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The Buzzing Boyz are Sometimes Girlz. Beware.

Uppity Woman called this, “Cavuto Hands Desperate Obama Adolescent Her Head On A Plate

[UPDATED] See below the fold . . . .

Hang on Hillary, Hillary hang on! Tomorrow’s Money Friday: We’re ready to help.

Friday Fast: Save your breakfast, lunch and dinner money tomorrow and send it to Hillary. The Big Boyz have been very effective in discouraging people from donating and volunteering for her. If you send in $10 on Friday and everyone reading this does the same, we can help refill her coffers. Also, one day of fasting will give you presence of mind and remind you of what is so important here. There are millions of Americans who are one paycheck away from insolvency, who have to use a food pantry every month to feed their families and these people are going to get written off by the “new coalition”.

From BostonBoomer in the comments:


You have to go read this unbelieveable post from Chris Bowers. I’d love Riverdaughter to turn this into a snarkilicious front page post. Here’s a quote:

So, unless Obama somewhat surprisingly does not become the next President of the United States, the Democratic Party will experience its first changing of the guard since the late 1980’s. What differences will be in store? Here are the three major changes I expect:

Cultural Shift: Out with Bubbas, up with Creatives: There should be a major cultural shift in the party, where the southern Dems and Liebercrat elite will be largely replaced by rising creative class types. Obama has all the markers of a creative class background, from his community organizing, to his Unitarianism, to being an academic, to living in Hyde Park to shopping at Whole Foods and drinking PBR. These will be the type of people running the Democratic Party now, and it will be a big cultural shift from the white working class focus of earlier decades. Given the demographics of the blogosphere, in all likelihood, this is a socioeconomic and cultural demographic into which you fit. Culturally, the Democratic Party will feel pretty normal to netroots types. It will consistently send out cultural signals designed to appeal primarily to the creative class instead of rich donors and the white working class.

Can you believe how delusional these people have gotten now that they are isolated in their own echo chamber? They really think they can build a successful political party while kicking out most of the people who currently belong to it–and they think they can win the presidency that way too!!

150 Responses

  1. LEAVE FLAVIA ALONE!!!! Pease just leave Flavia alone. She had to get her makeup on, then she had to make sure she was hopey.Oh, my God, she is doing her best, Obama is a loser. Leave Flavia alone, her mother isn’t even speaking to her anymore. Stopping confusing her with facts and stuff, no one told her that facts would be involved. Facts are so like math.

  2. Honora (giggle)

  3. Katiebird, That was pathetic. Who is this woman? I’ve heard her on the radio before, but this is the first time I’ve seen her.
    She has the most abrasive voice–really annoying. I usually turn off the radio after a few minutes of listening to her.

  4. i never heard of her – how long has she been around?My guess is she needed to jump on the Obama bandwagon to make on teevee anyway. Fair just doesnt get you tv time.

  5. I have $20.00 to my name until next week and $10.00 of those went to Hillary today.


  6. This Flavia character sounds like the Obama posters on Brand X. What an unfortunate young woman.

  7. first she said the ath didnt work and then when challenged she said oh, it isnt right for people to be disenfranchised. Bull.

    Who is the guy?

  8. ath is math.

  9. Everyone,

    You have to go read this unbelieveable post from Chris Bowers. I’d love Riverdaughter to turn this into a snarkilicious front page post. Here’s a quote:

    So, unless Obama somewhat surprisingly does not become the next President of the United States, the Democratic Party will experience its first changing of the guard since the late 1980’s. What differences will be in store? Here are the three major changes I expect:

    Cultural Shift: Out with Bubbas, up with Creatives: There should be a major cultural shift in the party, where the southern Dems and Liebercrat elite will be largely replaced by rising creative class types. Obama has all the markers of a creative class background, from his community organizing, to his Unitarianism, to being an academic, to living in Hyde Park to shopping at Whole Foods and drinking PBR. These will be the type of people running the Democratic Party now, and it will be a big cultural shift from the white working class focus of earlier decades. Given the demographics of the blogosphere, in all likelihood, this is a socioeconomic and cultural demographic into which you fit. Culturally, the Democratic Party will feel pretty normal to netroots types. It will consistently send out cultural signals designed to appeal primarily to the creative class instead of rich donors and the white working class.

    Can you believe how delusional these people have gotten now that they are isolated in their own echo chamber? They really think they can build a successful political party while kicking out most of the people who currently belong to it–and they think they can win the presidency that way too!!

  10. the interesting part is that the guy was using this conversation to show Obama supporters what they can expect. Poeple like him arent going to let Obama people like her run off at the mouth and say stupid things – they will be mocked and stopped.

  11. neptuna – I am donating on Sunday – biggest wad i have dropped yet.

  12. bostonboomer:

    So, it wasn’t enough that I just came home a bit tipsy from a senior class parents’ event. It wasn’t enough that I spent about 45 minutes commiserating with several fellow class moms — you know, middle-aged Upper West Side professional women — bemoaning the treatment of Hillary. It wasn’t enough that although I had at least four glasses of wine and one Screwdriver, my stomach is almost empty.

    You really needed to post something that would make my stomach turn upside down. You really needed to remind me of why I am so pissed off.

    Thank you. I love you. I need to hold on to the anger.

  13. What a complete fool! McCain earlier called Obama out on his “new politics” sh**. The only silver lining to seeing my (former) party destroyed and our country delivered another brutal body blow by a McCain landslide win will be watching Obama and the cult around him eviscerated.

    “Obama” will become a verb for completely fu**ing up.

  14. I must say, besides the Florida recount of 2000 and the ensueing events, this has to be the strangest and most surreal race.

    BB that piece by Chris Bowers captures what we all feared, these people serious.

