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Was the debate schedule gamed for Obama too?

We now know that the DNC did everything in their power to make sure Barack Obama would be the Democratic nominee for President. Never mind what the voters wanted, this is the year the DNC decided to nominate a black man. Anyone who thought Hillary Clinton was the better candidate was screamed at, called a racist, and told to either stand aside or get out of the Party. The DNC even scheduled their convention so the winner would accept the nomination on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech. Accident? I don’t think so.

Now I see that the first presidential debate this Friday between Barack Obama and John McCain will take place at “Ole Miss”–the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Mississippi. Could there be a more favorable site for Obama? It looks like the Debate committee decided to give us another “teachable moment” on race (h/t Riverdaughter). The cable networks must be salivating at this opportunity to give their favorite candidate another boost.

In 1961, James Meredith was attending Jackson State University. He applied for admission to the University of Mississippi, and was rejected twice. With assistance from the NAACP and Robert Kennedy’s Department of Justice, he sued the university, arguing that he was being denied admission because of the color of his skin. After a long legal struggle, Meredith finally won. The U.S. Supreme Court decided on September 10, 1962 that Meredith had right to attend Ole Miss. Mississippi governor Ross Barnett, a rabid segregationist, vowed to prevent Meredith from registering.

For months Barnett’s defiance of a court order to admit Meredith had rallied public support throughout the segregated South. Finally, after three attempts to register were blocked by state officials, Meredith arrived again on campus, at 4 p.m. on Sept. 30, 1962, a Sunday, accompanied by 173 U.S. marshals dispatched by President John F. Kennedy.

By 8 p.m. the Lyceum, an 1848 building that housed the administration, was surrounded by a mob of 2,000 students and segregationists calling for Meredith’s lynching, according to the author William Doyle in “An American Insurrection” (Doubleday, 2001). The threat was real: Historically there had been more recorded lynchings in Mississippi than in any other state, Doyle wrote.

In the ensuing riot, two people died, 28 U.S. Marshals were shot, and 160 people were injured. This was a serious battle which could have spiraled into civil war. In the end, Governor Ross Barnett secretly negotiated with JFK to allow Meredith to register. Meredith finally registered at the university on October 1, 1962 and graduated in 1964.

Hosting the first debate of 2008 with the first black candidate as a participant, provides a golden opportunity for the university to distance itself from its long history of racial prejudice and segregation. Black students now make up 16% of the university’s enrollment, but racial hostilities are still a problem. Even the name “Ole Miss” comes from the name that slaves used to address mistresses of plantations.

Over the past decade, Chancellor Robert Khayat has pushed Ole Miss through a grinding transformation. After taking over in 1995, he banned Confederate flags at football games, provoking an unsuccessful federal lawsuit and death threats that led him to hire a bodyguard. A beloved Ole Miss athlete in the late 1950s, Mr. Khayat, 70 years old, also removed the venerable sports mascot, the Confederate Colonel Rebel.

“It was a virtual war,” Mr. Khayat said.

He approved a new campus institute for racial reconciliation that helped organize blacks and whites to formally demand prosecutions in the unsolved 1964 civil-rights murders, a move that led to the 2005 conviction of a former member of the Ku Klux Klan.

In 2002, on the 40th anniversary of Mr. Meredith’s admission, the school for the first time honored the surviving soldiers who had subdued the mob.

And then in 2006, the university put up a statue of James Meredith on the campus. According to the Wall Street Journal, former Boston Globe columnist Tom Oliphant and his old friend Curtis Wilkie, who also used to cover politics for the Globe and now works as a journalism professor at Ole Miss, originated the idea for the university to host a presidential debate.

The debate schedule was set in November, 2007. The university had obviously applied long before they new the Democrats would nominate Barack Obama, but at the time the supposedly nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates made their decision, it was clear that Obama would be running. Whether the choice was deliberate or not, it seems to me that Obama will benefit from the publicity surrounding the event.

This man who has done nothing to advance the cause of African Americans in this country, who allowed poor black tenets to freeze in slumlord Tony Rezko’s tenements in Obama’s own state senate district in Chicago, is about to be lionized as a “historic” candidate. How ironic. Remember, this is the man who refused to attend The State of Black America Conference hosted by Tavis Smiley in February of this year. Obama also declined to appear at the events marking the 40th anniversary of the murder of Martin Luther King. And amazingly, in his acceptance speech on the anniversary of King’s “I have a dream” speech, Obama never mentioned King’s name.

And what is James Meredith up to these days? Meredith will lead one of eight HIV/AIDS protest caravans from around the country that will converge on Oxford, Mississippi on September 26, the day of the debate.

