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Sunday: Into the homestretch

It’s almost May, so it’s almost over. This has been the longest race that I can remember. I think it started back when I was in high school. But we can’t stop, can’t flag, can’t slack off. Now is the time to find that little extra reserve, that spark, to keep us going. Will, determination, hard work and voile!, we will finish by a nose. We’ve bet on the right horse and she is tireless and feisty. When she’s in the winner’s circle with that wreath of flowers around her neck and a bowl of oats in front of her (Ok, maybe I’ve taken this metaphor too far), we can let out a collective sigh of relief. And then rest up for the next race.

BTW, yheitman invites everyone to a live chat for Hillary Supporters tonight at 8:00pm EST (5:00pm PST) at Savage Politics. I took a look over there yesterday and they have some quality stuff. So synchronize your watches.

In other news:

  • The first lady of our hearts, Elizabeth Edwards, wrote an Op/Ed for the NYTimes this morning on the media coverage of this longest of races titled, Bowling 1, Health Care 0. After documenting the atrocities of the season, she comes to the crux of the problem:

    News is different from other programming on television or other content in print. It is essential to an informed electorate. And an informed electorate is essential to freedom itself. But as long as corporations to which news gathering is not the primary source of income or expertise get to decide what information about the candidates “sells,” we are not functioning as well as we could if we had the engaged, skeptical press we deserve.

    And the future of news is not bright. Indeed, we’ve heard that CBS may cut its news division, and media consolidation is leading to one-size-fits-all journalism. The state of political campaigning is no better: without a press to push them, candidates whose proposals are not workable avoid the tough questions. All of this leaves voters uncertain about what approach makes the most sense for them. Worse still, it gives us permission to ignore issues and concentrate on things that don’t matter. (Look, the press doesn’t even think there is a difference!)

    The problem is that prior to the Reagan Era, news divisions of major networks were money pits. They were the loss leaders of the enterprise. As soon as the bean counters decided that news divisions would have to work for food, the integrity of news started to suffer. That is not to say that it hadn’t happened before but it was done more in earnest this time. So, the news became a form of entertainment programming over time. And if you need to keep the ratings up and advertising dollars flowing, to a certain extent, you have to appeal to the audience. Then, when the business end started coveting consolidation and mergers, it was in their interest to manipulate the news to make sure the more sympathetic party would win the elections. Which leads to an interesting question: If Hillary is the so-called “corporate” candidate, why is the media trying so hard to take her out? I’ll let Kid Oakland ponder that for awhile.

  • McCamy Taylor at Democratic Underground puts the Obama enigma on race together in a piece called, Putting All the Race Cards on the Table. I believe that our own ronkseattle had been busily compiling this info as well. Maybe later he can publish his finished product and we can compare with Taylor’s. What Taylor says is what I have suspected for a while and it kind of ties in with Elizabeth Edwards’ piece: the media has been active in pushing Obama’s race card accusations because it desperately wants to split the Dems before the General Election. Congratulations! Mission Accomplished. BUT, let’s not let Obama off the hook here. His campaign started the whole race baiting ball rolling but our visceral distaste for him as a candidate has as much to do with how his Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Models with PhDs in Architecture have condescended to tell us what stupid, old women and working class losers we are. Not to mention, what bitter bigots we are. Oh, and the hand gestures didn’t help. And let’s not forget the braying Why Won’t the Stupid Bitch Quit? antics of his slavish supporters. And who could forget his terrible debate performance or him sitting on MI and FL revote plans? Yeah, it’s not all the media’s fault here. Let’s not let Obama off he hook. But Taylor does suggest something else that when *I* brought it up, I was called a crazy conspiracy theorist at the Big Orange Cheeto. He says the blogosphere has been infiltrated by Republican moles on Rove’s payroll whose job it was to antagonize the supporters of other candidates and make them hate one another and splitting the party as a result. Well, given the way DailyKos has devolved, that doesn’t seem so far fetched now, does it? So, I’m not crazy after all. That’s a relief.
  • Obama has DI-ver-TIC-u-LI-tis. (Ok, anyone who got that reference has instantly aged her/himself). This is Day Two of the Obama Debate Acceptance Watch. Obama is whiiiiining about having to do anOTHER debate: “I’m not ducking, we’ve had 21”. (Chicks and Ducks and Geese better scurry) Yes, but you never had to speak for an hour at a stretch- by yourself- like Lincoln did. Thank God we’ve changed the timing on L-D debates in the modern age. I can’t imagine having to listen to Obama’s endless run-on sentences with the multiple clauses, subclauses and prepositional phrases for a solid hour. I’m pretty sure my ears would bleed. But Hillary is as chipper as ever! She wants to play. Come out, come out, Barack! Let’s have some FUN. “”We need a president, especially after the last seven years of George Bush, who doesn’t just make speeches about American values but understands them and lives them and believes them and wants to make sure that they are available for everybody.” Yes, let’s see what American values Barry, um, values. Bring. It. On.

