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Happy Birthday, Sweet Sue!

Your age is just a number. It doesn’t mean anything if you look mahvelous.

And anyway, you can apply a vanity aging strategy. If someone asks you how old you are, add 20 years. They’ll tell you that you look great!

Here’s a blast from the past for you Sue:

Ahhh, how lovely!

Please excuse me if I listen to Coldplay on the way to the bus.

11 Responses

  1. Happy Birthday, Sue! May the Ascended Madoka bless you! :mrgreen:

  2. Aw, RD, how sweet!!!! I feel so special.
    Your salute and my husband’s roses were the absolute highlights!
    Smooches, baby girl.

  3. Happy Birthday , Sweet Sue! Indeed age is just a number!

  4. Looks like something from Sid and Marty Kroft

  5. If someone asks you how old you are, add 20 years. They’ll tell you that you look great

    If I added twenty years, they’d call Ripley.

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