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I’m trying to feel sympathy. Nope, I got nothing.

Tweet du Jour:

I can almost hear the angry lament from Graham and other Republicans.

The left HATES Trump

The left is vindictive

The left is envious of people who have money.

The left doesn’t care about American security.

Ok, that last one should never be said by anyone in a party that will allow Trump to make a unilateral decision about pulling out of Syria, unleashing ISIS and fucking the Kurds based on a request from an authoritarian dictator in Turkey.

What the left really hates is a party that has deliberately highjacked us and then governed as if the rest of the country doesn’t exist.

The reason Trump isn’t getting his fucking wall is because the majority of the politicians we elected to represent us think it’s a stupid idea.

WE think it’s a stupid idea.

We didn’t send our representatives to Washington to capitulate to Republicans every time they have a stupid idea. We expect everyone to negotiate in good faith to represent the will of ALL of us.

So I gotta ask myself:

Why do the Republicans hate the rest of us?

Why do they act like they don’t have to take “NO” for an answer?

Why do they think it’s ok do reprehensible things and expect us to feel sorry for them when their party is self-destructing?

I really don’t care, do you?

33 Responses

    • If Rs wanted to appease trump on this point as they have done with every other thing like the tax cuts, for example, they would have passed it by now. Rs DON’T want to fund the wall (Ryan passed the House bill knowing it won’t pass the senate).

  1. I have been saying that there are lot of Bushies in this admin and wondering what their endgame is? Someone else wrote about it but it is still a mystery why.


  2. wow, what a list?! 2020 Democratic candidate and all other Dems and everyone else should treat it as all hands on deck. That includes the media.


  3. Everybody says he said this, pulling out of Syria and Afghanistan, on the campaign trail. But nobody questioned why a man who does not read and had no hefty policy advisors was saying this other than the rosy picture of bringing an end to whatever is going without studying its impact on US influence and power. If they had questioned why he was saying this despite its impact, would people still have supported him? Besides, how did he get these ideas in the first place? Was Pootie whispering in his ears, because the main beneficiary of all this is Russia. More Russian collusion and interference? All his campaign promises viewed through the prism of Russia, helps Russia and weakens America. It is not a coincidence, right?

  4. So the WH squatter is saying ‘you’re fired’ to Mattis after Mattis publicly and strongly rejected him and his leadership and resigned in protest. He is not smart enough to know this too will backfire.

  5. If I were the Democrats I would make the following more than generous offer.

    We will match any funding money for the wall that Mexico puts up.

    The Ds thus indicate they are willing to compromise.

    tRump gets to fulfill his pledge regarding Mexican funding of the wall.

    • If it’s such a good idea, and if Trump is really as rich as he claims, why doesn’t he build the wall himself?

  6. People (and most of all Hillary) was gracious and polite to Bernie and his minions to let them play in the Democratic primary. Not this time. It is all hands on deck behind a competent and capable candidate (which Bernie is not) in 2020.

    • Replies to that Lockhart tweet reads like Russians bots, everyone of them. I think Sanders should take himself out of the running in the interest of the country. Frankly, I don’t like all this Beto bandwagon either. We need strong people who have a record of accomplishments and substance (not just words) to show for. We need to quickly hone in on one or two strong candidates and put all our effort to prop them up. We need a bigger and longer blue wave than the midterms.

      • I am not too enthused at the names who will likely run in the primaries. I agree that we need accomplishments a lot more than words. I see a number of grandstanders in there. I know that I’m not going to get a “dual threat” candidate like Hillary, who is superbly versed in domestic and foreign policy. Of the names we hear, I would probably favor Brown or Klobuchar, partly because I am not excited about the other ones. I suppose that Biden has a good chance to be nominated, he is far from my favorite. I am not a Kamala Harris fan. I didn’t follow O’Rourke’s campaign that closely, but I’d sure take him over Sanders. We’d probably be better off with some consensus candidate whom most could get excited about, but I think we’re more likely to see a free-for-all, with splits among gender and racial lines, and Sanders doing as much damage as possible. It seems to me that the last times that Democrats had many primary candidates for President, were ’72, when we got McGovern and lost in a landslide; and ’76, when we got the Southern populist Carter, who did not make a good President. I actually like the days when there is one pretty obvious candidate, as long as he or she represents basic Democratic values. Too many candidates allows one with strong regional or factional appeal, to win by default.

  7. I don’t think that any of us should retain any reasonable hope that the Republican Party or its members are going to save us from what Trump and his Russian owners are trying to drag us toward. Someone opined on TV the other day, that for many Republicans in Congress, if they could just blink their eyes, and Trump would be gone, they would be happy. But that ignores the reality that the Republican Party put Trump where he was. He didn’t arise from the black lagoon. There were others like him in the party, and you can hear some of them every day on networks and in the halls. They may not be as pro-Russia and anti-America as he is, but they go along with all of it. What did they think they got elected to do? Pile up money, and make sure that taxes on the rich are as low as they have ever been? Ignore the environment if caring about it means any kind of business regulation at all? Hole up in their aeries when on recess and in retirement, and let the masses plod along as best they can manage?. Whatever vision they explicitly or implicitly have for America, is not something that we can usefully work with.

