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Holy Crap what was that??

Did anyone see or hear that speech last night? Even when things are looking grim, like a virus threatening to wipe out most of the Fox News audience, he just can’t stop the show.

It was bad enough that he framed the problem in terms of partisanship. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised by that. But it’s Trump who refuses to meet with Pelosi to work on a package of legislation to help affected Americans. He REFUSES to meet with the Speaker of the House, probably because he’s holding a grudge over the impeachment and her ripping his state of the union speech to bits. Come to think about it, wasn’t that speech delivered in late January-early February right after the impeachment vote when the pandemic was in full swing in China? If Trump was having meetings about it in mid-January and classifying them, what are the chances that Pelosi didn’t know about them? I mean, not the contents but that they were held at all? Suddenly, shredding the speech takes on a whole new meaning.

His speech offered no new information except for the bit about banning flights from the EU. So what’s that all about?

The EU is planning to ban flights from the US and this is a preemptive retaliatory strike?

The WHO in Geneva told Trump to get in line for the tests they’ve given to all other countries because he asked for them too late and they’re almost out? (Something tells me it’s the last thing he’d do. His type of Republican hates world organizations like the UN, EU, NATO and WHO)

Or is it because he still has to play the role of the strong man? Some of his base is starting to remember how to apply logic. They see that Italy is *not* a third world country and its healthcare infrastructure is falling apart. The whole country is on lockdown. It’s one thing when the Chinese were getting it but when Italians start suffering, it starts to get scary.

It’s even scarier because the rest of the EU seems to be keeping on top of the cases. But something went wrong in Italy. We are being compared to Italy.

Therefore, Italians and any of the rest of the free wheeling cosmopolitan EU must be banned from America to keep us safe. Italians have become the new Mexican immigrants, dying to scale our walls and reach our shores in any way they can to spread their dirty, filthy contagion.

Adding EU to the mix is a nod to Putin. And UK is excluded from the ban because it’s no longer part of the EU.

But it doesn’t matter. The disease is already here. It’s out of control because we didn’t test enough people in time so there was no way to isolate and quarantine ahead of time. Our places of business have had to do the pandemic response without much guidance. It’s too late to stop what is about to happen. We are going to be Italy on a much larger scale.

If anything, trump gave the markets even more reason to be worried. They aren’t going to recover until someone in the White House takes control of the situation we’re in.

If there aren’t calls for his resignation before the end of the week, I’ll be shocked.


This is what we are dealing with. Read the whole thread:


A couple of things:

1.)Some people won’t get the message until it slams them in the head like a baseball bat. It’s like having to bomb Dresden or Hiroshima to stop WWII. It has to get that bad before they believe it. Ok then. Nature has a funny way of catching up to you. You can ignore it all you like but sooner or later (probably sooner) the virus will be upon you and your local environment. The results will be very hard to disbelieve. It’s just a matter of time. You have about a week. I used to be fascinated by the plague in 1347-1349 in Europe. Giovanni Boccaccio, a Florentine poet, wrote a famous first hand account. Even though Covid19 is nowhere near as lethal as the plague, reactions to it sound eerily familiar:

Some thought that moderate living and the avoidance of all superfluity would preserve them from the epidemic. They formed small communities, living entirely separate from everybody else. They shut themselves up in houses where there were no sick, eating the finest food and drinking the best wine very temperately, avoiding all excess, allowing no news or discussion of death and sickness, and passing the time in music and suchlike pleasures. Others thought just the opposite. They thought the sure cure for the plague was to drink and be merry, to go about singing and amusing themselves, satisfying every appetite they could, laughing and jesting at what happened. They put their words into practice, spent day and night going from tavern to tavern, drinking immoderately, or went into other people’s houses, doing only those things which pleased them.

In this suffering and misery of our city, the authority of human and divine laws almost disappeared, for, like other men, the ministers and the executors of the laws were all dead or sick or shut up with their families, so that no duties were carried out. Every man was therefore able to do as he pleased.

2.) Think about all the relationships that have been ruined by this. Fox News viewers and Rush Limbaugh listeners will follow their leaders off a cliff even as their friends and families try to throw them a rope to hang onto. They will mock, ridicule and defy reality right up to the point where it can’t be denied anymore. Arguing with them is not useful because they are not thinking with the logical parts of their brains. It’s an exercise in frustration. At some point, you have to disengage and let them deal with fate without your support and concern. That’s what Rupert Murdoch has given us.


No, I’m not panicking yet. I don’t think sciencey types like us are prone to this kind of panic. It’s because we understand the way nature works. It’s not a mystery. Mysteries can be scarey. This kind of thing is as predictable as the sunrise. It will follow a certain course. Our immune systems will adapt either through a vaccine or naturally. The human species will not die out. But some of the survivors are going to be economically ruined.

What makes me sad is that there’s a good possibility that my elderly aunts and uncles will not make it through this.

And due to my recent travail, I am considered high risk and was sent home first.

25 Responses

  1. Benedict Donald can’t resign; his ill-gotten office is the only thing which shields him from prosecution on a number of criminal charges.

    Maybe the GOP will finally decide it’s time to break the glass on Amendment 25? It would be easy enough to develop a story about his being unfit for office, as the only reason his unfitness is not obvious is that the Allegedly Liberal Media has been covering it up for him.

    • At which point we end up with Mike “No clean needles for you” Pence. Honestly, there aren’t any good outcomes here.

