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Good Vibrations 

From HystericalLiterature, Stormy reads American Psycho:

I’m planning to read Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison later. 😉

Happy Sunday to you. 

Life goes on 

​​There will be more to say about Syria and how the Republicans stole a Supreme Court appointment. But today I am in the strip district of Pittsburgh getting dinner at Wholey’s (salmon) and apricot nectar for my prosecco. 

The sun is shining. It’s getting warm. Going for hike in Frick park later. 

Go outside. The drama will still be here when you get back. 

From this afternoon’s hike in Frick:


Nitty Gritty Dirty Little Freaks 

Just a reminder that this blog was started by and for people who resist consensus reality. 

We are not joiners. We’re not easily sucked in by slick political ads or rageaholic repeat offender sexual harassers. (Have you seen his rage video?  It’s a classic) We don’t necessarily toe the party line. There’s a reason why we were Democrats in Exile for much of the Obama years and it had nothing to do with racism. 

I’m comfortable having lots of readers, I’m comfortable blogging all by myself. It will not change my voice. I don’t do this to be loved or popular. 

My focus for the next year is going to be the 2018 election and how we can win back at least one house in Congress. That is probably going to involve some swearing and harsh rhetoric. 

You’re welcome. 


Hi everyone!  I’ve been a little busy these days trying to learn a new process. It’s a steep learning curve. Think right angle. Fortunately, my friend Biff says he can fill in for awhile. 

Biff’s bio:

Biff is an ex- mail carrier, football player, and sometimes hacker living in the greater metropolitan area. 

His likes are puppies, fountain pens, and a superior espresso.

His dislikes include hypocrisy, beets, and mean people.

(Hmmmm, I didn’t know you liked puppies. This changes everything. And you dislike beets?? Since when?)

The 21st century has harshed his mellow. So, he tends to bastardize Trump tweets for clarity.

Speaking of bastardizations:

“Illegitamus non carborundum.”  


Donald Trump has broken out his twitter account again, communicating directly to the American people.
He tweeted early this morning on the unfairness of the continued witchhunt against
his administration for its close relationships to Russia and Vladimir Putin.

Donald J. Trump

Was the brother of John Podesta 
paid BIG money to get the 
sanctions on Russia lifted?
I don't think so. Jared 
and Mike got paid MUCH more. 
THEY knew how to negotiate with Russians.
We never get any credit for that.

“Jared” is presumably Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, current senior advisor to the president, and
“Mike” is presumably former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.
Given the amount of time that Congress, the intelligence agencies, and the media have devoted to the subject
it seems wrong for Trump to complain that they are not getting coverage, but if this posting does anything to
hilight the issue for him, Donald, you’re welcome.

This was followed by something a little more cryptic:

Donald J. Trump

Hillary Hillary Podesta 
Hillary Wiener Huma HILLARY

Other than identifying Trump’s preferred 2020 campaign rival, it is unclear what this tweet
refers to. His 2020 campaign is officially in full swing, however.

In early January,
Politico reported
that the Trump campaign headquarters are open for business, and ten staffers are busy building
databases and raising funds. Frugally housed in one of the lower floors of Trump Towers, on
5th Avenue in Manhattan, staffers said that as long as New York City taxpayers were footing the security
bill, it would be irresponsible to locate anywhere else.
for protecting the Trump family and businesses
in this location have ranged from $150,000 to more than half a million dollars per day.
Estimated income to the Trump Organization for the lease on the suite was unavailable at press time.

On January 20th, the campaign filed documents with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).
The FEC Form 2 document is to ensure compliance with the
Federal Election Campaign Act Legislation of 1971 (FECAL).
Staffers, who spoke off the record, as they had not been authorized to speak to the mainstream press, said that
the early campaign opening was necessary to keep Trump’s campaign promise of reducing financial influence on campaigns.
As explained in a post at Disobedient Media,
the Form 2 submission will prevent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations,
such as those run by Trump political opponent George Soros, from engaging in any “political speech” that might affect
the 2020 presidential outcome, for risk of losing their non-profit status.

Unofficially, the staffers conceded that their activities mean we are now “mid-campaign”,
and that the Senate should suspend all hearings for Supreme Court nominees until after the election
is decided. “But we hope no one notices that,” was whispered.
In a third tweet, Trump said:

Donald J. Trump

Such amazing reporting unmasking 
the crooked schemes by 

Based on the timing of the tweet, just 12 minutes following a CNN report on the subject,
it presumably refers to the ongoing celebrations at Fox News around a culture of sexual harassment
lead by former chairman Roger Ailes, and being spearheaded now by Bill O’Reilly.

Susan is a ditz

Susan Sarandon was on Late Night with Stephen Colbert last night gushing about how wonderful it is that the revolution has started and we’re all protesting at town halls and shit like that. 

Ohferchristsakes, get over the words already. 

Here’s the interview: 

What did we forget, Susan?  We forgot that now Republicans are in charge of all three branches of government. If they can ever persuade their sadistic Freedom Caucus wing to get onboard, they’ll be unstoppable. 

And what else? 

Well, your internet browsing history is no longer private. AND net neutrality is about to go down soon. 

The CPB is getting defunded. No more Morning Edition and All Things Considered from Nice Polite Republicans. 

And what else?  

Oh, yes, white southern male Jefferson Beauregard Sessions will be the guy in charge of our voting rights monitors. 

Look, Susan, a revolution is only as good as your ability to change the system. Protesting at town halls and flooding your congressman’s voicemail box is only going to take you so far if you can’t vote the fucking asshole out of office. And with all the gerrymandering and locks on state houses, it’s going to be very hard to displace them. 

So, if they can get their act together, Republicans can do a lot of damage to ordinary, not rich people. And if Republicans are clever, they’ll make sure we can never organize effectively, never completely control the message and never be able to get enough votes in the right places to remove them. 

Susan is a WMD who caused a lot of collateral damage because she can’t think a few moves ahead or get inside the heads of ruthless sociopaths. 

Is Susan having any town halls soon?