    I don’t know how we can manage to win all the elections, but we had better do so. Time after time, one thinks that maybe Republicans will do something good, but they never do. There really are very few of the old-line moderate Republicans left, and more are not being minted. What we are confronted with are Republicans who are trying to create a version of the Gilded Age, with more religious overtones, and more assault weapons. I know that the minute the Democrats win something, there will be all these calls for ‘unity government” and “working together,” but it is impossible, not if we want to actually save the country and planet. What we need, just looking at it in a linguistic way, is the equivalent of Reagan, who mocked “liberals” at every turn, until actual liberals became chary of using the word. FDR called the Republicans “the malefactors of great wealth,” or “economic royalists.” We need that kind of no holds barred speechmaking, to vilify them. Republicans are currently trying to figure out a way to replace Trump with Pence next time, or Romney or Haley, and then they can presumably emerge unscathed, with all of their gains intact. I figure that 90% of the “never trumpers” would fawn all over Jeb Bush if he were the nominee next time. Sure, anyone is better than Trump, but the Republican Party is ideologically bankrupt, probably forever. Destroy them, or get destroyed by them, seem like the only political choices.

  8. 😈

  9. I meant to post this one. 😈

  10. Our first Prez again.

  11. Separated at birth? 😛

  12. And no aide or SiL or daughter told him. How could they?

  13. I find it amusing that biden is considered to run again, even though he bowed out early in the last 2 primaries he ran in, while Hillary is being told to shut up and go away despite having won the popular vote in both of her primaries and winning the nomination in one. If she is considered establishment then so is biden. So, what’s the difference other than their gender?

    Beto has potential but he’s still too green and is another Obama.

    Women have been told to wait and be happy with second place for decades. Why should we wait when the guys have shown they are not willing to do the work necessary to be president? It’s time to use the awakened power of women that rose up after trump’s inauguration and marched in the streets all over the country protesting against another sexist male believing he should be president over the infinitely more qualified woman.

    Why should we wait?

    • Yes! We are long overdue full representation in the highest echelon of government. And, I agree that ignoring Hillary while promoting Biden is the height of misogynistic hypocrisy. Gawd!

      Oh and happy holidays,etc and all that 🎄🙂

  14. Federal agencies employ a number of contractors. They are all out of pay now and their contractors may not pay them ever for this lost work. So it is not true that all workers working for the Feds eventually get paid. Federal employees get paid but there are a number of other services that are not in that category who work at the government.

  15. One of Hillary’s best qualities, among many, was that she is very competent. Whatever the task is, she learns as much about it as possible, and makes intelligent decisions . The aspect of her history which no one was interested in discussing during the campaign, was her eight years as Senator from New York, where she ended up with a 70% favorability rating, and high marks from many Republicans from NY, who realized that she worked across the aisle, and did things to help the state.

    Now, competence does not seem to be in high demand among the media or blog pundit, who look for excitement, tingles down the leg, that kind of thing. Things that most took for granted are now disappearing, as we somehow have a president who knows nothing about anything, who has appointed a bunch of grifters and social darwinists to every level of the government. We know that if Hillary were president, things would be running smoothly and calmly; there would be top people in the Cabinet and the foreign service. She has always been careful, methodical, and with the best interests of the country at heart. This basic aspect was simply ignored or passed over in the frenzy for political excitement, a kind of reality show atmosphere which brought viewers and clicks like never before. The Right loved Trump’s belligerence, and angry refusal to follow norms. The Left desperately wanted someone who tingled them, kind of what the clips of JFK seemed to provide, or what Obama did for them in those months where he was promising “Hope and Change.” Or Bernie, the Wonderful Wizard, who promised to totally remake the country, except that he had no idea or ability as to how to actually do it. Fantasy, wishful projection, the kind of excitement that superhero movie fans crave–that’s what the public wanted. Intelligence, reasonableness, and just pure competence–that’s so passe, so “neoliberal establishment.” What many would give for a government and president which behaved competently right now. People do not understand; If you want thrills, go to the theme park, or the horse races, or watch “Marvel Superstars, Part XX.” “Sexy” is not what you should be looking for in governance; find that aspect in other areas of art and life. But do we think that anyone has really learned the lesson, or we going to go after the same pseudo thrills next time, while eschewing the conventional and effective leaders? We had the best one right in front of us.

    Happy Holidays to all!

  16. As usual I totally agree with you, William. You say exactly what I am thinking and feeling but express it so much better than I could. Thank you.

  17. Off topic… and so beautiful. Look at the unusual colors!


  18. Time to re-post this: 🙂

    The Story of the Other Wise Man, by Henry Van Dyke

    Click here

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