So, what’s happening in your part of the world?

59 Responses

  1. The Edwards piece was a very interesting read. It explains a lot; there just isn’t any money in the truth I guess. I read a the abstract of a study the other day claiming that cable news networks were becoming more and more divided along partison lines (fox – R, CNN – D?). It worries me a bit.

    That conspiracy theory accusation is pretty wild. To me it demonstrates how small minded some people are. I have rl friends that like both candidates, people I respect. Its almost like they are unable to fathom somebody supporting Clinton. Back in the civil rights movement FBI agents were instructed to take a stand on an issue, to pick a side, what side it was did not matter, as long as the agent vigorously fought for it. Not really an analogy for anything but it seemed a bit interesting. Unrelated note, re-watched the Obama finger tape… Yeah, he was probably giving her the finger.

  2. I think Obama is already counting his chicks. FoxNews is airing an interview with him today. In the preview yesterday, they said that he hardly mentions Hillary. Talking as if he’s already the nominee, he explains how HE will beat John McCain in November. Good Gracious, Barry, take a lesson from the New England Patriots and get some humility before you’re humiliated.
    Here’s a great blog post by HillBuzz that compares the Democratic race to the 2008 SuperBowl. It’s titled Did Anyone Tell Eli Manning To Just Quit? http://hillbuzz.blogspot.com/2008/04/why-didnt-they-ask-eli-manning-to-just.html

  3. I too found EE’s OpEd piece a thoughtful, concise piece. Folks have got to wake up, soon!

    btw, I just caught Obama’s Fox interview. SMH. He really doesn’t get it. He’s convinced himself that all those “Reagan” dems who refuse to give him the time of day now will rally to support, and elect, him come November. Alrighty then.

  4. Dean seems to still be sticking with seating FL and MI after the fact. WTH?

  5. Mel: He has a death wish. He has to back Obama because that’s where the money is. The DNC is hurting..

  6. Well, that money will dry up when he loses. Further, I think the reason the DNC is so broke is because of the way they have treated Hill. It’s mostly older women who write the donation checks.

  7. Taylor puts the race-memo cards on the table, but not the race cards. The bigger race card is Obama’s actual racial identity–how he, by his own autobiographical account, wasn’t really black in any American cultural-historical sense until he sought it out as part charting his course to power. And that’s fine–it’s the genius of America that you can chart your path and even pick your identity to some phenotypically-constrained extent (i.e. it’s a good thing he didn’t feel like being Finnish). But it’s just a Triple Bullshit Sundae for him to racialize this campaign to the extent that he has, even though he’s brilliantly appealed both to group solidarity of African-Americans and whits’ fears of being called (or thinking themselves) racist. There’s a fine line between writing your own story and just making shit up, and Obama crossed it a few months ago.

