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Obama Debate Acceptance Watch- Day 3

MABlue has been diligently following the crisis and has this latest report:

Isn’t Hillary having too much fun? She is just playing yoyo with Obama’s refusal to debate:

Clinton’s New Debate Proposal: On the Back of a Flatbed Truck

First she said that if Barack Obama didn’t like the questions he received from debate moderators, she’d debate him Lincoln-Douglas style. Now, Hillary Clinton says she’ll even take the show on the road.

Obama told reporters this week that he’s ruled out another debate before the next round of primaries, moderators or no moderators — saying “Rather than being in a studio, I want to make sure that we’re reaching out to folks where they live.”

Senator Clinton’s response? “We could even do it on the back of a flatbed truck, doesn’t even have to be in some fancy studio somewhere,” she told the cheering crowd at an outdoor rally in the shadows of the USS North Carolina.

Come on BO, you can do it

Now, I know what you’re thinking about that “flatbed truck” offer because some of us have already gone there.

But get your minds out the gutter.

17 Responses

  1. I love Hillary. She just makes it harder and harder for O to spin.

  2. This is so great! Hillary “is in her element,” as BO said in a different context (involving scratching his face with his middle finger). Meanwhile Barry looking more wimpy with each passing day and his preacher is busy confirming everyone’s first impressions of him.

    Go Hillary go!

  3. Back to a previous “topic”.

    Brazile really said “there will be blood…”? Is that real (e.g., does it exist on tape, etc.) so that it can be proven/repeated over and over again?

    This woman must step down from the DNC – yesterday!!!!!

  4. Great song, Riverdaughter but you are missing another great one. It’s the Eagles song that talks about truck.

    I have to run to work but I’ll find the title later on.

  5. Cdalygo: You mean, Take it Easy?
    “It’s a girl, my lord, in a flatbed Ford,
    slowing down to take a look at me.
    C’mon baaaaaby,
    don’t say maaaaaaybe,
    I’ve gotta know if your sweet love is going to save me.
    We may lose or we may win,
    but we will never be here again,
    so open up by climbin’ in and take it eeeeeeasy!”

  6. The flatbed could travel to every town and city where Barry and Hillary would debate at truck stops. Now that’s reachin’ out to voters!

  7. Obama is bored with the campaign.

    “In interviews with several associates and aides, Mr. Obama was described as bored with the campaign against Mrs. Clinton and eager to move into the general election”

    Obama: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, why am I not the nominee yet! Stupid voters!!! Where is my pillow??!!!

    “Mr. Obama, who often complains aloud about the rigors of the campaign, had been scheduled to spend Sunday with his family in Chicago. But fearful of losing Indiana, he told his advisers that he wanted to campaign, so two events were hastily added.”

    Nobody likes whiners, Sen. Obama.

  8. He’s bored? LOL! I know what Barry’s problem is. He’s got ADD. He’s a classic underachiever who’s messy and disorganized and gets bored when he’s mastered the easy stuff. Throw him a really difficult problem that calls for prolonged concentration and effort and he starts daydreaming.
    Jeez, he sounds like me. Maybe *that* why I don’t want to vote for him.

  9. riverdaughter to BO and his supporters: “But get your minds out the gutter.”

    Do you have to keep harping on Bo’s bowling performance?

  10. This is the toughest Barry has had it. He is used to having things handed to him.

    He cleared Alice Palmer and the three other Democratic contenders off the playing field so he could run unopposed in his first entry into “public service” –with all the taxpayer’s money in play in Chicago, and Rezko one of the biggest players, I’m not sure that “public service” applies in this case. The Bobby Rush campaign was a tough one. Obama was presented as an out-of-touch elitist.

    When the tide turned (anti-Bush) and the Illinois State House became majority Democratic, Obama was handed bills that others had crafted and told to take them to the finish line. The new Senate Majority leader was going to “make him a U.S. Senator.”

    Obama’s Senate opposition, both Democratic and Republican, imploded with wife-related sex revelations.

    On to one year in the Senate, which bored the rock star, and the rest is history.

    BTW, Michelle Obama says this is our only chance to have Precious as our President. I hope that soon Mr. Obama can go back to writing fiction AND call a few Senate meetings. The citizens of Illinois have been paying his salary, and he didn’t put in more than a year of service before he was off running for President.

  11. You are not being fair to Obama. Of course he is bored, Pelosi, Kennedy and Brazile promised him the Presidency on a silver platter. Michelle said that it would be ok he could be President , but only if he had weekends off. Camp David is where the girls playset was to be set up, not in DC.

    Rewatch the Robert Redford movie “The Candidate”, Obama’s run could be modeled after it. I think at first, Obama did not think that he would actually win. But then he got on a roll and he decided that he wanted to be President. Now, it is being taken away from him and he is pissed. It is just not fair.

  12. You guys are great. You so made me laugh. And Hillary is great – what a funny, funny thing to say. Flatbed truck. Obviously someone has a sense of humor.

    If Obama had any sense, he’d come back with, “well I’ll think about it – if you promise it won’t have a gun rack”.

  13. Riverdaughter —

    I went to the WordPress website and found instructions for eliminating the Possibly Related feature:

    “If you want to remove the related posts from your blog entirely, just go to Design > Extras and check the box to do so. But if you remove related posts from your blog we’ll remove you from other people’s blogs, so you won’t get traffic from that.”

    They have a page on their site about it @


  14. I’ve been thinking lately, especially the past week, is he bored or self-sabotaging?

    I believe that back in Jan. & Feb, many of his congressional and governor endorsers were promised that the Obamas would be an even substitute for the Clintons’ superhuman campaigning and fundraising. Putting aside BO’s issues(Wright etc), I just don’t see him and Michelle going to fundraisers and rallies all over the country for down ticket candidates. Its just not their personality and temperment. The Clintons have more enthusiasm for Democrats in impossible congressional districts, than the Obamas do for their own campaign.

  15. Now let’s be fair – graduating Harvard law is impressive. At least to me it is.

    I do think he needs to watch what he says now – his buddies in the press will sell him out for a headline.

  16. There is a new Judith posting – could some let her know there is a prior judith? She is a very nice woman who has twice asked me to use another name when she has posted before me on boards like Digby and I have agreed.

    RD can see the different email addresses.


  17. Hey, overdue thanks for song link.

    I love a blog that provides such great service and postings :>

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