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For my daughter’s sake, don’t go there Keith

This is message to Keith Olbermann,

You *used* to be my nightly news guy. My 12 year old daughter, “Brook”, and I used to watch you faithfully. We recorded you on our DVR. But you turned on us, Keith, with your partiality towards Obama and hostility towards all things Clinton. MSNBC went full tilt in the sexist direction and as a result, we removed you from the DVR and we don’t watch your channel at all anymore. I want her to believe that there are no limits to what she can do and MSNBC undermines my parental encouragment.

Now I understand you are going to do a self-righteous comment tonight, highlighting the illusory offensive racism of the Clinton campaign. No doubt you will sprinkle your 3 minute hate with pictures of slaves and sharecroppers and shame us all into remembering how bad african-americans had it and have it. And all of this is very true. They *do* have it worse off than we privileged white people. No one is going to argue with that. But if you think you can paint Geraldine Ferraro as a racist because of an unfortunate proximity of the word “lucky” to the word “black” or paint the Clintons, who are life long advocates of healing the racial divide as being latent Klan members, you will find out that it will backfire in the most spectacular way.

Because here’s the truth of the matter, Keith: Woman is the ni**er of the world. And every time you and Tweety and Obama and David Axelrod go off on the Clinton campaign like this without curbing your own speech and body language, you reinforce that message. And whenever Kerry or Kennedy or Dean don’t stand up and demand respect for Hillary from you and condemn the words that flow out of your mouths when Tweety refers to her as ‘babe’ and Obama tells everyone that she gets angry at him when she’s feeling emotional, you reinforce that message. And any time Howard Fineman or Jonathan Alter or Eugene Robinson appear on Countdown with you to say how it’s urgent for the sake of the party that Hillary drop out of the race in spite of the fact that she has *earned* more votes in more crucial states than Barry ever has or will, you reinforce that message.

So, go ahead, Keith, make my day. If you still plan on having your special comment tonight where you drag Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro through the mud and expose them to shame and ridicule, I will have Brook sitting with me to watch you one last time. And I will carefully explain to her why men in power are never to be trusted to consider anyone but themselves. And that with this special comment, you are not sticking up for the african-americans out there who have nothing to fear from Clinton. You are sticking up for your *own*- the guys. And that the battle for equity had only reached the end of the beginning when I was in college. And that now it’s her battle to fight. And YOU are the enemy.

Sincerely and with all my heart,


66 Responses

  1. The Great Orange has a story by a front pager in which the author calls Ferraro a “long time racist.”

    Where the hell does that come from?

  2. Thank you.

  3. You’re most welcome. Now I have to wash my keyboard.

  4. The longer this campaign continues, the more divided we become. Divide and Conquer. Black man or woman, the true enemy is the Republican war machine…the culture of corruption and hate.

    Whether Obama wins or Clinton wins, I will proudly vote Democrat.

  5. LOL.

    This is really, really getting out of hand.

  6. Flatrat: I am unlikely to be so sanguine about the party. The divide will only be healed if Clinton wins the nomination. At this point, Obama’s campaign has destroyed all possibility of comity going forward.

  7. Wow, that was powerful…. Chapeau

  8. I whole heartedly agree, riverdaughter. And I agree, if Clinton isn’t on the ticket, and if Obama wins this without FL or MI, I will stay home to protest the game that Dean and Donna Bazile fixed. Dems have taken this woman’s vote for granted for the last time!

  9. I gotta say I am over Olbermann. He’s off the DVR and it’s back to getting the news strictly online and from the NYTimes (with skepticism).

    I never much cared for his special comments, frankly. Too didactic, too ponderous, a little too much of the ego.

  10. I just read ” The racists are coming. The reacists are coming” by Fleaflicker.


    Is that what we (HC supporters) have become now, “Grand Wizard Zombies” under the spell of “Massa Hillary”?

    It was a fun article to read, however, I think this level of rhetoric is going to be *very* detrimental for the party….no matter how much smooching Hillary and Barack do in the end.

  11. What a powerful post. Thank you riverdaughter. You expressed it very well. Women have been under the heel for centuries. It’s not a competition between racist and sexist, but what I’ve seen during this campaign is that sexism is almost completely ignored. Taylor Marsh put up a video from last night’s Dan Abrams show. Everyone was complaining about Ferraro and Clinton.

