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Stephanie Tubbs Jones, fearless leader and friend, RIP

UPDATE:  It’s true.  AP reports Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones passed away.  A truly sad day for all of us. 

EAST CLEVELAND, Ohio – A Cleveland Clinic official says Democratic U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio has died. 

Clinic spokeswoman Eileen Sheil says Tubbs Jones died at 6:12 p.m. Wednesday after suffering a brain hemorrhage caused by an aneurysm that burst and left her with limited brain function.

The 58-year-old Tubbs Jones was the first black woman to represent Ohio in Congress and a strong critic of the Iraq war. She suffered the hemorrhage while driving her car in her east side district Tuesday evening.

UPDATE: There are conflicting reports, some news sources claim that Rep Tubbs Jones has passed away, others say she’s on life support at this time:

Heroic Ohioan trailblazer and one of Hillary Clinton’s closest friends and supporters, US Ohio Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones passed away due to complications of a sudden aneurysm.  More updates will be made on this story.


U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones was in a hospital Wednesday but no details on her condition were released.

Tubbs Jones, 58, was taken to the Cleveland Clinic’s Huron Hospital in East Cleveland late Tuesday, said hospital spokeswoman Joyce Persuad. She said family members asked that no other information be made public about the five-term Democrat.

Cleveland television stations reported Wednesday that the congresswoman was taken to the hospital after police found her in a car along a road in Cleveland Heights. Police Chief Martin Lentz did not immediately return a message seeking comment Wednesday.

From Wikipedia:

Stephanie Tubbs Jones (born September 10, 1949) is a Democratic politician who served as a member of the United States House of Representatives, for the 11th District of Ohio. The district encompasses most of downtown and eastern Cleveland and many of the eastern suburbs in Cuyahoga County including Euclid, Cleveland Heights, and Shaker Heights. The first African American woman to be elected to Congress from Ohio, she was generally described as a liberal Democrat.

On December 19, 2006, Tubbs Jones was named Chairwoman of the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct for the 110th Congress. Tubbs Jones was also a member of the House Ways and Means Committee.

UPDATE:  Video from CBS News

UPDATE:  H/T to Piper at Just Say No Deal and HireHeels.com for capturing Stephanie in Pennsylvania on 4/21/08 campaigning tirelessly for Hillary Clinton:

Please send her family and supporters your condolences through Stephanie’s website, by clicking here.

138 Responses

  1. Descanse en paz.

  2. A lovely tribute to our great CongressWoman Stephanie.

  3. I went looking for confirmation of her passing and still can only find reports that she is in critical condition.

    Did I miss something?

  4. This is why she was fighting so hard:

    God Bless Her and God Bless America!

  5. My deepest condolences to her friends and family.

    My own mother died of an aneurysm at the age of 46. The suddenness and the unexpectedness leaves the family members in shock and disbelief.

    There is one less voice tonight for civil rights, women’s rights and human rights than there was this morning. And there is one less decent human being.

    We cannot share the depth of the grief of her friends and family. But we can share the sense of loss. We all lost today.

  6. She’s not dead yet.

    There’s been a clusterfuck of confusion regarding the situation:


    I met Rep. Tubb Jones briefly at a social event a year or two ago. She’s a vibrant and engaging personality, as well as a dedicated public servant and beloved fixture of her community.

  7. KenoshaMarge,

    I’m so sorry you lost your Mom when she was so young.

    I’m so sorry about what happened to Stephanie Tubbs Jones. She has the most beautiful smile and is one of the most upbeat people I’ve ever seen in politics. She was fun to watch on TV. Her loyalty to Hillary was wonderful.

  8. SM,

    Thank you for posting this. You are a sweetheart!

  9. Will and blognovice,

    Do you have updated information? It sounds to me like she isn’t going to recover, if she has “little brain function.” Maybe I’m in a bad mood because I’m so tired today, but to put it bluntly, please get off SM’s back. If you have real information, please post it in a comment.

  10. Some detail (as opposed to complaints and criticism):

    If the aneurysm occurs in the brain, as it did for Jones, it can cause severe damage, such as loss of circulation to a part of the brain or compression of the brain by leakage of blood inside the head.

