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This has probably already occurred to you but…

Donald Trump is just a vehicle. 

It’s his supporters who are using HIM to strike back at politicians they see as having not served them well. 

They’re not particularly enamored with Trump. They’re not interested in his policies, because, well, he doesn’t have any. 

So, I’m not sure I would waste my time trying to understand how to convert them. They are unconvertible. They want to blow stuff up. They’re about apocalypse and destruction and pitchforks and torches. 

Donald is just being his typical opportunistic self and going after this YUGE constituency that both parties abandoned. That happens to be about 37% of the population leaving 63% of the rest of us to keep our wits. 

When Donald leaves, they’ll still be around. 

The next president is going to have to work hard for everyone because next election, we might get another Trump like candidate but with much more discipline and intelligence. Then we’re all screwed.  

13 Responses

  1. Yes. This.

    It’s the begrudgery. (Great word of yours.) People everywhere, whether it’s Ferguson or West Virginia coal country, want a middle class income. The begrudgery isn’t going to stop growing until they get it.

    Which means going back to actually taxing millionaires and putting that back into a real economy. (Renewable energy and electric car plants come to mind.)

    I know I sound like Sanders. And I know Clinton has some actual plans in those directions.

    But unless she gets both Houses of Congress, all I can think is “Good luck with that.”

    Pessimism is the first tool of the 1%. So I’m out there, GOTV-ing. While convinced it’s all hopeless.

    “Still I’ll rise.”

  2. I hope there are some very talented politicians and reachers-across-the-aisle among the Democrats–we already know who one is, eh? I hope other Democrats are digging fast and deep to expose the financial misdealings, bathroom shenanigans, and general sleaziness of various Republican leaders and wannabes. The bad guys are already lining up an impeachment committee and assorted stonewallers, and it’s going to take some doing to keep them in check.

  3. GOP is spending $25 million in the next 2 weeks on close races to attempt to keep their Senate seats. Trump campaign has a ‘badge’ supporters can download, can upload a photo on it, it looks sort of official–so they can ‘patrol’ polling places in swing states, particularly PA. They are recruiting off-duty cops. I am very tense about this.

    BUT I voted for Hillary today, on her birthday!!! It was very emotional for me. Way more than I even expected. Even though it’s CA, our early voting place was packed. I had a carrot cupcake afterward to celebrate!

    • YOU’RE tense?? I have to live here. I have no idea what’s going to happen when Election Day comes. I’ve never had to deal with people acting like the walking dead between me and my voting machine.
      Better take my ice pick.

      • RD, this is really concerning. On the other hand, there’s the humiliation beginning for Trumpians now. They are hanging on to hope, but it is slipping fast. Once it goes, I think that the polling place threat will drop. I believe the real violence threat is for after the shock wears off and the election is over, through the inauguration.

        Here, we’re calling NV, CO & AZ. Everyone who answered was happy to be voting for her. Only a couple of men were tense. Some callers are asking what the rules are for how far someone can stand from the polling place, etc. I have faith in women and other minorities who’ve battled their whole lives. They are going to vote. And law enforcement is gearing up. I suspect there will be the freaks who travel around showing up at HRC’s rallies. Some of them will get arrested.

    • BTW, those early voting stories and how emotionak they are could be very powerful on twitter.
      Was it better than voting for obama?

    • Is that even legal?

  4. Agree, not the first time I’ve been thinking about the Republican Nominee and elder abuse.

  5. Yeah, pretty much Donald is the symptom not the disease. While Obama plays a part in all this the main culprit is the GOP who literally has been lying to their own voters for decades telling them that they were going to be rich one day and they were entitled to be first in line because of their skin color.

  6. I agree with just about everything that has been said. I would just add that soon it will be time to celebrate the first female president in our history. Hillary Clinton who has fought so long and hard. Who served so tirelessly as Madame Secretary. Remember the unbridalled joy of welcoming the first ever black president! Stevie Wonder in the White House. What would be next, basketball? And my favorite moment of them all, the inauguration of the very first female speaker of the house, a California grandmother from San Francisco, the one and only Nancy Pelosi!

    This victory is ours. The taste is sweet despite all of the bitterness of those who oppose us.

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