  8. Bill Maher has been the only reason I subscribe to HBO, but after he devoted nearly an entire show to Clinton-bashing, I quit watching (and wrote to HBO to explain why). But Friday was his season finale, so I gave him another chance. He was pretty gracious to Hillary:

    at 1:50 in: “And of course the really good news for liberals: Hillary WON! [Audience cheers loudly… Bill seems a tad surprised]. I remember when she used to be the [unintelligible; perhaps thankfully]…things have changed. But she DID, come ON, you gotta give it up to Hillary [amusingly failing to ad lib away from his script which mistakenly presumed the audience would boo, jeer, anything but cheer]. She won AGAIN. I know, it’s pesky, she keeps WINNING… She won in Pennsylvania. The next day she won TEN MILLION DOLLARS… that’s a lot of lolly. And her supporters said they would have donated that money sooner but there was a purse at Nordstrom’s they just HAD to have. [Laughter] It’s FUNNY [I agree]… you can boo all you want [I heard no boos] but it’s FUNNY… But it turned out that Barack Obama was RIGHT. Rural voters in Pennsylvania ARE bitter about a lot of things. Unfortunately, one of them is Barack Obama.”

  9. Did y’all hear Brazile? “There will be blood” if BO is not the nom?

  10. Fix above: “she won ten million” to “she raised ten million”.

  11. Melanie, Obama supporters… excuse me, pundits… like Brazile are the ultimate concern trolls with this crap, doing everything they can to MAKE SURE there will be blood with statements like this… or to so intimidate us with fear of blood that we’ll fall in line. Yes, Obama has brought us a new kind of politics indeed.

  12. RD: Must Dean take the Democratic party and America out with him?

    I don’t know what to believe anymore: Obama seems worried and the supers haven’t come out stampeding to his side to “save” us and yet I can’t imagine the Democratic party having the guts to say to hell with the (temporary) media myth and the OFB terror tactics in order avoid committing political suicide.

    I wish they would consider that America can’t truly take another body blow from a GOP administration; we’re at a tipping point here in our nation’s history. The Democratic party can either decide to go down in history as fighting the good fight or monumental cowards.

  13. Hey, Donna Brazile is not the only fricking voter. She really needs to stuff a sock in it.

  14. Why in the hell has no Democratic leader told Brazile, Clyburn, and the like to shut up? Why have they allowed these inflammatory, toxic statements to be made without a counter?

  15. Davidson, I keep wondering this, too. It’s exactly the kind of fearmongering that plays right into Republicans’ hands. It does no one any good, including Obama.

  16. Davidson: If they are really concerned about 4 more years of Republican rule, they will do the right thing. For all we know, they are holding out so that the pro-Obama forces start to understand that he is too risky. It will happen after IN an NC.

  17. I just watched Dean on MTP. What a liar? I can’t remember how it was asked but, Dean said that the Delegate selection process was totally Democratic. In fact he sort of chuckled at the thought that it wasn’t.

    Now, the fact is — The process is totally weighted in favor of some Congressional Districts over others. And those favorably weighted districts are generally AA by population.

    (stewing) I’m ready for the unleashing of Bill Clinton. Go at it Bill — what have we got to lose?

  18. For all we know, they are holding out so that the pro-Obama forces start to understand that he is too risky. It will happen after IN an NC.

    RD: I wondered the same. Hopefully SHE will “close the deal” with enormous successes in Indiana and North Carolina, and every contest thereafter.

  19. Sooo sick of MSM allowing Clyburn, Brazile et al. to frame the narratives. Ridiculous!

  20. Bo Gardiner: The Obama campaign, including his establishment backers, fail to understand the tremendous blowback that awaits him during the GE (if he’s the nominee). The GOP will exploit the race card played by Obama for all its worth, which alone will be explosive for us as a party. The ugly underbelly of the Obama–campaign tactics, associations, etc.–will cost us.

    Clinton would face a baseless, media-generated blowback but she has already proven herself to be able to take those hits and, unlike Obama, shield herself with policy, rhetoric, experience, and sheer grit. Hence, her impressive coalition, which will strengthen our future as party, especially with Latinos (huge!) and the working class. And let’s not forget: gender will be her trump card. Women will come out for her in droves.

    RD: The key word is “if.” That’s what gives me nightmares.

