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Santa’s Coming!

What do you want?
What do you want?

Make the jump for some holiday cheer:

80 Responses

  1. A day off and some sleep would be nice 🙂

    also … can we put bos head on that dancer ??

  2. Bah humbug! That was so misleading, it wasn’t even funny.

  3. Was it too much or too little?

  4. not enough body hair if I wanted to wanted to watch a twink strip I would go to Trax or Oz….

  5. Dear Santa,

    oh I want Hillary as President

    Credit Card Joe O’Biden choking on a mouth full of visa platinium cards

    Obama accepting his appointment as ambassador to Kenya

    well santa did ask….

    Oh if I cant have those I ask that no Obama-bots get their F’cking Pony this year!

  6. I want to be able to drive up to New Hampshire this afternoon. We had an ice storm last night. I hope the roads will be OK in a few hours.

    MYIQ– Something is funny about this post besides the half-naked dancer. It’s moving the entire blogroll and eveything else down to the bottom of the page. Did you do something different when you drafted this?

  7. It’s fine when the comments are open, but when you first click on the site the blogroll is disappeared.

  8. Good Morning!

  9. BB, It’s OK now.

  10. Good morning, katiebird! Merry Christmas!

  11. ♥, Hi Pat — Merry Christmas!

  12. Here’s a Christmas present:


    I remember when I saw that for the first time. Nothing was ever the same again.

  13. I remember that photo too, Plural. It’s so beautiful. Thanks for posting it.

  14. Plural, thanks for posting that picture. You just gave me a new desktop for Christmas, thank you.

  15. Let me see if I can fix it.

  16. I didn’t do anything but the blogroll is back where it belongs.

  17. It’s fixed! I don’t know what happened. It has happened before but not recently.

  18. Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!

  19. Here’s a story from Grail Guardian that you might want to read to touch and warm your heart…

    5. The Heart of the Season: Hats for Grail Mama and Friends Beyond Family

    5. The Heart of the Season: Hats for Grail Mama and Friends Beyond Family

    …and this evening, pictures of luminarias go up for all to enjoy!!

  20. What a beautiful picture! Thank you Plural!

  21. Hi Katiebird! How is your mom feeling today?

  22. myiq2xu===RE: blogroll..

    Sometimes it does weird things if you post stuff with crazy code, esp. if you cut and paste text directly from another source. Livewriter (free) the text editor finally solved my problem…when the blogroll would go down to the bottom!!!

  23. Katie–didn’t know our mom was feeling under the weather…hope she’s OK!

  24. Hi Pat!

    I still have one more Transformer box to wrap this morning. They’re so big!

  25. WordPress was kinda glitchy a couple hours ago, maybe they’re doing some server work.

  26. That could be it. Or maybe Santa fixed it.

  27. I’m in such a good mood this morning, I could almost sit through “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

  28. Hi BB, I think Mom’s ok. She came home from the hospital on Sunday. I’ve had some sort of stomach thing so I haven’t talked to her since Monday. I have to go over there today though.

  29. BB:

    You can watch it in 10 minute increments on YouTube

  30. bb: Drive carefully today. Rain, snow, and sleet are predicted.
    Next year you can wrap something for a little girl! That should be fun!

    Am off tonight to midnight mass (a family tradition) and lots of food. Expect company for the weekend. Hope everyone has a safe holiday so we can get right back into our favorite pastime: bashing Obama!

  31. Morning everyone!

    Merry Almost Christmas!

    Here is some REAL Christmas cheer – couldn’t find a youtube of Dame Joan, but Dame Kiri ain’t nothin’ to sneeze at.

    O Holy Night

  32. I see Obama’s “internal investigation” is being reported all over the world without this information that Obama “investigated” himself. I’ve seen stories that report he and his staff were interviewed by investigators and then claiming he has been “cleared.” What a bunch of B. frickin’ S!

  33. Happy Holidays, madamab! You have been given another playlet gift during the last few weeks. Get busy! I live for those.

  34. BB – He learned that technique from his BFF, George W. Bush. He was darn sure going to find out who leaked Valerie Plame’s name, and it turned out to be himself, and then I suppose he pardoned himself.

    It’s good to be the king!

  35. PJ – I know, I know. So much material, so little mirth! But I am hoping that my Muse will visit me over the holidays.

    Guess what – I got an excellent Chanukkah present yesterday! My job will be extended indefinitely. Everyone I would work with is off until after the New Year, so I am too – but I’m going back to work on Jan. 7th!


  36. madamab: I am thrilled for you! I remember reading on another thread that you liked the place and the people. Perhaps 2009 will be a little better. Good for you! And them as well since they saw the talent and potential that you bring to the job.