    Of all people, Pat Buchanan finally said it. Women are sick and tired of seeing someone they admire being treated horribly by the media and women are going to stay hope if Hillary doesn’t get the nomination. He also defended Ferraro as said all the p.c. bullsh**t is ridiculous. It’s politics and people should say what they think.

    Anyway, I’m going on too long. Thanks for being here.

  12. Well said! Hear, hear! (Or her, her!)

  13. Olberman is off my tivo, tpm, americablog, huffpo and many others are no longer bookmarked. My computer takes me to Taylor Marsh, No Quarter and others. Today I found you. You have spoken eloquently to the disdain directed toward women in this country every day by the mainstream media, by the obama campaign, and by other bloggers. Is it any wonder that TPM hires are almost exclusively men. It’s hard for this baby boomer that this is 2008.

    Thank you

  14. Very well said! Olbermann is a pompous a**. What has he done to improve race relations? Absolutely nothing. In fact, he is fanning the flames of Obama’s race baiting. This is a terrible tragedy for racial equalty.

    I agree with your assessment that it has nothing to do with race, it is all sexism and a way to get back at Clinton for daring to call them out on it (Shuster, etal).

    I have been a Democrat for all my life. I have worked on many campaigns for Democrats and voted for Democrats. I will continue to vote for Democrats, just not Obama – should he happen to gain this nomination, I will proudly write-in Hillary Clinton for President of the United States.

  15. Like you, Riverdaughter, I used to be a longtime fan of KO. I thought I had finally found a sane, balanced commentator to counter the O’Reillys, Becks, and Dobbs of the media world. KO’s special comments used to be a breath of fresh air. After hearing Keith take Sen. Clinton’s comments about Martin Luther King, jr and President Johnson way out of context, I literally had to do a double take. Where the heck did that come from? Did he honestly say Hillary’s comments were racist? His ire just kept getting worse day by day. I’m now reduced to BBC America’s half hour news programs to get my daily news fix – and your blog, of course (I’m so happy to have found a voice on the web who also notices and reports on the MSM’s partiality to Obama. What the heck is going on?).

    Now, I’m a female American of black Jamaican decent (we Jamaicans come in all sorts of colors and flavors) and a Florida resident. The majority of my formal education (elementary through college) took place in Florida. The majority of my family lives and works here. It pains me to see the troubles surrounding my state. I was too young to vote in 2000, but I was well aware of the BS going on (Catherine Harris, hanging chads, voter suppression, and finally the Supreme Court’s outrageous ruling). I was finally able to vote in 2004 for Sen. Kerry, and once again was disheartened with the results. After the Democratic Party’s narrow victory in 2006, I finally felt my vote counted for something. But now…

    As a woman, a black American, a fairly young voter and a Floridian, I feel profoundly disenfranchised by the Democratic Party. Two weeks ago, I sent an email to the DNC demanding them to either seat my delegates or stop sending me emails and regular mail solicitations – do they honestly think I’d be willing to pony-up cash to an organization who obviously doesn’t need nor want my vote? I now only donate funds directly to the candidates I deem worthy – Hillary got $100 this past January and my mother has been making phone calls on behalf of her campaign. I’ll admit Sen. Clinton wasn’t my first choice – I originally contributed to Sen. Biden’s campaign – but Hillary is THE best candidate for the presidency. Even if Obama gets the nomination, I don’t think I can stomach voting for him – heck, I was happy he turned down Hillary’s VP offer. I don’t see him as an advancement for minorities – he seems more like a liability.

    We’ll continue making calls for the upcoming Penn Primaries and I’ll see what else we Florida Hillary supporters can do to get the DNC to seat our delegates. Please, guys – if Florida and Michigan can’t come through in the end, please help Pennsylvania count overwhelmingly for Hillary.

    Oh, yeah – and KO and kiss my butt…This is gonna be one special comment I’ll definitely pass, thank you very much.

    Thank you for this Blog, Riverdaughter. It’s the best.

  16. riverdaughter: What you said. Every last word of it.

    litigatormom: That front page post on the great orange is written by a perpetually angry Obamatron man. It’s just another manufactured reason to be creepily angry. Our girl won’t be steamrolled and that truly chaps their wussy hides. They’ll find something else to be “outraged” about next week, just you wait and see.