  21. edwardian: I think she can win IN but NC will be very tough. The best we can hope for there is that she makes it close. What she really needs in NC is hundreds of enegetic, articulate canvassers in the Research Triangle area. I still think Obama’s support is soft. If they could see that we’re not all a bunch of stupid old women, they might be more receptive. See, I think one of the biggest problems with Obama supporters is that they are in love with the image of themselves that his campaign has created for them. They are smart, creative, young, affluent. Well, fuck, who wouldn’t want to be all of those things? But if you can associate all of those things with Hillary, their faith in Obama can be shaken.

  22. If I was a Denver public official I would have a talk with Dean and tell him any more talk of “blood” and riots and the convention center will have a rodeo booked instead of the convention. The governor could also mention the national guard and cannons.

  23. I’ve read that Obama took a shot at the orange Daily Otool in the Fox interview. Whoa! Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. What an ingrate.

    Getting humiliated in PA has him throwing even more of his peeps under the bus. Grandma has company.

  24. Melanie, on April 27th, 2008 at 10:40 am Said:
    Did y’all hear Brazile? “There will be blood” if BO is not the nom?

    Are you sh*tting me? She said that?

    Cornholio to Brazile: are you threatening me?

  25. Morning 😉 – dislike this website, however it has a take on the Fox news Obama chat , including his smash on the yuk orangeflame place ..


  26. I think she can win IN but NC will be very tough. The best we can hope for there is that she makes it close.

    RD: Agreed. Which is why I used the word “successes” in those contests. Because it would be an enormous success for Hillary to, at least, come within the margin of error in NC. That would be HUGE, IMO. Enough to really shift this race – in the right direction. 😉

  27. >I’ve read that Obama took a shot at the orange Daily Otool in the Fox interview.

    No way.

    Wow, that explains why Kid Oakland was sulking around here last night. They must have known it was coming.

  28. Was it just my TV, or was there a Hillary-bashing fest covening at the ABC “Roundtable” this morning? Does George S. honestly believe that was a balanced, unbiased segment? Ick, all round.

  29. Some nut calling himself “President Bloomberg” (ahem…) has just posted an interesting “Diary” over in Kossland.


    It might be worth a look. 🙂

  30. It may all depend in the ground forces – those great young and older people who volunteer to go house to house for Hillary. We don’t seem to give them enough credit as we blog.

  31. I decided to avoid Tweets this morning, but, lo and behold, MoDo was on Little George’s program! She’s everywhere, she’s everywhere….

    So, I was about to leave and she said, bless her heart, that Hillary Clinton was responsible for painting Obama “from incandescent to Bambi.”

    Honest to FSM, MoDo said that–she who, afaik, first put “O’Bambi” into print, in the NYTimes, in a column which is frequently among the most emailed. She either coined it or stole it and then promulgated it worldwide.

    Has she no self-awareness? No recollection of what she writes? Does her mind tell her that “somewhere” she “read” that Bambi taunt?

    And TNR suggests Hillary has voices in her head and is crazy???

  32. rd: “No way.” Well, never let it be said that O doesn’t know how to work his audience. He’ll say or do ANYTHING to get elected, including roto-rooting the netroots. Heh, are they tools or fools? 😉

  33. Sorry Gary, but I’m not giving any hits to that site. Refuse to go there. Though perhaps you wouldn’t mind relaying the key points of said comments?

  34. Briana: “his smash on the yuk orangeflame place” Thanks for the link. Who knew Obama was into “smashing pumpkins”. 🙂

  35. LOL @ ufa! Tou-friggin-che! 🙂

  36. Interesting: In NYC metro area, McLaughlin Group is moving from NBC at 11:30, just after MTP, to CBS at 11:00, just after Schieffer’s program (forgot name) and directly competing with the last half of MTP.

    McL Grp has been, for the host at least, the least anti-Hillary and least pro-Obama. I can’t recall how he seems to stand on McSame.

    Just kind of interesting. He said it was just business.

  37. just after Schieffer’s program (forgot name)

    Face The Nation.