“We have no national AIDS strategy plan,” said Campaign to End AIDS Spokeswoman Alice Leeds. “This country has supported and given money to countries all over the world to establish their own national AIDS plan, but we have none of our own.”

One of the caravans will be arriving from Chicago. Did Barack Obama do anything to support the marchers from his home city? I couldn’t find any evidence that he did.

James Meredith will be part of a small group marching from Jackson to Oxford, Mississippi, to reprise a one-man “march against fear” that Meredith made in 1966. During this solitary protest against racism, Meredith was shot and badly wounded by a sniper. When Meredith was hospitalized, civil rights activists Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael, and others finished the march to Oxford in his honor.

Of the AIDS issue, Meredith said

“I consider this to be the most important thing since the Martin Luther King assassination.” ….

James Meredith helped rally these marchers and he plans to appear in Oxford.

Let’s hope the Obama-obsessed media will stand aside and let James Meredith and his fellow marchers hold both candidates’ feet to the fire over the AIDS issue. But I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen. I expect Wolf Blitzer, Candy Crowley, Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews will be all over this, cynically exploiting the historic events that took place in Oxford, Mississippi in the 1960s to advance their chosen candidate. I hope I’m wrong.

65 Responses

  1. Will Obama supporter Bob Dylan be in Oxford to sing his famous ballad, “Oxford Town?”

  2. The last debate is in LI/NY @ Hofstra University. Right down the road is the Uniondale NY Marriot where I bet the media will all be staying. My suggestion is that some of the NY area’s
    group try to meet there as well & they could get coverage.
    My guess is if the candidates stay on LI & not in NYC that is approx. 45mins-1 hour away; they’ll be @ the “Garden City Hotel”.

  3. Wow, BostonBoomer – great job on this article. Yes, it’s been rigged from the get that Obama would be the nominee at all costs.

    James Meredith, a true PATRIOT and civil rights leader should be recognized, no doubt.

    However the vapid and un-civil Obamabots will step over him just to hear O stumble through a sentence.

  4. TPT: Try to go!

  5. Excellent Post!

  6. I learned a lot from this post. Meredith is a true American hero.

  7. BB – Excellent post, and unfortunately, I am sure that you are right about the media and how they are going to promote the awesomely most historical-est moment evah.

    Of course, Obama’s r*ce has never helped him, and he never uses it for political purposes.

    Of course.

  8. Recap: Gore and Kerry was suppose to win, Gore’s hubris earned him nothing but self-satisfaction to recreate himself in his own delusional image.
    Mr. Gore reverted to an old-style populism that alienated independent suburban white men. Gore “abandoned the fight for smaller government,” losing “new economy” men who favored “smaller government, fiscal discipline and personal responsibility.”

    Senator Kerry lost because he ignored rural America, and became a noted flip-flopper taking whatever political position needed to win and standing on none …Exactly Like Obama

    “Why did we lose?, Biden asked a crowd of about 50 people at the office of the York County Democratic Party. “Anybody who thinks we’re going to elect a president who cannot lay down unimpeachable credentials on national security, who cannot demonstrate by his or her record or character that they have the strength and vision to protect America as well as ending this war, I think we’re making a mistake again.” He’s Talking about Obama

    Clinton Likens Obama to Kerry, Gore
    Senator Clinton is warning that Senator Obama’s comments about small-town Americans make him vulnerable to the fate suffered by Vice President Gore and Senator Kerry: being labeled an out-of-touch elitist and losing to the Republicans. Obama another Gore, Kerry

    Gore and Kerry was suppose to win for all the reason they say Obama should win, They lost. Why can Gore and Kerry lose like democrats, but if Obama loses it’s not because he’s channeling Gore and Kerry it’s because he’s black. what BS.
    We should treat Obama different from Gore and Kerry give him special treatment because of his skin color? This is madness

  9. Thanks everyone. I hadn’t heard anything about this until this weekend. The AIDS marches started last week, but I haven’t seen any publicity in the corporate media. On the other hand, their have been a number of articles about the significance of this debate being held at Ole Miss. It will be interesting to see what the media does with it.

  10. Fred – Gore won. The Supreme Court appointed Bush anyway.

    And Gore was not in the same mold as Kerry, and Kerry was miles better than Obama.

    At least those two men had some experience and qualifications to their names. Kerry was even a war hero.

    Unfortunately, Obama will lose because he is the worst candidate the Democrats have put forth in recent memory. His race has only helped him. If he were white, would 93% of AA’s have voted for him in the primaries?

  11. Hillary or Obama – which one of them wants a national AIDS strategy 🙄 Hillary and Congresswoman Lee. Chris Rock should just keep his mouth shut about her.