  17. Every day we are treated to a letter or two in our local paper that are clearly part of a letter writing campaign from the obamabots. Today’s was particularly amusing, suggesting that Clinton must drop out because she is destroying the party and the Obama voters will write his name in if she gets the nomination, thus ensuring a McCain presidency.
    so I guess we are not so different after all, cause I know that is what I plan on doing if Hillary doesn’t win.
    That might make me a bad Democrat, but Arizona will not go for Obama anyway , so I can make my symbolic gesture and not worry about being Naderish..

    Sadly, I used to love Olberman, but now that it has been mentioned here, I agree that his commentaries did seem ego driven.

  18. Wonderful post, riverdaughter! Jersey girls always tell it like it is. I know – I am one!

  19. Thank you Riverdaughter. Love you site.

    Letter to Olbermann

    What are you thinking? You’re stoking a firestorm with your racist misogynist rhetoric from which there is no return. What in the name of God is the matter with you male chauvinists? Can’t you see what you’re doing? You’re making this Presidential Primary into a race and gender issue instead of about the most important issues facing our country. After what this country has been through under the Bush/Cheney regime, you’re dividing us further.

    I am terribly afraid what the future holds for all of us. People like you talking BUBBLE HEADS love to listen to your own rhetoric and pound your chests on how great you are. You are no Edward R. Murrow. You have jumped into to the troughs with O’Reilly and Limbaugh.

    You’re very ignorant to think that what you’re doing is for the good of our country. Hillary Clinton is not the enemy. All you women hating a** jerks are the enemy. It will come back to haunt you. Hopefully you will be neutered and become irrelevant.


  20. Sorry, Love YOUR site

  21. No problem, Fran. Your comment was held in moderation while I was doing other things. You may have used some trigger words that are normally innocuous but when used in this primary season, need to be evaluated in context. There wasn’t anything wrong with your comment.
    Thanks for the support. đź‰

  22. I sense a great deal of frustration, which is obscuring rationality. So close, yet so far.

    KO spoke out loudly and clearly against the Busheviks when no other corporate media person would, yet because he “may” posit an opinion not agreeing with yours, you trash him. Until Rachel Maddow gets her own show, KO is all we have.

    I will wait to see what he has to say….

  23. flatrat: suit yourself. I’ve seen enough of KO to know that he’s gone off the deep end for Obama and his comments WRT any accusation of racism is likely to reflect the ravings of the DailyKos crew.
    Oh, we’ll be watching all right, We have to document this sacrifice of his credentials for more of the maxim set’s advertising dollars.
    It’s disgraceful.

  24. I aree wholeheartedly. This is a very sad time for women. I will never watch or listen to KO again. But we really have to recognize that some women are just as sexist toward women as the men. This is a really uphill battle. I am a 63 year old retired female who worked for the Department of Defense for over 39 years. I am so sensitive to what Hillary is going through because it brings back those terrible years where as a senior manager I had to file numerous EEO complaints just to be able to get through the days. I put that all behind me but this campaign is bringing back. Times really haven’t changed for women!

  25. I am so grateful to have discovered this site. I, too, am outraged by this awful behavior by the MSM, mostly MSNBC and my ex favorite blogs(huffpo, Americablog,TPM and Dkos). I have deleted them from my bookmarks and have written numerous letters to MSNBC and boycotting GE. Is there any way we can organize a protest outside MSNBC in NYC? I, too, live in NJ and I am sure we can find hundreds of supporters to protest every evening if we have to until this sexism, misogyny and race baiting stops.

  26. KO was never impartial; watching him is just you listening to the choir. there is a danger just watching news from people you agree. with. I got where I winced everytime he had one of his special comments on; I felt he was actually foaming at the mouth. This reminds me of the OJ Simpson trial. Marcia Clark thought women should be on her jury because they would be offended that his wife was beaten and killed. They weren’t – their race trumped all. You can hear black comedians laughing and getting laughs about OJ now, they kow he is guilty but they didn’t care. It is all the same.

  27. Ah yes, anything other than starry -eyed submission to the royal “her” is dismissed as sexist.
    Nice gambit for shutting out the truth…sort of like :
    “If you are not with us ,you are against us”.

