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Raindrops from around the web

Thanks to all you readers who sent me suggestions on who to include on the blogroll. Every single one of them has been worth reading. Here are a couple of posts from the blogroll that are worth a read:

Let’s assume that come the general election, Hillary wins the states she has won and loses the states Obama has won. Similarly, Obama wins the states he has won so far and loses the states Hillary has won. Do the math and tell me who is the more viable candidate.

Hillary — 205 Electoral votes (FL, NH, AR, NV, MI, NY, NJ, TN MA, OK, CA, AZ)
Obama — 110 Electoral votes (IA, MO, GA, SC, ID, NM, AL, IL, AK, KS, UT, DE, ND, MN)
If you are math challenged, you are an Obama supporter

THIS is why we have Superdelegates. They do the math so we don’t have to. (Clinton people had this figured out on Tuesday night. And they said Obama has all the smart college edumacated supporters.)

  • This post at Shakesville, “Damned if you do…” by Melissa McKewn, explains the unacknowledged morass going on in many women’s heads this primary season. Just go read it. And mum’s the word.
  • The Clinton Cocktail Hour was a response to a challenge that Kos made to us poor Clinton supporters on DKos. He implied we didn’t have any friends or places to go, so we created one. Since my exile, the Cocktail Hour has lived on, tended diligently by the remnant of Hillary supporters who put up with the crazies on our behalf. I like having Cocktail Hour here as well or at least Nightcaps and I see that people are checking them out. But few people post and that sort of defeats the purpose of having cocktails in the first place. So, I’d like your advice. Should it stay or should it go? And if it stays, what day of the week is good? And finally, does anyone have any good cocktail music to recommend? I will take requests.
  • We are here and there. I suspect we’re a much greater number of bloggers and readers than our anemic numbers at DailyKos would indicate. If you are a reader and you feel that you’ve been thrown out of your tribe, never fear, you are in very good company. Obamagasms can’t last forever. And in the meantime, we are building a stable alternative blogoverse to carry on when the Big Blog Stores become mere shadows of their former selves. We will find each other, like rain, coalescing into streams, seeking the path of least resistance and merging into one mighty river. Hang in there.


  • Yes, I do believe that Clinton could use the money to finish the primaries strong.  Obama is awash in cash but from what I hear, he’s spending it like a sailor and it isn’t always paying off for him.  He wasted so much money in NJ it was scary and he *still* lost by 10 points.  Did the Clinton staffers go without pay?  I dunno but I’ll betcha they were plenty worried about it.
  • Mitt Romney made the ultimate sacrifice for his party.  With Romney out of the way and McCain the defacto beneficiary of it, the Republicans can now go hammer and tongs against the Democrats who are in disarray and divided.  (Thanks Howard for supremely f%&^ing it up this year)  So, they start pounding on Obama over national security and he starts to look weak, while with the other hand, they continue to spread rumors about half of the Democratic party defecting to McCain if Clinton is the nominee.  It’s a twofer!
  • Last year, if anyone had asked me whether a serious Democratic challenger should debate on Fox, I would have said they were crazy.  Fox News isn’t really news.  It’s the Republican propaganda channel.  But after the last couple of months when MSNBC and CNN started to try to bring Clinton down during the debates and ask moronic questions of the rest of the candidates, Fox News’ distinction is no longer, er, so distinct.  They are all getting to be foxy.  And Clinton has shown that she can take it in debate and after the debate.  What seems to be happening is that she looks so strong against her opponent that that’s the lasting impression people have of her, not the spin that comes afterwards.  So, all things being equal this primary season, at least as far as the media goes, why not go on Fox?  There are a lot of low info voters, older women, independents who are viewers and she can take any question that’s thrown at her.  Obama will look uncertain and that will make these fearful voters feel uncomfortable.  Hillary will make them feel safe.  They might even go back to their original party to vote for her.
    It could happen.

Blograiser for Hillary: $6 Million in 72 hours

moneyHillary needs to replenish the coffers. There will be an email fundraising campaign on her behalf starting today in an effort to raise $6 Million in 72 hours. If you don’t like the media picking your nominee and nullifying the vote you just cast, make a donation to Hillary’s campaign so she can fight the bastards.

Many people making contributions in small increments can add up quickly. People familiar with DailyKos fundraisers know how successful they can be in raising the salary for Bill in Portland Maine and making a nice gift to Gina for all of the work she did on behalf of the first YearlyKos convention. We raised thousands of dollars in a matter of hours with donations of as little as $10.00. If you have a little more to give, that’s great. If you can’t do it all in one shot but you can afford $20/month until November, go for it.

I just made a contribution because I know it’s a good investment in my future. Make History!