    “Before (an aneurysm), they develop a terrible headache, not the kind we have during a bad day or when we need a cup of coffee,” Marin said. “The kind you have never had before in your life.”

    If Jones survives, the best-case scenario will be that she suffers from symptoms similar to that of a stroke, including loss of function on one side of the body or perhaps loss of vision, Marin said.

    The worst-case scenario: She could be in a coma for an undefined amount of time, he added.


  11. Thanks for the link edge.

    Lets wait then and see what happens.

  12. Thanks BB. Lets hope for the best.

  13. Maybe this should be edited as a prayer for her and her family if she is not . . .

  14. Apparently she is still alive, with “very limited brain function.” She reportedly was removed from life support at 12:19 p.m. EDT.

    I love Stephanie Tubbs Jones–I was born and brought up in her district.

  15. I just e-mailed SM. She must be away from the computer. If she doesn’t come back soon, I’ll edit the post. But I’d rather have her do it in her own way.

  16. Kim, I agree.
    This was filed 10 minutes ago
    Officials updated her condition this afternoon after conflicting reports that the congresswoman was dead. Numerous media outlets – including The Plain Dealer on its Web site cleveland.com, CNN and the Associated Press – reported that Tubbs Jones had died.
    A doctor and family members said she has limited brain function.

  17. BB Sorry. I have no accurate information as it seems does noone else. My concern is for a family who is facing a loss and has to be faced with an obituary before it is necessary.

    Thank you for your “comment”. I will not return.

  18. This is really a tough one. This woman was one of my favorite and even within the CBC, she was one of the tireless fighters.

    She was really taken away from us too soon. May she RIP.

  19. Maybe just take of the RIP and state she has suffered an aneurysm instead “has . . .”

  20. It would be respectful if this thread were limited to comments on Stephanie Tubbs Jones.

  21. I posted a photo I took of her in DC on may 31

    Our thoughts with our hero

  22. We have a nasty troll on Democrats in Exile.

  23. I’m so heartbroken about this news. What an incredible woman, such a staunch ally to Hillary and to all women everywhere. I love her smile and upbeat attitude. All politicians should have her ‘can do’ attitude. She’s fantastic.

  24. Oh, and to add to that, she knows what loyalty is.

  25. I changed the post, Kim.

  26. blognovice,

    If you really want to go off in a huff, fine. Your comment sounded very harsh to me. On the other hand, I said “please,” and I changed the post. If that’s not good enough for you, I really don’t know what else to say.

  27. Someone on hillbuzz supposedly spoke with her family. She was kept on the life support because she is an organ donor. They expect her to pass tonight. (I assume once the organ team is there, they will stop the life support. That’s how it usually works.)

  28. I know, thank you.

  29. I got rid of the troll too. Thanks for pointing him/her out.

    Kim, I’ll be thinking of your son. I read about how he was treated on the bus cross country. It’s disgusting how the gov. is treating our soldiers. If he is as strong as you, he will do OK. All the best.

  30. God, she must have been under so much pressure, and it couldn’t have been easy for her with the diabetes. This election has been hell.

    I am so stunned by this and sad. It doesn’t sound like she can recover. How can Hillary be managing all this grief? I’m in tears, and I’m just an admirer.

  31. WMCB,

    Thanks for that update. I’m just sick about this. Tears in my eyes right now…

  32. Thanks BB. Seeing women like Hillary and Sen. Tubbs-Jones has helped me to find strength I didn’t know I had.

  33. What’s really sad is the trolls, here and elsewhere, using this tragedy for their own trollish purposes.

    There are trolls posting crap about this being a “hit” on PUMA sites so they can discredit PUMA as a bunch of crazies.

  34. myiq, I actually have proof of one of christina’s goons doing just that. he accidentally posted both here and there the same comment and I screen capped them. Personally I don’t think the little shit (yes christina, I called you a little shit) are worth the time, but if they get taken too seriously, I have the proof that they are planting comments and then using them for fodder on their own sites.

  35. I keep thinking of Wordsworths Ode: Intimations of Immortality

  36. This really saddens me. She was a former judge and Cuyahoga County Prosecutor. She would personally prosecute the most serious cases including death penalty cases. She is a good woman.

