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Rand Paul, Finland would like to have a word with you.

According to Rand Paul, Russia invading Ukraine wasn’t so bad when you consider that it was once part of the Soviet Union:

Rand Paul is missing a part of his brain. Let’s put aside the fact that Ukraine has been a sovereign state for 30 years and at one point in history, actually was part of Lithuania. Or that Kyiv was the motherland for the Russians, not the other way around. Ok, forget the centuries when Ukraine did NOT belong to the Soviet Union, which only lasted for 70 years, how about all the other countries that the Soviet Union once “owned”?

Like Finland. Finland fought its right to sovereignty from the Soviet Union in 1940. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia just happened to end up on the wrong side of the iron curtain through no fault of their own. They’ve been sovereign states in the current era as long as Ukraine has.

Does Rand Paul think the Baltic states should just meekly let Russia take over because they were once part of the Soviet Union?

What about the other iron curtain countries that were nominally independent but were actually forced to be in the Soviet sphere of influence like Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland or the actual site of the Berlin Wall, East Germany? Oh yeah, you didn’t know Berlin was inconveniently located in east Germany?

Yep. How does Rand Paul think Germany would react if the Russia decided to set up shop in Dresden again?

The biggest reason why Rand Paul should stop saying foolish things is because THE SOVIET UNION NO LONGER EXISTS.

That’s right. It’s just RUSSIA now and some central Asian Republics that couldn’t or wouldn’t get away.

Ukraine has a history of being its own entity for centuries. But Rand Paul is going to forget all that and the definition of sovereignty and the fact that the Baltics cut their ties and that we all celebrated and danced on the Berlin Wall until it came down because for *some* strange reason known only to Paul, he is latching onto the delusion that putin is a redeemer whose destiny is to reconstitute the Soviet Union through a brutal crusade of destructive imperial will.

Paul seems to be suffering from Folie a deux, emphasis on the Folie. The European nations that used to have to operate under the thumb of the Kremlin probably want to rip Paul’s head off.

Take a number and get in line.

9 Responses

  1. There’s something truly bizarre about a guy named after Ayn Rand pining for the lost glory of the USSR (although there has been some speculation that Rand was actually a deep-cover Soviet agent, I don’t believe it for a minute).

    • Which Rand?

      • Paul’s too young, although he could certainly be working for the FSB. Some have speculated that Alisa Rosenbaum (to use Ayn Rand’s real name) was actually a Soviet agent. After all, can you think of anything that discredits capitalism more than Objectivism? Seriously, think of all the damage her acolytes (up to and including Greenspan) have done to the West over the years. It’s certainly plausible, if a bit far-fetched.

  2. Hypothesis:

    Although it is crumbling now, for a brief historical moment, Putin actually succeeded where OG fascists Mussolini and Hitler failed: he managed to establish an informal, but real, Fascist International.

    However, like the Communist International before it, the FI proved to be nothing more than a cloak for Russian imperialism.

    Many countries, including our own in 2018 and 2020, told the FI to FO. 😈

  3. Putin just needs some sharks with FRICKIN’ LASER BEAMS!

    Seriously, sharks with FLBs could have shot down those missiles before the missiles reached the Moskva! 🤪

  4. Meanwhile, over on that tankie blog that RD has never bothered to unlink from the lower left region of her blog, the Tankie-In-Chief, a certain Mr. Welsh, “remain(s) convinced that sanctions will do far more harm to Europe than to Russia.”

    That is the best news for Ukraine and the West I could imagine. 😈

  5. Ye offe-topick weeklye reminderr:

    Friday nights 7 PM – 8 PM North American Central Time:

    The Magical Mystery Tour. Host Tom Wood takes a look at the Beatles from a different angle each week.

    Friday nights 8 PM – 12 AM North American Central Time:

    Beaker Street, the legendary rock radio program, has returned. Iconic host Clyde Clifford has returned from his medical absence.

    Both shows can be found at http://arkansasrocks.com/

    If you can’t catch Beaker Street live, MP3 files are available soon afterward at https://beakerstreetsetlists.com/

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