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Ides of March open thread

Caesar gets the point

Today is March 15th, sometimes known as the Ides of March. On this day in 44 B.C. Julius Caesar was assassinated in the Roman Senate by Marcus Junius Brutus, Gaius Cassius Longinus and 60 other co-conspirators. It was the original filibuster.

What are you doing today?

92 Responses

  1. Well, I’ve been musing about how our Fearless Leader would score on this:


    I give him a 14 (out of a possible 16).

    • Only 14?

    • I just took that. I gave him 16. I like the resulting quote from them: “Be very afraid.”

      • Well, he only got one point on a couple of questions from me because I couldn’t be absolutely sure that he exhibited the behavior *all* the time or just *some* of the time. You may just have seen more of him than I have. 😉

        14 still falls into the “be very afraid” category.

  2. From today in Ohio:

    • Kucinich should vote yes on HCR

      Obamacare =/= HCR

    • Denny K:

      President Barack Obama is in northern Ohio on Monday to campaign for his health care plan, and I will be here to welcome him. I have met with the president three times to discuss how we can work together to address the serious deficiencies in our health care system. Even at this late date, I am hopeful that the White House will be able to reinstate key reforms that passed the Education and Labor Committee on which I serve.

      Unfortunately, the president’s plan, as it currently stands, leaves patients financially vulnerable to insurance companies. It requires all Americans to buy private health insurance policies, while failing to ensure those policies do what they are supposed to do — protect people from financial catastrophe caused by injury or illness.

      Comprehensive health insurance is a matter of economic security. While many Americans don’t have health insurance at all, many more Americans have health insurance that doesn’t pay for care when they get sick or injured. When that happens, illness can lead to economic ruin. Half the personal bankruptcies in America occur because health insurance companies refuse to pay medical bills.

      Unfortunately, if the president’s plan becomes law without substantive change, you would still be only a major illness or injury away from personal bankruptcy, except the federal government will have required you to buy a private health insurance policy.

      Over the years, I have held many town hall meetings in the 10th District on health care. I am the co-author of H.R. 676, a bill that would improve Medicare and extend its coverage to those under age 65.

      This past year, as reform legislation began to take shape, I led a group of members of Congress to create a set of policies that clarified elements of a suitable compromise. I joined a majority of the 77 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus who promised to oppose any legislation that did not include a public option.

      When a bill was considered in the Committee on Education and Labor last summer, I worked hard to improve it. I won five separate amendments, each of which improved the bill significantly. A key improvement was my amendment to allow states to implement a single-payer plan, the only model proven to control costs while covering everyone.

      The amendment waived the application of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act for any state that signs into law a single-payer health care plan. My budget-neutral amendment was passed by a bipartisan vote of 27-19. The promise of single-payer health care reform in the states constituted a safety net, if the underlying bill otherwise failed to control costs.

      I voted for this version of the health care bill, and it passed in committee. It was a compromise, but a reasonable one. However, the version of the bill that reached the House floor was considerably watered down. It had a severely weakened public option and the employee-retirement waiver had been stripped. It no longer constituted an incremental step forward that would provide relief to my constituents, so I could not support it. The version of the bill that passed the Senate was even worse.

      Absent a strong public option or legal protection for states that wish to pursue single payer, the bill that the president is proposing is a step in the wrong direction. Even with the few modest improvements in the bill, the insurance companies will still have dozens of loopholes to deny care and continue to find ways to leave Americans with the unpayable bill.

  3. Once upon a time, taxes were due today:

    Tara Blackwell and her husband sold their Fairfield house in December for about half of its original $825,000 price as a short sale, in which the bank agrees to accept less than is owed on the mortgage.

    The couple and their two children moved in with Blackwell’s parents and thought the situation was behind them. Then it came time to pay their 2009 taxes.

    To their dismay, they discovered that California would count the $412,000 difference between their original price and the sale price as part of their income, resulting in a hefty state income tax bill.

    “We lost our down payment of $70,000, we lost our home and now California wants $38,000 (in extra taxes) from us,” Tara Blackwell said. “It’s like kicking you when you’re down.”

    California legislators last week passed a bill that would fix the situation. It mirrors a federal law that excludes “forgiven debt” on a principal residence from being considered taxable income. It covers short sales, foreclosures, deeds in lieu of foreclosure and loan modifications that reduce the principal due.

    However, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has until March 23 to sign the bill, indicated that he is likely to veto it based on an unrelated provision regarding tax fraud.

    • What a vile situation. It is not worthwhile to buy a home or put down any roots in this country the way things stand.

  4. I’m trying to choose a combination smoke/CO detectors for my dad.

    • Make sure they’re non-flammable.