  2. Ok! First presumptive exposure in Allegheny county today. It closed an intermediate school about 5 miles from here.

  3. Closing the schools causes all kinds of havoc for families with school age children. Our local school district sent letter to the parents of students which essentially says… if the schools close it is going to really screw families that are just eking by as it is. Who’s going to look after the kids… in many cases it will be the grand parents who are more susceptible to the virus than the younger generations. There have been no documented cases yet where I am, but Allentown and Philly have both reported closing some schools due to a staff member testing positive. It’s only a matter of time before we have mass closings IMO.

    • Yeah, and an awful lot of poor kids rely on school meals. In some cases school breakfasts and lunches are the only hot meals they get during the day.

      • Pelosi has that covered in the bill she wrote and passed in the house. However Mitch has decided that it’s not that important and the senate is not going to decide whether they are going to take it up until after the break.

        • It’ll never make it through the Senate. They’ll bail out the airlines and inject another few trillion into the financial system, but heaven forbid they feed hungry kids.

          • Yep, they’ll starve the kids, then talk about how much they love Jesus.

            Remember Jesus? The dude who said if you hurt kids, it would be better for you if a great millstone were hung around your neck and you were tossed into the sea?

  4. I was really horrified to see the comparison of the current Corona death toll with the 1918 Pandemic over on That Other Blog Which Shall Not Be Named. I realize the math section on the LSAT is pretty elementary, but surely he could look up the Wikipedia article on exponentials before posting something like that.

  5. They canceled all the college basketball conference tournaments today, and will cancel the entire NCAA tournament. I will miss it, I always look forward to it, but of course no one would want them to take unnecessary risks. I guess the question might be, how far do we need to go? Cancel all theatre and concert performances? Movies? Close all schools and libraries? I don’t know the answers. I don’t know if any of it will prevent people contacting the virus. I do know that Trump and his administration are completely unequipped to deal with this. No one can believe a word he says. Today, talking to the press, he threw in comments about Democrats not drawing anyone to rallies, so who cares if they cancel them or not; and that Corey Gardner is a great person, and he is going to invite him to the White House to hold a rally for him, since he had to cancel his trip to Colorado for it. His insanity, his childish partisanship with regard to anything,, his uncontrolllable need to attack people he sees as enemies, and to play favorites, make him utterly incapable of leading the country, but of course it always did.

    Joe Biden gave a good presentation today, obviously he is far more capable. He may have to run his campaign from TV, because he is now canceling rallies as a precaution.

    • New York has just banned gatherings of more than 500 people – including Broadway shows.

      • I believe that’s unprecedented. If I remember my history, Broadway lights were dimmed during WW11, but the shows went on.

  6. I forgot–the Treason Party (fka GOP) probably can’t abandon Benedict Donald, because his master, Sith Tsar Vladimir, can provide Benny Don with all the kompromat he needs to keep the other Traitors in line, since the Tsar’s gremlins hacked into the Treason Party’s computers, as well as the Democratic Party’s computers–even though they only released items from the latter.

    Oh well, not to worry–Stable Genius Emperor Donald will just give Corona-chan a mean nickname on Twitter, and she’ll flee, sobbing, from Jeebus’s Chosen White Folks of Real Amurka.

    Or not. Bitch be made of sterner stuff than that.

  7. We’ve had our first very few confirmed cases of CV in the Arkanshire. I reckon at least half the school systems have already shut down. Our Republican governor seems to have more sense–or at least more gravitas–than his President, thank the Ascended Madoka.

    • I overestimated the proportion of school systems shutting down, but still, it has begun.

  8. This whole pandemic reminds me of what you said RD right after the 2016 election: It’s all fun and games until people start dying. The media treated 2016 like it was all some reality show about who you like not about whether they would make a competent president. Of course, it’s been this way for a good 20 years going back to 2000 with who you want to have a beer with. It’s past time for all that garbage to end.

    • Absolutely. They turn every election into an entertainment event. Competence, intelligence, knowledge, are not important, it is like being invited to pick your favorite on a reality show. Hillary had a site full of detailed policies, and how we would pay for them. Nobody cared. They cared about emails, her coughing, saying “deplorables,.” With Kerry, it was a statement taken out of context, and whether his wife was as nice as Laura Bush. With Gore, it was him sighing in a debate, not knowing which suit to wear, did he actually say he invented the internet? Some of the people who own networks must realize that we can’t ignore science, and we can’t hollow out all the government departments. But I guess that they figure that their money will allow them to escape, just like in Poe’s “Masque of the Red Death,” where the reality was that they could not escape. Hillary was the most competent potential president that I have seen, and with her, this situation would be immensely less dangerous. All drug-fueled parties and political eras have a day or decade of reckoning afterward, something Poe referred to in ‘The Fall of the House of Usher,,” as “the hideous dropping off of the veil.”

  9. how far do we need to go? Cancel all theatre and concert performances? Movies? Close all schools and libraries?

    What happens if parades aren’t canceled during pandemics? Philadelphia found out in 1918, with disastrous results.

  10. Treachery and hygiene. What could be more apropos?

    Which one of you nerds made this?! pic.twitter.com/U38FSe3kci— Nerd Girl Says (@Rachael_Conrad) March 4, 2020

  11. Excellent interview on Rachel last night if you missed it. China is remarkably prepared for an epidemic: temp testing everywhere, fever clinics, portable cat scans, dancing in moon suits….

  12. One must grudgingly concede that authoritarian regimes have a few advantages in certain situations.

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