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Progressive Onanists Opposed to O’Donnell (POOO)

A new group has formed to campaign against Christine O’Donnell, the GOP/TP nominee for the Senate in Delaware. Progressive Onanists Opposed to O’Donnell (POOO) believe that her stance against masturbation violates their fundamental rights.

“Wanking is not a lifestyle choice!” said Hairy Seed, founder and president of POOO. “We have a right to self-gratification.”

Seed first gained fame for his seminal work, “Lubes, Lotions and One-Handed Blogging, a guide for Obama Supporters” where he stated “Thousands of Obama supporters are coming together over the internet every day.” He is also the author of “Blogstalking – How to obtain sexual thrills while avoiding restraining orders.

This is an open thread.

Can this party be saved?

I’ve been cruising the web, checking out the blind men groping different parts of the elephant and trying to make sense of it all. None of them are seeing the big picture though, with the exeception of Ian Welsh and he’s even more pessimistic than I am. So, I thought I’d throw my own uninformed opinion into the mix. Here it is.

The Tea Party should give the Democrats the willies but not for the reason they think. It’s not the Koch brothers who are the big problem here. Oh, sure, the crazy idiot libertarians of the Republican party are about to get their wet dream fulfilled. But if they didn’t exist to fund the Tea Party, the voters might have invented it themselves. See, a lot of the people voting for Tea Party candidates are voters the Democrats might easily have claimed as their own two years ago.

If the blogger boyz could actually bother to get to know them, they’d understand what kind of pressure the working class is under. They work long years for stagnant pay while their under water houses take up more and more of their income. They can’t send their kids to college without saddling them with crippling debt. Their employment prospects are dim. And someone’s always got their hands out. Sometimes it’s teachers. Sometimes it’s bankers. Sometimes it’s their unemployed neighbors. To top it all off, the businesses that became cozy with both parties are ripping them off in every transaction from the ATM to the airlines to the gas station. And no matter how desperate they are for relief, the government only subsidizes the most destitute. In other words, you have to lose absolutely everything you have ever worked for before you get a boot with which you can pull yourself up.

Now, two years ago, those people had a choice. Or they THOUGHT they had a choice. They could have hit the reset button and gone back eight years or they could take a risk with Barack Obama. The choice was made for them by blogger boyz who felt they couldn’t leave this monumental moment of transcendent, orgasmic change in the hands of stupid working class people. So, we got change.

But while the blogger boyz were basking in the afterglow, life went on for the working class. And life has gotten significantly worse. The Democrats have given them nothing. The health care reform act was less than nothing. TARP was a disaster. HAMP is a disgrace. And as Peter Daou pointed out today, more people were killed in (non combat) operations in (not) Iraq, or something like that.

Believe it or not, guys, the working class can read.

They are not amused. At this point, the lives of the working class of the Tea Party have become like a sinking liferaft. They are throwing everyone else over to save themselves. Well, who can blame them? The Democrats gave them nothing in the past 6 years. At least the Tea Party Republicans offer them tax cuts. If that’s all they can get, they’ll take it.

And don’t blame them for this choice. It’s not because they’re stupid. It isn’t that they don’t understand that they are only hurting themselves. It’s that the Democrats give them no alternatives. And they’re pissed off. They could have had another Clinton.

Now, the lefty bloggers can continue to make fun of them and pile on Sarah Palin but that only going to make the former Democrats in the Tea Party even madder and more committed to getting rid of Democrats. They are tired of being mocked and treated like suckers.

The Democrats appear to be headed for political impotence. If they lose Congress, it’s back to the hinterlands, with no committee chairmanships and less seniority and meager campaign contributions. Obama will have to carry the ball for the whole party. Let me repeat that. OBAMA will have to carry the ball for the entire party.

Can this party be saved? I dunno. Depends on how badly it wants to save itself. Is it ready to make peace with the people it stupidly threw away in 2008? I’d like to think so but the Catfood Commission is still in business. That’s a bad sign. Oh, and Elizabeth Warren’s appointment would signify that the days of a free ride for bankers and credit card companies are coming to an end but that doesn’t look very promising at the moment.

It would be helpful to bring in another quarterback for 2012 but the blogger boyz are sneering at that idea.

I guess the answer is, No, unfortunately. Too bad really. Because unless the voting machines are already rigged, a party still needs voters to remain viable. And the Democrats got rid of a good chunk of them in 2008.

Pass the crumpets.

A cure among us

Myiq2xu asks:

The GOP establishment threw everything including the kitchen sink at O’Donnell and Palin, and it wasn’t even close. Of course the conventional media wisdom is this helps the . . . Democrats? WTF?

The CW that O’Donnell’s win is good news for Dems does not surprise me. The meme comes from the fact that Mama Grizzlies energize not only the right but the left. We saw this play out in 2008, but we will find out in a matter of weeks whether the Dems in their sick, sad present state can win general elections running on this one-trick pony again. Dems are bankrupt and have nothing else to run on so rallying the base against oddballs like Angle, O’Donnell, etc. is one of the only things that allows the Obama Left to cling bitterly to their cynical version of Hope.

The current lot of Democrats and their progressive enablers love to point out how low-information and stupid their opponents and critics are. But, how smart were Obama and his backers? How good was the quality of their information? How could they have not known that jobs was going to be the number one issue in this election cycle?

There is a stunning amount of stupidity on display right now, but it is not that of ordinary Americans. It is the massive stupidity of so-called “Democratic strategists” and movement progressives who thought that turning their backs on defending working people, women, lgbt, minorities, the environment, a genuine public component in healthcare reform, social security, civil liberties, stem cell research, and so on, would somehow carry them through a period of persistent unemployment and war that most Americans do not want to be in.

For myself, trying to choose between the Pelosis/Obamas and the Angles/Millers is like trying to choose between malaria or smallpox. A plague on both their houses, literally. Voting to continue Washington’s bipartisan desertion of the American people is not the antidote. It is the disease that ensures the corporate hold on our country.

Is there a cure among us from this processed sanity?

‘2010 is gone for Democrats’

Epic Fail

From Politico:

2010 Is ‘Gone,’ Says Big-Time Dem

“He cannot save 2010,” the big-time Democrat is saying of Barack Obama. “It is gone. He must now concentrate on saving 2012. But the biggest fear of some of those close to him is that he might not really want to go on in 2012, that he might not really care.”

Repeat after me:

“WE – TOLD – YOU – SO!”

He he he