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The Cocktail Hour- Super Tuesday

RicoUpdate: Dear Friends, it looks like NBC has called it for NJ. With 36 %, Hillary leads 56% to Obama’s 42%. She’s doing very well in a lot of other states as well. It is a blowout in NJ. It’s not even close. Do me a favor: don’t gloat. The Obamaphiles are in for a severe shock to the system. Try to be nice. Delegates are awarded proportionally so this is still a competitive race. Don’t rest on your laurels. Don’t burn your bridges.

Polls are closed here in NJ. Many thanks to all of those who went to the polls today to take our country back. I’ve been on pins and needles all day and getting really anxious. Let’s unwind together and watch the returns.

Welcome to the Cocktail Hour, that time of the day when we beat our swords into swizzle sticks and toast one another for a job well done. I am your hostess, Goldberry. To the left of the door is the bar with our faithful, friendly, bartender with flair, Rico. Tonight’s featured drink is a *Mojito Diablo*, for those of you ready to make a Faustian bargain to see Hillary elected. But you can order anything you like.

Tonight’s featured singer is Madeline Peyroux, a modern chanteuse who channels Billy Holiday. You can find her CD, Half the Perfect World at amazon or iTunes.

Here’s a nice little cut from the CD:

Trigger words are definitely not in fashion these days, so if you are embarrassed to be seen with them, feel free to leave them off with our lovely Check Room attendant Florence.

The waiters will be circulating with some jalapeno poppers, shrimp diavolo and pineapple-jalapeno-mint salsa.

Please drink responsibly and tip your wait staff generously.

NJ Voters: Don’t take this state for granted!

If you live here, you know what I’m talking about. This is a flaky state and too often, the party takes it for granted that the vote will go in one direction or another. If you are planning to vote for Clinton, don’t expect anyone else to do the heavy lifting for you. You only have a short time left to go to the polls and vote. The vote is going to be close and every vote counts. Now, get out there and when you get back, you can kick back and have a beer and watch Tweety sink into a deep depression from which he may never recover.

UPDATE:  OK, New Jersey, you have about 1 hour to get out there and vote for Clinton.  She’s slipping in this state by about 5 points according to exit polls.  So, pick up the kids, buy them a pizza and get thee to the polls as quick as you can.

Vote for HRC and Make the Wingnuts’ Heads Explode!

Tweety will drown in Aqua Velva spit!

Watch Colmes do the Funky Chicken while Hannity busts a carotid!

See Bill O’Reilly sobbing into his loofah!

Tucker will use his bow tie to hang himself!

There will be “Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria…”

The Apocalypse will be upon us, the Rapture will come and all the fundagelicals will be whisked away, leaving the rest of us behind, dancing in the streets, singing to the winger owned media that tried to kill Hillary’s candidacy:

All you West Coasters, boogie on down to the voting booth and tell the wingnuts goodbye! Make up Your Own Mind. Give them fits, apoplexy, strokes (is that redundant?). Make History!

Technical question: Is DailyKos straining under the weight of massive Super Tuesday page hits or is it just experiencing one Big Obamagasm?  I haven’t been able to reach it for most of the afternoon.  Is it just me?

A Message from Linda, my soon-to-be Congresswoman in NJ-07

Friends, here is a message from one of my favorite Democrats, Linda Stender, who is running for Congress for my district NJ-07. This woman understands what we’re up against and the importance of solidarity. Here’s the money quote:

I will be proud to see my name on the ballot in November alongside either Clinton or Obama. I know with either one of them in the White House, I will have a powerful ally as I take on the key issues of our time. Getting our troops out of Iraq, making sure that all Americans have access to healthcare, confronting the perils of global warming, and investing in stem cell research.

This woman will make us proud in the Congress. Linda is truly a better Democrat.  In 2006, she came within less than 4000 votes of beating Santorum-Wannabe, Mike Ferguson.  She has the intelligence and fire to win this district in November.  Let’s hear it for Linda, who knows there is power in a union.

Linda Stender for NJ-07

I voted for Hillary and it felt soo GOOD!

Oh, yeah, baby! Wish I could have done it a dozen times.

Some quick notes for New Jerseyans:

  1. Hillary has a crappy ballot position. She’s number 4 from the left. Barack Obama has numero uno. The position on the ballot is assigned by lots. Her representative just drew a bad number. I almost pushed the button for Obama because I didn’t read the ballot that was mailed to me. Don’t let it happen to you!
  2. I had to declare my party. This was really weird because I am registered as a Democrat. Voted Democrat all my life. Ran as a Democrat, WON as a Democrat. In this precinct, there is no one bluer than moi and everyone knows it. And YET, there was no party affiliation in the log by my name. The poll volunteers said a lot of people had no party affiliation and she too found that unususal. It’s not a problem in NJ as long as you are a registered voter. You can vote for whomever you like as long as you declare at the poll. Update: I am reporting this irregularity to HillaryHub’s form for polling problems. You know me, I’m paranoid and my tin-foil antenna are twitching. I put nothing past the Republicans, who virtually own my county. If there is a way they can take out their strongest opponent by making it look like an open primary to their Republican base, they just might do it. Anyway, it’s worth keeping an eye on, especially if the number of Obama votes exceeds the number of Democrats in my precinct who voted in the last general election.  Update 2:  The pollingproblems link is correct but they must be bombarded right now because I can’t get to the form.  Spring for some extra bandwidth, guys.  You are going to need it.
  3. These two things put together, along with some other things, make me think that NJ is going to be very, very close and Clinton is going to need every vote. So, if you are a NJ resident and you are registered, get out there! The weather is no drearier than it usually is at this time of the year so there’s no excuses.

Why are you HERE?! GO VOTE!

Remembering what is at stake: Today is Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

treading water

They are American citizens, taxpayers, human beings, our brothers and sisters.

flag over new orleans

The city is still a shambles:


Katrina is only one of the most visible reminders of what a mess the Republicans have made of our country.

Who will hold those who were reponsible accountable? Who knows what it’s like to clean up after a Bush? Who has what it takes to put things right as quickly as possible?

Vote for that person.

And now a little something to get you up off your ass and into the voting booth:

Happy Mardi Gras! Happy SuperDuper Tuesday!

Lassez Le Bon Temps Roulez!