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Thursday: The Country of Puerto Rico, Part 4

It turns out that Puerto Rico is waaaaaay out there in the middle of the ocean, almost as inaccessible as Tristan da Cunha. It will take months for our 10 gun brig sloop, The Tremendous, to reach it. But first, we need to meet with the financial backers of this excursion.

The natives are thought to be friendly and their lot is life is such that they will not greatly mind the delay. Surely there are beasts in the sea to feed upon and potable water from the heavens.

We will be greeted as saviors.



OMG, three more years of this. I can hardly wait. Shoot me now.


Trump and the Deplorable Republican Congress’s new tax plan gives big cuts to the wealthy and screws the middle class especially people in big blue coastal elite states with high state taxes, which will no longer be deductible.

It’s a twofer! Who says the GOP doesn’t have big ideas??


Hugh Hefner is dead.

I think the man would see that we honor him with as much sex as we can possibly get as a fitting memorial.

Well, that’s my theory anyway and I’m sticking with it.

Who’s with me on this? Everybody raise your, um, HANDS. Yeah, that’s it, raise your hands. Where we can see them.

(Wipe that smile off your face, BiFF)


Michelle Obama says that any woman who didn’t vote for Hillary “voted against their own voice.”

Well, she would know.

No, I’m not over 2008. Why do you ask?


I received this urgent appeal from the YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh this morning:

The reports from Puerto Rico are heartbreaking, the destruction left behind by Hurricane Maria unimaginable. Entire communities have been wiped out, and the recovery effort will be measured in months and years, not days and weeks.

After YMCA of the USA’s (Y-USA) fundraising appeals for YMCAs in Texas and Florida affected by hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the Y family naturally has reached out to us to ask how they can help Puerto Rico. As devastating as those hurricanes were, the situation in Puerto Rico is on another level due to its fragile infrastructure, its island location and the magnitude of the storm’s impact.

Normally, Y-USA would raise money to support the YMCAs in San Juan and Ponce, so they could get up and running to support their communities, but that is not feasible right now. There are basic human needs – water, food, medicine and clothing – that must be met first and immediately. So, Y-USA recommends that Ys wishing to address the humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico give to theUnited for Puerto Rico campaign launched by its government. Visit the campaign’s website to learn more about the impact of the storm, the pressing needs there and how to give.

We do not have much information about the status of the Ys in San Juan and Ponce. We do know their facilities sustained major damage, and that like most people on the island, their staff don’t have water or access to electrical power and communication networks. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers, and we will update you when we have more information.

If you are a proud member of the Y like I am, consider this appeal and give to help our fellow American citizens in Puerto Rico in solidarity.

I propose a Friday Fast campaign here like we used to do back in 2008. The concept is, you give up yoir lunch money for Friday and donate it to a cause. In the past, I havd recommended Feed America. Tomorrow, we could do the United for Puerto Rico campaign. is anyone interested?

If we coukd get more of the lefty blogs onboard, that would be Fantastic, Great and Tremendous.


I finally figured out how to deal with my blonde hair. It’s more high maintenance that I thought it would be. But I think I’ve got it now. And if the weather will cooperate…

I need some Stones this morning.

9 Responses

  1. Well, she would know.

    No, I’m not over 2008. Why do you ask?

    Me neither. Will never get over it. I don’t remember what shape FB was in then but the Obama campaign would not have hesitated to use its ads and fake news on Hillary if it was possible.

  2. Today’s my birthday. Don’t ask! 😉

  3. He does give some sort of effeminate vibe…and have you heard him speak? These mfers are not even competent (I guess that is good for us).

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