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Walking on Moonshine

I used to think maybe I’d win, and now I’m almost sure
Now I’m still out on the campaign trail, the win to assure.

I just hope now for the duration, that nobody sees
On how many issues, I seem to have two policies.

I’m walking on moonshine– oh, oh
I’m walking on moonshine– oh, oh
I’m walking on moonshine– oh, oh
And don’t it feel good.

So what if we’re trillions in debt, and a mile in a hole
What we need is clearly more spending, and more on the dole.

Now if you’ve got money, look out– I’ll be coming for you
‘Cause I’ve got big plans, for which I will need your revenue.

I’m walking on moonshine– oh, oh
I’m walking on moonshine– oh, oh
I’m walking on moonshine– oh, oh
And don’t it feel good.

Now I’ve got the win in my sights, and soon I’ll have it made
If they bring up Wright, Ayers and Rezko, I’ll be unafraid.

There’s only one thing that I fear– if some journalist tell
That if I should win, our new first lady will be Michelle.

I’m walking on moonshine– oh, oh
I’m walking on moonshine– oh, oh
I’m walking on moonshine– oh, oh
And don’t it feel good.

29 Responses

  1. I just hope Katrina and the Waves will forgive me, for parodying their song…

  2. Sarah talking re we can’t afford O’s trillion $ new programs & he won’t explain how to pay for them.

    Talking re she & JM will cut expenses, reduce debt.

    This is a great talking point for her. She has creds, JM has creds, and US thinks Dems spend/tax.

  3. Marsha: She does have that pageant wave down, doesn’t she?

    I guess you were deemed dumb more than once: older woman, rural hick, hillbilly, and now that dumb Palin-pageant thing. However do you get up & go work in the morning?

  4. I like Sarah. She seems to be a worker.

  5. Someone needs to tell the BO rats to use some subtlety in their online antics. A provacateur needs some subtlety, good grief.

  6. Poll workers from opposing sides in the presidential race apparently clashed in a physical altercation Friday at a Cuyahoga Falls nursing home when one accused the other of improperly marking a ballot.

    George Manos, the 75-year-old Republican, told police that Edith Walker, the 73-year-old Democrat, jumped on his back and struck him in the head three to four times with her fists. Manos said two other elections workers had to pull Walker off his back, according to a report filed with Cuyahoga Falls police.


  7. The Miss America program has turned out some pretty smart chicks, PhD’s, judges, business owners etc. you take advantage of what’s available, if that’s pageant money, go for it. It worked for me, paid a good deal of my college education, and allowed to travel the country and the world. Not a bad return for having to walk down a runway in a swimsuit.

    I get and go to work every morning very well thank you.

  8. From another post:

    For your Clinton lovin’ Obama leanin’ friends…just a reminder on some of the nice things the Obama’s said about the Clintons by our great friend and fantastic HRC supporter–Paul Villarreal!

  9. CNN: Griffin (Investigating ACORN)

    Well, if they say the election is over, maybe they know some thing we don’t?

  10. griffithinc: Got a fun photo album, too, as I recall?

    I spent my college days in grubby jeans & military shirts, prancing around barefoot and having allergic reactions to candles & incense. Not one darn fun picture for me. Didn’t get paid for it, either.

  11. Yeah, my mom kept EVERYTHING. Crowns, sashes, scrapbooks, telegrams and TONS of pictures. People look at that stuff and get a quizzed look on their faces, “that was YOU? That looks nothing like you.” Well, that’s what 30+ years and 30+ pounds will do to a girl.

  12. Gotta go get ready for work, doing the late night. Hang in there. Keep your fingers crossed that ole John nails the Obama on the head tonight.

  13. Pushback against the Jesse Jackson “Zionist” stuff, Obama campaign style:

    Obama’s national security spokeswoman Wendy Morigi said the column presented ”vague quotes — recorded by a columnist it (the campaign) considers hostile in a tabloid newspaper it considers biased against them — from an interview with a man last publicly seen threatening to castrate Sen. Obama.

    Man, when you cross Obama, your public reputation will be torn to shreds, whatever your color or your past history.

    These people are vicious.

  14. John – I love that song and I love your version of it. Great job!


    Frankly0 – I figured when they turned on Wesley Clark and Max Cleland – MAX CLELAND! – that no one was safe.

  15. gallup down to 8, down to 3 using “traditional” method


    Drill Baby Drill music video


    OK, I may just pack my bags and go McCain campaigning after seeing that video… It appears NOTHING is sacred to these NEW DEMOCRATS…AKA NEW MISOGYNISTS PARTY! Gov. Rendell is correct, if they don’t wake up they are going to lose the best part of their base!

  17. BPD – Rasmussen 50% Obama, 45% McCain:


    15% undecided
    2% MOE


  18. gallup down to 8, down to 3 using “traditional” method

    Throw in a Bradley effect, you may get a tie.

  19. Gallup seem to be covering all the bases: McCain is down 8, 7, or 3 depending on the methodology you choose! You better believe that this race is not over….

  20. Sophia – Definitely not over!

    I just remember being sooooooo confident that Gore was going to win – then that Kerry was going to win – all based on the same type of polling!

    I just can’t have any faith in those polls after the last eight years. The only thing that matters is what happens on Election Day. PUMA POWER!!!

  21. ”vague quotes — recorded by a columnist it (the campaign) considers hostile in a tabloid newspaper it considers biased against them”

    This is the part I find interesting.

    So Team BO considers tabloids a problem? So they’ll dismiss vague quotes wherever they occur? What, are hostile if they’re not Access Hollywood or US magazine? Or is saying anything critical about BO demonstrating incorrect thought and therefore biased?

    The Barack Obama campaign launching outraged media critique is funniest damn thing I’ve read in ages.

  22. I wish I could see some of the internal numbers.

  23. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if the voting public brought the Dem Party “leaders” and the media a Nov 5th surprise!

    Would that clear the air and send them a message?

    A person can still dream…

  24. New post up!!!

  25. I’ve been known to drink moonshine….but never walk on it.


  26. I am sorry, but I am not as gloomy as some. They have they have this ridicules CBS.NYT poll out yesterday. Go to Rasmussem, Gallup and Zogby sites.National polling organization’s. Rasmussen has Obama by 5, Zogby has it by 3.8 and Gallup by 7 percent.. A two point turn in the polls and all will be in the margin of error. Zogby has been the most reliable pollster on Presidential elections. I keep saying no one can predict this election,as there is the solid AA vote, the anti AA vote, the anti gender vote and the PUMA vote. Plus there is the so called Bradly-Wilder effect. This might be so or it might not be , but if it is then it will effect the national polls and the exit polls by 3 to 9 percent.

  27. There’s not just the Bradley Effect, there’s also what we on the Hilldogs4McCain lj comm have been calling the Long Effect (after Dr. Lynette Long)- i.e. Dems who have been shamed and pushed and threatened into supporting Obama who may vote unpredictably despite being nominally supportive of Obama before going into the voting booth.

  28. John: Thanks. Now I cannot get that little ditty out of my head!

  29. John,

    Thanks for the laugh. I needed that. Please let John McCain do something effective tonight.

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