  38. jawbone: Schieffer’s show is “Face the Nation”. Today on FTN, Wolfson ate Axelrod’s lunch, as usual. I love Wolfson; he’s Mr. Unflappable.

  39. Thanks for that tip, Gary. Might give it a look-see.

  40. Nitpicking: riverdaughter, your NYTimes link for the Edwards oped opens to page 2.

    Here’s page 1:

    Bowling 1, Health Care 0

  41. Did Anyone Tell Eli Manning To Just Quit?

    I did!!! ugh, I still can’t believe that game happened. 🙂

    Did y’all hear Brazile? “There will be blood” if BO is not the nom?

    Barack Obama, I.. Drink.. Your.. Koolaid! I drink it up!

  42. Here’s my chronology of the race-bait bucket. I’ll be reviewing and updating with McCamy Taylor’s stuff.

    One point Taylor missed is that the South Carolina Memo was represented as the campaign’s response to an unnamed activist’s specific request for information. Whoever that “activist” is, she’s got great media connections, since there’s only a few hours lag between the last event noted in the Memo and it’s epidemic explosion across the media landscape.

    There are other salient misses in Taylor’s piece (as I’m sure there are in mine). I’m not going to wade into the sewers of DU to argue it out, but the time for a showdown is coming.

  43. Via MyDD here’s Obama transcript on Fox –

    “After Iowa, everybody said Obama is transforming folks because he’s bringing in all these voters we never expected would vote for a black guy.”
    “It’s not like I have been winning in states that only have either black voters or Chablis-drinking limousine liberals.”
    “What I also think is true is that I am less familiar with some of these blue collar voters – she is less familiar, they are less familiar with me than they are with her.”

    Isn’t he partly on Fox to try and talk to these voters?

    I didn’t see the interview but reading the text.. my impression is.. he’s still talking about everything like an academic commenting on process, which I can appreciate given that our airwaves are hurting for talk about process.. but it just plain sounds like there is no solid conviction behind much of anything he says.

    On flag pins, I have worn flag pins in the past. I will wear flag pins in the future. The fact that I said that some politicians use the flag pin and then aren’t acting in a particularly patriotic way, for that to someone be translated into me being anti-patriotic or anti-flag, I think that is a distraction. I think that that is not reflective of me or the love that I have for this country. Keep in mind, I think (INAUDIBLE) the scene nationally at the Democratic convention, giving what I would say was about as patriotic a speech about what America means to me and what this country’s about as any speech that we’ve heard in a long time.

    good lord, no! This is why mediamatters & liberal bloggers are having to defend him against pundits saying he can’t bring himself to just talk about how he loves this country.

    So is the Daily Kos applauding him today for not only caving in and going on Fox News, but going on there and deliberately bringing up the Daily Kos as being too liberal, in order to distance himself from it?

  44. Now this is ugly.

    Did anyone see Obama’s interview with Chris Wallace today? Or read the transcript? It ain’t pretty.

    Obama pretty much spends his time rejecting “the Left” and showing that he can take them on.

    (via SusanUnPC @ NoQuarter) Jerome Armstrong reviews the interview and it is ugly.

    As I mentioned, Obama is trying to separate himself from the most strident parts of his base, and he does this pretty effectively throughout the interview:

    OBAMA: Well, I think there are a whole host of areas where Republicans in some cases may have a better idea.
    WALLACE: Such as.

    Obama mentions deregulation of industry, charter schools, a new variation of merit pay.

    WALLACE: But, Senator, if I may, I think one of the concerns that some people have is that you talk a good game about, let’s be post-partisan, let’s all come together — just a couple of quick things, and I don’t really want you to defend each one, I just want to speak to the larger issue…
    OBAMA: No, look, I think this is fair. I would point out, though, for example, that when I voted for a tort reform measure that was fiercely opposed by the trial lawyers, I got attacked pretty hard from the left.

    During the Roberts –

    WALLACE: John Roberts, Supreme Court.

