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I didn’t sign up for this

What was the most important thing that happened yesterday? Hard to say. But if I were to hazard a guess, it was the late afternoon meeting that FBI directors Rod Rosenstein and Chris Wray had with Paul Ryan. According to Rachel Maddow, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes requested all of the information that the FBI had on Donald Trump’s Dossier that was assembled by Fusion GPS. The founders of Fusion GPS wrote a column in the NYTimes that basically said that the pee tape is just the tip of the iceberg where Donald Trump is concerned. They were shocked by what they found. So shocked that their contractor who used to work for British Intelligence contacted the FBI. Trump is deep into money laundering for the Russians. Their research was sound. So they can’t understand why their testimony is being kept under wraps while Congress keeps silent about the extent of Trump’s Russian connections.

So, why did Nunes want this information? I have no idea how the committee works but I suspect that if it was anything like the committee that investigated the death of president Kennedy that it would be put in a vault and not allowed to see the light of day for 50 years.

The truth has a way of getting out though. What was discovered by one person can be discovered by others. We’re all going to find out.

I’m a little disappointed at the nations papers of record are featuring the pie fight between Bannon and Trump. I guess it’s more salacious and titillating than money laundering and the Magnitsky Act. That act, devised by Bill Browder, was a stroke of genius. It effectively prohibits Russian Oligarchs from spending their money in any swank place they might like to go. The US, Canada and other countries have effectively barred them from enjoying the fruits of their plunder and they are furious.

Anyway, I didn’t sign up for the chairman of the intelligence committee to swallow up evidence to make sure it doesn’t see the light of day, especially if that evidence shows that the president of the United States is acting as an agent of a foreign power who owes his victory to Vladimir Putin.

Update: There’s something VERY wrong with this Power Post article in the Washington Post about the Steele Dossier from Fusion GPS. For one thing, the dossier was commissioned by a Republican interest group. After the primaries, Clinton and the DNC paid for it. But reading this post, you’d think that it was all done on Clinton’s initiative. The whole piece smells from top to bottom. I’m really disappointed that Marty Baron would allow Clinton to be the continued focus in these articles. This is about Trump now. Clinton lost the electoral college vote (but won the popular vote). And for some mysterious reason, her campaign didn’t use the Steele Dossier. Maybe it was too complex for the average voter to wrap her head around. Who knows. Money laundering is not an easy thing to explain and who cares when there are Hillary’s EMAILS to concentrate on.

Please do a better job, Washington Post. We deserve better than this.


OMFG, it’s worse than we thought. Read this summary of the Trump White House by Michael Wolff. It’s a snake pit.



THIS is what we’re going to be talking about all day from Michael Wolf’s upcoming book Fire and Fury:


14 Responses

  1. So has he slept with or made a pass at Mnuchin’s (young) wife yet? Disgusting! Notice how the author brings BC into it. They have to bring him into it to soften the blow for trumpsters. Mfers!

  2. This new book and all the people saying stuff we kind of already know about trump are trying to save their behind, as in ‘yeah we know who he is, here is what we think of him’ but I am not sure they will have any real career prospects after this administration gets its comeuppance. They really should not.

  3. RD, Nunes’ statement and I don’t think it means he is going to get his hands on those docs. It reads like a face saving message and he is out of the loop and in the dark.

    • Ahhhh, ACCESS is quite different from possession, right? Interesting.
      So, Nunes et al will be monitored. Good. Very good.

      • My other guess for this meeting is for Wray and Rosenstein to have told Ryan to reign in his congress critters to behave (about DOJ and FBI).

  4. Devin sweating how much of his own interaction with the Russians Mueller knows.

  5. This is happening at all levels and including of course, the presidency. Something is not right.

  6. Sure MAGA Maggie, in your own head because we know you all fought for it tooth and nail.

  7. One has to wonder whether Trump pulled his speakerphone trick in Florida ( two-party consent state) or just in New York (a one party consent state). It’s a felony in Florida.

  8. Haha, what did I say about Bannon’s comments in the last thread. He is trying to distance himself from Don Jr. and others shenanigans wrt Russia.

  9. Off topic: I have reached this stage of life. 😆

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