  37. Stephanie would be pleased: He started with a 11% lead, now at 1% – BO – you are the candidate of change all right.

    ew Hampshire Trends: McCain vs. Obama









  38. I’m really, truly sad about this.

  39. I was stunned by this, as well. I loved seeing Congresswoman Tubbs-Jones representing Hillary in the media. She always demonstrated grace and feistiness.

    This is tragic.

  40. The conflicting reports were weird. Actually, when I think about it, the confusion may have been the family’s own, and their spokesperson, not the media.

    I’m a nurse, and sometimes when the family makes the decision to remove life support, and are told their loved one will pass within minutes of it being removed, they assume it is going to happen RIGHT NOW.

    They are often unaware that in the case of an organ donor, there is paperwork to be done, and an organ team to call, etc. You don’t actually shut off the machines until hours later, when the organ team arrives.

    It’s possible that a family spokesperson themselves tipped the press, thinking it was a done deal, not being aware of the procedures.

  41. I’m from NE Ohio, and I never truly appreciated her until she started campaigning for Hillary. But you just have to admire her so much for sticking with someone. She had a quality that is lost in politics so often.

  42. So sorry to hear the news. My mother had an aneurysm, the doctors gave up, my dad had to tell us kids that she was going to die, she was in coma for 40 days and then miraculously recovered.

  43. This is fishy.

  44. What’s really sad is the trolls, here and elsewhere, using this tragedy for their own trollish purposes.

    And, IMO, trollish purposes would include, today, comments detailing Obama’s well-known, widely noted, utterly predictable collapse. Yeah–we know.

    A wonderful woman and outstanding pubic servant is leaving us. Can some of you not let it go for a single afternoon?

  45. This is sad indeed. A wonderful woman.

  46. Only 58, that is so young. This is such sad news. Is she the one the Obots booed at some rally?

  47. No, she was not booed, it was Jackson Lee.

  48. I shall never forget her smile, strength, and enthusiasm every time I saw or heard her including the rally in Charlotte. My heart breaks for her family, friends, Hillary, and the whole Hillary family. She can’t be replaced.

  49. BO wants to spend $1 billion on reconstruction in Georgia?

    How’s about using that money on our Military or Katrina or Homeless or …………………………?

  50. Sorry everyone – I did have to step out and I posted an update, but here’s the scoop. Some same yes, others say no.

    Thanks to BostonBoomer & Katiebird for alerting me!

    UPDATE: There are conflicting reports, some news sources claim that Rep Tubbs Jones has passed away, others say she’s on life support at this time:

    CBS News affiliate WOIO in Cleveland reported on Wednesday morning that Jones was on life support and her outlook was not positive. CQPolitics.com reports that Tubbs Jones passed away later in the morning, according to a senior House Democratic aide.

  51. When Mel Blanc passed away, Warner Brothers took out a full page ad in Variety showing all the cartoon characters he voiced in mourning. The caption read: Speechless.
    I thought it was the most touching tribute imaginable at the time and right now, I feel we, too, are on the verge of losing a powerful voice. My thoughts and prayers are with the Tubbs-Jones family, as well as her extended family, including all of you.

  52. I turned on the 5 pm news for my 88 year old father – WNBC, NY – and then, WABC, NY after “Extra” came on WNBC. I could not believe that neither channel had any story about STJ. Not one. It’s now 6:15 edt in NJ and still there is nothing on the local NYC news. It is beyond the pale. I know why I don’t listen to their spiels – the fact that my 88 year old father considers this “the truth” saddens and sickens me.

    My aunt died of a brain aneurysm several years ago – I feel for the family and their shock of the situation. STJ is my age – 3 months older than I. It is shocking to realize how young she is (I feel young), how devastating the situation is and how irresponsible the media is.

    My thoughts and all good wishes go out to her and her family. And to Hillary and the PUMA family.

  53. Thanks, SM. I only changed a couple of words of your title and one in the post.

  54. Cinie,

    That was lovely. Mel Blanc was a genius. He was great on the Jack Benny radio show too (showing my age).