  15. I’ve never seen either of these people before. But, when mister saw it he said, “Cavuto? I can’t believe we’ve come to rely on Cavuto for reason” So he’s seen him at least.

  16. Given the demographics of the blogosphere, in all likelihood, this is a socioeconomic and cultural demographic into which you fit.

    Being a card-carrying member of the aforesaid “Creative Class”, I have no qualms saying these folks have their heads shoved so far up their own behinds they think their poop smells like Sprinkles cupcakes.

  17. Edit: Eh, actually “Obama” doesn’t translate well into a verb (Obama-ed?) so I’ll just keep it as a synonym for FUBAR.

  18. Holy moly! Are we now having to turn to Neil Cavuto and Fox News for perspective? He hit all of our talking points head on. And he also let her know that “the One” can expect to be mutilated from his side should he get the nomination. Fox is just warming up. But if they can see the idiocy of her argument (poor Flavia) then so can the supers who are still unannounced.

  19. OMG! We should get that post to all the papers in West Virginia and Kentucky. The “creative class” (how effing snobby can you be?) is incredibly small. These people live in a bubble smaller than Bush’s.

  20. BB: The best part is the Whole Foods part. Wow, how chick. No Aldi for Obama and the creative class.

  21. BostonBoomer, I added it as an update to the post. It seems particularly apt.

  22. I read the whole thing – it wasn’t a joke? They can’t REALLY be serious…

    Yes, this would be interesting for the newspapers to share, but I think that would require journalism and investigative reporting and stuff like that. You know, I think that is just so last year!

  23. jjmtacoma: “it wasn’t a joke? They can’t REALLY be serious…”

    I was wondering the same thing…It is funny either way.

  24. Isn’t the owner of Whole Foods…a Bush-supporting Republican?

  25. what is pbr?

  26. The Open Left post reminded me to the articles that they post in the style section of the newspaper on January 1st. In with the …, out with the… Does Bowers believe that the party should stand for something? I am getting too old for this, I think that substance matters.

  27. Wow, I find Bowers post elitist, masculinist and hideous. First, the idea of a “creative class” implies that educated white males are “creative,” while working class and poor women (of all races and ethnicities) figuring out how to feed, clothe, house and transport their families are not. This notion is not only patently wrong, but sexist to the core considering that most of the poor in this country are women and children—the “uncreative.” Second Obama belongs to the United Church of Christ, a descendent church of the Puritans, not the Unitarian Church. But, as Flavia makes clear, an Obamabot should never let a fact get in the way of a stupid argument!

  28. It does sound like satire, doesn’t it? I shop at Whole Foods myself, when I feel like spurging. Now I wonder if I should stop going there.

    The amazing thing is that these people have no idea how clueless they sound. They really believe this stuff. They are going to be so devastated when their dream dies. It will be so much worse than when Kerry lost in 2004. They didn’t like Kerry, but they are all just like him. LOL!

  29. Damn, makes me want to stop shopping at Whole Foods. I’ll be thinking that dem dare creatives are looking at my shopping cart and judging me.

  30. Back when I wasn’t a crone, PBR was Pabst Blue Ribbon. Is that the favorite drink of the creative class now? It wasn’t then.

  31. BB: The best part is the Whole Foods part. Wow, how chick. No Aldi for Obama and the creative class.

    You should read the comments over there. I almost spit out my lunch. What makes me sad is that these gasbags are my peers. Is my generation really that self-important and out of touch?

  32. Yeah the fad of drinking PBR is touchy creative class people feeling they are somehow inauthentic and therefore adopting signifiers that they associate with “authentic” blue collar folks.

  33. UpstateNY,

    I wish we had Aldi’s around here. My mom and dad have one where they live in Indiana. My brother is so shocked that my mom and dad like to shop there. He’s “creative class” and an Obama supporter. Recently, he’s started to realize that Obama can’t win, and he’s really depressed about it. At least he isn’t completely delusional like Chris Bowers.

  34. he doesnt sound clueless – he has a clue. A nasty one.

  35. From which exit poll question does this idea of “creative” arise?

    Is it how much money they make?
    How many years of education?

    As someone who can honestly be called “creative” ( I have made a living from design for 30 years) it offends me. I can use my right brain too.

    I am not above reading the fine print, which is what makes a Hillary voter, in my view, not an Obama voter.

  36. katiebird – you are kidding? Pabst?

  37. What is PBR? I have no idea, since I stopped drinking in 1982. In fact, I just realized my 26th anniversary is on Saturday.

  38. BB: when we lived in MO, ocasionally we would go to Overland Park (KS) and shop at Wild Oats and Whole Foods. Those were the times….We had good incomes then…. expensive food. These days we survive on one salary so we go to Aldi very often…

    Thank you Germany for affordable food chains.

  39. I read the whole post by Bowers and it gets soooooo much worse. Read the comments followng it too. Gads, those Obamans see this all like some laboratory experiment. Just galling. The final few comments haughtily compared Clinton-Obama contest to Mondale-Hart, seeing this as a young “technocrat” future vs. entrenched party elders. Dipsticks clearly didn’t notice that neither Mondale nor Hart ever made it to the White House. I would love to see some Conflucians visitand leave some pointedly appropriate witticisms there.

  40. I read the article and I have to admit I am not sure if this guy was serious or not. Have never heard the term “goo goo” as shorthand for good government. If he is serious then the party as we have known it has actually disappeared. He did seem to be poking fun of the “think tank” approach to governing. For any of us who have had to attend meetings and seminars of this type it can be pretty awful.

    If he is on the level then they are quite serious about getting rid of us as diverse groups. No room for gays, women, Latinos, blue collars, union members. He must be writing this tongue in cheek. Otherwise what they are hoping to create is a party mirroring Seinfeld characters.

