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Pornography, Sex and “The Girls Next Door”

My secret news-source sent me this link:

Women or Wine? Monogamy and Alcohol

The headline is the title of an intriguing new working paper [PDF] by two University of Leuven economists Mara Squicciarini and Jo Swinnen. The two note an interesting correlation between societies that practice monogamy and those that drink alcohol.

Intriguingly, across the world the main social groups which practice polygyny do not consume alcohol. We investigate whether there is a correlation between alcohol consumption and polygynous/monogamous arrangements, both over time and across cultures. Historically, we find a correlation between the shift from polygyny to monogamy and the growth of alcohol consumption. Cross-culturally we also find that monogamous societies consume more alcohol than polygynous societies in the preindustrial world. We provide a series of possible explanations to explain the positive correlation between monogamy and alcohol consumption over time and across societies.

In fact the two economists find that more drinking means more monogamy.

Which made a weird segue in my mind to another story. There is no relationhship at all except in my own dirty mind:

Have you ever seen a creepy-cable-show called, “The Girls Next Door”? As Wikipedia describes it, “The series focuses on the lives of Hefner’s girlfriends who live with him at the Playboy Mansion. Hefner is often on the show along with various Playmates and other celebrities.” And THAT makes the show sound a lot more exciting than it is. Turns out that like all reality TV the talent is in the editing.

Here’s what they’re leaving on the cutting-room floor:

Playboy mansion? More like a squalid prison: Former Playmates tell of ‘grubby’ world inside Hugh Hefner’s empire

… But unfortunately for Hefner, some of his former ‘girlfriends’, as he calls them, have become disenchanted with life in his harem over the years.

One by one they have revealed what life was like behind the glittering façade of the Playboy Mansion. According to them, it disguises a grubby world where some girls feel they are no ­better than prostitutes, paid pocket money by an octogenarian obsessive who funds plastic ­surgery to turn them into his physical ideal, and yet must still take huge amounts of Viagra to manage sex with them.

Hefner likes to have anywhere between three and 15 girlfriends at any one time. One of the group will be chosen to be Girlfriend No 1. She will share Hefner’s bedroom at all times, while the others are merely visitors.

. . .

For Izabella, the Playboy Mansion was far from the glamorous pleasure palace she had imagined. ‘Each ­bedroom had mismatched, random pieces of furniture,’ she recalls in her autobiography Bunny Tales. ‘It was as if someone had gone to a charity shop and bought the basics for each room.

‘Although we all did our best to decorate our rooms and make them homely, the mattresses on our beds were ­disgusting — old, worn and stained. The sheets were past their best, too.
. . .
She adds: ‘But then Hef was used to dirty carpets. The one in his bedroom had not been changed for years, and things became significantly worse when Holly Madison moved into his room with him as Girlfriend No. 1 soon after I moved in, bringing her two dogs.

‘They weren’t house-trained and would just do their business on the bedroom carpet. Late at night, or in the early hours of the morning — if any of us visited Hef’s bedroom — we’d almost always end up standing in dog mess.

I’m not sure what she means with the crack about finding furniture at a charity shop …. I’ve seen stuff at the one up the street from me that is wonderful. But, we get the idea, the Playboy Mansion: It’s dirty, dude.

As with so much else in their time with Hefner, the girls followed strict rules before entering his bedroom for the sex parties.One of those who witnessed these preparations was Jill Ann Spaulding, an aspiring model who wrote to ­Hefner in 2002 asking to be a Playboy centrefold.
. . .
Beforehand, all the girls were told to take a bath. ‘I got in, then another girl appeared from nowhere and jumped in with me,’ recalls Spaulding. ‘Then Hef stepped around the corner and took a photo of us naked in the bath together before disappearing. It was all very strange.

‘Another girl led me into Hef’s master bedroom. The only light was coming from two TVs on which adult films were showing. All the other girls were there, dressed like me in pink pyjamas.

‘If you kept your pyjama bottoms on, that was a sign that you didn’t want to have contact that night.’ According to Spaulding there were 12 girls there on that first night, and only she and another girl declined the offer to have sex with Hefner, who did not use a condom.
. . .
Although still hoping to make Playboy centrefold, Jill Ann Spaulding was determined to resist becoming intimate with Hefner and quickly discovered the consequences when she returned to his room for another of the sex parties, keeping her pyjama bottoms determinedly on. The other girls soon made it clear that she was expected to take them off.

‘I was terrified. They were all looking at me, including Hef from the bed — just staring straight at me. I said firmly that I couldn’t join in.

‘Hef looked absolutely furious, and one of the girls hissed at me that I was disappointing him. I didn’t care. Hef’s face was like thunder but I was left alone.’

. . .

But St James — with big university debts — was more interested in the weekly pocket money which Hefner paid all his girlfriends. ‘Every Friday morning we had to go to Hef’s room, wait while he picked up all the dog poo off the carpet — and then ask for our allowance: a thousand dollars counted out in crisp hundred-dollar bills from a safe in one of his bookcases,’ she says.

