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Obama: Premiums Will Decrease 3000%

Wishing can’t make it so.  Especially if it’s impossible.

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104 Responses

  1. He’s lying again. I think the “tell” is that he’s dropping his g’s again….

    • Is he conveniently forgetting the tax levy now ?

    • Doncha love it when he gets all folksy?


      • I actually hate it. If I wanted a fake-folksy-liar, I’d have liked Bush.

        • Did he start doing it before Sarah Palin hit the campaign scene, or did he pick it up from her? He has a tendency to pick up mannerisms from others — like a teenage girl would.

          • Oh I see – blame it on someone else: Sarah Palin.

            Barack Obama has spent his entire life preparing to be POTUS by pretending to be something he isn’t. He got his wish and now the entire world sees just how gullible the American electorate has been.

            Fortunately it won’t happen again for a very long time.

          • gweema — Actually, he was on a radio show when he was running for IL state senate and said “you betcha”, so I don’t think Palin had anything to do with it.

            I would assume that he started getting all folksy when Obama felt he had to deal with the little people of Chicago and IL. Although he had no idea that he was living near a GREAT LAKE for the entire time he lived there (but I digress).

      • He seems to only do that folksy thing when he is talking to the dumb sh** who voted for him. Maybe it is appropriate in that context.

    • Drop 3000%? In *all* of the 57 states?

    • nope his lips move. That’s how you can tell ke’s lying.

    • Katie, I think you are on to something with the tells — he goes all Southern preacher like. That makes my ex-fundamentalist/pentecostal antennae rise up and I want to flee.

  2. It seems to me that if this was a good bill they wouldn’t have to make up crazy stuff.

    • I think the message here is you’ve been trying for a year and it’s still not working … doesn’t that make a few bells go off in your head? It certainly does in OURS!

    • …and these wouldn’t be closed events.

    • It’s a recurring theme with them. If Hillary was so bad, they wouldn’t’ve had to have made up crazy stuff, etc etc etc.

  3. Is that statistic from the Obama Department of “I can say this with a straight face–I must be a robot” ?

  4. What. The. Hell.

  5. “Every proposal’s been put on the table…”



    At least with Bush, you got a sense that he knew he was bullshitting and would smirk to let you know it.

    • I wonder what would’ve actually been the result if we HAD started from the Public Option instead of behind close doors White House negotiations with Big Pharma and the insurance industry as the starting point

      • ….or if we had started from single payer… the public option has been used as a huge bait-and-switch.

        • I kept thinking that was just too much to wish for, but a REAL public option would’ve been at least, doable if they’d have really taken on the industries involved

          • the PO was too easily co-opted and rendered into a zombie option that was never even meant to see the light of day in the final bill anyway. It we had had Dem leadership who wouldn’t have been so quick to close out single payer advocates from the discussion, they could have used single payer pressure to bargain for a real PO. That is of course, only if they ever really wanted a real PO. Which they didn’t.

    • Later in the video his pants caught on fire. True story.

    • Every time he says that “every argument has been made” and “every proposal’s been put on the table,” I just can’t figure out how he ways that with a straight face.

      But I’m just a “little single payer supporter.”


  6. We did start from the “Public Option”. Unfortunately, it was a poorly defined and meaningless “Public Option”.

    More sad is the fact that the Progressive Caucus punted on Single Payer in favor of the-so-called-Public-Option, pretty much from the jump. According to Maxine Waters.

    2:25 into the clip Maxine spills the beans.

    • Yeah, I guess it got confuzzled and bamboozled quickly. I always thought that buying into Medicare was what they meant from the get go … silly me. I mean it could’ve been set up to provide coverage for all and to set means tested premiums to help bail out medicare funding problems.

  7. What’s happened to Allegre’s Corner. Are they gone too?

  8. I’ve erased the on-topic comment that I had typed to re-place it with what Chris Hedges wrote in his March 8th post at truthdig. There are no constraints left to stop America’s slide into a totalitarian capitalism. The electoral politics are a sham. The media has been debased and defanged. The working class has been improvished. The legal system corrupts to serve corporate interests.

