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Zuccotti Park cleared of Occupiers

Update: People around the world are sending the displaced occupiers food. If you are in the Foley Square area, you can get breakfast there. To order breakfast for the occupiers, you can call Pete at Cortez Cafe at (212)7663200. There is a minimum $5 donation. A local church as opened its doors for sanctuary. There is an impromptu process going on right now. There will be a GA at 7am. It sounds like occupiers are going to Foley Square. They are having a brief moment of silence to appreciate the morning and sticking together through the night. Wahoo-Dorus!

You can follow the action at www.globalrevolution.tv

If you want to register your protest, you can call the NYPD and tell them to stop. Here’s the number: (212)334-0611

Um, I *might* have to head up to Foley Square today to do on the spot reporting. Does anyone want to put up bail for me in the unlikely event that I am arrested? I have papers to read. I can do that as easily in Foley Square as anywhere else.

By the way, to get to Foley Square, see this handy google map.

Update2: There will be a group meeting at 6th Ave and Canal Street at 9:00am.

There are Occupy the Highway marchers headed for DC. Their goal is to arrive in DC on Nov. 23, the day the supercommittee is supposed to present their deficit reduction cuts to Congress. They were in Philadelphia yesterday. If you’re interested, you can catch up with them between Philly and Wilmington, Delaware today. See this page for further details. Occupy the Highway also has a wordpress site here. Dear Paul Krugman, there’s a student named Whitney Blodgett who is giving Princeton a bad name. Could you please administer a strong dope-slap to the back of the head? It’s embarrassing.

Update3: Mike Bloomberg’s statement says something to the effect that protestors were preventing the general public from enjoying the use of the park.  {{rolling eyes}}  Is that the best he can come up with?  Because I never saw anyone prevented from entering or using the park when I was there.  Of course, there were those creepy looking dudes that Karl Rove and Fox News probably hired to scare the tourists away but other than that, no one was prevented from enjoying the park.  In fact, the NYPD was sending the homeless, mentally ill and aggressive indigent down to Zuccotti Park even though some of them were disruptive and potentially dangerous to the people in the park.  Earth to Mike Bloomberg, no one is going to believe that crap.

Update4: Bloomberg is having a press conference at City Hall but the occupiers are not allowed to get into the City Hall.  So the occupiers are going to try to prevent any of the media or press from getting into the building to attend the conference.   Soooo, let’s get this straight, the people who are the subject of the press conference are prevented from attending the public press conference to hear the reason why their protest was silenced.  Ok, occupiers have been alerted by a member of the press that there is an alternative entrance.  They are linking arms to prevent the press from getting in the building.

Occupiers barring the entrance to City Hall

Meanwhile, the younguns have gotten the distinct impression that they were used by Obama in 2008 and aren’t in the mood to help him next year.

Occupiers are now marching to meet with union and religious leaders.

Update5:  Someone just announced that a judge ruled that Bloomberg can’t evict protestors from Zuccotti Park.  Looking for confirmation…

Here is the ruling from Judge Lucy Giddings.  A temporary restraining order was issued at 6:30am.  The injunction is in effect until 11:30am.  Another hearing is scheduled today in an attempt to make the injunction permanent.

Amy Goodman at Democracy Now was on the scene when the eviction happened.  Her report is on http://www.globalrevolution.tv now.

Ok, I can hear Bloomberg in the background.  He calls the arrests, beatings, pepperspraying and the destruction of personal property as “cleaning”.  I’m going to take a guess that the word “clean” was focus group tested. Bloomberg knows what gets to the conservative viewer.  There’s nothing they like more than cleanness and orderliness. Occupiers’ personal belongings were loaded into dump trucks and carted away.  It sounds like the Mayor is going to ignore the judge’s injunction and that Zucotti Park will remain closed until the situation is clarified.

Occupiers can pick up their personal belongings at the sanitation department parking lot tomorrow.  They must provide proper identification. But as Amy Goodman panned across the area where sanitation workers were loading the destroyed remnants of Zuccotti park protestors stuff, it’s hard to believe that anyone is going to find something worth recovering much less identifying as their own.


Maybe we should have known something was up yesterday when the legal council for Mayor Jean Quan in Oakland quit in disgust and threw his support behind Occupy Oakland. The deputy mayor soon followed.

Or maybe it was the fact that Oakland, Portland and Denver were evicted all at once.

Or maybe it was Mayer Nutter in Philadelphia, newly reelected, who was making noises about OccupyPhilly overstaying its welcome.

Whatever it was, we should have seen it coming.