  41. OMG, you mean is really is Pabst Blue Ribbon?? That’s what the far gone alkies used to drink because it was so cheap.

  42. Pat,

    I’m afraid he actually is serious. LOL! Read the post he linked to from the night before by Matt Stoller. It’s almost worse.

  43. Not that I don’t cop to following some of those fads myself. There’s a lot of anxiety about it. Some kind of tense space between having too much privilege and the wrong job to be blue collar, but not wanting to be an uncool yuppie either. It requires a lot of energy in staying on top of trends. PBR is kind of over imho.

    It’s like you shop at Whole Foods but feel embarrassed about it so make a fetish of going to farmer’s markets and buying locally grown. Not that those aren’t very good things to do, they are, but I don’t think the drive to do them would be as strong if it weren’t for the angst about the fact that you are able to afford it.

  44. bostonboomer – congrats to you!

  45. Having tasted various bottling of Obama 2008, I do not detect the delicate bouquet of the Creative Class so much as the cloying aftertaste of W’s “Investor Class”.

  46. “Back when I wasn’t a crone, PBR was Pabst Blue Ribbon. Is that the favorite drink of the creative class now? It wasn’t then”

    Katiebird, there’s a comment about that very thing over there. Someone pontificated about how PBR was vintage cool ten years ago, etc. These folks are all style no substance (no wonder they luv Obama).

  47. TY judith, (shrugging) Got me.

    UpstateNY!!! I Live in Overland Park! And we ALWAYS shop at Aldi. We’ve done it for 22 years now. I told mister that sometime I’m going through Hi-Vee and price a regular load of groceries. Except I think the total could give him a heart attack.

    For those that don’t know, Aldi sells food about 1/3 the cost of regular stores.

  48. Pabst blue ribbon, the champagne of bottled beer. I remember that jingle from when I was a wee lassie, back before there was an internets.

  49. this is like so delusional and pretentious. wow. embarrassing.

  50. the new judith, they’re not going to be able to stop people like her from saying stupid things because they can’t help themselves. They’re so far gone they think the things they say are smart or effective or something. They don’t need actual people to vote for them–they’ve got bloggers! If Kerry had made the parody-of-a-politician arugala comments, everybody would have commented on how politically inept and out of touch he was. Now, they’re like genius, make that into a slogan, and dirt off our shoulders for scuzzy America will be our theme song.

    Davidson, yeah, he’s a really hard core libertarian, anti-union wacko. It always makes me laugh walking by the store seeing all the fancy cars with their “sustainable agriculure” bumperstickers. The vast majority of the products and especially produce aren’t even organic, just overpriced, forget the conditions under which their grown, the conditions of workers–but I forgot, that’s Bubba talk. The creative class doesn’t care about those things as long as they can sneer and feel superior.

  51. UpstateNY: I read the comments, I think it might actually be serious. Although the ‘flavor of the month’ policy stuff… I don’t know.

    It just seems so crazy, it might work! I actually would not even dream of participating in such a party. No wonder *they* have been claiming Hillary isn’t a Dem – with that definition, who would want to be?

    I don’t have a Whole Foods Market in my area, just Marlene’s and the Metropolitan Market – so I don’t have to worry.

  52. RonK I suspect the Creative Class runs the blogger noise machine and does the marketing and W’s Investor Class will reap the benefits if they manage to get Obama elected. They just don’t know it yet..

  53. Also re pontificating about PBR, guilty as charged. 🙂

  54. the young judith, Thanks. I’m glad I posted that, because I do like to be aware of the anniversary. Sometimes I forget about it until way after the fact.

    Maria Garcia, I remember that jingle too. I also remember the taste of that stuff–hardly champagne-like.

  55. BB: I don’t think I could do anything with Bowers’ post. There has to be a little room to up the absurdity level and he has already taken it up tp 11

  56. dar1a g – that was an interesting comment.

    I used to feel guilty about doing well so I woud share everything with people – until I learned they resented me for it. Now I just am true to what I can afford and dont say – that way I am not seen as rubbing anybody;s face in it. My boyfriend shares none of my concern and does what he wants.

    This creative class thing is just a way to say “I am better than you”. Secure people dont have to say such rubbish.

  57. PBR – isn’t that Pabst Blue Ribbon? geez! how did that get to be fancy beer…? 40 years ago we wouldn’t even drink that in college!

  58. “I don’t think I could do anything with Bowers’ post. There has to be a little room to up the absurdity level and he has already taken it up tp 11”

    There you have it riverdaughter, Bowers et al are the poltical version of Spinal Tap. Bet those “creative class” types won’t get the joke though.

  59. gavch – ijust so you know am not new judith _ iam the same horrible one who has been here – I justnoticed someone else was using the name and wouldnt stop -so I am the young one now.

    I said so in the last thread so I am not trying to trdik any one. I am the same opinionated stubborn toad. Just a young toad. is that a tad? A toadling?

  60. dotcommodity wrote:

    As someone who can honestly be called “creative” ( I have made a living from design for 30 years) it offends me. I can use my right brain too.

    I am not above reading the fine print, which is what makes a Hillary voter, in my view, not an Obama voter.

    Let’s face it, anyone who would call himself “creative class” is living in some kind of dream world. These people have projected their own wishes onto Obama and completely ignored the basic fact that their candidate is a tool of Wall street, big oil, the nuclear industry, and big insurance. They are being taken for a ride and when he pushes them out of the speeding car, they are going have a very hard fall.