    The people have to rebel. What is depressing is with whom do we replace the bums we throw out?

  9. When you are talking about decreases, percentage is tricky. A 100% decrease means 0 of whatever your base number is. Above 100%, decreases change signs. For example, if you are paying $100 a month, 100% reduction means you will be paying $0. A 200% decrease means, you will be paid back $100 a month.
    So at 3000% reduction, you will be paid back $2900 a month, if you are currently paying $100 a month.

    Someone at another blog said the Teleprompter probably said 30.00% and he read it as 3000%.
    But then who would be impressed by 30% decrease?

    I don’t understand this man.

    • Thank you for clarifying that. I was totally flummoxed by the mathematical probability of a greater than 100% change either way, and couldn’t understand why anyone would not question the rationale.

    • it’s new math, the new obama math, I’m sure we’re not meant to understand

      • Aw c’mon. You just don’t understand the intricacies of 11 Dimensional Chess quantum double-backflip algorithms.

        • I guess this kind of math can only be done by teh One …

          sorta like those double blackflips NEO does with no help from the special effects crew

    • If an employer is paying $300 a month for the employee’s health insurance, that 30% would only be $90 a month…..not enough to impress anyone with that great big raise their employer should be giving to them, so he needed to embellish and he decided to go really, really big!!

  10. Does this man have ANY credibility anymore? He opens his mouth…he lies. I stopped listening a long time ago.

  11. Wow, I did not think I could dislike this President less. But today I do.

  12. he lies and people faint..maybe from fright

    • No, those people are unemployed, uninsured, and ill. They went to the rally in hopes of being healed by the great one.

  13. http://fdlaction.firedoglake.com/2010/03/16/obama-against-choice/

    from jane hamsher

    But the Democratic establishment are now out to torpedo any woman who sticks up for choice. Steve Hildebrand — Obama’s Deputy Campaign Manager, who called up rich donors and told them to cut off 527s during the campaign — is threatening to primary her if she defends a womans’ right to choose from Ben Nelson’s assault

    bet jane regrets staying neutral in the primaries now

    • She should regret it as should any woman who supported him. Talk about decisions from Hell.

    • The great Orange sippy cup has a recommended diary up playing the race card on Hamsher, Moore, Kucinich, Huffington, etc. What goes around…

      • I’m not going there but really???? woo-hoo, that makes me happy.

      • Why is that ALWAYS the answer? It just can”t be he’s an incompetent sell out and his race makeup has nothing to do with that? It’s his character?

        • the diary is accusing kill-the-billers on the left of being disproportionately white and well-off

          • yeah, the fact that we all support medicare for all completely goes over their head

          • I think they are trying to rescue the last bit of “pride” for voting the fool into office. They are so desperate to have him do anything he promised, that they don’t care what it is.

          • {{{{banging head}}}}

          • Holy effing $&@). As much as I disliked that site, they were never that crazy. Total meltdown mode. Thank goodness the great uniter has gotten everyone at each other’s throats.

  14. Worst President in my lifetime. He makes Bush look good and I didn’t think that was possible!

  15. I’m sure this is going to get a lot of attention from the media and from comedians since, if Bush ever said anything like this, it would get wall to wall coverage for a week.

  16. Maybe he meant 3000 CENT decrease.

    • well, we’ve made him unhappy now, he’s working too hard and we’re not worshipful enough, it’s bound to make him mess up with the teleprompter reading.

  17. This doesn’ sound like a decrease in health spending to me.

    Mass.-type health care could wipe out economy, state Treasurer Timothy Cahill says

    BOSTON – The Massachusetts treasurer said Tuesday that Congress will “threaten to wipe out the American economy within four years” if it adopts a health-care overhaul modeled after the Bay State’s.

    Treasurer Timothy P. Cahill – a former Democrat running as an independent for governor – said the local plan enacted in 2006 has succeeded only because of huge subsidies and favorable regulatory changes from the federal government.

    “Who, exactly, is going to bail out the federal government if this plan goes national?” he asked.