  28. Thanks for the heads up, riverdaughter. He used to be my hero too. I guess I’ll try to watch the self-righteous know-it-all, but I’m going to have a drink or two first.

  29. Keith Olbermann never claimed to be a lover of Democrats, or a hater of Republicans. He is a political pundit with a job to do. Most of the time his job is just light and fluffy, but every so often he says something of substance.

    I bet you cheered when he went after Bush and his administration by telling the truth about them. Now that he’s going to tell the truth about Hillary you get upset?

    I would hope you teach your daughter about a little thing we call ethics, but it seems you have no comprehension of the word. Ethics is when you tell the truth, no matter what.

    What Hillary Clinton is doing is wrong, and the truth should be told.

  30. rose: we realize you have a choice of blogs. Why don’t you exercise it? It is unlikely that you will add anything meaningful to our discourse if you don’t know what is actually going on.

  31. LOL

  32. I unplugged cable after listening to Tweety’s snide comments about how “Gore said he invented the internet” one too many times. At least he didn’t wear his Bush button on air. Huffington Post is really cheesy. Too bad because it could have had stature but went tabloid.

    KO seemed to have moral rectitude on his side, but too much so, kind of like Spitzer. I watched his special comments on the internet.

    I’m voting for Hillary in the General Election. Either as a check or a write in. Sorry, haven’t seen anything in the marketing of Obama that bodes well for the country after 8 years of Bush, even if he does hire the expertise to do the job as he said he would. Being president requires a lot more than Obama has to offer right now. After the mess is cleaned up, we can afford to have a preener in the role.

  33. under: the same goes for you as for rose. To approve of KO’s recent defense of Obama in this issue is to say that Clinton is a racist when she has no motive and it flies in the face of evidence of a lifelong comittment to the contary. Are you calling Hillary a racist? This is where KO is headed and not only is it wrong, it’s slanderous. His first couple of special comments were great. Now they are just raw meat.
    why don’t you go play in the dailykos sandbox?

  34. UpstateNY — I have an acquaintance who is … what’s the clinical expression? … “batshit crazy”. Fortunately for him and everyone else, his paranoia is displaced to objects sufficiently distant that there is little chance he’ll come into direct contact with them. J Edgar Hoover. Area 51. The Hittites. Rome WAS built in a day. And there never were any Romans.

    He believes he was held incommunicado for 7 weeks by federal marshals (or maybe they were fire marshals) so as not to interfere with the theatrical release of a film with one of his nicknames in the title.

    He believes 2 out of 3 people on earth (including most black folk) are “artificial humans”, created with alien technology and distributed via those little boxes of detergent you can get in vending machines at the laundromat. Oddly, he rarely encounters these units walking around, and gets along just fine with just about everybody in real life.

    But there’s crazy, and then there’s CRA-A-AZY, like the
    in that “The racists are coming” piece you linked above. Recommended read, everyone.

    Induced paranoia IS the politics of fear, and BO08 is playing it to the hilt.

  35. Thank you so much, Riverdaughter. This is powerful and captures my feelings well. I never really enjoyed KO’s style (don’t find Jon Stewart funny either – I’m really out of step!) so this is not terribly disappointing per se. However, it does reflect a bias in the media coverage of the primaries that is increasingly repulsive. And I use that word deliberately – repulsive. Criticism of any candidate is natural and necessary, but this dualistic Obama-good/Clinton-evil trend has gone over the top. The accusations of racism are ugly and unwise — and they suggest that all you need to do to fight racism is embrace Barack Obama. If Obama supporters were truly concerned about racism, they would look at its structural causes and begin pushing their candidate to make appropriate policy statements about them. They would focus on policy, and not spite. But I’m coming to the unfortunate conclusion that Obama is all about Obama, and his campaign has very little to offer if the Clinton hating is taken away. If the campaign had so much to offer otherwise, why are they wasting so much energy on tearing down Hillary Clinton? Why on earth is that necessary?

    Bill Moyers has more journalistic skill and integrity in one little finger than KO will have during his entire career. KO is just a sportscaster with an inflated paycheck and an ego to match — this is my assessment of him, whether I agree with what he’s saying in a particular moment or not. He bashes Bush, and it doesn’t make me like him any more.