    September 16

    Senator Clinton and Congresswoman Lee Introduce Resolution Calling for a National AIDS Strategy

    Members Seek to Highlight Disproportionate Impact of HIV on Minority Communities

    WASHINGTON, DC—In light of new statistics showing annual new HIV infections at levels higher than previously believed, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) and Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) have introduced a resolution in both chambers of Congress calling for a national AIDS strategy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), using new methodology, recently estimated that 56,300 individuals were newly infected with HIV in 2006, a considerably higher figure than previously estimated. The CDC statistics are also evidence of the continued disproportionate impact of HIV/AIDS upon African American and Hispanic communities.

    “The sobering new statistics on HIV and AIDS in the United States show that this disease continues to take a heavy toll right here at home—particularly in minority communities. It is unacceptable that we are not doing more to address the epidemic in populations where infections rates are highest. This news must serve as a call for a national strategy to combat HIV and AIDS that will partner with individuals and communities who are heavily impacted and bring resources where they’re needed most. We need to renew our commitment to expanding access to effective HIV prevention and increasing the availability of care and treatment for Americans living with HIV. In light of these new findings, now more than ever we must remain vigilant to the task of halting and reversing the spread of HIV and AIDS,” said Senator Clinton.


    Congresswoman Barbare Lee should be on the list for achieving that 30%

  12. Well a new thread that is spot on Madamab and Bostonboomer I am sick of Democrats “educating” the huddled masses “living in Ignorance.”

    I am so over The big BO that if i never hear his name again after November 4th it will be to soon.

    fred Good Analysis!

    I jope that Obama comes off like the blithering idiot he is. I hope every answer is “what Hillary said” or “what John McCain said”

    I have low expectations for Obama in this debate I hope the country expects more form him and is disappointed

  13. Barbara Lee ROCKS…and so does Our Hillary!


    Missed ya!


    How are ya?

  15. OMG-Obama discovers the AIDS crisis-Demands Immediate action! Nation has slept until The One, Senator Barak Obama, announced the AIDS crisis in America….National Policy to follow until Barak speaks before thbe “Moral” majority in October 2008. THen all his clamor of “righteuos anger” to subside to a meek “what I meant to say about the AIDS crisis…”

    Please for the love of Goddess some one get me my vomit bucket.


  16. Umm…is there ANYTHING going on in Congress that Hillary is not spearheading? That woman is everywhere!

  17. Madamab had a nice vacation in the midwest took my momma home to Dubuque for her 50th Class reunion.

    In a previous thread I reported on my travels through NE Iowa (the most Liberal part of the state) Obama is in deep trouble there. I am excited to report I believe Iowa “where this long road for Obama began” is going to probably split the ticket and go red again, while supporting its down ticket demopcrats.



  18. Make me laugh…Josh Orton over at MyDD has a front page post about attending a meeting with the Big Dawg last night and it speaks in good terms about him.

    Seems strange since Josh was one of the ones yelling racist at the top of his front page every moment he could get when it came to Bill and Hill.

    Oh, wait….now they NEED them.

    Well, screw that!

  19. “what John McCain said”

    Please please let him say this. This might finally wake up some of his supporters. I am willing to bet that he will say it.

  20. jeff,

    I’ll gladly give you an opportunity to spell out specifically what Barack Obama has done for the black community. Please provide a concise list, with specifics, back up with evidence.

    We do not need lectures from you. We have done our homework. Now do yours, and report back ASAP.

  21. I think even Big Dawg and Hill know this Obama/Biden Dog will not hunt in November!

    I look forward to the next four years of Hill TV where everynight we will see Hillary on the news fighting for We the People. I cant wait to see tweety and KO choke on announcing every single legislative success Hillary Clinton has until September 1st, 2011!

    On that day we the PUMA’s under our” Draft Hillary for President 2012″, will have the last laugh. Hillary will announce her second attempt for the democratic nomination. Party chairman Harold Ickes will support her completely.

    Obama will be an unsuccessful one term senator from Illinois and will have returned to his previos carreer as a “street organizer”…whatever that is.


  22. Oh, and Jeff,

    Obviously you are a low-information voter. Why aren’t you aware that Howard Dean has been pushing for Obama to be the 2008 nominee for the past four years? Again, go do your homework and don’t post here again until you can provide evidence for your claims.