Details are sketchy because the police aren’t letting journalists near the scene but it looks like the bastards moved in at 2:00am to clear Zuccotti Park. The livestream at GlobalRevolution says that “The police are destroying Zuccotti Park, many arrests, many injured, the police are pushing the press away from the scene. Police are tearing apart library. Broadway and Liberty- arrest teams headed there (Police Scanner)”

You can watch the sanitation workers cleaning the park at globalrevolution.tv.  (They’ve moved on to other things by now)

And here’s a picture that says it all.  NYPD’s finest.

Basically, the police moved in to the park in the dead of night when they thought no one would be looking and destroyed everything, used batons and pepperspray against occupiers and did the bidding of the 1%.

It’s not going to work. They will be back. The genie is out of the bottle. The 1% will never be able to rest easily again because the 99% are all around them. There will be more infiltrations. In fact, the infiltrators are already in place. You can fire the ones you have but a new set of infiltrators will take their place. How are you going to know the difference?

The occupiers in Zuccotti Park were only the ones you could see.

You better be nice because the Zuccotti Park occupiers were models of non-violent resistance. They have no control over what desperate people will do when they’re pushed too far.

17 Responses

  1. Interesting to see kelly personally attending to the operation. And let’s not forget for a moment: 1%-er Bloomberg ordered it. Going to Canal and 6th now.

    • Yes, it is lawful to arrest and beat credentialed reporters who are covering a protest.
      Yes, it is lawful for the police to prevent protestors from re-entering the park when the protestors have an injunction from a judge preventing the police from evicting them
      So, let’s get all on the protestors asses for conducting non-violent protests in a publicly accessible park (you’ll notice that the after photos show no damage to the park sooooo, the whining about damaging the park is bogus)
      BTW, how are your gun totin’ friends in Arizona? I mean, when it comes to protestors behaving badly, none of the occupiers have gone on a shooting spree and shot people in the head, killing little children and grandparents indiscriminately. Nor do they have a leader who makes a video trying to justify this behavior instead of begging for forgiveness.

  2. Bloomberg is on tv, saying health and safety trumps the first amendment. I’d like to hear what a court has to say about that. He said Brookfield Properties asked the city to help clear the park. It’s okay to pitch tents on sidewalks to wait for the newest Iphone or Yankees playoff tickets, but to stand up for your constitutional rights? not so much. TV showed protesters being cleared from Foley Square too.

    • More and more I am beginning to believe that the words “clean”, “health” and “safety” have been tested.

      • That is extremely acute, and I’m sure you’re right.

        It’s also exactly the same rhetoric that the Nazis used against the Jews.

        • There’s a bigger difference between the words “clean” and “cleanse” than the addition of two letters. Yes, you are right. Totalitarian governments find it useful to “cleanse” troublemakers and undesirables.

      • My daughter, caught a bit of the mayor’s press conference as she was heading out the door on her way to school, and remarked that there must have been an outbreak of polio and cholera at the park;. I think she’s right; that has to be the reason.

  3. Shorter Jim Messina of the Obama campaign: “Theres a new generation of useful idiots we can dupe now that their older siblings woke up to the fact we are not Democrats”

    • I read the article and it seems to me that the slightly older young people are described as still being sort-of-for Obama more or less, just not as strongly. They have survival worries and survival pressures and won’t have the time to majorly campaign. They wish he could have done more but still feel he tried to do something.

      He’ll still get their votes. What he won’t get is the votes of the people they won’t be calling calling calling, and driving to the polls, and so forth.

      (By the way, it looks as if the ugly icons are somehow missing or much shrunken and hidden away or something. If that is permanently true, and not just a passing digital anomaly; thank whomever has made that happen).

  4. Surely there is a legal case to be made that can highlight the illegal CONSPIRACY to destroy peaceful political protests!!!!!!
    Who organized the coordinated move against the Occupiers all over the country? Freedom lovers….NOT!!

    • very good point. This was a coordinated effort across the nation. And some of those mayors were Democrats. (Oakland and Portland)
      Who are they taking orders from?

      • This is what scares me. This sounds like a conspiracy of the Federal Homeland Security Operation, or PsyOps from the CIA. But mainly, it sounds illegal because it violates the Constitution….or at least it use to.

  5. FDL: Oakland Mayor Jean Quan Admits Cities Coordinated Crackdown on Occupy Movement

    Embattled Oakland Mayor Jean Quan, speaking in an interview with the BBC (excerpted on The Takeaway radio program–audio of Quan starts at the 5:30 mark), casually mentioned that she was on a conference call with leaders of 18 US cities shortly before a wave of raids broke up Occupy Wall Street encampments across the country. “I was recently on a conference call with 18 cities across the country who had the same situation. . . .”

    Mayor Quan then rambles about how she “spoke with protestors in my city” who professed an interest in “separating from anarchists,” implying that her police action was helping this somehow.

    How about that? A coordinated action indeed.

  6. Here’s my photo-reporting from the new OWS site

    You can’t evict 99% 0f America (or the world)

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