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WWBGA: Why Won’t Barack Get Angry?

With Obama’s poll numbers tanking, his supporters are calling on him to “release his righteous rage,” as Aaariahhnah Huffington puts it. Huffington had a fascinating e-mail exchange with her good friend John Cusack, noted actor and political pundit. The two agreed on

…the American public’s readiness to replace the John Wayne take-no-crap-cowboy model of leadership with a Gregory Peck-does-Atticus Finch archetype…Now, as the crises facing our country intensify, and the campaign McCain is running becomes sleazier and more trivial, it’s time for Obama to unleash his inner Atticus — or at least the key element of Finch that Obama seems reluctant to embrace: righteous rage.

Really? I don’t quite see Barack as Atticus Finch, but I’m willing to go with that for the moment, I guess. Continue reading

Saturday Night with Murphy & Friends

It’s another Saturday Night with Murphy and Friends at 8PM 9PM EST!

Saturday: Teaparties and Waterparks

The clouds cleared away last night and it’s a beautiful day in NJ.  Brook and I are headed to a nearby amusement park/waterpark for our annual company picnic.  I love the old rickety wooden roller coasters that rattle your fillings.  Brook is bringing a friend and they will have the whole park to themselves.  I hope you have some fun plans today for the end of the summer.

If you are in Massachusetts, you could spend this lovely day outside canvassing for Ed O’Reilly.  The DNC has got to be getting nervous at the way downticket races are shaping up.  Why not send them into a full scale panic attack?  If Ed O’Reilly bumps Kerry from the ballot for Senator in the fall we can make some popcorn and sit back while we watch them spinning frantically.  Who knows what may happen?  Maybe the presidential ticket will change. Here’s a new ad from Ed on reviving the Boston Teaparty tradition.  (It’s Quicktime.  Suck it up, PC fans.)

And here’s a clip of the debate between Kerry and O’Reilly.  Heidi Li has been a champion for Ed in the past month.  I’ll let her endorsement speak for itself.  So, how do you think Ed does in debate?

In the meantime, I have been getting a plethora of emails about the rumor that Biden is about to be replaced with Hillary.  It’s a rash rumor.  Let’s think about the message that kind of move will make: the Democrats will be admitting they made a big mistake by nominating Obama without honoring Clinton’s voters but while they are revealing this weakness, they will take only half measures to rectify it.  The visuals will look even worse than before.  The prelude to the debate for VP will be full of catfight innuendos while in reality, anyone less than Hillary’s peer is going to get crushed by her.  At the top of the ticket, McCain is going to overwhelm Obama in gravitas and confidence.  People are going to end up scratching their heads in consternation.  The whole Democratic ticket would be out-of-joint.

Don’t think the DNC hasn’t tried to rationalize it to themselves and they might even make a boneheaded suggestion like this.  But Biden is not the person who needs to be replaced.  Oh, sure, he’d make a better Secretary of State but he’s perfectly capable of being VP.  It’s OBAMA who needs to make the sacrifice and why shouldn’t we ask it of him?  He’s inexperienced, completely out of his league and his Machiavellian operations have put the entire Democratic party at risk.  If he MUST be on the ticket, let him take the 4 year paid internship as VP.  Clinton/Obama is the only possible winning ticket for the Democrats at this time and that window of opportunity is rapidly closing while Palin gains support.  If the DNC doesn’t do something quickly, we’ll lose not only the White House but the Congress as well.  At that point, we sharpen our pitchforks and fire up the torches for another Chicago Fire (metaphorically.  Jeez, that FISA thingy makes it necessary to clarify every reference.  Thanks, Barack)

It’s a nice day.  Go outside and play.