  23. I marvel at the intelligence and wisdom I find on this site but I also wonder if all of these words and information will get out there and do anything.
    BB, I mentioned this concept of the DNC desperately wanting to have a black man accepting the nomination for presidential candidacy on the anniversary of MLK’s speech back during the convention both on this board and to colleagues – my colleagues told me I’d gone over the edge as “who could actually orchestrate such a thing?”
    But indeed they have – and so I ask you all is there no way we can expose this plot – not the notion to elect a black man, but to elect THIS particular man who doesn’t have the credentials to represent America’s AAs well. Lord knows there are much brighter, articulate, knowledgeable, creative and likeable black men they could have chosen but then, they were probably too smart to get mixed up in such a fraudulent scheme.
    So how does one get the word out without appearing to be r*cist, or unAmerican. Is there an AA organization that could help open the windows and doors on this plot so that they do not put all AAs in a bad light when he fails or creates a government not for the people?
    As a woman I had full confidence that Hillary would represent us well, there were other women who were mentioned whom I could not have supported for the role of president because I would not want the negative repercussions – is it not so for AAs? I have not one AA friend who is supporting O – but I’ve not asked them what the AA organizations are doing – the organizations haven’t seemed to be very visibly supportive – perhaps I’ve just missed it.

  24. please remove jeffzukers comment and edit it to read my translation from Obama-bot to American standard english-

    “I am mad and I am going to throw a tantrum! I want Obama I am going to hold my breath until I get Obama and you all vote for him! See here I am hold ing my breath If I Die it will be all your fault! Wah Wah….come on guys you are going to ruin it for us Obats! ”


  25. Obama was installed Jeff. Go read through some of the caucus fraud information, or the lack of a resume for Mr. Obama or his absolutely STUNNING number of unsavory associations.

    Mr. Obama is NOT wanted by most Democrats. Probably 1/2 of who are voting for him are doing so because they fear the republican more. Some of us are not going along because ultimately….THE HIDDEN FORCES who chose to install Obama this time, were the same ones who brought us GWBII, employing quite similar methods as a matter of fact.

    I am NOT a member of the New Obama Party. And I will not sanction the fraud. P.S. he HAS done nothing for ANY community…other than worshiping at his own alter of political ambition. You really need to get off the kool-aid and get a reality check

  26. Michael,

    I’m going to give Jeff a chance to back up what he said.

  27. Ferchrissake!!!

    Is anything left on the Obama agenda? Anything? Is there promise he hasn’t backtracked on?

    Obama may scale back promises

    Telecom Immunity?
    Letting Bush’s tax cut for the rich expire?
    Universal Healthcare?

    This is the fraud the DNC chose to put forth in these times?

    Nice going, assholes!

  28. oh, Michael – lol

    BB – let’s see what he comes back with – if he comes back.

  29. It is the “return of the Trolls”

    sorry computer locked up on my yahoomail-brb!


  30. BB – Yes, I’m sure he’ll get right back to you on that.


    Fuzzy – I’m so glad you had a fun vacation. Good for you!

  31. Joanelle, that question sometimes keeps me up at night and I posted a related comment on the previous thread. The only people in the media whom I perceive as somewhat accessible are Dobbs and Van Susteren. But I don’t know what we can do to get their attention. Massive emails? I wonder if they would even read them. I’m stumped. I am hoping that someone around here knows someone who knows someone.

  32. jefftzucker, on September 23rd, 2008 at 1:13 pm

    Do you know that most real Democrats voted for Hillary than for Obama?

    Obama is fighting against crazy amounts of stereotyping and racism. He has to watch every single step he takes so that he appeals to the center as well as the left. Do you think this is easy?
    Do you know what feels like to be in a campaign where you can’t criticize your opponent or everyone will call you divisive, playing dirty etc. You compete with both hands tied.
    – When Obama faces that then you are free to complain?

    What has Obama done for the black community?

    He is a cheater, race baiter, fraud, arrogant, divisive and corrupt. Lets not forget his inexperience and the he let his constituents be without heat for 5 weeks in winter. As much as I try, I can’t forget that 👿

  33. What a great Post BB!

  34. MABlue – Obama and Biden can’t seem to get their stories straight, can they?

    What a disastrous situation.

  35. Yes, the MCM gasbags will use the debate location to swoon over Obama, and it won’t convince anyone to vote for him.

    People by and large have their minds made up at this point, and if history is a guide, those who don’t will ultimately choose to slip into the comfortable old shoe rather than reach for the shoehorn and the shiny new untried Jimmy Choos.

  36. i think the release date of the AP survey makes sense now.

  37. Anyone have todays polling results?

  38. You really have to give it up for James Meredith. He is truly someone to be admired. Thanks for the post, BB.

  39. madamab,

    Oh dear. Don’t tell me you don’t trust Jeff T. Zucker? Hmmm… I was so sure he was sincere….