‘We all hated this process. Hef would always use the occasion to bring up anything he wasn’t happy about in the relationship. Most of the complaints were about the lack of harmony among the girlfriends — or your lack of sexual participation in the “parties” he held in his bedroom.
. . .
The girls travelled with Hefner in a white limousine which had a ­leopard-skin interior, with Playboy bunny logos sewn onto the seats. As they left the mansion, they drank Dom Perignon champagne and downed Quaaludes, a prescription-only sedative drug popularised in the Seventies and now handed out by Hefner.

‘Quaaludes were supposed to give you a nice buzz,’ says Izabella St James. ‘Hef told me once that they were meant to put girls in the mood for sex.’

Does it really make sense to call these women “girlfriends”? Or is it just flat-out prostitution if the “girls” are judged & paid each week by how happily they participate in regular sex parties?

And, I have to wonder if the girls pictured in myiq2xu’s post yesterday, The pornification of young girls are heading toward a visit at The Mansion?

37 Responses

  1. If you’re 80 you shouldn’t have sex with anyone under 60

  2. Which one of the girls has to change his Depends?

  3. RT:justjim36 Applause for Google. Map of bird and fish kills, #worldwide! http://bit.ly/gR3RCl #Bird&FishKills #Phenomena #Science #global

    OK, this is more interesting than that perve and his bottles of Viagra.

    Interesting to see what the map looks like in a couple of days. Spooky, scary and leaves one to wonder.

    • Dandy Tiger already posted once today about the bird and fish kills and Katiebird worked very hard on this post.

      I think it’s interesting even if you don’t.

    • The viagra is the least interesting surprising part of the story (which is why I didn’t mention his phony engagement)

      I’ve always been interested in squalor & this story is saturated in that

      • That is weird, he has plenty of cash (clearly to hand out a thousand a week) to hire cleaning people or something. The part about Hef picking up dog messes was weird because I thought rich people had staff to take care of those kinds of things.

    • Here’s what I think : this comment sucks.I’m never going to guess wht you think I should write about.

      That other comment,though? With the 80 year old granny? That wasn’t bad. It was actually conversation

  4. Hef is getting really pathetic–or was he ever anything else? 😕

  5. You would think Mr. Hefner could afford to install tile or concrete floors that could just be hosed down with bleach.

    Which is what I wish I could do with my brain after reading the description of that wretched man.


    • That’s how it goes with squalor.If you don’t have to hose yourself down –it’s not that squalid.

      • Oh, but he is 80 years old and when I think about the homes of some of my older relatives… It isn’t squalor but they won’t pass any white glove tests.

        My grandmother gets moisture ants (piss ants for the really classy people!) coming into the kitchen if she forgets to clean up sugar, but she can’t see them very well because they are so small.

  6. So the American Association of Wine Economists are promoting research that says wine drinking promotes monogamy. That’s some creative marketing. I’m gonna guess there is plenty of alcohol being consumed on a regular basis at the Playboy Mansion.

    I suppose one could make the case that polygamy is sanctioned by some religious societies that also prohibit alcohol consumption. Not sure how much of that is relevant in modern times. But it sure doesn’t mean that getting drunk keeps you from cheating on your partner.

  7. Sony Bankrolls 3D Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Videos for PlayStation and TV.

    All of those guys who ran out and purchased 3D televisions this year because they had to have the latest gadgets only to find that they weren’t very useful because not many people were offering programming have new cause to celebrate. Sony has signed on as the sponsor for a half-hour 3D video spinoff of Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Issue, which will debut this week at CES in Las Vegas. Sony expects that it may lose money on the video, but hope it will boost the demand for its own 3D TVs.

    3D Swimsuit Video is a nice euphemism for “you’ll be able to watch fullout 3D Porn.” It is not a coincidence that the world’s largest Consumer Electronics Show and the world’s biggest Adult Entertainment Expo are starting tomorrow in Las Vegas at the same time.

  8. I need a drink.

  9. Blue Shield of California seeks rate hikes of as much as 59% for individuals.

  10. These accounts from behind the scene are so much more repulsive – and sad – than the actual show. Which was in itself quite repulsive and sad. Though I’ll admit I found it entertaining too – in the sense “I can’t believe this is really happening!”

    Another sad look at how women are exploited – and seek the exploitation – is the documentary Videocracy. Worth watching …

    TV-magnate and Presidente Silvio Berlusconi has influenced the content of commercial television in a way never before done in Italy. His TV-channels, with their young skimpy-clad girls, are seen by many to mirror his own taste and personality.

    In Videocracy, Italian-born director Erik Gandini portrays the consequences of a TV-experiment that Italians have been subjected to for 30 years. Gaining unique access to the most powerful media spheres, he unveils a remarkable story, born out of the scary reality of ”TV-Republic” Italy.

  11. I just find it sad that there are women with such low self-esteem/self-worth that they think selling themselves to the old geezer is good. I can never watch any of these reality shows for the same reason – the participants are usually just selling themselves for their “15 minutes”.

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