  55. That campaign video just broke my heart – what a great woman!

    If anyone comes across links, please let me know & I’ll keep searching for more.

  56. I would love to see, again, the segment of the Colbert Report where Stephanie and Stephen sang a duet of “Mahogany.” It was hilarious.

  57. Riverdaugher–Thanks for including the video that I shot of Stephanie at a Hillary rally in Philadelphia. She was electrifying that night, and was the highlight of the evening aside from Hill herself. I also remember her speaking to the protestors in DC during the RBC debacle. I thought that she was so courageous to come out and take the DNC to task. I hope that she pulls through.

    HireHeels has its own troll that is using this tragedy to discredit us. He’s hijacked the thread and is using my handle and the handles of our regulars. Are there any WordPress gurus here who can help Princess ban this troll once and for all?

  58. Do We Need A Whip Team, WTF Is A Whip Team?

    “If people get down there on the floor and want to strart blowing kazoos and making a scene we want to make sure we’ve got people who stand in front of them with Obama signs,” said person involved in the planning. “Is it typical for a losing candidate to have their own whip team? No. But it’s also not usual for a losing candidate t get 18 million votes,” said the person.

  59. Oops–sorry, I should have thanked Sm

  60. Wow, she was a power house. This is just too freaking sad. It’s hard to even comment.

  61. palomino, I appreciate that many are upset at this tragedy, but the nature of this blog is to continue conversation on the most current post. We certainly want to pay tribute to Ms. Tubbs-Jones, but we can also have other discussions on this post because it is the most current one. I don’t think that it serves anyone to impose a moratorium on other discussion while at the same time honoring the congresswoman

  62. Thanks for posting this, SM. Stephanie is my congresswoman. We have not given up on her. There was a prayer vigil held at 5:00 P.M. today. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers. I am stunned.

  63. Please people, can we speak to each other in a nice way? “Put a sock in it” is not friendly. This is a small blog and we are friends here. We support each other rather than tearing each other down. I’m not going to say this again. I will just delete if necessary.

  64. BB, thanks for the kind words. I was thinking about how devastating it is when you are hit with the loss of a loved one out of nowhere. (Not that it is ever easy but the suddenness leaves you so stunned that sometimes it is days or weeks or longer before you actually really, truly come to understand that they are gone. )

    I was thinking that her friends and family must feel like they are living in a nightmare and that soon, please they will wake up. My thoughts are with them. My wishes are for whatever peace they can find.

    If she is still alive then there is hope. But the suddenness and the fear and the fear of hope are a special kind of hell too. I’m sure many here know exactly how that feels.

    I guess we all must just wait and find out exactly what the truth is. Either way, although I feel uncomfortable about eulogizing someone that may not have died, the words I spoke about her are the way I’ve felt about her for sometime now. And I don’t feel a bit uncomfortable about that.

  65. KenoshaMarge,

    It would be nice, but it sounds like there isn’t much hope. I guess we’ll have to wait and see though.

    My ex-husband died very suddenly about a year and a half ago (we were still close friends). He was only 57. It was a terrible shock. Sometimes, I still can’t believe it. I still think of things I want to say to him, and then I remember he’s gone.

  66. palomino, the nature of this blog is such that one cannot readily go to another current thread, and can’t start a new one. Conversation (on whatever topic) usually occurs in whatever thread is current.

    I’m sure Carol means no disrespect at all to Congresswoman. Tubbs-Jones.

  67. Piper in Prada – YOU SHOT THAT VIDEO??? WOW, what a moment in history! I’ll H/T immediately & thank you!

  68. Oops – PIPER in PUCCI not Prada, sorry!

  69. Gary,

    How could I possibly impose a moratorium?

    I’m registering my distaste, in full awareness that others will do what they will do.

    I will add, however, that those (not you) who can’t stop grinding their well-worn ax at a sad time like this are showing little respect for Congresswoman Jones and her family. Such people should not be surprised that others in certain quarters label them hysterical deadenders.

    And I say this as a PUMA.

  70. Piper,

    What are they saying? That is just horrid, to think someone would be ‘dirty’ at a time like this. Trolls have reached a new low!

  71. piper, mawm is going to send you an email about how to take care of the trolls.

