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Stoney Self-discipline. 

Trump’s legal counsel, Roger Stone, gets up in our grill on Twitter over Russia allegations:  

So classy. 

At least Roger didn’t call us C***s. 

This is the man legally advising the president who I and the majority of Americans did not vote for. He is a vicious, misogynistic internet troll. 

That kind of sums up the Trump administration in a nutshell and how the rest of the world sees us these days. We’re number 1. Make america great again. yay. 


Butter my popcorn. 

WaPo says Trump’s presidency can’t seem to escape Russia’s shadow

US AG Jeff Sessions recuses himself from the investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia. Stephen Colbert found Jeff’s day planner from 2016: 

Meanwhile, down at Foggy Bottom, the State Department is having an existential crisis as the Trump administration prepares to apply solvent to the only chewing gum left holding the world together post WWII. 

It genuinely feels as though the country was highjacked on Election Day last November. The party that took over does not represent the majority of Americans and we’re really starting to resent it. 

Now that the Russian connection is in full bloom, there may be a good opportunity to get to the bottom of what exactly went on last year and how Trump and the Republicans took over. 

They’re beginning to be very unpopular. No one I know wants to admit they voted for Trump anymore. It’s bad government but could make for wildly entertaining reality TV. Trump makes an excellent villain. He’s the kind of rich evil guy on soap operas who is always reeling in sweet young things while the audience cringes at her stupidity and screams at her to watch out. 

She never listens but eventually wakes up when he gets caught red handed or in flagrante delicto or one of those other delicious Romance language phrases. 

Then the denouement. The catharsis. The older but wiser. 

Bring. It. On. 

Wild World Thursday 

Hi all, sorry I’ve been absent. I’ve been thinking about the SOTU too and I’m not buying the “presidential”, “normal”, less unhinged Donald. Oh, sure, the media and pundits were probably relieved because the alternative, a man completely unsuited to his job and scaring the world, was freaking them out. So, any moves towards looking semi-normal was divinely to be wished, even if it’s completely unbelievable. 

After all, perfectly nice immigrants are still being banned or sent back to their countries of origin while being forced to leave their property behind. By the way, who gets all the stuff they’ve worked a lifetime to acquire when they’re put on a bus back to Mexico?

And then there are the students who are forced back into an identity that is foreign to them just to use the bathroom. And the sick, poor people who are about to lose their insurance, the artists about to lose their funding, the climate scientists about to lose their jobs. 

I listened to part of the speech. It was the part about how we’re all in danger from immigrants making extreme beachheads and hiding under our beds to cut off our heads or something and how AMERICAN victims of CRIMINAL IMMIGRANTS need a VOICE, as if Fox News and Breitbart weren’t already turning fear and suspicion up to 11 on an hourly basis. 

None of Trump’s “policies” have softened or become more reasonable because he’s learned to read a TelePrompTer. He’s still hawking fear and terror as his new Trump brand product. EJ Dionne has more about how Trump Still Wants You To Be Very Afraid 

It’s so familiar. That kind of fear indictrination is what I was surrounded by in the high control religious group I grew up in. Turns out the world didn’t end in 1975. But there were a lot of very nice people scared shitless who were convinced to sell books and magazines door to door and to do for free and as if their lives depended on it. It sucks the joy out of your life.  

In any case, the Russia connection is back in the news with this story about how the Obama administration staffers left breadcrumbs for us to follow that lead back to Jeff Sessions and the Trump campaign. I’m guessing that the new amity and presidential demeanor is going to be very short lived. 

So, that’s what is on my mind. I’ll be back later, I promise. Probably after work. 

More: Chris Cilizza at WaPo says Republicans face political suicide if they don’t investigate the Russian connection to the Trump campaign. Lol!! Chris is such an optimist. It’s going to take unity, determination and hard campaign work to pry the country from their cold, dead hands. 

How did he get his job? Why can’t I get a paying gig at a major newspaper to write silly drivel?  Life is unfair. 

Here’s what else is on my mind. It’s Throwback Thursday. People do stupid things at 19.