    This has become such a bitter, ugly race.

  36. I was never a huge fan of KO. I didn’t record his show but I would tune in every once in a while and when I did I had more respect for him than most journalists. But now I’ve tuned him out completely. As I’ve said before, in a way I’m glad all of this is coming out now before the general election. Since Obama does not want to confront racism in this election except to use it to portray Clinton and her surrogates as racist then let’s confront it. KO might open a whole new bag of worms that will only hurt Obama. I don’t think MSNBC can do anything more to hurt Clinton. Everyone knows they are the Obama News Network now. It’s just sad it had to come to this.

  37. I was just banished from c&l for having the temerity to point out that KO is a sanctimonious hypocrite. Anyone who demeans a 17 year old boy (remember sanjaya?) because of his sexuality-or any other reason-has no moral authority on anything. Not to mention his hateful sexist rants about the likes of paris hilton or brit spears. What an a-hole he is.

  38. I had a funny experience over the weekend. Reading through old emails, cleaning out the inbox, and saw one w/subject “Clinton urged to drop out of race!” Looked at the date, and it was 1/6/08. The OB campaign has been pushing this since the beginning of JANUARY for chrissakes. Now that I know more about his campaigning history in Illinois I realize that’s his m.o. – try to force out his opponents so he doesn’t have to really run. Well that won’t work against Clinton and it sure won’t work in the general against McCain. Those who want HC to drop out for the good of the party don’t know what’s good for the party. If we Dems tear ourselves apart, so be it. But don’t disenfranchise Clinton or her supporters because the system developed by the DNC is crummy. Please.

  39. Underground Scribe:

    You wrote: “would hope you teach your daughter about a little thing we call ethics, but it seems you have no comprehension of the word.”

    That is absolutely uncalled for and extremely rude. Hillary Clinton is not a racist and you have no right to say what did about riverdaughter. If you want to have that “opinion,” go ahead, but that does not make it “the truth.”

    I’m just sick to death of the personal attacks by Obama supporters on those who simply disagree with them about politics.

  40. I have been wondering this for some time – why is a sports commentator from ESPN suddenly the famous (or infamous) political pundit on MSNBC/OBAMA TV?

  41. KO has been a quack for a long time now. You just now realizing this? The kooky one’s jump up in down in glee whenever he goes off on one of his crazy rants, when he calls people fascists and otherwise attempts to belittle those with whom he disagrees. The hatred of those who agree with that type of tactic from any self-proclaimed liberal is not to be found anywhere else on the planet. They truly own the description “worthless.”

  42. I have a feeling that after tonight the shit is going to officially hit the fan. There is no turning back and thanks to pundits like Olbermann the Democratic Party will not recover in time for the general election.

  43. Found you from DU….what a mess it is over there. Think I’ll just stay here where the adults are! Great Post. I emailed KO twice about sexist talk & treatment of Britney…the third time, my emails were blocked. Guess he doesn’t like anyone to disagree with him…especially a woman!

  44. Thank you, Riverdaughter. You are my hero!

    I read your posts all the time and this is the first time I’ve commented. Thank you for being a sane voice in the wilderness of crazy Hillary-haters.

    I’m disappointed in KO too. I used to be a fan. Not anymore. He’s completely lost it. Jumped the shark. Whatever. What an ass.

  45. Thank you for your articulate and passionate post. You are so right about women being the “N-word” of society. But hell hath no fury… and right now I am one pissed off woman. Every day that Hillary manages to fight on amidst all the vitriol thrown her way just makes me admire her more. KO needs to hype his innocuous piece-of-crap show because he gets creamed by O’Reilly every night and he’s using Hillary as his doormat to do it. When he wipes his feet on Hillary, he wipes his feet on all of us. My greatest hope is to see Hillary on inaugeration day, her right hand on the bible, and her left hand held up — middle finger extended! Hillary ’08 You go girl!

  46. wow. I think the most distressing, disturbing thing to me is that the Clintons are being portrayed as racist. people can like or not like them for many reasons, but that charge is just so patently false and unfair.