    OBAMA: John Roberts nomination, although I voted against him, I strongly defended some of my colleagues who had voted for him on the Daily Kos, and was fiercely attacked as somebody who is, you know, caving in to Republicans on these fights.

    In fact, there are a lot of liberal commentators who think I’m too accommodating. So here is my philosophy. I want to do what works for the American people. And both at the state legislative level and at the federal legislative level, I have always been able to work together with Republicans to find compromise and to find common ground.

    Add tort reform to the above.

    This above is where Obama gets to his real task (which I posted about expecting last night). A shorter Obama: The far left? That’s over there, and I’m willing to take them on.

    OBAMA: …In terms of capital gains, I’ve suggested we might go back up to 20 because –
    WALLACE: You have suggested 28.

    OBAMA: Well, but what I’ve said is, I certainly would not raise it higher than it was under Ronald Reagan.

    This is an Obama classic, he mentioned 28, then saw that Clinton wouldn’t go that high, so now he’s revisioning all of what he said to a part of what he said, and specifically a part of what he said that overrules all of what he said because… well, when he first said 28 he didn’t know 28 was higher than what it was under Reagan, or something like that… Anyway, getting Reagan’s name as the one he’s following for guidance on the tax code is brownies on Fox.

    The idea that Obama is this great liberal hope has always baffled me. Why do people think the Andrew Sullivan and David Brooks of the world love him? Because he is pushing a progressive agenda?

    I hope the liberal intelligentsia “wakes up and get it.”

  45. There will be blood?

    Who knew that the Dem primary would turn out to be a replay of MD’s 2006 senate race?

  46. RonK, as far as wading into sewers.. am I the only one at Dkos who noticed the sudden appearance of one ‘icebergslim’ who was & presumably still is on that site posting tons and tons of diaries and comments every single day pushing the storyline that the Clintons are racist. Every single time some “incident” would happen that could be forced into this phony narrative being built, IBS was on top of it almost instantaneously and it’d shoot to the top of the rec list. (She posts many other lies as well, of course, and when anyone responds with hard evidence showing she’s just posting lies, the reply is ignored.) Total scorched earth. It’s been going on since at least early fall and probably before that.

  47. I think a comment of mine just disappeared, is it in moderation? I was suggesting to RonK that the commenter icebergsl1m at Kos has a high degree of influence in pushing the race baiting narrative and has been at it since early fall at least.

  48. MABlue: I believe I brought this up when I was still at the Big Orange Cheeto, once Obama thinks he has his base, he’s going to tack right. He has to go after center right voters. So, his positions are going to start sounding Reaganesque. Well, to *my* ears, he’s always sounded Reaganesque.
    Now, I’m not sure that he’s going to alienate his hard core supporters but some of them have to be wondering if he’s sincerely progressive. Others, like Kid Oakland, will simply write it off as Obama doing what any politician has to do in order to win. And that’s what makes Obama just another mediocre politician, making and breaking promises to people in order to gain a few more votes.
    Clinton on the other hand doesn’t need to do this because her campaign is based on a more solid political philosophy. She creates policies based on some guiding principles. As a voter, you either buy into that philosophy as being best for the country or you don’t. She says, this is where I stand, join me. He says, when in Rome.
    I still can’t believe this is a serious contest at this point in time. Just boggles the mind.

  49. Hello, race card:

    July 30, 2007
    I missed this, totally, about the Clinton “naive” statement.
    Then a woman from Georgia called into the show. She was an African American, who stated “up front” that she was torn between Clinton and Obama. Then she became very angered. She said that she wanted to know, “how much money was Clinton raising by calling Obama naive”. She then stated that for African Americans that is a code word for ignorant, unintelligent, etc. She was mad. Then Cummings indicated that the Clinton Camp “must walk a tight rope, with Obama”, not to turn off the African American vote, since she need this group.