  61. Oh. my. God. Shall I kill myself now, or should I wait until I get home?

    Obama has all the markers of a creative class background, from his community organizing, to his Unitarianism, to being an academic, to living in Hyde Park to shopping at Whole Foods and drinking PBR. These will be the type of people running the Democratic Party now, and it will be a big cultural shift from the white working class focus of earlier decades. Given the demographics of the blogosphere, in all likelihood, this is a socioeconomic and cultural demographic into which you fit. Culturally, the Democratic Party will feel pretty normal to netroots types. It will consistently send out cultural signals designed to appeal primarily to the creative class instead of rich donors and the white working class.

    These people claim to be Democrats.

    I cannot live with this shame.

  62. Man what is wrong with Chris Bowers. Who left a big gaping hole where his brain used to be. I left a response which I expect to get me banned. [Repeatedly banging head on the table] I can’t believe that I used to think highly of these guys.

  63. gavche – and the truth be known, Kerry was bashed for having a wife who wore chanel and had an accent (I loved her clothes!) and bashed him for being an intellectual who actually took time to answer questions with answers that didnt fit into soundbites.
    Nobody defended Kerry that I know of – but I did. Maybe some of this backlash is against the idea that intellectuals are wusses.

    In any case, she was treated to a clue of what is coming and it wont be nice.

  64. kbird: yeah… Aldi rocks!!! -not really… but it does the trick and even carries hydroponic tomatoes and kick ass guacamole 😉

    We used to live by The Plaza, so I used to shop at the one at Troost…with security officer included who would check my backpack every time I went shopping…. (For those of you who do not know, Troost is the street that divides Kansas City along racial lines).

  65. Litigatormom, how long do you want to bet before this kind of tripe ends up on a GOP 527 TV ad or mailer? With this kind of attitude, Obama might not win his own home state.

  66. Riverdaughter,

    I see your point. Honestly, when you read the thing it sounds like satire. The Matt Stoller post is a riot too. I’ve never seen such self-important idiots before in my life. They are worse than George Will and Bill Kristol.

  67. Chris Bowers is desperate to be relevant in the Democratic party. That’s why he makes up stuff like this. Chris was an Edwards supporter before JRE dropped out of the race. Now I think Chris is using posts like these to try to justify his decision to back Obama. Edwards would no more support this nonsense than would Hillary.

  68. bostonboomer – my brother is celebrating 10 years soon. It is so wonderful that you posted that – dont you feel free?

    I have not always been nice to you here – my regrets. You are obviously a warrior queen.

  69. I am sitting here in a state of shock to think that there are people like this who are actually serious.

  70. Then there is this, from HuffPo:

    Matt Stoller: The primary has been exceptionally good for Party building.

    Except for the part about kicking people out of the Party.

    Obama has created a number of significant infrastructure pieces through his campaign, displacing traditional groups the way he promised he would by signaling the end of the old politics of division and partisanship

    Ah, yes. Replacing the old politics of division and partisanship with a new politics of personality cults and political orthodoxy and intra-party intolerance.

    Obama made his bet that the country isn’t into ideological combat and wants a politics of unity and hope, and he has won at internally.

    Obama only wants ideological combat within the party, not between Democrats and Republicans.

    From top to bottom, they have destroyed their opponents within the party, stolen out from under them their base, and persuaded a whole set of individuals from blog readers to people in the pews to ignore intermediaries and believe in Barack as a pure vessel of change.

    Destroying their opponents within the party? This is the new politics of post-partisanship? Well, at least we have a pure vessel of change running for President. I mean, I’d hate to think that the Democratic Party had turned into a cult or something.

  71. Litigatormom,

    And they wonder why people think Obama is elitist? That’s why they like him. I can’t believe I used to think these bloggers were Democrats. I wonder what they really mean by the word “progressive?”

  72. I think the part ot look at is the use of the word “class”, not creative. Someone who uses this term considers themselves in a separate class than others. I have always thought the Democratic goal was to be classless (pun intended) just like it is mine to talk about the human race as one race, not many races.

  73. lmom: “displacing traditional groups the way he promised he would by signaling the end of the old politics of division and partisanship”

    Jeezzz, is tha what I am? part of one of the traditional groups that supports the old politics of division and partisanship? Yikes, I suck, no wonder Donna does not like me.

  74. Oh, god, believing in Barack as a pure vessel of change? What crap. Truly magical thinking that the “new politics” is that Barack’s power is infinite and somehow everyone will want the same thing and everywhere that values and priorities clash, everyone will magically get exactly what they want from him. Everyone gets a pony, right? Not gonna happen.

  75. litigatormom – I thought maybe Donna Brazille had lost her marbles and was speaking out of school the other night, but apparently this is the plan – “replacing the traditional groups”.


  76. It seems apparent that the ‘Creative Class’ , and Chris Bowers in particular, haven’t a clue as to what goes on in the real world.

  77. Obama made his bet that the country isn’t into ideological combat and wants a politics of unity and hope, and he has won at internally.

    Does the lack of logic here trouble Stoller at all? You just got your new politics by declaring that the rest of us who actually don’t agree with you, don’t exist and don’t matter, and can therefore be insulted and “destroyed” in the name of hope and unity.

  78. Those in MA will know what I am talking about:
    Our governor Deval Obama Patrick was elected using the same talking points. One of his proposals is to do away with background checking for job applicants. His “progressive” stance is that we are being discriminatory against people who have “made mistakes” in their pasts thus preventing them from securing solid paying jobs.

    Now I worked in a hospital where we conducted said background checks as a matter of condition for employment. I don’t know about you but I have no problem preventing child molesters, wife beaters, hold up men, drug dealers, motor vehicle abusers, flashers, identity thieves, from working in a setting with sick people who may be one of my loved ones. This may answer your question of what a progressive of today stands for. In the past they were known as bleeding heart liberals.

  79. i dont think it is that they like Obama per se because he is an eliitist – I think they have decided not to be defensive about being elitist.