  72. sm77–I did. It was at a campaign rally at the University of Pennsylvania. Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea were there, but Stephanie was the best! I shot it on my little Flip video camera from about 4 rows back. It was a wonderful night, and I even got Hillary’s autograph.

    I’m praying for Stephanie to pull through. She’s amazing.

  73. One of my favorite memories of Stephanie was when she stopped in the Hillary campaign headquarters while we were making calls to thank us and boost our morale about Hillary winning Ohio. She was sooo energetic, so positive, so full of life and hope. My heart goes out to her son and the rest of her family.

  74. Woman Voter–Here’s a lovely gem with someone using a parody of my handle:

    piper in parcheesi said,
    on August 20th, 2008 at 2:51 pm
    this just in…hh gals will roll in tubbs to the convention so she can overthrow the chosen one…check back for details.

    Disgusting. I want this guy gone.

  75. I am so saddened by this news. I came on-line and directly to this site after work as I always do. I liked and respected her and am sending prayers.

  76. very sad day.

  77. Such people should not be surprised that others in certain quarters label them hysterical deadenders

    This happens regardless. It’s not our fault nor our responsibility. It simply reflects on those who do the name calling.

  78. Banning trolls isn’t good enough.

    We need a device where you push a button and they get kicked in the junk

  79. ABC News now reporting she has died in the hospital…I am so sad about this…We can’t afford to lose Democrats that are fighters…:-(

  80. […] 20, 2008 by madamab Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs-Jones has, tragically, suffered a brain aneurysm. The news is hard to accept, especially since it appears she may not recover from her injury. […]

  81. FOX is now announcing her death, and stating the time as 5:12 PM EDT today.

    I’m positive they would not repeat the error of this a second time in one day.

    R.I.P., Stephanie. And, my heartfelt wishes to the family. This is a very, very difficult time for them.

  82. bostonboomer, if you’re still around send, mawm and I are considering a northerly detour to indianappolis, we really would love to get something from you on film. I’ll send you an email….plus if there are any other indiana pumas, let me know…

  83. I am so saddened and stunned by this tragic loss. She was such a brave woman. Remember that she was the Representative who stood with Barbara Boxer in voting against certifying the Ohio votes in 2004?

    I hope for a miraculous recovery. She is one of a kind.

  84. RIP Stephanie….You were a treasure and will be sorely missed!!!!

  85. Aw geez – she has passed away.

    What terrible news. 😦

  86. I’m so sorry. Oh.

  87. I’ve been out all day and came home to this sad news. Stephanie Jones Tubbs will be sorely missed.

    Mountain Sage

  88. hiya guys – so saddened to hear about stephanie.

    may she be at peace and rest.

  89. She represented the best of Cleveland and the State of Ohio.

  90. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, a profile in courage.

  91. I should say she exemplified the best we have to offer and had the true spirit of this community.

  92. what a horrible loss for we, the people of Ohio.

  93. I’ve been out all day and came home to this sad news. Stephanie Jones Tubbs will be sorely missed.

  94. rest in peace. so sad.. she’ll be missed

  95. damn 😥

  96. A little post Heidi Li wrote about Stephanie Tubbs Jones. She will be missed.

    Stephanie Tubbs Jones

  97. Stephanie – Pure Guts and Grit, just like our Gal Hillary!

    Until we meet again………………………….

  98. Gary,

    Let me know. I might be able to get to Indy if we have a place to meet up.

  99. You can sign a guest book for Stephanie Tubbs Jones here:

  100. Gary,

    I’m pretty sure there are other pumas in Indiana. Since I don’t live there, I wouldn’t know how to get in touch with them, but if anyone comes on tonight from Indiana, let me know and I will e-mail you. KarolinaNYC is in the Chicago area.

  101. I just posted the update:

    UPDATE: It’s true. AP reports Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones passed away. A truly sad day for all of us.

    EAST CLEVELAND, Ohio – A Cleveland Clinic official says Democratic U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio has died.

    Clinic spokeswoman Eileen Sheil says Tubbs Jones died at 6:12 p.m. Wednesday after suffering a brain hemorrhage caused by an aneurysm that burst and left her with limited brain function.

