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The War on Solstice

For some reason, the so-called “values voters” (self titled), are celebrating that they can now say “Merry Christmas” after years of tyranny by the vast atheist conspiracy outlawing Christmas and any references to it.

Who can forget the years of deprivation, the disappearance of Christmas Trees, the day the colored lights went out, the Anti-Christmas patrols, riding around in riot gear on the backs of flat bed trucks ready to shoot out Christmas stars and transport Merry Christmas greeting violators to the prison planet of Chiron Beta Prime.

Oh, wait that only happens to Jehovah’s Witness kids.

Or was that 17th century England during Oliver Cromwell’s party days?

Never mind.

I love Christmas time. Hey, it was stolen from people who have been celebrating Solstice since time immemorial. But, ok, sure, if you want to call it Christmas, it’s no skin off my nose. {{rolling eyes}}

You don’t have to be a witch to celebrate Solstice. It’s for anyone who marvels at creation and the natural world, regardless of your flavor of god, Flying Spaghetti Monster or non-god belief system. Really, we Solstice celebrators aren’t going to lose sleep over what you celebrate. Knock yourselves out. It’s none of our business.

But “Happy Solstice” is the original greeting. So all you values voters, get over yourselves already.

We just don’t care.