    Sort a ike “embrace your inner-elitism”

  80. It might be useful to forward Bowers’ and Stollers’ posts to your local Democratic representative and ask him/her if there are enough of these people in his/her district to win an election.

  81. random thoughts……..

    does Flavia have some sort of animal draped around her shoulders? or is that her hair, or a shadow?

    we just got an Aldi, opened this week. what a great store!!! decent wine for $3 a bottle??? my kind of place!

    we also, within the last year, got a Whole Foods. people around here call it ‘Whole Paycheck’

    PBR – anyone remember the song “Rednecks, White Socks and Blue Ribbon Beer”? it was, obviously, a country song, back in the 70s. I gues the PBR image has changed.

    on a serious note, since Katie mentioned food pantries, right now is a great time to clean out your cabinets and donate anything you can to those pantries. a lot of poor kids eat subsidized breakfasts and lunches during the school year, and when summer vacation comes along, it’s a real hardship for their families. our local food pantry gets overwhelmed every year when school lets out, and we have a mother’s day collection for that very reason. if you want to donate and are wondering what to buy, I would suggest spaghetti or other pasta, canned tomato sauce and canned vegetables – easy to store, easy to hand out, and easy to prepare. please help if you can, there is so much need.

  82. Isn’t the “creative class” patooti just a different word for “yuppie”?

  83. i dont think it is that they like Obama per se because he is an eliitist – I think they have decided not to be defensive about being elitist.

    I honestly think they have no idea they are being elitist. They are that out of touch.

  84. litmom, don’t be ashamed. Be litigious.

    C’mon, you’re a lawyer. Let’s sue somebody. Bowers and Stoller for crimes against common sense. And party-thievin’.

    I will bring you books and do the photocopying. And compliment you on how cute you are with your hair in a bun and some snappy reading glasses, like in a montage. You can be earnest and say things lie “I object,” and “habeus corpus,” and “STFU, you wankbot.”

    Okay, I’ll say that last one.

    Trust me, folks, these people ain’t creative and they have no class. This is the Cult of Wank. Now, I am all in favor of masturbation (orgasms? for ’em; especially four of ’em, but I don’t mean to brag).

    But this is something completely and insidiusly different. It is self-satisfaction without any thought of others. It is fucking yourself without realizing how badly you’re fucking over everybody else. Overvaluing self by undervaluing othes.

    Upstate, be proud of earning Donna Brazile’s dislike. I am.

  85. Frankly I do support the old politics of division and partisanship, if that’s what you want to call it. I thought that was healthy and important for democracy? It seems the new politics is to treat everyone who dissents like utter garbage. Nothing is out of bounds in the name of unity. In fact your unity depends on having an object of hatred to keep your people (temporarily) from noticing that they’re not actually unified and will have to make choices, disagree, and compromise some day.

    So, I suppose it makes sense theoretically for them to use smears of racism against political opponents who stubbornly refuse to go along with the Unity Pony. That way you have a socially acceptable reason to treat them as completely worthless, possibly less than human, if I consider the number of times at the orange place I was told to crawl back under the rock from whence I came.

  86. This Flavia is so teenybopper, I fully expected her to roll her eyes at Cavuto, and go “Duh!”when she answered her questions.

    I can’t wait ’til W Va and Ky go to Hillary by 30-50 points and just screw with their little heads.

  87. As if “elitist” was a warm and fuzzy word and not a perjorative.

  88. kiki: “right now is a great time to clean out your cabinets and donate anything you can to those pantries”

    Will do.

  89. And shouldn’t these really stupid Obamahead people know that really creative people are most often of the poorer class? You know like writers? Like artists?
    Like musicians? (I mean like real musicians).
    Composers. Poets. Violinists. Jazz guitarists.
    Novelists. Actors. Actresses. Comics. Painters.
    Sculptors. Street musicians. Performance artists.
    Cartoonists. More really creative people are working as waitresses, body therapists, bus people, sales people, etc. to pay for the privilege of engagin their muse in whatever time they can find to do it.

    Creative class my ass. The only thing the Obamajerks know about is having no class at all.

  90. so the democrats want to be the party of snobs. third party, anyone? it’s way past time.

  91. angelasmith: “Creative class my ass.” lol 🙂

  92. By “progressive”, they mean young college educated people (lots of snarky metrosexual males) who do not work at physical jobs which require getting their fingernails dirty, making over $50K per year, who can theoretically speak about equality of women , Latinos, and gays, as long as they don’t expect anything from them for it.

    Blacks get in this year because their candidate of choice happens to be a mixed race individual.

    All of it is a power grab, because once they get power, they won’t actually do anything for the people, but will become country club Republicans.

  93. Everyone is on fire tonight!

    Can I steal that, Neptuna?

  94. Culturally, the Democratic Party will feel pretty normal to netroots types.

    Also, what blows my mind here is.. what happened to diversity?? I don’t want the Dems to all be entirely comfy and culturally normal to “netroots types.” That would be mostly well off, white, males. And I think we’ve ended up here at The Confluence because we already know how they treat those who don’t fit these norms. I know that throughout history they’ve been imposing “culturally normal” on the rest of us but, enough already. 🙂

  95. I’m in shock that a would-be creative culture vulture like Bowers would think Rev. Wright is a Unitarian.

    Wright’s church is UCC, i.e., Congregationalist.

    That’s probably not the stupidest stupidity in the piece, but it’ll do.

  96. I have no idea where I fit in anymore after reading some of these posted blogs. Certainly not on the Right. Apparently not on the Left. Where?