    Cahill cited quotations in which he has called for the state to abandon its plan, and for the federal government not to match it.

    He also gave reporters a copy of a recent state ledger sheet, showing the state’s Medicaid program ballooning from $7.5 billion to a projected $9.2 billion since the plan was adopted. Meanwhile, of the 407,000 newly insured, only 32 percent paid for private insurance wholly by themselves.

    • What a joke. The MA plan is not “successful”. I’m living proof of that. Notice the Dems never actually mention MA when they talk about taking our “reforms” national? It’s honestly amazing how the Dems have so screwed this up, but look at this article, because the Obama-progressives walk in lock step with the President, only the right wing argument against the insurer boondoggle will get any airtime.

  18. It amazes me how capable they are to do horrible things. Couldn’t they push for something good? Clearly they are able to accomplish payouts to the moneyed class.

  19. I think he really believes it.

  20. Some headlines are popping up on the internets saying the CBO scores “come up short.”


  21. Rep Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) to announce his health care vote in a 10am news conference on Wednesday.

  22. Well, it had to happen. Since corporations are now fully people, one is running for congress. Obviously a stunt, but I like the idea of skipping the middle man.

    • Here’s a quote from them:

      “Until now,” the firm says in its release, “corporate interests had to rely on campaign contributions and influence peddling to achieve their goals in Washington. But thanks to an enlightened Supreme Court, now we can eliminate the middle-man and run for office ourselves.”

    • I love it!

    • That’s perfect. Their first ad sounds like most people who are in Congress right now anyway…

      • LMFAO — Corporations say “it’s our democracy we bought it we paid for it”

  23. OK, even though I’m of the boy persuasion, I thought this was funny. Esp. extra funny when you think about our recent discussions of Edwards:

    A 3-year-old boy examined his testicles while taking a bath.
    “Mom”, he asked, “Are these my brains?”
    “Not yet,” she replied.

  24. Even Rainman could count.
    Every time this fool goes out in public I despise the (new) democratic party a little bit more for what they did to our country.



  25. “Filegate” judge: There’s no there there — and never was
    Joe Conason

    Yesterday the last wheeze of hype was squeezed from that old controversy, when U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth dismissed the remaining civil lawsuit against former Clinton administration officials in the FBI files affair. Brought by eccentric attorney Larry Klayman, who became a favorite of cable television and conservative funders during the Clinton era, those costly lawsuits were described in the judge’s decision as essentially baseless.


  26. Premiums will drop 3,000%? REALLY? Can he say what company will do that, and will it go into effect this July?

  27. The way I figure it, I’ll be getting a check for $36,180 from Blue Cross every month. Isn’t that “3000%” of $1206? Which is what I pay now? (A 27% increase since Nov)

  28. Until I heard the word, “3000” come out of his mouth, I really couldn’t believe he said this. I mean, I view Obama as incompetent, and void of principles—but potentially retarded? Wow. Or is he actually trying to model his policy pitch after George Bush?

  29. spammy’s eating my comments again. nice hungry spammy…. good boy!

  30. Wonder where Obama got his numbers from??

    “The statistics Obama based his claims on come from two sources. In both cases, caveats got left out.
    A report for the Business Roundtable, an association of big company CEOs, was the source for the claim that employers could save $3,000 per worker on health care costs, the White House said.
    Issued in November, the report looked generally at proposals that Democrats were considering to curb health care costs, concluding they had the potential to significantly reduce future increases.
    But the analysis didn’t consider specific legislation, much less the final language being tweaked this week. It’s unclear to what degree the bill that the House is expected to vote on within days would reduce costs for employers.”


  31. For a guy with a degree from Harvard, he sure has trouble with math… It is impossible for premiums to decrease 3,000%, as a 100% decrease would mean that it’s FREE. 3,000% would mean that Obama’s health care bill will actually PAY US to carry health insurance. Frankly, I’m getting very tired of Obama, Reid, Pelosi, & ALL of the other members of congress assuming that we the American people are “f*ing retarded” to coin the phrase used by Obama’s right hand man Rob Emanuel.

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