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Bagman and, er, other thing starts

It’s hard for me to believe that there are still people out there who think that Bob Mueller hasn’t got anything on Trump or his lackies, that this is all a huge waste of money and that the partisan justice department has it out for Trump.

That last part is hillarious for a couple of reasons. The first is that with the exception of Peter Stzrok, who was probably just voicing what everyone there was thinking, the justice department and the FBI is run by Republicans. Actually, I can’t remember when the FBI was NOT run by a Republican. So there’s that.

Then there’s the fact that Trump is copying the Spiro T. Agnew playbook To. The. Letter. Just copy from the best and see how long you can get away with it I guess.

Anyway, Rachel Maddow (the Republican lurkers just cringed) has a podcast called Bagman that reviews the Agnew Strategy. Anyone who listens to Maddow regularly knows what a gifted storyteller she is. This podcast is no exception. She pulls from the NBC archives, speeches by Agnew, recollections from the defense lawyers and federal prosecutors, and lays it all out. You will be able to put the Trump moves in perspective and can probably guess what’s going to happen next.

One big difference between then and now is that the Nixon era justice department was leaky and the Rosenstein-Mueller-Wray axis of evil is leakproof. We’ll see if that changes now that Whitaker is in charge – for now.

Bagman is on its third episode. It will take about two hours to catch up.


Hey, since the election of so many women on Tuesday night, have you felt your libido making a rebound? Feeling your mojo yet?

Well, here’s a thread that caught my eye this morning. It’s all about bad sex stories. Need some humor today? Check it out.


Morning Music:

Oooooo, yeah, Darius Rucker…


Tweet du jour, MITH again. (Just subscribe to him):
