If you come up with a reliable source I will repost your comment.

  36. It was about Madelyn Dunham to reply to paper doll 4.12pm.

    She worked in escrow in Seattle and had the “family connections” necessary to get her hired in Hawaii.
    (marrying Stanley at the age of 18 had meant a move to the “wrong side of the tracks”)

    Howard Stephenson, former Bank of Hawaii chairman and CEO, said he hired Dunham for two reasons. One, she knew escrow; second, she was from the same town, Peru, Kan., where Stephenson’s family is from.


    Stephenson hired Dunham, newly arrived from the mainland in 1960, to establish the bank’s escrow department.

    “She was the founder of the modern practice of escrow in Hawaii, a real pro,” said Stephenson, who, like Dunham, grew up in Kansas. “She managed to train, in spite of themselves, most of the real estate professionals in the state of Hawaii before she was through.”


  37. yummy Obama to give away free cheese this winter just like REAGAN!

  38. It was about Madelyn Dunham to reply to paper doll 4.12pm.

    She worked in escrow in Seattle and had the “family connections” necessary to get her hired in Hawaii.
    (marrying Stanley at the age of 18 had meant a move to the “wrong side of the tracks”)

    Howard Stephenson, former Bank of Hawaii chairman and CEO, said he hired Dunham for two reasons. One, she knew escrow; second, she was from the same town, Peru, Kan., where Stephenson’s family is from.


  39. He may also give away butter to!

  40. Stephenson hired Dunham in 1960 on arrival in Hawaii to establish the bank’s escrow department.

  41. “She was the founder of the modern practice of escrow in Hawaii, a real pro,” said Stephenson, who, like Dunham, grew up in Kansas. “She managed to train, in spite of themselves, most of the real estate professionals in the state of Hawaii before she was through.”

  42. “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child.” Beloved Granny my &$%^%. What an asshat.

  43. WordPress would just not accept it, only in small parts.

    I cannot believe how many articles out there say she was a secretary who worked her way up, to becoming a VP of a minor branch-or similar…
    Stuff has disappeared off google in the last few months. But there are a number of remembrance articles out there from Nov 15, which are still there.

  44. Laurie:

    Stanley Dunham was the manager of a furniture store, but they keep referring to him as a “salesman.”

    Could it be because if grandma and grandpa were doing alright financially it might interfere with Barack’s “impoverished childhood” story?

  45. yes, –Food Stamps

  46. BB:

    Josephine’s comment is gonna stay in moderation until she produces a reliable source.

  47. For the moment, all of Josephine’s comments will be moderated.

  48. I found one right wing nut source for this story, but no real evidence.

  49. BB:

    I googled it and didn’t like what I saw.

  50. This is how gospels get their start. Soon Stanley Ann will have received an angel from the Lord, a star will appear in the East and signs and miracles will appear throughout the land.

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