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Silly Hillary Diehards growing in number

My aunts were at this rally. Truly impressive.

Ron4Hills found this ridiculous article in the LATimes.  Red Flag for a Sinking Obama: Americans now prefer Hillary Clinton:

It is, of course, a really silly thing to even think about, given the clout of the Chicago Machine boys currently occupying the White House.

But, just say, the Real Great Talker continues his spiraling descent in the polls over the next 12-18 months; already the Democrat is barely tied with Any Republican in opinion polls looking toward 2012.

Even worse, a majority of Americans have already decided they don’t want Obama to have a second term.

And a new CNN/Opinion Research Poll has just revealed that even today Americans like that other Democrat more and dislike that other Democrat less than they do the incumbent Democratic president.

That other Democrat is, of course, Hillary Clinton, who fought and scratched her way mightily but unsuccessfully through those bitter, belligerent Democratic primaries and caucuses of 2008. The former first lady and current secretary of State professes no intra-mural interest in challenging her White House boss, as she must as long as she’s an administration team member.

The published CNN article focused on an Obama matchup with Sarah Palin. But within the data were Favorable/Unfavorable ratings for numerous prominent politicians of both parties. Here are the surprising new poll numbers for Clinton:

61% now think favorably of the former senator and only 35% unfavorably, both numbers improved from the 56% and 40% she had during the Democratic National Convention in late August of 2008.

By comparison, in the same CNN poll, 57% of Americans now think favorably of Obama, down from 78% just before his inauguration; and 41% now think unfavorably of him, more than twice his unfavorable rating of early 2009.

Clinton’s numbers also beat all other both Democrats and Republicans in the new poll.

Ha-ha-ha!  (Or should I say “Bwah-hah-hahhh!”?)  We all know, as we have been told over and over and over again, that Obama is wildly popular.  He is the most-ut.  Really, it doesn’t get any better than B+ Barry.  And now that he’s passed The Heritage Foundation’s proposals for Health Care Reform, he’s an A, baby, all the way.  Any minute now, the Washington Post or the New York Times is bound to run another profile piece on Hillary, telling us losers how well she is adjusting to licking Obama’s boots, or reminding us how poorly she ran her campaign, a convenient CW fiction that doesn’t square with reality.   Or even that she runs the State department remarkably well and her employees like her but this is somehow indicative of some deep seated flaw in her character.

Meanwhile, we bitter losers have suffered through nearly two years of Obama’s droogs trampling all over us with their hobnalied victory boots, calling us Hillary Diehards.  They say that like it’s a *bad* thing.   I don’t know about the rest of you Conflucians but I continue to be amazed at how tenderly we have been treated by the rest of the party who still need our votes but don’t know it yet.   Forgive?  Maybe.  Forget?  Never.

Actually, while I have always believed that Hillary Clinton would make a much better president than Obama, that was never the issue I had with the Democratic party in 2008 to the present.  The problem was and continues to be that the party disenfranchised more than half of its members, took their votes for granted and held a gun to their heads in November 2008.  I don’t negotiate with terrorists.  The party won’t get my vote again until it purges itself of the marauders who took it over in 2008.  Nope.  Don’t even go there.  And stop calling me for money.

But seriously, Hillary Clinton would have a steep uphill climb to get the nomination for president.  Let’s not kid ourselves.  I think she’d have zillions of volunteers ready to step up and help her do it and a built in constituency of voters now under the bus.  But it’s not going to happen until Democratic acitivists get their heads out of their asses and realize what a mistake it has been to completely write off one of the most accomplished and principled politicians of their lifetimes.  They need to stop listening to the party operatives that have them convinced that Hillary is some uber agent of the DLC.  They need to see her as an ally, not their enemy.  And they need to drop the fucking sexist attitude.  It’s getting old and frankly, we holdouts are sick and tired of it.

Bonus points to the Conflucian who gets this reference

So, go ahead Democrats and lose your shirts this November.  Take a good look at those polls the morning after (because we know you will be in denial until then).  Look past the Tea Party, many of whom will be onboard the moment Hillary decides to run.  We’re still out here, the Democrats in Exile, the FDR liberals, the so-called Hillary diehards who just want a decent, functioning government that works for the vast majority of citizens not in the bonus class.

We don’t want Obama.  He wasn’t ready.  We want someone ready to lead on day one.  We want someone very much like Hillary.

Think about it.  Because being out of power for a generation really sucks.

PS. I never took the Hillary for president bumpersticker off my car and I never will.