  97. I was watching Charlie Rose the other night–which I almost never do. He was “interviewing” a woman who is, I believe, the curator of the New York Museum of Modern Art. She was articulate, brilliant, down to earth, passionate about what she does, passionate about art. At one point Rose actually asked her if art was for rich people. I swear to God. She looked at him like he was insane and answered articulately and poltiely that art was for everyone (she said it better than that). I turned the volume off whenever he spoke and turned it on when she spoke, but it was still too annoying. The last time I watched Rose, he interviewed Helen Mirren. And he asked her a question about the actor’s process. And I was on the edge of my chair to hear what she had to say. He then interrupted her in mid answer to quote what some guy had said. I was fucking amazed. Charlie Rose reminds me of any other Obamatron. Dumb, disrespectful and revelling in their own stupidity.
    Basically—- anti-creative.

  98. Riverdaughter, That is a fantastic idea! I think I’m going to send those posts to Barney Frank and Ed Markey.

    I wanted to post something on Bowers’ comments about why I think Obama will not carry Massachusetts, but I couldn’t remember how to log in.

  99. ufa — How about …


  100. There is nothing wrong with shopping at Whole Foods(I do), having an advanced degree (I do), drinking PRB (well, there is a little something wrong with that), but to think that makes you somehow “creative” is foolish and self-congratulatory. Those of us who have more means either worked for it, or more often, were born into it, or a little of both. We are the “lucky class”, but in the end we are just the upper eschalon of the middle class. Bowers is an ass.

  101. ronk, me too. I wonder if any of the commenters noticed the UCC/Unitarian error?

  102. The real dirt in their brains is now coming fully out into the open…actually, this is good. Especially given the timing – with the recession on our heads, this type of superiority will be even more jarring un the light of day.
    The more they sound like the Lords in pre-industrial revolution England, the harder they will fall. And the harder they fall, the more permanent the lessons learnt will be, for all of us in the erstwhile Democratic party.

    One of them, any of them, should try explaining what exactly an Obama presidency and the creative class hope to create. You know, like “describe the world in 200 words without using the words ‘hope’, ‘change’ or ‘unity'”

  103. Chevalier: You know, like “describe the world in 200 words without using the words ‘hope’, ‘change’ or ‘unity’”

    they can still use ‘pony’ and ‘precious’, right?

  104. the young judith, That would make a great bumper sticker:

    “Embrace your inner elitist: Obama ’08”

  105. Ohio at 10:15 – that was a great post.

    Pat Johnson – just my opinion – but fuck anybody who tries to define me. I define me. You define you. You decide where you want to be and the bullies can go suck on a pabst.

  106. bostonboomer –

    add Obama ” blogger” ’08 and I am with you.

    Embrace your inner elitist: Obama Blogger ’08

  107. I mean, the nerve of defining yourself as the “creative class”. I grew up in one of the most affluent suburbs of Boston. All the kids here were well educated, well traveled, well clothed, and well housed. A handful were “creative”.

  108. kiki
    very funny. lol
    they can still use ‘pony’ and ‘precious’

  109. ronk: two thumbs up.

  110. bostonboomer: Do you know Barney or Ed’s position with regard to Hillary support? If they are behind Obama they may just ignore your post.

    youngjudith: I mean what is my party affiliation anymore? As a Democrat for over 40 years I am not an “elitist”, not from the creative class, not a minority, earn less than 60,000. My party has deserted my not the other way around. However, I do not want to be with this class of Obama supporters since they would bore me to death.

  111. Yeah Melanie (at 11:02). This is one of the twelve billion things that piss me off about the Obamajerks.
    They keep co-opting language. And it’s pissing me off. “We’re the creative class.” Bullshit. There is no
    “creative class.” You just want to sit them down and make them see reason. But you know if you try, their eyes will just keep swirling about in their heads… hearing nothing but the latest approved slogans from their troop leader. I just think it’s downright vulgar to use a term like “creative class.” I have personally had three different ideas stolen by Obamashits– to the point where if I post something now, I have to think hard if they would be able to turn it and use it to their advantage. If they could, I don’t post it. I was gonna write something here, but then figured if they are gonna dribble on with this “creative class” bullsit then they would just co-opt who I was going to quote and use it to their own unholy purpose. God damn them.. they make me so mad. They are so the antithesis of creative, it boggles the mind. They are plagaristic, opportunist, bottom feeders. Just like the dope with the “hope.”

  112. The Obama-McCain tiff was interesting. I thought Obama’s plan for character assassination in the general is apparently to insinuate constantly that McCain is senile or too angry and crazy to be trusted and hope that’s enough to make him unelectable.

    Then I thought if I were McCain I would just kind of stay relatively quiet as long as possible, brush off the attacks (not in person, via press release), and let Obama stand out there by his lonesome trying to say what he stands for and answer questions under the full scrutiny of the media.

  113. When I was lurking earlier today, Someone posted something I’d never heard.

    This person said s/he has a friend who works in a paid position for Obama on his Transition Team.

    Is this true? Is Obama already working on his Transition?

    I’ve NEVER heard of a primary candidate doing that.

    Did anyone else see that comment?

  114. one big problem with the republican party of late has been the rignt wing religious take-over, and its whole aura of superiority. “we’re morally superior to you” I personally know people who have been lifelong republicans and have been turned off by that whole thing. so great, now the democrats, whose saving grace has been that they really did try to be inclusive, have decided to go the snobbish, superior route. that’s a real winning strategy. not

  115. Katie, that’s weird. I think there are things happening behind the scenes that let Obama know he’s the candidate. so much for transparancy in politics. this is more of the W super secret stuff.

    every time someone says McCain would be an extension of the current mess, I agree. but I’ve seen nothing to convince me that Obama wouldn’t be the same.

  116. She was asked to come on and commentate ??


    [-tating, -tated] to act as a commentator
    USAGE: The verb commentate, derived from commentator, is sometimes used as a synonym for comment on or provide a commentary for. It is not yet fully accepted as standard, though widespread in sports reporting and journalism.