    The 58-year-old Tubbs Jones was the first black woman to represent Ohio in Congress and a strong critic of the Iraq war. She suffered the hemorrhage while driving her car in her east side district Tuesday evening.

    I’m so sad she’s gone – she was such a great woman & leader.

  102. She was wonderful. I’m so sorry. Madamab–I was thinking about how she stood up for voting right in 2004 too. Too bad Kerry didn’t care about it. I think she was one of the ones who tried to get a senator to sign on to a protest in 2000 too.

  103. Being from University Heights, OH I say Stephanie Tubbs-Jones was a great representative for our district. I was not suprised when she showed other congressmen what loyalty really looks like by sticking with Hillary. It was the right thing to do. Although I recently moved to Virginia I am an Ohioan through and through. Mrs. Jones embodied the best of Mid-West values and will be greatly missed.

  104. Your life, courage and fortitude is truly an inspiration to us all. Godspeed to you, Madame.

  105. This is just heart breaking that such a wonderful , brillient woman like Rep. Tubbs-Jones passes like this. My prayers go out to her family and to Hillary who I know loved her like a sister. She will be missed.

  106. Statement of Former President William J. Clinton, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton on the Passing of Chairwoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones

    There are few words to express the shock we feel at this time. Our deepest condolences are with Stephanie’s son, Mervyn, her family, and her many loved ones, friends, and supporters.

    Stephanie’s friendship meant the world to us, a friendship that deepened through every trial and challenge. We could always count on her to be a shoulder on which to lean, an ear to bend, a voice to reassure. Over the course of many years, with many ups and many downs, Stephanie was right by our side-unwavering, indefatigable.

    It was that fighting spirit-safely stowed behind her disarming smile, backed by so much integrity and fiery intelligence-that allowed Stephanie to rise from modest beginnings, to succeed in public service, to become a one-woman force for progress in our country.

    All of us who were lucky to know her and love her can only hope now to live like her-to be as passionate, loyal, hard charging, and joyful in life’s pursuits.

    Stephanie was one of a kind. We will miss our friend always.

  107. This breaks my heart. Didn’t know much about her before the primaries, but was so impressed with her strength during them. I think this is going to be really hard on Hillary-she was almost always by her side.

  108. Take a look at this early-1980s photo of then Cleveland municipal court judge Stephanie Tubbs Jones walking downtown with her bailiff. Then browse through the rest of the slide show. Damn, this hurts.


  109. That’s so terrible. I was just starting to follow her career, and I admired her so much.

  110. This saddens me greatly.

    Stephanie was one of only a handful who came out of the primaries earning my complete respect and admiration.

    She stood with her friend Hillary despite the threats and insults hurled at her from the media, Obama’s supporters and other politicians.

    She epitomized what a loyal and true friend should be. I am honored to have had her represent our side.

    She will be missed.

  111. Trolls are swarming like flies all over the blogosphere sayin’ shet like Stephanie was a Wright supporter and was for late term abortion..Heads up.
    They seem to love attacking us with their pitiful lies when we experience a loss. That’s so evil. The kids needs their butts whipped.

  112. This is so sad and she was young.

    I didn’t know of her prior to this campaign but I just loved seeing her campaigning for HRC with her exuberance and her joie de vivre.

  113. Stephanie Tubbs-Jones – the world has lost an outstanding human being – she exuded light, intelligence and humor. My condolences to her family and loved ones.

    An amazing women indeed.

  114. An amazing woman indeed.

  115. Sugar has a beautiful song on her site as a tribute to Stephanie Tubbs-Jones :


  116. Hillary’s site features a tribute photo and words for her friend, Stepanie. She says, “We will miss our friend always.”

  117. My heart is so heavy. There are so few, especially in politics, who remain true to what they truly believe is worth fighting for, no matter the cost. She was one. Gone too soon.

  118. I saw the video from the PA rally. She was a great motivational speaker and cheerleader! I liked what she said about her parents teaching her to find someone you can back, and sticking with them. Wish I could send it to all of the Super delegates who supported HRC, then switched to Obama, in order to help give them feel some compunction, and perhaps give them a conscience (even if they took money from Barry, and then switched).

  119. United States Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones embraced her role of public servant and worked tirelessly not only for the people of Ohio but for all Americans. While many others today enter politics to further their own personal agends, Congresswoman Jones worked to make America a better place for all who love it. She was a patriot. R.I.P.

  120. Ohhh. I don’t know what to say. What a tragic loss. i am so sad.

  121. Stephanie Tubbs Jones was a woman that inspired, a woman that any citizen would be proud to have as their congressperson. Heaven has a angel with a beautiful smile, may her legacy inspire many others to serve like wise and to dare to take the challenges that public life brings.

    We thank you for all the good that you did…RIP

  122. Never heard of Stephanie Tubbs, until I noticed this African American woman’s strong and unwavering support of Senator Clinton during the primaries.

    I started to admire her from that point. I believe that anyone who loves and support my Hilllary that much, is someone worth knowing more about..

    RIP Sen. Tubbs-Jones. I am so glad that I got a chance to see what you were made from. Even though it was for a short time.

    I will never forget you.

  123. I’m sitting here crying. I have always admired her, and I’m so very sorry she’s passed on. What a strong, brave, and forceful woman, someone to emulate.

  124. Damn. So hard to believe that she died so young. THANK you SOOO much Congresswoman Tubbs-Jones for your dedication, hard work and supporting Hillary Clinton.

    Your energy will be missed. We have lost a REAL Democrat today. This has brought tears to my eyes.

    May you rest, dear lady.

  125. I posted this to my blog on Wednesday. For some reason, “I hear a symphony” kept repeating in my head, and I had to connect it with the Congresswoman. There were many videos of the song, but this one in particular compelled me, because of the aura-like lighting emanating around the Supremes’ heads. It seemed angelic.

    Stephanie Tubbs Jones—I Hear A Symphony

  126. I am heartsick about this. Rep. Tubbs Jones was a force of nature during the primary campaign for Hillary – I hope she knew how much her efforts were appreciated by all of us. Beyond that, she was a vital public servant.

    She will be so missed.

  127. I’m heartsick. She was such an honest person and a good friend.

  128. She was, and still is, a person who truly mattered.

    She was inspiring and comforting.

    This country will miss her much, and so will I.

  129. You guys need to have a chance to read this.

    Remembering Stephanie Tubbs Jones

    by Connie Schultz Wednesday August 20, 2008, 9:38 PM

    A courageous woman — and a special ‘girlfriend’


    During the Democratic primary season, Stephanie supported Hillary Clinton early and with the kind of enthusiasm and energy that could humble campaigners half her age. She stumped for Clinton across the country, and she never let Barack Obama’s growing momentum whittle away at her loyalty for her friend Hillary.

    She paid a price for that, although she never saw it that way. She’d just shake her head at the foolishness of anyone who thought they could bully her into submission, but I worried about the long-term stress of so much hate. There were death threats, and behind-the-scene machinations by some leaders in the black community to intimidate her. Their warning was hardly subtle: Support Obama or we will defeat you in 2010.

    “My word is all I’ve got,” she told me during a reception in Washington shortly before Ohio ’s primary. “This isn’t about race. It’s

    about experience, and personal history. I gave my word to Hillary that I would fight for her to the very end, and that’s exactly what I am going to do.”

    She did, too, knowing full well that forces were underfoot to make her pay.

    “No fear, girlfriend,” she told me. “I got no time for fear.”

    She came through for our girl all the way to the end and I’m so proud we knew her.

  130. Thanks Regency for that excerpt.
    My Prayers are with the Tubbs Family!
    She w*s a GREAT Woman/Person/Politican/Friend to
    Hillary/Role Model & on & in…
    ( I could write the “w” word it’s still a shock).

  131. We are playthings of the gods…

  132. I shook Stephanie’s hand when I met Hillary here in Akron a few months ago.

    She was so energetic, and positive…It was a privilege to have met her face to face.

  133. Gary:

    Did you see my advice about kazoos?

  134. yeah, that’s a great idea, but I doubt we have time…where did you find them at that price?

  135. oooooh it’s just killing you isn’t it? I better be careful though, don’t want you to start stalking me or anything.

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