  47. Thank you for saying the truth tonight…..woman is, as John Lennon said it, “nigger of the world.” It’s becoming more and more apparent…….there is more sexism in the U.S. than there is racism…….sad to say…..black men of this country had the vote before women of any color ever did. Why should things be any different now? After hundreds of years of misrule, why don’t women get a chance at the wheel? Thanks for saying what you did…it needed to be said.

  48. I’m sending money to Hillary’s campaign in recognition of Ferraro. I think we should all send a small monetary donation to support Geraldine because neither Hillary nor Geraldine are racists. It makes me so angry that you can’t say anything questionable about Obama without being accused of racism. Ferraro actually made the same statement on “On Point” weeks ago and there was no furor. Why now? Amen, Riverdaughter you brightened my day. My family and friends who used to watch KO have tuned him out as well and view him as the liberal equivalent of Rush Limbaugh.

  49. Disenfranchised Voter – I have reached the same conclusion. This has just gotten too nasty for the democratic party to recover. I forced myself to watch KO’s “special comment” regarding the Ferraro “disaster.” “Hurting the party…despicable…poison cloud” — I wonder if women need a new feminist movement? My daughter and I tried to get in to see Hillary last month — there wasn’t room. We boomer women and our daughters — we have to face the challenge. Sexism didn’t go away just because I had four children and got a phd. My daughters are grow and have to live in this world. Now the democratic party is going to shatter, and I want to be in the feminist wing (which won’t ignore mothers this time, by the way).

  50. Just out of curiosity, since when has feminism discovered that it’s ok to be a racist?

  51. Under: So this is what happens when dicks are given the ability to communicate. Concepts, unrelated to one another, strung together to provoke a reaction.
    Bite me, asshole.

  52. Amen again riverdaughter!

  53. riverdaughter, who is baiting who now?

    I didn’t call names or make a rude comment, I asked a sincere and honest question.

    You want to me to make some rude comment based on your sex?

    I can, and the fact is you have no idea who I am. I could be Asian, African-American, Latino, Hispanic, male, female, transgender, in my 30’s, 40’s or 50’s.

    But I’m not going to stoop down to your level.

    I’m sorry, but I’m a real progressive liberal. If I heard someone who works for me say that someone got somewhere in my company because of their skin color, well needless to say that person would be unemployed, regardless of age, race or gender.

    You’re not a true progressive, you’re someone who is angry and bitter because someone had the nerve to stand up to Hillary.

    To understand where I am coming from, I would like to present you with the following scenario.

    You’re at a company banquet and being honored as person of the year. Your boss calls you up on stage and says to the crowd “river is being given this award because she is a woman. The board of directors and I took nothing else into consideration. We didn’t look at her work ethic, or her ability to get the job done. The only real test when we voted was that she is a minority.”

    How would you feel?

    This, in essence, is what Geraldine Ferraro said about Barack Obama and the millions who have voted for him.

    Sincerely, the dick & asshole.

  54. Dick and asshole: Ferraro was paraphrasing an op/ed column by Gloria Steinem whose point was that Obama wasn’t getting cut a break because he is black. He’s getting cut a break because he’s a MAN. The color of his skin makes him a novelty candidate just like Hillary is a novelty candidate. The only difference is that Hillary is more qualified to be president than Obama who has had less time in the senate when he announced than Ferraro had in congress when she was picked.
    You aren’t following this too well, are you? You must be a friend of rose. She has no idea what’s going on either.
    Look, accusations of racism will not be tolerated here. If you post another comment like that, it will be deleted until you can converse with some modicum of intelligence and understanding of current events.
    Now, turn off the light and go to bed. Tomorrow is a school day.

  55. […] blog, called The Confluence,  posted one of the most assanine rants I have ever read.  In her rant she claims to be a […]

  56. I quite enjoyed KO’s special comment tonight. Ferraro does have a nasty habit of stating black candidates are only getting attention because they are black, as she did this as far back as ’88 to Jesse Jackson, making similar comments at the time as that piece of filth Reagan.

    Hillary has got to reign in her campaign people. They have done her more harm than good. My own Mom, who vote for Hillary in TN on Feb. 5th has voiced buyers remorse over the behavior of her campaign

  57. Olberman is a patronizing putz. He demonstrated, by his screaming rant, the way insecure men try to kill women who do not bend to their will. Since a real killing would land them in jail, they try to use words.