  117. katiebird: I don’t remember seeing that here earlier and I have been buzzing in and out. However, on a website (not sure which one, maybe Politico) it was reported he was making overtures to some of Hillary’s staff. That is all I saw. Nothing about a transition team.

  118. I’ve finally discovered what I want to be when I grow up: a pure vessel of change.

    Think of how much people will love me if the only things in my vessel are nickels, dimes and quarters.

  119. Hey Kiki,

    You know
    that bumper sticker “the moral majority is neither.”

    well, “the creativity class has neither” seems equally appropriate.

  120. l-mom, are you dissing the pennies? I dunno, that seems a little creative class 🙂

  121. “ufa, on May 8th, 2008 at 10:31 pm Said:
    Everyone is on fire tonight!

    Can I steal that, Neptuna?”


    OF COURSE! Take it, make it viral – put it on T-shirts, anything to make these moronic WATBs know that we won’t be placed in line to support a vote thief and his pack of pretentious cyber-frat pack hooligans. I will write in Hillary Clinton’s name for president of the US.

    Can you imagine if we all of Hillary’s voters to do that?

    The WATBs, are messing with my daughter’s Universal Healthcare.

    They are messing with my daughter’s ability to go to college in 8 years, which will be too expensive for me to afford.

    They are messing with Global Warming (provided by Exxon & Excelon).

    They are messing with me trying to earn a little more than what I am right now because of the stagnant economy.

    They are messing with my right to be heard as a Floridian voter.


    I’m going to shout it out from the top of my lungs, cuz I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!


  122. oooh, Angela, I like that one! let’s get it printed up!

  123. and Neptuna, that one too!

  124. I know I’m late again tonight. My daughter called from Boston and we had a super charged discussion on why she and my mother and I are brilliant and because of our brilliance, we support Hillary. And how the rest of the family are going to be oh so disappointed, after blindly supporting BHO, when Obama is taken down. Then we laughed.

    I have only just now finished reading these AMAZING comments and LOL when I read Whole Foods is called Whole Paycheck.
    It’s getting to be time for bed and I have hardly begun to get through my reading. Tomorrow is MONEY FRIDAY and the daughter, grandmother and I are fasting (except for the 96 y/o grandmother) and then giving to HIllary!! can’t wait.

    You all are wonderful and continue to inspire me.

  125. I found it on Taylor Marsh. Tell me it’s just BS. Please.

    I have a friend (not much of a friend anymore) who is working on the Obama transition team. Yes, of course, he already has a transition team together. Her teenage son, who is white, for a while dated only black and minority girls. She was always saying to me that she wished he would date white girls and she was tired of all the minority whining and feelings of entitlement. Now, she is big Obama supporter (of course, she is getting paid by him) who thinks *I* am racist for not supporting him. This is what is going on. It’s all a huge mess and a travesty.
    GoHillaryGo | 05.08.2008 – 11:11 am

  126. Hey Kiki,
    If you know how to print it up, go for it.
    I don’t have that the how-to for that, yet.

  127. Thanks Kiki!

    I commented on an article which called for Hillary Supporters to be “good Democrats” and vote for the Unity Pony (I love Corrente for coining this!) and I was so enraged.

    As a Floridian voter, Obama had the chance to hear us out with including our delegates or doing a re-vote. He passed on both, so I said that since my Democratic vote isn’t worthy of being counted for the primary, then my Democratc vote for the GE won’t make a difference and I’d write in Hillary’s name instead. This of course created a sh&t storm, but I don’t care.

    I won’t vote for a VOTE THIEF, Reagan-invoking panderer. How dare these arrogant anuses demand the entire Michigan “Uncommited” delegate count when God knows how many of those votes went to Edwards! How dare they not even want to do a re-vote in FL and MI!

    Donna Brazile said we may have one in late August. LATE AUGUST. Thanks, but no thanks. Chelsea’s mama will be on my ticket in November, come hell or highwater.

  128. Leslie, My aunt calls Whole Foods, Whole Paycheck too!

    angelasmith, I’m sorry I lost track of my question. (embarrassed) What was it?

  129. Ah, it wasn’t me — it was kiki. Now I’m really embarrassed. (shaking my head)

  130. Neptuna, I was in Apopka, or maybe Orlando, over the weekend and I didn’t want to leave. I like the way the air feels in Florida. After one weekend, I want to live there! not that I don’t want my vote to count, but frankly, it doesn’t count in Alabama anyway.

    I won’t give up until Florida and Michigan voters are counted, or I’ll leave the party over it. I was halfway there over their totally ignoring what got them elected in 2006. evidently they thought we all worked to get them elected to enable Bush. I don’t think so.

    third party….I know I sound like a broken record, but if there was ever a time……………….

  131. lol Katie, and right after a birthday! no wonder the dems don’t want you anymore! (and I can say that because I’m older than you – obviously no offense intended) 🙂

  132. Oh, kiki — none taken! 🙂

  133. FWIW – when I was a kid “Creative” was another word for stupid or untalented in some desireable way.

    “Oh, don’t feel bad honey, you’re CREATIVE” when you missed the goal in the game, got a bad grade on a test, fell out of the spelling bee in the first round…

    I got over it, but I don’t think I want to be known as “CREATIVE” anymore. 😉

  134. The new Democratic party.

    Well, this goes along with what Donna Brazile said that the new Democratic party would be made up of the young, the urban, the highly educated and African-Americans. If you’ve read Strauss and Howe’s Generations you’ll see where all of this is coming from. I understand that The Fourth Turning is even closer but I haven’t read that one so I can’t discuss it.

    It sounds like Bowers is also kicking most African-Americans to the curb.

    Well, being kicked to the curb should be restful.