    I never looked at her statements that way. I am African American. I just looked at it as “politics as usual”, but this really angered this voter and you knew that Clinton lost her vote. Even Cummings stated so. Will this be a backlash? I don’t know. I know that many African Americans are extremely proud of Obama, even if torn between the two candidates, but this woman was really angered. We all know Obama is not naive, nor ignorant or unintelligent, but the African American community, especially the “older sector” is very sensitive to comments like these. Again, I do not believe Clinton “meant” this, but with the African American community, we can look at this as a slight, and it can result in not voting for Clinton. It can.

  50. [re: Cummings, that is a woman who is a reporter for Politico, not Elijah Cummings, just FYI]

  51. Obama is not speaking like an academic. He’s just so darn arrogant that he doesn’t realize that voters prefer Hillary and her plans for America. Come on, the guy is all over the news and spent record amounts of money and he’s trying to say that voters aren’t familiar with him? That’s not academic. That’s delusional.

  52. Hillary has Obama in a vise on this debate challange, and she should keep squeezing.

    First, there’s the Lincoln thing. Abe is one of Obama’s role models — the home state, the legal profession, and the whole inexperience thing. His campaign kick-off in Springfield made multiple direct Lincoln references and allusions.

    Then there are the perennial complaints about our modern political debates – dominated by talking air-heads instead of candidates and issues. Every cycle, the good-government chorus can be heard: “Let’s have an old-fashioned Lincoln-Douglas debate”.

    Third, there’s Obama’s own stuck-pig squeal about the Philly debate (which wasn’t as bad as it’s cracked up to be by media types who jumped up to deflect attention from BO’s sad sack performence).

  53. riverdaughter: My problem with Obama “liberal” supporters is that they give him a “liberal capital” he has NEVER earned. This is a guy who has never put himself on the line for ANY liberal cause. To the contrary, this is a guy who has always shown that he would disown us before you can blink.

    I think Taylor Marsh started raising the alarm on him when he was on This Week and actually said he has always been more conservative than liberal.

    I have always said a candidate who is supported both by Andrew Sullivan and Ezra Klein is disturbing.

  54. Did y’all hear Brazile? “There will be blood” if BO is not the nom?

    And Donna, do you know how many of us will: not vote for Barry, vote for McCranky, write in Hillary, vote for someone else or stay at home?

    If Barry is the nominee, when he loses the General, I hope there is such a shakeup at the DNC it will look like a twister when thru there. Buh-bye Dean, Brazile and others. Don’t let the door hit you in the rear on your way out!

  55. I might have to force myself (gag!) to watch that Fox interview with Obama. I can’t believe he thinks posting that diary at DK years ago was evidence of political courage. The kos boyz won’t be mad. They have convinced themselves that he is a Trojan horse, who will suddenly become very “progressive” once he gets into office.

    As for Donna Brazile nut, yes, Donna, “there will be blood” if Obama loses the nomination. It will be Republican blood that is spilled as Hillary beats up on McCain and wins the election, no thinks to the losers at the DNC.

  56. Did she really say “there will be blood”? I’m still LOLing over that (if those are her words I expect half the Internets should be on this by tomorrow – nerd humor is our friend in this case..).
    That movie did end with an.. altercation in a bowling alley didn’t it? 🙂 (I haven’t seen it..)

  57. In the “possibly related posts” category, let me nominate Craig Crawford’s The Clyburn Factor:

    Although Clyburn claims to be neutral, the timing and substance of his comments ever since the South Carolina campaign consistently favor Obama.

    After losing the New Hampshire primary and the Nevada caucuses, Obama’s team correctly surmised that Bill Clinton was a huge help to his wife in those campaigns. They set out to marginalize him — and it worked magnificently in South Carolina, rebooting Obama’s campaign.

  58. Gary McGowan, on April 27th, 2008 at 11:47 am Said:

    Some nut calling himself “President Bloomberg” (ahem… 😉 has just posted an interesting “Diary” over in Kossland.


    I held my nose and clicked…basically it’s a very basic pro-Hillary diary and the poster has already received 0 positives and a troll rating for having posted it.

    (sound of violently rolling eyes) Thank all the little gods for this place. Well, and the flotilla of others that have started cropping up of late.

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