    My Jewish neighbors just dropped off some homemade bread for breakfast! They are so sweet. The bread smells wonderful and my not last until then!

  37. Yes, just like George Bush. He investigated himself and found he was innocent.

  38. Yes, just like George Bush. He investigated himself and found he was innocent.

  39. I prefer my opry with “grand ol” in front of it.

  40. Oops, sorry for the double post.

    He’ll probably investigate himself twice, anyway. Might as well say it now.

  41. George Washington: “I cannot tell a lie”

    Barack Obama: “I investigated myself”

  42. Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad and to my fellow cubans…. Feliz Noche Buena. Time to party with the family and hit midnight mass. Nothing like a bunch of drunk cubans (and all of our tag along loved ones) celebrating midnight mass.

  43. I am inclined to believe Obama. Now he can be compared to George Washington in that he “can never tell a lie”.

  44. Thank you, PJ! I had a Chanukkah homemade donut last night for the first time. Mmmmmm!!!

    Wait, I thought Obama was Lincoln, not George Washington?

    Oh well…they called Abe Lincoln “Honest Abe.” No problem!

  45. Delurking to wish all a peaceful and happy holiday.

    Thanks to all who have fought the good fight and expressed so eloquently and passionately why all this matters, even when it seemed like you were screaming into the wind.

    My deepest gratitude to all who write and comment here.

    And with that, all my attempts to avoid baking something are now exhausted…. or maybe I can still dump a couple bags of chewy chips ahoy on a platter and pretend I made em. 😉

  46. MadamaB; His is Lincoln when he is not busy being FDR and/or JFK. He is akk things to all people all of the time.

  47. Yup, Chatblu! I think he’s also MLK and Frederick Douglass.

    As Heidi Li pointed out, it’s Nixon who this guy most resembles. And Bushie.

  48. Oh, and soupcity – I’m avoiding cleaning for another hour. I feel you, sister!

    Don’t blame me: I voted for Hillary

  49. I’m from South Texas, where politics have always been notoriously corrupt and where, oddly enough, we have a huge celebration of Washington’s Birthday each year, complete with parade and debutantes gotten up in pseudo-colonial Mardi Gras costumes. A history professor at the local branch of Texas A&M is fond of telling this little story to his classes:

    Did you know that George Washington was born in Laredo? Sure he was. Really. And the story about the cherry tree–that was really a mesquite. Papa Washington came home from the cabildo (City Hall, more or less) one day, and there was little Jorgelito wtih his axe, standing over the remains of the mesquite tree in the patio.

    “George,” said Papa Washinton, “what happened to the tree?”

    “I cannot tell a lie, Papa,” he answered. “I chopped it down.”

    Papa Washington frowned. “Jorgelito, now tell me. What happened to the tree, really?”

    “I told you, Papa. No puedo decirte mentiras. I can’t lie to you. I chopped it down.”

    Papa Washington thought for a few minutes. Then he said, “Jorgelito, we have relatives in Virginia. I’m going to send you there to go to school.”

    “But why, Papa? I’m sorry about the tree. I really am.”

    “It’s not the tree, mijo,” said Papa Washington. “Its that if you can’t tell a lie, Laredo is no place for you.”

    Feliz navidad to all Conflucians, y prospero ano nuevo.

  50. All this good cheer is infectious. May all of your holiday tasks weigh gently on your souls; and may you give yourselves permission to take the appropriate shortcuts.

  51. Happy Holidays to all. No bad thoughts today, just well wishes! Keep yourselves and your loved ones warm, put out extra food for the birdies and opossums, and be at peace.

  52. okasha skatsi: ROFLOL!

    madamab: I’m so excited for you! Congratulations! And thanks for O Holy Night. It was beautiful.

  53. okasha skatsi:

    Feliz Navidad!


    I want to do a Christmas joke/funny story thread later today.

    Try to think of your favorites.

  54. I’m having an LAXMAS and a Hanukkah in Santa Monica with my French sweetheart. I am managing to stay employed. I quit drinking and feel a hundred times healthier. My dog loves me. My ex and I love each other in a funny kind of way despite ourselves. We both love our kid like crazy. Can’t think of a thing I want, except for a good reference cookbook and some audiobooks in French.

  55. madamab, excellent news about your job! Congrats!

  56. Congratulations, madamab! Maybe 2009 will be a good year after all.
    Happy Holidays everybody.

  57. Madamab,

    Great job news! Thanks for “O Holy Night” (my favorite Christmas Carol).

  58. Thank you, everyone! You are wonderful!

    Myiq – Country music is an abomination unto the Lord of Good Taste. Yeah, verily.

    I love ya anyway.


