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Two things

1.) There is an old saying that “it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission”.

That doesn’t apply to any conspiracy that Trump may have engaged in with the Russians to win the election. I have no doubt that the Republican Party will try to say that it’s all water under the bridge, you can’t roll back time and we just have to go forward from here.

I think we should resist that bs.

The 2016 election will go down in history as the most consequential election in a century. I don’t even want to think about the lives Trump has ruined, the tax money stolen from us, the judges who will have the final say over women, gay people, immigrants, working class people for decades and decades to come.

They have committed violence to the country. They have been extremely aggressive in pushing through their pro-fossil fuel industry, anti-environment, anti-science agenda. Trump has enriched himself at the risk of damaging our national security.

We can’t forgive. We have to demand that no effort is spared to make things right again once it is proven that Trump and the Republicans stole the election and they are illegitimately running the country into the ground. All of their actions need to be reversed ASAP.

We should plug our ears when they start trying to move on.

2.) The reason we are in this mess to begin with is that a succession of institutions and people in power let it happen because it was entertaining or because they had a spine made of jello. That includes the GOP who didn’t take him out early, the media who thought it was all so fun. President “lifeguard in chief” Obama who went to McConnell asking for a bipartisan statement and promptly threw up his hands when he didn’t get one (oh dear! what could I dooooo???). Then there was the electoral college who was SUPPOSED to be a backstop but turned out to be a rubber stamp.

All of these individuals had an opportunity to stop the madness and didn’t. My French colleague told me that Americans are way too optimistic. We force positivism on each other. It’s all going to turn out right. Lots of smiles all around.

That’s because we haven’t lived through world wars fought on our soil. We didn’t know what it was like to deal with a repressive regime before. But you don’t have to experience something directly to understand the danger of a dangerous thing. You don’t need to stick your hand in a furnace to know it’s hot. You can read or listen to the experiences of others. So, really, there was absolutely no excuse for what has happened to us. There were books written and studies available. Our imaginations were all that was required to figure this out.

That being said, if it turns out that there is sufficient proof to charge Trump and Co with treason, then it is inexcusable that we abide by some arcane rule that a sitting president prevents us from arresting and indicting him. Impeachment means removing him from office. Arrest him first, THEN impeach his ass.

I’m tired of pulling the fire alarm only to have the fireman not take the inferno seriously.

If it’s treason, he has to go. Immediately. To protect our national security. I don’t care how it’s done. Just do it.

So, he was onboard from the beginning.

Trump knew about the meeting with Veselnitskaya in Trump Tower and he knew it wasn’t about orphans. Can we all agree with that?

So? So what? Is that illegal??

If the discussion centered around getting illgotten booty that was hacked from the DNC by a foreign government, yeah, I think so.

Maybe it was a package deal. It came with hacked emails and Russian social media trolls. The Cambridge Analytica data mining was extra. Trump had to pull Steve Bannon onto his team for that.

I’m just waiting for the money part to come out. Was Michael Cohen involved in that too? Was Roger Stone the bag man? Curiouser and curiouser.

You know, Trumpers, we get why you are mad. Most of it is irrational and self destructive and nauseates us but we get it. That’s still no excuse to saddle the country with this ignorant, stupid, criminal guy as our president. And we get it that you really didn’t like Hillary. 🙄 By that I mean that you have said it over and over again so it must be true but we still have no idea why you can’t see what’s really going on here.

In any case, why does your crazy hatred carry more weight than what the majority of the country wants? You can use that electoral college bullshit until you’re blue in the face but it’s like winning a Super Bowl on a bad ref call. Everyone can see that your team didn’t deserve to win, especially when the other team scored a lot more points.

Now that we know that he couldn’t have won the presidency on his own, you’re going to have to put up with our fury. Because as bad as Trump is, the full impact of his ineptitude and the not so secret agenda of the Republicans is not going to be felt until they’re out of office and it’s going to affect all of us, even those of us who pleaded with you not to cut off our body parts and disfigure us in front of the whole world.

And who always cleans up after the Republicans ruin the economy? That’s right. The Democrats.

But don’t think we’ll ever forget how you shoved this monster down our throats when we could have had a grown up whose only sin was her email address.


I think this tweet summarizes how the world sees us.


Hey, Lady, it’s just a FLAG. A piece of cloth. It is a thing. And I haven’t seen any foreigner disrespect a striped and spangled piece of cloth. I don’t even know how you do that. A piece of cloth has no feelings.

The American people do. And the only American people who are being consistently disrespected are the ones who didn’t vote for Trump. Are we saying we can give him a pass for all the other awful things he does because he hugs a piece of cloth?

That makes sense… how, exactly?


You people are always Gentle on my Mind😘: