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Ok, Let’s Nip This Meme in the Bud Right Now

Damn, Hillary Clinton!  The race is virtually tied (and with MI and FL *actually* tied) and she has the unmitigated gall to want to continue to let people vote.  She wants to drag this out to the convention.  And now Kos, doing his best Natalie Imbruglia impersonation,  is blaming Hillary for ripping the Democratic party asunder.  Oh, woe is me!

HI, Will!  I don’t even know you yet but I am inventing PUMA, right this every second.  Party Unity My Ass.  See?  It’s like Back to the Future. Isn’t this cool?

How awful it is to allow the remaining states add to her win column.  Of course, those states count as long as they don’t count according to Obamaphiles.  Yeah, see, if your vote actually means something, it must be smothered.  We can’t have voters determining the election.  Like MI and FL can be seated as long as they sit on their hands and don’t make a fuss.  Better to be seen and not heard.  Causing a scene is soooo gauche.  Why do they want to be rude and disruptive?  Can’t they see Obama is trying to wrap this baby up?

Kos and the Official Obama Blog of the 2008 primary season are terribly worried that this dragging things out is just prolonging the inevitable and will make Clinton pathetic.  I dunno.  I find it fascinating.  It’s like watching the “Butterfly Effect” in action.  Who knows what little gust of ill wind will finish one of the two off?  But anyway, getting back to that inevitable coronation, er, nomination for Obama, I think Kos might have forgotten those of us who already voted for Clinton.  Yeah, those of us in NY, NJ, CA, MA, OH, OK, AZ etc depend on MI and FL in our column or none of our states count.

Let that sink in a sec, Kos.  The RULZ as presently dictated, not only disenfranchise   FL and MI but every other big state and swing state that voted for her- decisively. I would hate to piss us off if I were Barry, because that would be very divisive, in a rather huge and unpleasant way.  I’d much rather piss off Wyoming and Utah.

But there’s still time.  Yep, because August is  5 months away and as long as the result is still a tie, a very likely scenario, the superdelegates can go to the convention and select the candidate best suited to run against John McCain in November.  If we don’t rush it by demanding that the supers pick one NOW!, then if it turns out that the GOP war machine starts going  negative on either candidate, the other could step in to the frontrunner’s place.  If I were Kos, this is precisely the scenario I would want if I wanted to win in the fall.  The strongest candidate at the time of the convention would be the nominee.  That’s not divisive, Kos.  That’s saving your bacon from being the dimwitted blogger you turned out to be.

As for divisions, this can be solved rather easily: 1.) seat the delegates from FL and MI as is.  That will make the voters of these states hate the Democrats less. 2.) Stop being the anti-Clinton supporters.  That will make the rest of US not want to put your nuts in a vice.  And 3.) Get behind Hillary because she’s the best qualified candidate, unlike Barry who has nothing going for him right now except for the fair weather friends in the media. That should be the only criteria for nomination, who is the best presidential material.

And stop trying to rush things.  Your strategy is obvious and irritating and it makes you look pathetic.

102 Responses

  1. you summed it brilliantly! wonderful post!

  2. I don’t know if I can bring myself to go look at that Kos post. It sounds depressing. And I’m just so happy that Hillary is leading by 9 points in Indiana and by a lot more in Kentucky. Go Hillary!!

  3. BB: Check out the Natalie Imbruglia link. It’s hysterical.

  4. Thanks enjoyed it! Right on the money!

  5. Yes I agree with cdo well said well said.

  6. Actually, RD, I see this a little differently.

    I checked a couple of other sites/blogs that are anti-Clinton, and I’m getting a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. I could be absolutely wrong, but doesn’t it strike you as odd that calling for her to quit (a weak position), blaming Sen. Clinton for Sen. Obama’s loss (of nom or GE and this is super weak), being fed up with Clinton supporters (way past the name calling) to the point of giving up on the Dem Party…

    They’ve given him an escape route. A false and crappy one, but an escape anyway.

    I think some of Sen. Obama’s high-er profile supporters may have realized he’s not a very good candidate.

    And that he’s going to lose.

    They know it.

    So the question is: If he’s going to win, then why blame her for his loss?

    That’s weak. And whiny. Winners don’t whine.

  7. Ohio: If they already *know* that he hasn’t got a snowball’s chance in Hell, and at this point, that’s a pretty good bet, then the proper thing to do is to force him to seat MI and FL NOW. It would be suicidal to nominate a candidate who is incapable of winning. Might as well *do the right thing* and make this a fair fight.
    BTW, I think we might have gotten their attention.

  8. This is soo disgusting. I am glad I stopped listening to Air America months ago.

    Randi Rhodes calls Ferraro and Clinton fucking whores:

    I sent an email to Rhodes back in December and another in March asking her to stop the Clinton bashing. She can be an Obama partisan but at least be respectful. She hates Clinton so much it is unbelievable. Everyone on Air America is an Obamabot these days. Why can’t they have an equal amount Obama and Clinton partisans on their network? I hope Air America goes bankrupt again and this time I won’t support them or tell my friends to listen to them.

  9. What is amazing is that they keep recycling the same argument over and over. It’s like creationists, no matter how many times you debunk all their arguments, they come back and say “but how about them’ transitional fossiles?? Huh??).

    Same here, no matter how many times you debunk the arguments, they always come back with “But… TEH MATH!!!11!!!” “TEH PARTY!!!”… etc…

    And these were supposed to be the next generation of political thinkers??

  10. Excellent post riverdaughter!! I live in Indiana and this is the first time in 40 years that my vote in the primary will make a difference. Lou Dobbs tonight was on this topic tonight and told off a reporter and the reporter said “I’ll vote Present”. Lou’s response – “how Obama like”…….LOL He said he’s never seen anything like this and i haven’t either. I know Hillary won’t drop out though and alot of people don’t want her to. Alot of this talk is coming from Obama supporters and their logic is faulty anyway.

  11. it’s like they don’t care about the issues, Obama’s lack of experience or anything. All they are thinking about is he is ahead never mind it is with Red states. But this is in large part college kids without a lick of sense.

  12. RD, I agree about seating the delegations.

    I know I sound nuts. I know it does.

    But I think it’s the recent pushback may have forced them to realize that the people they’ve been taking for granted are fed up and not going to fold. And how much us regular folk like the idea of the junior senator from New York being #44.

    I think, too, they’re surprised at how Sen. Clinton hasn’t just fallen itno a heap and started crying at them being so mean. Basically, they underestimated her guts.

    Just like the underestimated yours and mine and all kinds of folks. People underestimate that kind of thing if they’ve never had to show any, you know.

    I mean if you have to fight for a thing, what’s the point in having it.

    And Sen. Obama can’t just wrap it up—he’s got debts and favors to pay off. (So does Sen. Clinton, so what’s new?) Could be he’s hoping for a big mistake from her campaign that would hand him his win.

    And he has my permission to stay in the campaign. Heh.

    Again, I could be absolutely wrong. Just a weird feeling. Could be because I haven’t any lunch.

  13. SNAP!! Sing it sister!

  14. I’m afraid that I am hopeless at making links, but pls. go to correntewire.com and read the wonderful post ‘Fun with DNC Rules’. It explains that Brazile was completely wrong about the makeup of the Credentials Committee. She was also wrong about the decision making process. The Credentials Committee just makes a recommendation to the Convention on challenges. So even if the Credentials Committee finds against Cllinton, it is only an advisory opinion. The decision has to be made at the Convention. This is why they are so insistent that Clinton pull out. There is no way that this can be decided before the Convention unless Clinton pulls out or enough SDs come out against her to give the win to Obama. But of course, then Florida and Michigan will rightfully feel abused.

  15. I should be doing my taxes today…

    Ohio: I completely agree about the experience of obama’s supporters. Many were probably too young to know much about Hillary and her spirit.

    Also, about Lou Dobbs (I must watch tonight) but obama actually used Lou Dobbs’ name in a stump speach as an example of a protectionist who thinks we should ship all the illegal aliens right back to Mexico (or something like that)… Lou Dobbs WAS NOT AMUSED. This happened a few weeks ago – sounds like he must not have gotten the appology he demanded from obama.

  16. My view is that Dean. Brazile and the Democratic elites have screwed the pooch for all of us.

    At this point, I don’t think any outcome will satisfy most everyone, and no matter what they do enough people in key states will be pissed off that McCain is gonna win.

    A few months we were unified and Hillary was the frontrunner. Then Obama came along to “unify” us.


  17. rd– That video was hilarious! Thanks for urging me to watch it. Have you seen Hillary’s April Fool’s Day video?

    Also hilarious, especially if you saw the video of Obama bowling.

  18. DV– I stopped listening to Air America too. I can’t even listen to Mike Malloy anymore. He’s all Hillary hate too. I just can’t stomach it. I’m glad at least Joe Scarborough on MSNBC is defending Hillary now. He was hilarious on Obama’s bowling. And tonight, CNN was all about Hillary being a fighter and comparing herself to Rocky Balboa. It was great. And I loved her fuscia outfit.

  19. Hillary, you’re killing the Demobamic Party!

    Faster, pussycat! Kill! Kill!

  20. 2.) Stop being the anti-Clinton supporters. That will make the rest of US not want to put your nuts in a vice. And 3.) Get behind Hillary because she’s the best qualified candidate, unlike Barry who has nothing going for him right now except for the fair weather friends in the media. That should be the only criteria for nomination, who is the best presidential material. And stop trying to rush things. Your strategy is obvious and irritating and it makes you look pathetic.

    The truth hurts.

  21. Awesome diary from mydd: Hillary The Next FDR!!!


  22. That is a brilliant video. The words to the song itself are also brilliant:

    ‘Illusion never changed
    Into something real
    That’s what’s going on
    I’m all out of faith”

    So I guess the fortune teller is right
    Should have seen just what was there and not some holy light”

    Obama is the perfect vehicle for marketing to a much prized demographic. Arianna Huffington and John Aravosis and Kos know this full well. What would be really fascinating to see are the financial records of these and other rabidly pro-Obama hacks. CNN is riding the wave, as is the MSM on this whole non-specific, telegenic, somewhat androgenous beefcake message of change. The sad thing is that media buzz is conflated with success, and joining in on the buzz makes a lot of otherwise non-discerning people believe they are part of a group self-affirmation process. And that their candidate will be able to get things done better or quicker – the key word to a younger and impatient supporter – than someone who has already demonstrated 35 years of commitment and success. I do fear that it is actually the Obama supporters who are driving some Democrats to consider McCain because they believe he couldn’t be any worse than Bush. Stupid when you have Clinton standing right in front of you as the ideal solution, but there are smart Americans and not so smart Americans. The ones who really depend on the resolution of the many problems that the radical right wing has caused in this country – people who work and who don’t have a million dollar nest egg – overwhelmingly support Clinton.

  23. Sam- That’s it exactly. To a shocking extent, this is all about business. Obama offers to make politics cool and marketable, and that means shiny new stuff for a lot of political journalists. Obama is baby’s college fund for the people who guide opinion in this country. And just as you’ve noted, people for whom good and humane government–rather than the game of politics–is important, support Clinton.

  24. Dean said the only way to count MI and FL is if both campaigns agree on a plan or by credentials committee. He’s basically erasing two states from primary existance.


    We need revotes or count the original ones. Two of the biggest states should not be disenfranchised.

    BTW, why can’t the DNC and the two states agree on their own plan? Its the DNC’s job to set up the primary process not the Clinton or Obama campaigns.

  25. Stopping the meme? I suggest working the funny:

    -If a political party is torn apart as easy as this, it’s not a political party. It’s Kleenex.

    -If by “tearing apart” you mean “winning the nomination of,” well, okay.

    -I think we should say, “hacking” rather than “tearing .” It sounds so much stabbier.

    -Clinton is tearing apart the Democratic Party? Right. And I really am the weight it says on my driver’s license.

    -Yes, she’s truly evil. I heard witch doctors took out her heart and replaced it with a baked potato.

  26. Markos’s lobotomy was tragic. But we all could see it coming.

  27. Ohio,

    That is the way to do it. I am going to borrow your lines if I may?

  28. Randi Rhodes is so disgusting, I had to stop the video.

  29. I saw Kos’s descent years ago. (Last Paragraph). I’m interested in people’s take on that topic.

  30. The netroots is showing it’s racism by overcompensating instead of discussing race/class/gender year round. They pick race because women are just silly (and 54% of the electorate).

  31. I love you people:

    Everyone on Air America is an Obamabot these days. Why can’t they have an equal amount Obama and Clinton partisans on their network? I hope Air America goes bankrupt again and this time I won’t support them or tell my friends to listen to them.

    Y me tambien. I think a big part of the horror many of us feel is this just outright betrayal by folks who swore to support Democrats. And yet somehow they think they get to decide who gets to call herself that.

    They just went too far with their hatred for our gal way at the beginning…I don’t feel one bit sorry for them now that they’re finally realizing they can’t elect him without the other half of the Democratic Party.

    What is amazing is that they keep recycling the same argument over and over. It’s like creationists, no matter how many times you debunk all their arguments, they come back and say “but how about them’ transitional fossiles?? Huh??).

    Same here, no matter how many times you debunk the arguments, they always come back with “But… THE MATH!!!11!!!” “THE PARTY!!!”… etc…
    And these were supposed to be the next generation of political thinkers??

    Yep. And we’re all racists, or Republicans, or corporatists, or just plain stupid to support Hillary. It’s like they think they can just bully us into submission…

    But I think it’s the recent pushback may have forced them to realize that the people they’ve been taking for granted are fed up and not going to fold. And how much us regular folk like the idea of the junior senator from New York being #44.

    God, I hope so. Or I’m going to have to spend the entire week in Denver on the picket line for Michigan and Florida, rather than inside eating canapes and listening to speechifying…

    The decision has to be made at the Convention. This is why they are so insistent that Clinton pull out. There is no way that this can be decided before the Convention unless Clinton pulls out or enough SDs come out against her to give the win to Obama. But of course, then Florida and Michigan will rightfully feel abused.

    Maybe that’s what we ought to force them into. Actually, of course, it’s exactly what we should for them into. I just don’t see how we, as thinking Americans, can start letting Republicans make us disenfranchise ourselves with nary a whimper.

    Sam- That’s it exactly. To a shocking extent, this is all about business. Obama offers to make politics cool and marketable, and that means shiny new stuff for a lot of political journalists. Obama is baby’s college fund for the people who guide opinion in this country. And just as you’ve noted, people for whom good and humane government–rather than the game of politics–is important, support Clinton.

    AGGGH! It makes me crazy! Three cheers for this place, Taylor Marsh, etc.

  32. riverdaughter: “dimwitted blogger” lol
    Finally, someone said it.

  33. ufa: When we all were denizens of his mad realm, each of us knew the emperor had no clothes, but his temper tantrums were so fearsome, we stayed silent. Now that we are liberated from the insane asylum, we can poke a little fun at the patients still tied up in straight jackets over there.

  34. If Ferraro is a whore (lovely use of misogynistic slurs, Rhodes!) then what are Kerry and McCaskill? Huh.

  35. I can’t help but wonder when the Believers will start citing Coulter’s claim that women should’ve never been granted the right to vote. If you pesky women hadn’t fought tooth and nail to be able to vote we wouldn’t be having “all these problems.”

  36. Wait, wait, wait. Women are allowed to vote?

  37. gqmartinez: I know! Notice how soon after women stole their “right” to vote, the world was ensnared in a global depression and Hitler rose to power? Bastards!

  38. Linda, go head.

    gqm—okay, that was funny.


    -Well, you said you wanted change.

    -So, she’s kneecapping Obama _and_ tearing the party apart _and_ ironing your shirt? Wow. She really can multitask.


    -Do you have video? Because we can get it on MSNBC if you have video.

    -She can’t help it. Her grandma was a racist.

  39. I know there are still millions of Americans who believe that government can actually create laws that encourage people to take responsibility for their actions, their lives and the country they live in. The idea is not to allow for the participation of all citizens in this process. I don’t think you can come up with a better definition of what it means to be American. But while the right wing Republicans have manipulated millions of people based on their religious beliefs and racial bias, they have intentionally destroyed the capacity of Americans to be Americans. They have created a culture where corporate responsibility and contribution to a country is an afterthought to stock value and shareholder’s wealth. Many people in the political arena and in the media and in any political party have lost patience with not having the money or power that leads to special deals like the one Obama made with Rezko. A lapse in judgement. Sure, but it’s the same thing as offering subprime loans to people you know will not ever have the money to pay for a million dollar house. I think we all know that average Jane and typical Joe are going to foot the bill for a lot of things that were just ignored under a let the market place decide policy created by those who already have money stringing along people who want to make money. Withe the exception of the political consultants that campaigns hire – not my favorite people – I don’t think that Hillary’s campaign and reasons for running have anything to do with lust for money and power. She wants to have her voice heard and she does actually fight for those of us who will never be part of the top 5%. I have not yet gotten the impression or feeling that Obama actually cares about us. I know his wife has made some pretty pouty comments about being deprived of something that she believes every white American has ready access to – now that’s a doozy – but even she has managed to do quite well playing the big money game. But I think that they both want lots more, and some type of legitimacy to go along with it. I think if Obama is honest with himself, most of what he has done so far is to do what he needed to get elected. His most vocal supporters may be trying to either make some cash themselves, or they are riding a wave to get some attention for their long standing lack of access to even basic resources or respect. I don’t think it is as cynical as McCain’s candidacy, but it still seems cynical tand deceptive. Several months before accusing Clinton of something, his campaign is already doing it. That’s not change.

  40. Haw!! Yep, follows right along with their meme….pesky voters in Michigan and Florida, demanding their right to vote…the nerve of those people!

  41. I loathe Obama as much as the next person, but it is disheartening to me to see so many embracing the nasty misogynistic attacks being leveled at Obama. Many pundits and commenters have been denigrating Obama as effete, feminine, androgenous, a “pussy”(and it’s not just here, this is just one of the few places that I post). These attacks buy into the frame that being compared to a woman is a bad thing. And since we all support Clinton, I assume that we all agree it is not a bad thing to be a woman, or to be compared to a woman.

    So, yes, attack Obama any way you please, I would just not recommend strengthening the attacks that are going to be made against Clinton, when she is the nominee. ; )

    Concern trolling done.

  42. Hillary’s April Fools Joke (for those of you who saw BO’s pathetic bowling attempt):


  43. One can combine the state populations of KS, UT, NV, NM, WV, NE, ID, ME, NH, HI, RI, MT, DE, SD, AK, ND, VT, DC and WY, and still not have enough people to match the population of FL/MI.

  44. I haven’t heard or seen any attacks on Obama related to his gender.

    Everything I’ve seen that’s gender-based is against the female (uh, Hillary) candidate. Sexism coming from the right. Sexism coming from the left. And Sexism coming from Obamists.

    And it just ain’t pretty.

  45. Hey, WV is going for Hillary, leave them out of this!!!

    ; P

  46. Aeryl — Have no issue with Wild and Wonderful WV; just feel the need to put an order of magnitude on the FL/MI issue.

  47. Op-Ed Contributor

    Published: April 1, 2008

    As staff members who traveled with the first lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, to Bosnia in March 1996, we have followed with more than passing interest the extensive news coverage of her landing in Tuzla. Video footage clearly shows that Mrs. Clinton’s assertions that she landed “under fire” and that the arrival ceremony was canceled were wrong. She said so herself last week.

    Yet even since she acknowledged her mistake, the commentary has continued unabated. Reports are now being embellished (to borrow the term du jour) to suggest that Bosnia was not really a danger zone. Her visiting American troops on a peacekeeping mission in a hostile environment is now being treated as if it were a trip to the beach. During a week of nonstop coverage, few journalists went beyond the irresistible video footage to ask what else happened on this trip and how Mrs. Clinton might have erred in the details about the landing in Tuzla. So here are some facts that provide context:

    We flew in a C-17 cargo plane from Germany to Bosnia precisely because it was capable of steep descents and ascents into and out of areas of conflict. We were issued flak jackets on the plane before landing in Tuzla and were told the tarmac ceremony might be canceled or curtailed due to sniper fire from the surrounding hillsides. The first lady and Chelsea Clinton were moved to the armored cockpit for the landing. Armored vehicles were placed around the tarmac, and Apache helicopters hovered overhead.

    In a recent e-mail message to a British blogger, Ejup Ganic, who was the acting president of Bosnia during Mrs. Clinton’s visit, wrote: “I remember that visit quite well. Although the NATO troops were in Tuzla, we still believed that some positions on the hills were occupied by radical Serbs, so I was worried about the overall safety.” The planned welcoming ceremony was shortened, he said, but it still
    lasted a bit longer than expected because a nongovernment group brought along a little girl to sing to the first lady.

    Later, Mrs. Clinton flew from Tuzla to two military outposts by helicopter, escorted by Apache gunships.

    As has been reported, Mrs. Clinton’s trip to Bosnia included a U.S.O. component with the comedian Sinbad and the singer Sheryl Crow. The helicopters that carried them to performances at American base camps zigzagged just above the trees to avoid potential ground fire, according to Carey Cavanaugh, who was then a State Department official traveling with Sinbad, and helicopters flew alongside to deal with the threat of anti-aircraft fire or snipers. These facts explain why many of us, including the first lady, believed that the conditions on the ground were precarious. We were worried about sniper fire and were prepared to rush off the tarmac when we landed.

    In their single-minded focus on the landing in Tuzla, reporters and commentators have omitted any discussion of what Mrs. Clinton accomplished on her trip. In addition to showing support for our troops and for the peace accords in Bosnia, Mrs. Clinton met with Bosnian religious leaders, women and community activists and, when she returned to Washington, was able to give administration officials her
    firsthand assessment of the nascent reconstruction effort.

    After leaving Bosnia, she met with leaders of Turkey and Greece and in those countries promoted efforts on behalf of international development and democracy. In Istanbul, five years before 9/11, Mrs. Clinton presciently convened representatives of some of the world’s major religions to advance a dialogue about religious reconciliation and ways to counter religious extremism.

    The video of her arrival on the tarmac in Bosnia may be great theater and easy fodder for commentators, but it shouldn’t be allowed to obscure what else was happening on this important trip when the cameras weren’t rolling.

    Lissa Muscatine was the chief speechwriter and Melanne Verveer was the chief of staff for Hillary Rodham Clinton when she was first lady. Ms. Muscatine is an adviser to Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign.

  48. kos has opinions, and we all know the line about what opinions are like.

    In the real world, dailykos is insignificant in it’s relevance as it is nothing more than a parrot of the news with some commentary.

  49. hlr:

    You can also think about these numbers.

    Total number of people who caucused:

    AK: 8,621

    WY: 8,753

    ND: 19,102

    ID: 21,224

    ND: 38,670

    ME: 44,670

    But hey… The turnout in those States was HISTORIC!!!

  50. Woodej,

    Lou Dobbs has been speaking truth to power for while about this ridiculous democratic primary. His incredulous rantings are a respite from Tweety et al.

    RD, what a great post, you made my week. Kos and others have turned this primary season into cheap tabloid screamers – Make Hillary Leave, She’s Tearing Us Apart – yuk.

  51. Murdoch’s Daughter Hosts Obama Fund-Raiser — http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/…

    by commenter amberglow on Corrente

  52. If it’s any consolation, the netroots led by Kos have not succeeded in doing anything they set out to do, afaik.

  53. CB – Thanks you very much for that .. here is the link – NYT .


  54. MABlue — Also, none of those states are in play. Maine is a lock for D’s, the rest are solid R.

  55. ronkseattle:

    Oh really? I thought Obama would put them in play.

    Isn’t it what we have been told? Obama with his broad appeal would put an end to Red States America.

  56. Briana – the link didn’t work. Murdoch’s daughter is a Democrat or just one of those Democrats for a day voting for Obama?

    I just looked up political contributions on Huffington Post. I couldn’t find contributions from any of Murdoch’s children. Not surprisingly Keith Rupert Murdoch has donated A LOT of money to the RNC and donated money to Bush in 2004. However, this year he has donated $2,300 to Hillary Clinton. Is this the reason why FOX has chosen not to act like MSNBC and attempt to kill Clinton’s presidency?

  57. Ah, never mind. Just read the article in the NYTimes. It mentions Murdoch donating to Clinton last year but I guess he’s become an Obamabot too?


  58. Obama has definitely become the establishment candidate. The Democratic elite, Hollywood, and these multi-millionaires support him. Hillary is for the common people, the average middle class American, the person struggling to pay the bills and pay off college loans. Reading about these fundraisers disgusts me. No wonder he has so much more money than Clinton to waste.

  59. Just food for though! Would there be such an outcry for Obama to drop out of the race if the roles were reversed and his was trailing Clinton in the polls. I hazard a guess that the cry would be for him to have the opportunity to win the nomination. The hypocracy of this whole situation is nauseating.

  60. Bonita: And could you ever imagine the DNC getting away with disenfranchising two states if Obama was predicted to win in those states and was basically the same as Hillary in delegate count and popular vote? His campaign would cry racism and accuse Hillary of trying to disenfranchise the millions of minorities who live in Detroit and Miami.

  61. Thanks DisenfranchisedVoter – #&^*))_%$ – lol I have no idea why my link did not work .. thank you so much ..

  62. To : Rhandi Rhodes and her supporters and anyone that found her video funny.

    Question of the Day????? If Rush Limbau, or Sean Hannity called Barack Obama during a Comedy Routine the “N” word….would that be funny????

  63. Markos is a complete hack, and a lot of other things.

    Today, Anglachel’s excellent post (Katie linked to it in her post) brought to focus the personality of Markos. Right off the bat, Anglachel says this about A-list bloggers:

    Then they will deploy the excuse used by domestic abusers around the world – you made me treat you like this – to justify the violence done to both.

    It brought the whole chauvinistic and a&^holish personality of Markos into clear focus for me. Rememer his comment after Hillary’s supporters left on Strike? He said that [Hillary] doesn’t deserve fair treatment.

    Couple that with Anglachel’s comment, and you see what this guy is like.

  64. ghost2: Hillary not deserving of objective reporting is what I keep hearing from local Obama supporters. Mind you, when I ask them to somehow prove she’s inherently immoral it’s an utter failure.

    They just don’t like her.* So there!

    *Yes, it’s based on lies, but since she’s bad anyways, it doesn’t matter. Circular logic is ever so fun!

  65. The day that all the fuss about her dropping out of the race hit fever pitch was the day she was featured in a long interview in the New York Times about her health care policy. How dare she get on the front cover of the NYT with policy statements when Obama should have been there for his call for “Change!” Again.

    So they trot out every male Democrat they can find to say, “Get her out of here.”

    If she had about 17% of the vote like Edwards did, I might say it’s time to go, although I actually think anybody can stay in a campaign to the end. But she has a huge number of supporters, perhaps more than Obama.

    If those MI and FL delegates were his, we’d be seeing demonstrations on Detroit and Tallahasee.

    Go Hillary! The Obama campaign questioned Hillary’s work for the Family and Medical Leave Act and SCHIP, the state children’s health insurance program. But those who were involved — including former Colorado Rep. Pat Schroeder and Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy — have lauded her important involvement. She is an activist in every way!

  66. When this campaign started I wasn’t a Hillary supporter.

    I was hoping Gore would run, but he didn’t, and after 2000 I can’t blame him.

    Edwards was my second choice, but he dropped out before I got a chance to vote on Super Tuesday.

    I wasn’t a HillaryHater, but I really wasn’t a fan either. That changed. She really impressed me with her toughness and knowledge of the issues.

    I don’t agree with her on every issue, but I didn’t agree with Bill either. But their hearts are in the right place.

    Obama really impressed me too, but not in a good way. Accusing the Clintons of racism was the dirtiest low blow I’ve seen since the rumors about McCain’s “illegitimate black daughter.”

    I can’t recall a Democrat doing anything that sleazy before.

  67. Kos also now has up a video of a Democratic Florida legislature to support his stupid point that Florida voters deserve to be disenfranchised.

    Kos does not care about voting rights. The guy is out to win, and he is becoming a mirror image of the mindless “with us or against us” Bushies and Nixon/Atwater/Rove dirty tricksters.

  68. It’s funny about the Site that Must Not Be Named. It’s so pubescent. My assessment is that only the puerile post there. Being a blogger at Markos’s site is a sign of political and social immaturity.

  69. ghost2–

    I knew Kos was sexist after the pie ad fight, when he posted his snotty announcement that he wouldn’t be told what to do by the “sanctimonious women’s studies set.” I left for awhile after that, but came back because I missed the diaries. Now that all the good diarists have left DK is worthless. Frankly, I never thought Markos’s writing was worth reading.

  70. I do not know if Hillary will make it as our nominee, but I am praying and hoping to see many unworthy people lose the respect and support of those who helped them in the past. You know who I am talking about, politicians, bloggers, the MSM. To name a few, Arianna, Aravosis, Markos, Marshall, Eugene Robinson, the whole MSNBC crew and AirAmerica hypocrites, Kerry, Kennedy, Dean, Pelosi and Brazile. May they all get what they deserve!!!

  71. The real strategy by the DNC leadership is to get enough superdelegates to go ahead and voice their support of Obama so that he technically has the requisite votes to win. Then, they don’t have to make a decision about FL and MI. It’s appalling that so many of our representatives are supporting this strategy. They act as if we are so dumb that we don’t see what’s happening. I write every person who comes out in support of Obama and thank them for supporting the suppression of American voters.

  72. bostonboomer: Markos scans the diaries for perspectives and lines. Then he adopts them without crediting the author and pushes the storylines he likes the best. There’s nothing much original going on inside his febrile skull.

  73. Not only have the netroot Obamaboys failed to call the MSM on their vile behavior vis-à-vis the Clinton candidacy, but they seem to have joined the MSM chorus in all the worst ways as they move to get behind Obama, and are thus reinforcing these tactics. Did Kos and the others reward candidates for this nomination who took liberal positions? They did not. They never took Kucinich seriously. They flirted with Edwards but wouldn’t get off the fence in time to give him any meaningful support because they suspected he didn’t really stand a chance.

    They saw the way Obama triangulated against the left to gain the support of conservative-leaning voters. He cozied up to McClurken to woo conservative Christians, put down the left to pander to Reaganites, and used right-wing talking points against Hillary to gain independents. They even called him on it at the time. But it hasn’t kept them from supporting him. Even the policy guys, like Ezra Klein on healthcare, have abandoned their own issues to support Obama.

    So Hillary went left and Obama went right and the “liberal” netroots are disproportionately supporting Obama. What is the takeaway lesson in this? Why should any candidate take risky stands if it isn’t going to earn them the support of this base?

    It says to me we can quit expecting them to be a vehicle for the liberal voice. They are more about their own power and growing influence than they are about giving some heft to supporting liberal policy. More at And Another Thing.

  74. When I found this blog, I said “I have found my people.”

    And I read , and followed the links and reread the comments. Then I jumped up out of my chair and flung my hands to the heavens crying with joy.

    Riverdaughter, you are a hero. To all the commenters here I say “Thank you for saving my soul.”

    A long fight ahead, but fret not. Hillary will win.

    Topic – Dean and Brazille are in for the tortures of hell. Just wait until Obama starts a third party. Try using the RULZ now, Howie.

    Go, Hillary!

  75. We all know why Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve fair press treatment. She’s evil. She truly truly truly is Cruella Darth Voldemort.

    Hillary is so evil, every time she smiles an angel explodes.

  76. AK: 8,621

    WY: 8,753

    ND: 19,102

    ID: 21,224

    ND: 38,670

    ME: 44,670

    But hey… The turnout in those States was HISTORIC!!!

    What’s more tragic is how lopsided each result was. How on earth a campaign like Clinton’s could not get
    at least half those totals to Caucus will always be a mystery and and example of a failed strategy in my opinion.

    YOu can;t just wish away the results and resulting delegates.

    If HIllary had gotten a mere:

    AK: 4,121

    WY: 4,153

    ND: 9,102

    ID: 10,224

    ME: 22,670

    she would have this wrapped up already.

    As undemocratic as these cacuses are the plain fact is that HIllary ceded them en masse and is now paying the price.

    On the bright side looks ike Hillary has better swing state polls in OH, PA and FL.

    Obama squeaks by in PA, OH while clinton wins more easily.

    In FL McCain swamps Obama while HIllary wins it.

    OF course FL is a state Obama has never actually campainged in (national ad buys notwitstanding) , but his views on castro alone would kill him there anyway in a general election.

    IF superdelegates beleive Obama will lose OH and PA (which actually is not strongly supported thus far) she has a chance. But it looks like that won;t happen if the SD’s keep it up before the rest of the voters weigh in.

    As much as MI and FL irk me, I blame the delegate situation on a miserable effort to atttract a minimum level of support in caucus states. That imho will turn out to have been the big mistake of ignoring voters and states.

    I mean HIllary is now going to Michigan to campaign but wouldn;t got to any of these caucus states that were having votes that would count?

    We can weep and gnash forever about FL and MI (which would have largely divided delegates with a net advatage to Hillary just like any other state she won) but the real food fight was in the caucuses. That’s because even with FL and MI she would still be behind in delegates needing superdelegates more than he does.

    just getting closer to 45% in caucuses and she would have won.

    don;t you think the down ticket in each of these states was at least worth an effort? Obama did and he has another SD from the Wyoming governor today. Sure the state is GOP but the governor is a DEM.

    The Clinton’s problem was always winning the house at the expense of the seats in congeress across red states. That’s another reason the Pelosi’s of the world are thinking in their own interest. Whether Obama wins the general or not, its a fair bet the congressional races will do better with Obama than with Clinton.

    At least that’s what the DEMS in these red states with seats up think.

    Arguable perhaps …but not to the level of tipping the SD’s to CLinton.


  77. My first official post (other than to the Kossacks in refuge thread). It is nice to see Hillary in positive figures on the Rasmussen daily poll again.

  78. sadbuttrue:

    The bigger problem here is that the way the Democrats pick their delegates is totally undemocratic and also fails to validate the importance of certain must-win States, while downgrading the States we don’t really car about.

    If you crunch some of the numbers as I did a while ago, you will be shocked. One thing I remember is that 1 Dem in AK equals roughly 12,000 Dems in CA. Hillary’s advantage in NJ was completely whiped out by Obama’s win in ID.
    Newsflash to the DNC: We don’t care about AK and ID!

    The proportions are completely out of whack.

  79. I am really appalled at Dean’s edict that the FLA delegation will only be counted if (1) the candidates agree on the terms, or (2) the credentials committee seats them. (WS has the link upthread.) In other words, the FLA delegation will only be counted if they don’t count.

    Dean is apparently hoping that this will somehow fool Democratic voters in FLA into thinking that they haven’t been disenfranchised. Or maybe he thinks that they will blame Clinton — the person the majority of them voted for — for their disenfranchisement because she refused to withdraw from the race fast enough to suit Obama.

    I have never voted Republican in my life (well, okay, I voted for Bloomberg for Mayor of NYC but he’s not really a Republican) and I am not going to vote for McCain under any circumstances. I could decide not to vote at all with relative impunity — I live in NY, so the state is safe for whoever wins the Democratic nomination.

    But I really believe in voting, and my almost 18 year old daughter will be voting for the first time in November, so I don’t really feel right about not voting either. So if Obama is the nominee I will probably vote for him. There was a time that I thought I would be able to do so with a fair amount of enthusiasm, even though I’ve always supported Clinton. But now? I don’t think holding my nose will be enough. I may have to be medicated.

    I just don’t understand how a man who purports to be about grassroots empowerment, a man who purports to be about pursuing a 50 state strategy, a man who presents himself as a post-partisan adherent to The New Politics, a man who claims to be a uniter, could possibly consider himself a legitimate nominee if the cost of that nomination is the disenfranchisement of two states that together carry 44 electoral votes.

    It is such an admission of weakness. And I hope he’s not thinking that McCain won’t use it against him in the GE. Obama doesn’t like Kitchen Sink Politics? McCain is going to be throwing the contents of the entire kitchen at him, including Obama’s refusal to face the voters of two key battleground states. Bet on it, Barack.

  80. We all know why Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve fair press treatment. She’s evil. She truly truly truly is Cruella Darth Voldemort.

    Hillary is so evil, every time she smiles an angel explodes.

    You forgot to mention that periodically she gets emotional, as Sen. Obama has been so quick to point out.

    The sexism in this campaign has really been shocking to me. The MSM has not just refused to recognize it, it has collaborated in it.Even female commentators, in their apparent haste to reassure their bosses and their viewers that they are not b*****s themselves, have become collaborators. Seeing Rachel Maddow, of all people, spewing this crap is most disheartening.

    Welcome to the Vichy Democratic Party.

  81. litigatormom, esp. Rachel Maddow—who should know better.

    Vichy Democrats. I actually winced at that. Has it really gone this far? I ask in a very quiet voice because I am afraid of the answer.

    Can’t we ‘splode some more angels instead?

  82. sadbuttrue: but the real food fight was in the caucuses.

    I was in IA. In just my hotel alone I spoke to a group of women who worked second shift and simply could not participate in the caucus although they supported Hillary.

    Here’s what the chair of IA’s Dem party has to say:

    Scott Brennan, chairman of the Iowa Democratic Party, said the party had no responsibility to ensure that voters can participate. “The campaigns are in charge of generating the turnout,” he said. The voters who truly care, he said, will find their way to their precincts. As for Tope, the emergency room worker, “There’s always next cycle,” Brennan said.

    Truly care? I can tell you that the areas I canvassed had people using newspaper for winter insulation. I guess they don’t “care” enough for this self-satisfied Democrat.

    We tended to do well in areas that had a high number of health care workers, but again, many of them were on 2nd or 3rd shift. One of the questions that came up repeatedly was what did HRC propose for critical health care staff shortages? Nurses, especially, were exhausted from working triage in emergency rooms.

    It’s easily double the effort as compared to getting students to the caucuses.

    I would also speculate as to the activist organization in many of these caucus states. I evaluate the Dean-Emanuel rift during the ’06 elections in a new light now. If you recall, Emanuel was blowing a fuse over Dean beefing up staffing in states like Alaska instead of investing in the competitive ’06 races. I think Dean did so for short-term objectives — I think this gaming the caucus strategy was in the works a while ago.

    I would ask why is it that Obama’s “superior organization” consistently falls short in larger states with primaries?

    Re: downticket/WY — actually the WY gov is on the record as stating that both candidates suck for coattails.

  83. would ask why is it that Obama’s “superior organization” consistently falls short in larger states with primaries?

    Re: downticket/WY — actually the WY gov is on the record as stating that both candidates suck for coattails.

    Personally, I’m all for the CHECKS AND BALANCES part of the Constitution, and I’m perfectly fine with a Democratic President, and a republican majority…Absolute power, corrupts.

    But that’s just my opinion.

  84. Over on TPM Cafe (http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/04/02/obamas_lama_problem/) Michael Bérubé is saying that the Hillary voters in these swing states are racist and/or stupid. You have to see it to believe it.

  85. PPP said they’ve changed their methodology, and its producing some pretty weird results. In NC, it went from +1 Obama in their last poll to +21 Obama and now in PA, it went from +26 Clinton in their last poll to +2 Obama. Hmmmm

    I want to see SUSA’s new NC numbers and their new poll has Clinton up by 12 in PA.

  86. Clinton will win PA but watch out for the delegate splits in the heavy Philly and Philly burbs areas. NOt quite as bad as Texas but it will hold down net delegates.

    I would ask why is it that Obama’s “superior organization” consistently falls short in larger states with primaries?>>

    I didn;t say he had a superior organization I said she ceded caucuses.

    Anyone watching should see that demographics and caucuses predict the outcome..

    A lot of Clinton’s big states were HIspanic heavy.

    In states that have the highest percentage of people that speak Spanish at home Hillary sweeps.

    #1 New Mexico: 29.2 %
    #2 Texas: 27.7 %
    #3 California: 27.6 %
    #4 Arizona: 19.8 %
    #5 Nevada: 18.7 %
    #6 Florida: 17.9 %
    #7 New York: 13.5 %
    #8 New Jersey:

    These just happen to include a lot of the big states with Primaries. In fact the top 4 states CA, TX, NY (home state), and FL are there.

    OH and PA are blue collar white heavy which is Clinton territory (except for Wisconsin and Missouri).

    winning CA NY IL will not be a problem for either I think you would agree. PA and OH are harder for Obama than CLinton but doable for both after GOP rule. Obama will lose FL but probably win CO NV and IA which CLinton would not.

    I think both would win MI. Clinton would win NJ and Obama might struggle there but I doubt it. Clinton is not polling well in blue states MN, WA, OR, WI versus McCain.

    Without these potential losses in blue states (obama seems to poll very well in) Clinton would have a good big state argument. BUt if you lose 20 electoral votes you gotta make em up just to stay even.

    So while we can say AK and ID don;t matter we can;t say the same about states Kerry won like WI, MN, WA, and OR. Or for that matter states he almost won like IA, CO, NV.


    IF anybody thinks universal health care is getting out of the senate without 56 DEMS they are dreaming. (or should go with hope).

  87. Fun article on Truthout about MI/FL:


  88. sadbuttrue:

    The math is simple.

    Obama WILL lose the entire South.

    He WILL lose FL, OH, WV and MS.

    With that in mind, I challenge you to come up with any serious scenario where he wins the GE. I don’t even get in States considered toss-up.

  89. sadbuttrue: I didn;t say he had a superior organization

    You didn’t, but it’s a standard meme in the press/media.

    (Hispanics) These just happen to include a lot of the big states with Primaries

    And her campaign did a bang-up job in organizing Hispanics. Record turnouts (something not discussed in the media).

    winning CA NY IL will not be a problem for either I think you would agree.

    No, too many unknowns at this time. The only states I’d put in the BO column today, for example, would be IL, MD, DC.

  90. sadbuttrue: IF anybody thinks universal health care is getting out of the senate without 56 DEMS they are dreaming. (or should go with hope).

    Not sure of your point here — if you’re saying that the GOP/Dems are on a path of convergence, then yes, I agree. Sad, but true.

  91. And her campaign did a bang-up job in organizing Hispanics. Record turnouts (something not discussed in the media). >>

    It was certainly a prominent discussion in the media leading up to Texas and California. As was the fact that Obama was likely to emerge with more delegates from Texas. He did.

    It’s great Hispanics support Clinton. It’s great blacks support Obama. For DEMS, it’s great both will support either in large numbers.

    I challenge you to come up with any serious scenario where he wins the GE. >.

    That’s pretty easy whether you accept its seriousness is another matter.

    Kerry map plus IA, CO, NV and a long shot in VA (which is not even necessary if he holds the Kerry map);
    So he wins without any of the states you mentioned including OH or FL.

    but I’ll give you a harder one…

    I challenge you to come up with any serious scenario where Clinton even wins the nomination.


  92. sadbuttrue: Kerry map plus IA, CO, NV and a long shot in VA

    Have you ever been to IA? Don’t let the electorate that constituted the Democratic caucus turnout fool you. I can’t tell you how many people I met in IA that told me w/o shame that they would never vote for a black. They wouldn’t vote for a woman, either.

    Obama isn’t the only one who can hold registration drives. I predict the Repubs will go on a bigot registration binge to offset Obama’s gains w/ students.

    And in CO, we may have the “Civil Rights Initiative” on the ballot. I’m not confident of Obama winning CO while super-exciting his black base elsewhere.

    Don’t know NV well enough to comment.

    I do agree that VA is a long shot. Actually, I’ll go a step further and keep it GOP — Obama’s inexperience w/ military/defense will lose it for him in VA — not even sure that a running mate like Webb (though I’m not a fan) would do it.

    Sad, but true.

    As far as the Kerry map goes, you’re assuming that NJ, MI, PA, NH and WI all stay blue. I dunno — the guns issue alone is going to be a problem in PA, WI.

    The point here is not that Obama is DOOMED, but rather, that taking states out of the mix before getting started really constrains your options.

  93. Are any of you watching Softballs? Yeah, I know, I was channel surfing and noticed that Obama was on. Tweety just asked him if he thought the Clinton campaign was using “dog whistle politics” — which he defined as “saying stuff that people understand but you can’t get caught” — in “constantly bringing up your former pastor.”

    Obama, to his credit, said that he didn’t think so, that he thought what Wright had was offensive. Okay, I thought. But then, after Tweety asked him why he hadn’t left the church, Obama said that people had been playing an endless loop of the most offensive things that Wright had said over thirty years, and that he’d never heard Wright say the thing on those tapes. Can you hear the gears screech from the backpedaling?

    BTW, hir, you I agree with you, Obama isn’t doomed, but he gives the Rethugs a head start that they don’t deserve and shouldn’t have. I’m not sure Obama keeps the Kerry states. I sure hope he would. But he gives up FLA, and he puts MI in jeopardy. I think Obama would keep NJ. But I don’t think he’d run as strong as Clinton would, and that puts House seats in jeopardy. PA goes into play. Ohio becomes a longer shot.

    Why would you want to start a race with so many handicaps?

  94. I agree, hlr. I remember before the 2004 race, I kept telling myself that Kerry just needed to hold the Gore states plus Ohio, Florida, New Hampshire/Nevada, etc. Kerry lost New Mexico and Iowa but gained New Hampshire. Every election is different, and you shouldn’t assume anything.

    Hillary, though, shows strength in places like Arkansas and perhaps West Virginia/Kentucky in the general, something that Obama cannot replicate. Plus, there’s the MI and FL debacle that Obama would face in the general.

    McCain also has some pull with Hispanics because of his high profile support of immigration reform. I think Obama and McCain would have even footing when it comes to wooing Hispanics, but Hillary would have the leg up with that constituency.

  95. WS,

    I’m for Hillary too, but I don’t think that McCain would pull even with Obama with Hispanics. McCain does better with Hispanics than other Republicans, but I think he still loses Hispanics to Obama. McCain has been doing a fair amount of backpedaling from his original immigration reform position, and now says we have to seal the borders before we reform, which is putting the cart before the horse, to put it mildly. I think most Hispanics who have immigration policy as their lead issue understand what he’s doing. And Hispanics also care about other issues — healthcare, most importantly — on which McCain sucks dead moose.

  96. Furthermore, I’ll take up your challenge sadbuttrue.

    Clinton wins ME, MA, CT, RI, VT, PA, NY, NJ, DE, MD, WV, OH, MI, IL, MN, AR, NM, CA, OR, WA, and HI for a total of 274 EVs. Thats not even all the states I can honestly say she could win like Florida, Nevada, and Iowa/Missouri (maybe). Among the Kerry states not on my list are Wisconsin and New Hampshire which I think she could both win (NH to a lesser extent since they seem to love McCain there).

    Electoral College calculator here:


  97. I’ll defer to your analysis litigatormom, but I think Hillary would be more of a sure thing because she is a proven vote getter among Hispanics. There would still be a worry about Hispanics if Obama is the nominee, and we need Bill Clinton Hispanic numbers not Gore/Kerry Hispanic numbers (all these candidates won Hispanics but Bill Clinton did a lot better).

  98. WS, I agree that Clinton would do better with Hispanics against McCain than Obama would. I just meant to say McCain would still lose to Obama, albeit by smaller margins. McCain’s appeal to Hispanics is limited against any Democrat — even if it’s a lot better than Tom Tancredo’s!

  99. The more I think of it, the more I’m infuriated about Obama’s volunteering to kneel in front of a voter in order to get her to swap her Hillary pin for an Obama one.

    Silly. smarmy and more. He reminds me of the bad old days in the 1970’s when a worked for a Fortune 500 company. I was one of three women in the salesforce. The Boyz, when they weren’t harassing us and engaging n haka, demonstrated absolute cluelessness in dealng with female customers.

    One of the salesmen pissed off a department director (a woman!) at a key account. She decided to cancel her contract . The salesman sent her an FTD flower arrangement to patch thngs up.

    He lost the account.

  100. Hi everybody, I just put up a new post, so we can have a fresh thread.

  101. Furthermore, I’ll take up your challenge sadbuttrue.

    Clinton wins ME, MA, CT, RI, VT, PA, NY, NJ, DE, MD, WV, OH, MI, IL, MN, AR, NM, CA, OR, WA, and HI for a total of 274 EVs

    that’s going to be hard to pull off as a write in candidate I think.

    But if she gets the nomination I will indeed be voting for her. If not, I’m not. My point was that if she had not ceded states she could carry like ME, CO, WA, MN and HI in the caucus process she’d have a chance to prove you right.

    She did cede them and will not get the nomination becasue of it.

    But I’ll offer Hillary-to- the- end faithful a slogan from Jesse Jackson…

    …keep hope alive.

    I like all you folks over here and wish you luck (especially with FL and MI votes). HIllary really could have used your fervor in caucus states when it mattered. Surely you could have helped her round up a measly 4 or 6 thousand non shift workers.

    I guess I am just quite willing to get behind the actual DEM nominee and we disagree on who it is now going to be.

    DEM ’08

  102. I am really getting sick of all of my white friends being called racist, b/c Wright scared them off of Obama, whom they were considering. Most white people don’t hold anything against blacks. They understand our system has screwed blacks. They understand our system is screwing whites. Most would be perfectly open to vote for a black candidate. They don’t believe that a black man is inherently inferior and incapable of being president.

    They are afraid of Wright.

    The one thing white people are afraid of is revenge. They know their ancestors stuck the shaft to black people. And deep down, they are worried that a black president would set up the system of racism in reverse, to stick the shaft to whites. And Wright confirmed that worst fear. I don’t care about Wright. I get the heated political rhetoric in black churches, that black churches serve as a focal point for the community, to organize and act, to come together to make sure the kids get decent shoes for school, and the supplies they need. Most people don’t. Church is where they go to get lectured. They don’t get the dynamic, and they are afraid of it. Yeah, white churches raise money for school supplies, but it is rarely for the kids in their churches.

    I don’t care about Wright saying G-d America. Most whites have said that a time or two themselves(just never in front of a crowd).

    White people today are still afraid of a serious conversation on race, to be forced to face their own biases. But they do understand that in our tilted playing field, where all the power is in the hands of a privileged few, oppressed black people are their natural allies in standing up to power. But they don’t feel that someone like Wright, wants to view white people as allies, only enemies.

    And that’s why they won’t vote for Obama.

    And an important thing to remember(if only Obama’s crowd had realized it) is that people are not born racist. We are educated to be racist(to keep the proles fighting each other, a very useful tactic for those in power). And calling the people who don’t support you, racist, really only solidifies that racist education, and makes it harder to dismantle in the future.

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