  59. merry christmas to all
    Maybe this will bring a smile

    http://www.maniacworld.com/dog-having-a blast-in-the-snow.html

  60. for all of you that post about New Orleans


    may peace and joy and laughter fill your lives

  61. Good Taste = No Fun

  62. Katiebird I’m happy to hear about your mom feeling better but you need to get yourself well too.

    Great news, Madam!!! Yea 😆

    Somehow I created a monster for the holidays – My daughter-in-law loves my eggplant parmesan and one year I made a few containers of it, froze it and brought it as a special Christmas gift – both my son and she found that to be the best present (I could’ve saved a lot of money that year) so this afternoon, I’ll be making several containers of eggplant parmesan to bring for their freezer tomorrow.

    BTW – if there is anyone who’s still looking for toys for kids – KB Toys is going out of business – I popped in there yesterday and found Barbie clothes, furniture, etc at 60% off and a Hotwheels track set and cars for the little guy next to nothing. 🙂

  63. Good morning and Happy Holidays to all. It’s raining hard and windy here in the Hudson Valley/Western MA. I have a few errands and last presents to wrap, and then will settle in for an evening of fire, wine, and family. I hope 2009 brings…peace, prosperity, and justice. This has been a brutal year to those of us who care about truth, and I am still dragging from the sadness & disillusionment of it all. One thing I am very grateful for: this community of insightful, passionate, knowledgeable, intelligent and best of all–HILARIOUS posters!

    Merry Christmas/Happy Chanukkah/Happy Kwanzaa etc.!

  64. Madam – my younger son, who has played the piano since he could reach the keys was riding with me one day when he was about 12 when we saw a car in front of us with a bumper sticker that said “I love country music”
    Peter, mumbled – country music – an oxymoron – I didn’t even know he knew what the word meant

  65. helenk: Thanks for the dog in snow clip–that’s adorable.

  66. It’s not Christmas for me until I hear one of Appalachian’s best – Doc Watson- singing Christmas Lullaby. The video is simply traditional still pics, but the music is all Doc.

  67. I have a feeling country music will feature in some posts to come. Patsy Cline forever!

  68. Happy holidays everyone. Bah Humbug myiq2xu!

  69. Joanelle – Aha – I see he picked up his smarts from his mama!


    You all know I’m teasing about the country music, right? Just like most music, some is great (I love Patsy Cline too!) and some is cr*p.

    It’s all in good fun…but personally, I’ll take “O Holy Night” over “Honky-Tonk Badonkadonk” any day!

  70. So nice to see everybody stopping by as they gear up for Christmas, if they celebrate it – or just being bustling even if they don’t.

    Hello to all. By the way, if you decide to use store-bought baked goods you can always say what I say when asked if I made something I am serving; “I made it happen”.

  71. Just like most music, some is great (I love Patsy Cline too!) and some is cr*p.


    Just what I expected from a true musician. It fascinates me (tin ear that I have) how certain music can profoundly affect even me. And, yes, I usually keep searching when my scan hits a country station (never enough Patsy Cline).

  72. madamab – to the new gig going to permanence!

  73. helenk, on December 24th, 2008 at 10:48 am Said:

    Playing a trumpet in the snow: that’s what we do here all the time!

  74. **********************************

  75. I love real country music – but what passes for country lately leaves much wanting – and we really don’t seem to have a decent country western music station in the NJ/NYC area anymore – unless you’ve got xm -which I don’t.

    Buon Natale tutto! 🙂

  76. I love real country music too. I was looking for Willie Nelson’s “What a Merry Christmas This Could Be”
    but ended up with this, fom King’s College Choir Cambridge-the Holly and the Ivy:

    Happy Holidays and “Buon Natale” to Everyone.

    ♥ ♥ ♥

  77. MYIQ2XU
    i will post this here because I do not think the post upstairs would be a proper place for it.
    At the bottom of an e-mail I got these words were printed, I am making them my New Years Resolution.
    ” handle every stressful situation like a dog
    If you can not eat it or play with it
    just pee on it and walk away”
    This is some of the best advise I have seen this year.



  78. For Christmas I’d like to have an honest MSM in the U.S. This week’s Newsweek, page 79 under “Player or Pretender” the editor states (Under the Pretender section):
    “PUMAs: The Clinton dead-enders (Party Unity My Ass) were all talk. In the end, with Hillary’s help, Obama won over the Sisterhood of the traveling Pantsuits.”

    As a member of the Traveling Pantsuits, a/k/a Hillary delegate to Denver and a full fledged PUMA who did not vote for Obamanation (or McCain), I am offended.

  79. Um, a photo of my favorite movie on Riverdaughter?

    Oh wait, already got it. 🙂

    Hi Naoko! Keep up the good work!

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