    • Don’t get the really fancy ones that have the visible panel (had two go bunkers and they are PRICEY!), get the round one that goes on the ceiling with the detector with the yellow light (actually lets you see when it is activated).

  5. Fitting day, since the MSM is starting to ask Et tu, Obie?

  6. Donna B tweet:

    @donnabrazile: If a handful of Democrats decide to defeat this bill, they deserve to get a primary challenge to defend the status quo & insurance industry.
    3 hours 41 minutes ago



  7. My big exciting activity today was sending out my extension form (IRS 7004). Isn’t it fun playing with the IRS.

    Otherwise I’m nose to the grindstone writing software.

  8. I watching two guys who are out of work and friends rebuild the back yard fence. I’m feeling grateful that we have enough money to do it and spread it around a little.

    Six months unemployment for the carpenter, and almost that for the mechanic’s expediter. We have to help each other best we can. After this project is finished, it will be the next roof layer with the other carpenter I know who has been out of work since November, and the roofer down the street; out since xmas week.

  9. It’s like the carpenter said today, it’s not even the money, it’s just doing something and keeping busy.

    • I agree there. When I’m busy getting things done, I feel much better. When I pause and think about the state of affairs, I get pissed.

  10. Well my Ides of March is going swimmingly. I fell down my steps this morning and now I feel like I’ve been in a car accident. Luckily no broken bones, just black and blue and lumps in places that create problems for sitting.

    • Ooow! Hope your tailbone is all right!

      • I think so. It’s mostly the right “cheek”

        • There are times when having a big butt is a good thing.

          Not that you have one or anything.

          • It’s just those pants that make it look that way.

          • At my age a little “junk in the trunk” provides essential padding for those times when your dog clips you behind the knees and sends you flying down the stairs on your butt.

          • A child who shall remain nameless asked me yesterday why my tummy was so big. When I said, “because your baby sister is inside,” he then pointed… um, a little higher, and said, “Why are those so big?”

            I’d rather have a big butt. : )

          • just say she’ll come out crying and hungry!!!

        • One day last year I had to take my dog to the vet hospital to get her blood pressure checked. I was told to keep her as calm as possible. So I picked her up gently and started out the front door (2 steps down). The next thing I know I went flying, my dog went flying, I landed on my back and she landed safely on my chest. We arrived at the vet hospital with her hysterical and me bleeding. So much for calmness. Needless to say the BP readings were sky high and we had to go back again the next day.

          I hope your bruises and cuts get better soon, SoD.

          • Thanks. I think I might have fractured my foot. It’s swelling and hurts to stand on. 😦

          • Oh no! Do take care of it, SoD. If it doesn’t improve soon, maybe you should get an x-ray.

            Oh gosh, this is what REAL hcr would be for!

          • Yes, get it looked after, and put a cold compress for the swelling on there too. Elevation helps, but do consider going in, at least to the urgent care clinic…take care.

    • Hey, I fell down the stairs and my security cameras got the whole thing… :blush:

    • Ack, sorry SOD.

    • Ouch! so sorry to hear this! Hope you can spend some time in a hot tub tonight! Feel better!

    • Oh sorry to hear that, SOD. I hope you can lay around and avoid putting any pressure on the sore parts.

      • I slipped on the bottom step last Sept. and pulled a ligament in my foot – it took a piece of bone with it – I “healed” relatively quickly but it still bothers at times – let’s say I know always know when it’s going to rain!

        😯 Take care Sod and keep it up as much as possible.

  11. “Working Families Party” is threatening Dems who vote NO on a bill that sells out working families:

    In Murphy’s case, he needs to worry about the fact that the Working Families Party, a third-party powerhouse in New York, is now threatening to mount challenges to Dems who vote No, and SEIU is doing the same.

    • Really???

    • WTF? I thought the WFP was lefty? Did I miss something?

      • They are but they’re confused about strategy. One of their big things is trying to convince people to vote for the Democratic candidate on the WFP line and then when the Dems see how many people checked the WFP box they’ll be impressed and pay more attention to WFP issues. I know some people who work for them and they’re great, their heart is in the right place, but they’re just not committed to being a real party and challenging the Dems, they want to try and carve out this little sphere of influence and not rock the two party duopoly vote out of fear.

    • What does the SEIU have to gain? I guess they cover healthcare workers at hospitals/nursing homes… but why would they be for an insurance handout/bailout?

    • I was so disappointed to read that about Working Families Party.

      They’re not in NJ, but I’ve thought of the as an alternative.

      However, have never really investigated them.

    • DIY brain surgery with a spork sounds sooo appealing right now.