  135. OMG, we have spawned our very own Ann Coulter. “An unfortunate young women indeed”.

  136. Would someone please explain this idiotic “creative class” bullshit? I have spent my whole life in the theater and music. Am I part of the creative class or does that only apply to dumbass genX male bloggers?

    I am serious though, can someone explain exactly who is included and why?

  137. Teresa, do you have a penis, a trust fund, a job at a hedge fund or a political think tank for a party that tends to lose every election, WASP ancestry, a Masters degree or above, a straight orientation, a great deal of leisure, disdain for anyone who isn’t just like you, and a blog? That about covers it. Actually being creative sort of mitigates against you being a member of the creative class. Are you aging but convinced you’re still in high school or a member of any gaming communities?

  138. That Bowers post is too droolingly moronic to be offended by. Is Bowers GenX or GenY? Either way, Jesus god, I hate my generation. His too. Not that it’s relevant.

    If the Brazilles of the world really think they’ve got a new Democratic coalition with these kind of clowns, they have completely blown it. Having affluent liberal whites inside the tent is well and good. The problem is they are natural Republicans, i.e., if they voted their pocketbooks they would vote Republican. Those who vote Democratic do so for moral or cultural reasons. That makes it an easy sell to guys like them and me that we should take a look at the black candidate. Nothing wrong with that, but I think the success that Team Obama has had at that easy sell has made them delusional. If they think African-American voters and latte-sipping volvo-driving affluent whites are a winning electoral combination, they’re in for a cold shower in November.

    (For the record, I don’t like latte, don’t drive a Volvo, and in my case “affluent” is stretching it, organic groceries notwithstanding – but what the hell).

  139. the young judith, @before, sorry, i misread your name, I wasn’t trying to insult you. 🙂

  140. Just reading the comments from the “Creative Class and found a few I had to share. How about this pearl:

    “it took a coalition of those dirty working class folks and farmers to actually get some real social justice accomplished during the 1930s”

    Yeah. Generally when you do an honest day’s WORK you get DIRTY. It’s called “Making a Living” and if you ever move out of your parents basement someday you may have to experience it.

    And this:
    “I would say its also the end of the Baby Boomber generation, yes we’ll still have to suffer through their raiding Social Security and Medicare, but they are on the way out. Amen!”

    Guess what numbnuts? We PAID into it. It isn’t yours. We aren’t “raiding” anything that isn’t already ours. So privatize your own future and leave mine alone.

    and the capper:
    “I think with the substantial demographic shift Obama is bringing to the Dem party that from now on we should talk about politics in band metaphors.”

    And be sure to do that texting while driving.

  141. Gavche: “a penis, a trust fund, a job at a hedge fund or a political think tank for a party that tends to lose every election, WASP ancestry, a Masters degree or above, a straight orientation, a great deal of leisure, disdain for anyone who isn’t just like you, and a blog?” lol, if it weren’t so true and sad.

  142. […] Added 09 May 08 from riverdaughter.wordpress.com Flag as inappropriate or broken […]

  143. Pat,

    Barney Frank is a Hillary supporter. He is an old fashioned Democrat. Way back, he wrote a great piece criticizing Obama. Here it is.


    The last time I checked Markey was uncommitted. He is my rep and I have written to him about FL and MI a couple of times. He at least sends replies, unlike Kerry and Kennedy.

  144. Check it out. Great article in the NYT about the radical change in HRC’s appeal to white male voters reflecting their rethinking of female roles and abilities, NOT because their racist. BO’s campaign is trying to turn anything that is not supporting him into racism.

    “Pundits have been quick to attribute the erosion in Barack Obama’s white male support to a newfound racism. What they have failed to consider is the degree to which white male voters witnessing Senator Clinton’s metamorphosis are being forced to rethink precepts they’ve long held about women in American politics.”

  145. Bostonboomer,

    I think I’ll send a letter to the MA undecideds also, thanks for the reminder. That’s a great piece by Frank.

  146. […] turned into a damned, dirty ape? * Posted on May 9, 2008 by katiebird We talked about the descent of Chris Bower last night in our open thread but, it’s a trend that goes beyond poor Chris (Donna Brazile […]

  147. I was thinking, “Gee, that guy in the yellow tie… Fox News… He’s shutting her up and ripping her stupid comment to shreads… What’s this??? (I never watch TV and haven’t seen these people before.)

    Then I read Pat Johnson’s comment not far from the top
    McCain(May 8th, 2008 at 9:17 pm):

    Fox is just warming up [to take on Obama in Obama vs McCain].

    Thanks for the clear and simple insight, Pat. I do hope the superdelegates see what you so clearly pointed out.

  148. PEOPLE

    On the Whole Foods point

    The fact that whole bunches of us shop at Whole Foods and otherwise are sensitive earth respecting people GIVES THE LIE TO THEIR RIDICULOUS ASSUMPTION that only BObots are intelligent and creative.

    The lie that only the wealthy professionals are intelligent and conscious and the working class are idiot bubas.

    We ought to laugh at their delusional stupidity all the way to the whole foods store.

    T bet the so-called creative class gives us nuclear energy , slaughterhouse diseases and poisoned biotech food. Because Mr Inexperienced does not know how to control the corporate bosses who run him.

    Vegan 4 Hillary

  149. Silly little idealist , spoiled Chris Bowers.

    He has no idea how much those plumbers he looks down on actually make nowadays, or how well-informed and hardworking they are.

    I’d like to kick his arrogant little elitist a**.

    What a prick.

  150. The creative class is a back-patting misnomer; they should more rightly be identified as “Bohemian bourgeois”. As for the clip, “Women against Hillary” has been a huge part of Obama’s strategy. He wouldn’t have done anywhere near as well as he has without female assistance at peeling the female vote away from Clinton.

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