    Thanks for a great essay, Riverdaughter


  58. […] Now kids, it’s time for The Oppression Olympics! Go for the gold!! […]

  59. You citing an Orwellian reference and then you use the Clinton wins the states that manner argument? Do you know how stupid that sounds? Then the complaints of sexism, only to call us “dicks.” I guess one has to be a Clinton supporter to understand this logic and reasoning.

  60. Another Dick: Once again, you guys are using non-sequitors. Please try to separate your points more logically. There is no connection between Keith’s 3 minute hate speech and the fact that NY, NJ, MA, CA, OH, FL and MI *are* more important than Idaho and Utah. They are two different concepts and you are letting your anger conflate the two. It sure makes it sound righteously indignant but it’s not and it makes it difficult to have a reasonable debate with you.
    Now, go think about it and come back when you have it straightened out in your mind.

  61. […] it’s her battle to fight. And YOU are the enemy. Sincerely and with all my heart, Riverdaughter For my daughter’s sake, don’t go there Keith « The Confluence ******************** So there you have […]

  62. Here’s the fact: What Ferraro said was most likely true. It’s not simply because Obama’s black that he’s in the position he’s in, but it’s also that if he wasn’t black he probably wouldn’t have garnered the early support of Oprah, which is huge.

    That being said, the Democratic party is in great turmoil, with no obvious way out. If Hillary gets the nomination, despite not having the delagates, African-Americans will see it as another “white folks stealing what rightfully belongs to us” situation; and there will be rioting led by the Sharpton’s and Jackson’s of the political world.

    If Obama gets the nod, then women will see it as giving the nomination to a MAN when in fact the woman is much more qualified and is much more experienced. Democratic women will then stay home or even vote for McCain. (Who, although he’s a Republican, has much less anti-black and anti-women baggage than other Republicans)

    And who’s fault will this be? Well, the media and Democratic big wigs will try to blame in on the Republicans, but the fault lies sqarely at the feet of the liberal election strategies of the last 40 years.

    For decades, liberals have tried to bait racism and sexism at every turn in order to win elections. Totally bereft of ideas, liberalism has tried to ‘anger up’ blacks and women against ‘the man’, and have used that anger to try to win elections.

    Now, no matter how this turns out, liberals can’t stop the momentum of the ‘anger politics’ that they’ve created in the supposedly disenfranchised, and either women or blacks will feel the need to avenge what they see as a slap in the face.

  63. Andy: Nahhhh, it’s not the fault of liberalism. It’s the fault of the unscrupulous who don’t carefully consider how they are tearing the party apart. These two groups didn’t hate each other before and if Hillary wins the nomination, I predict the rift will heal much more quickly than if Barry wins it.
    Obama’s campaign is just taking advantage of a sensitivity in the mind of most Americans and milking it for all it’s worth. It’s a bad strategy on his part but we can now see which campaign is more effective. Despite her set backs, Hillary has run the smarter campaign. Barry can’t win the nomination now without pissing off FL and MI. The nail in the coffin will come in the next few days. Wait and see.

  64. I think you’re missing it. There is NO WAY the African-American community sits still for a Hillary nomination after Obama wins the delagate count. (which he virtually can’t lose now). There will be vigils, rallys, Reverand Al, Jesse, “No Justice, No Peace!” etc. I think you underestimate the power of this culture of always ‘being put down by the white man’ that liberalism has created.

    And I know you’re thinking that it doesn’t make sense, and cooler heads will prevail – but listen to the vitriol and bile spewed by Olberman on TV, and that’s without the ‘500 years of oppression by the white man’.

    Both Clintonites and Obamanites are gonna expect the other camp to fall in line, and it ain’t gonna happen. Go to Democratic Underground and read the message boards. Both camps are mad, feel like they’re being cheated, and promising retribution. It’s gonna get ugly.

  65. It’s already ugly. Just go to HuffPo and see if you can stay there 10 minutes without feeling incredible anger at the anti-Hillary vitriol.

    Certainly, they do not expect me, as a Hillary supporter, to forgive and forget?

    And, there are those who think that feminists will be mollified if Obama chooses a woman VP.

    I will not be satisfied, I will not be appeased, and I will not be silenced.

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