    • Once you are over 40 the ‘I didn’t know’ doesn’t work. Notice that she meant every mean thing she said about terminally ill Elizabeth Edwards, but she cried for hours over ‘cha cha’ being front and center, but she knew she had no panties on… and was 😯 to see the ‘spread’.

      It sounds as if she thinks she isn’t getting enough attention from her big interview…me thinks.

      • No panties??? Or just no pants?

        I was trying to figure out why she would be having a photo shoot with baby and walking around with only a shirt. Sheesh. But….no panties?

        • I am not going to go look, but it is in POOOOR taste to be taking photos in only a shirt…leaving many a questions and crying over only wearing a shirt later. (((shaking head)))

          Isn’t she 44 at this point?

    • http://www.gq.com/video?videoID=71716714001

      Wonder what Babs will think if she sees the video of the photo shoot where Rielle is seeing the photos real time digital on the laptop. I didn’t see one outfit on her in the video that was less than trashy. Obviously, Rielle was not telling Babs the whole truth.

    • She seems to be a professional groupie.

      And certainly old enough to use birth control.

  12. I’m an Amanpour fan so maybe I’m biased, but this seems like some non-depressing news…
    apparently Amanpour has been offered ABC’S This Week!

    • I would really miss her specials and all the International News segments that she does and the live feed…especially for the Women’s Movement in Iran. 😦

      • I hear ya WV, but you know, it sorta reminds me of wanting Hill to be SoS but being sad about her giving up her Senate seat.

        Look at the tradeoff–This Week already sounds much better–

        If Amanpour does accept, the long-running Sunday show could he shaken up, according to the Fishbowl report.

        Amanpour said she wants to make “This Week” more about foreign affairs and less focused on domestic American politics. If she takes the job, her desire is to do a number of shows each year outside the country. If she takes the post, sources say this would be a complete remaking on the show, a program much more focused on international affairs. What’s more, Amanpour is telling colleagues that she does not wish to move to Washington, D.C., that she’d prefer to remain in New York and travel for the job should she decide to take it.

        Given that Amanpour’s career has focused more on international news than Beltway politics, it makes sense that there could be format changes that play upon her strengths.

        • That’s good news. I don’t blame her for ditching CNN. Though she will lose her fans on CNN International. Jake Tapper was hoping for that This Week job, but I think Amanpour will be good. She’s better, much better than CNN.

        • OMG, it might really be about news! And learning things. Asking tough quesitons. With…be still my heart…follow-ups!!!

          I’ll never forget how she went after Bill Clinton about not doing something about Kosavo.

  13. OMG,
    Just imagine the sh#T faced grin O will have when a man who is 5 3″ stands up to the him and speaks coherently and speaks the absolute truth?
    O will not know how to play him. I say Dennis would win this one and I bet he can do it with modesty and sincerity.
    Dennis is the man.

    I sent Dennis another $10…just to tell him I heartily approve of his honesty and his courage by speaking out and sticking to his guns.
    Kucinich would make a historic president. But America needs to get educated before he could ever be elected Pres, sadly.

  14. My daughter and her friends dressed in black today (They had just studied Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar) Before that, they did a Julius Caesar amusement park, complete with blood(ketchup) splattering balloons) – just in case you think they got too sentimental.

    • I’m picturing Wednesday and Puggsley Addams having a swordfight, with blood spurting over the first 2-3 rows of the audience.

  15. Yep Denis is the man. He has always spoken the truth and is much more enlightened than most.

    • Had the pleasure of meeting Dennis during the primary season (before the last debacle, one cycle before) at the local health food store…Who else would campaign at a co-op??

  16. Just saw a snatch of Greta with Stupak and nearly stroked out…

    Greta seems to be whoring a lot lately…she’s dishing up softball questions to all these freaks….Are her bosses sitting on her???

  17. Got to change parties again. When I left the Dems (May 31, 2008), I went to Working Family party under the mistaken impression I can vote in primaries. Today I see they too became Obama auxiliary

  18. Per the Washington Post: House may pass the HCR bill without voting on it. Is that constitutional?

    • “It’s more insider and process-oriented than most people want to know,” the speaker said in a roundtable discussion with bloggers Monday. “But I like it,” she said, “because people don’t have to vote on the Senate bill.”

      This is the kind of inspiring change we can believe in. Yes we can!

  19. If Donna B can use Twitter to get her vile messages out – there is another side that can educate the twitter reading audience – no?

  20. Hypocrisy alert: Pelosi, Slaughter filed amicus briefs in a law suit against the Slaughter rule (when GOP used) – calling it unconstitutional

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