  40. roofingbird,

    Good point. The media have been ramping up the racism meme recently. I think I’ll just watch the debate on C-Span. I don’t think I can handle the cable coverage.

  41. Great article!

    MABlue….I just posted that article to my blog. It should have always been obvious to any reasonable human being that Obama couldn’t live up to his grandiose promises. But of course Obama supporters aren’t particularly reasonable.

    The NOBama blogs are about the only place you can get the real scoop on Obama. The media is in the tank for him and have been from the get go.

    Every now and then I get a poster who says that the information on the blogs have changed their minds and it’s then I realize that we do have an affect on the election and the many hours spent getting information posted to the blogs is worth the effort.

    Texas Hill Country says he KNOWS that both campaigns read the blogs and it’s important that we frame the conversation with that in mind. Right now Fox News is talking about WHY the Hillary Supporters who are hold outs won’t support Obama. We MUST drive the message home that it is about HOW Hillary “lost” not the fact that she lost. The media is still waiting for the “unity” of the Democratic Party. They still believe we may eventually just give in. It’s up to us to let them know that ain’t happening.


  42. Downticket said: He is a cheater, race baiter, fraud, arrogant, divisive and corrupt. Lets not forget his inexperience and the he let his constituents be without heat for 5 weeks in winter. As much as I try, I can’t forget that”

    None of which has anything to do with his r*ce – people who cheat, are arrogant, division and corrupt come in all sizes, shapes, creeds and colors.

  43. You can send a message to the Ole Miss debate site:


    I reminded them of their divisive past and the opportunity they had to show inclusiveness. I requested that they demand that McKinney, Barr, Nader, Baldwin, and any other candidate who appears on the Mississippi state ballot be invited to participate in the debate.

  44. If Friday’s debate is a repeat of the primary debate (wasn’t it in South Caroline?), where Obama was cheered when he hit Hill on Walmart and she was booed when she hit him back on Rezco, it might not be to Obama’s advantage.

    I’ll never forget that first question. To Hillary. Then he repeated what she said and couldn’t wait to get the “ditto” out so he could proceed to slam her (oh, he of the new kind of politics) for sitting on the board of WalMart.

  45. MaBlue – don’t forget drilling. It’s not that he changed his mind on this, it’s the statement he made on why – that Republicans were pushing hard for it.

  46. NEW POST:

    Hillary on CBS interview from this morning plus new AP polls!

  47. It makes me ill to think that Obama is being placed by some in the same group as James Meredith.

    Oh, and once again I’ve been told that any HRC supporters who are not aboard the Obama love train by this point are either ignorant or r@cist.

  48. Jmac – Of course, Hillary did change Walmart for the better when she was on the board, pushing for womens’ advancement and the environment.

    Never mind, facts are too “nuanced” for the Obamans, apparently…

  49. Here’s what JP Morgan did during the financial crisis in 1907:


    Financial Haka 👿

  50. oooooh, nuance!

  51. I wonder how Jim Lehrer will manage things on Friday eve.? He seems to usually be a pretty fair, and even handed sort of person. I know NPR is no longer objective, but I wonder if he might be. What do you guys think?

  52. The DNC even scheduled their convention so the winner would accept the nomination on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech. Accident? I don’t think so. BB

    And to thank Martin Luther King Jr. and all those that came before him, those that paved the road that he walk on…he couldn’t even utter his name, he demeaned him by calling him “the preacher”! If you Google ‘the preacher’ the Rev. Wright pops up. So, why couldn’t he thank him, by name, why couldn’t he thank THE WOMAN ‘ROSA PARKS’… YUP, it was a WOMAN that refused to give up the seat, after a long days work and many indignities…but she didn’t even get a mention as ‘THE BUS RIDER’ or ‘THE PASSENGER’.

    Not to mention that Obama’s father was not only admitted to a US University but had a scholarship too, but he claims he was born out of Selma?!? GO figure…

    How can that be the greatest speech if when he didn’t mention the key players that are no longer with us and not asking those that are still alive to stand in recognition! Why, because it would take away from his moment. Forgetting those that put it all on the line is not CHANGE it is disrespectful.

  53. fif, on September 23rd, 2008 at 1:10 pm Said:
    Umm…is there ANYTHING going on in Congress that Hillary is not spearheading? That woman is everywhere!

    Yeah. Too bad she isn’t the nominee. And it really makes me wonder why the DNC is allowing her to be so prominent in the news while not campaigning for BO. Maybe she finally told them to take a flying #@%&, I got work to do.

  54. Mountain Sage, on September 23rd, 2008 at 1:43 pm Said:
    (respectfully snipped)
    Texas Hill Country says he KNOWS that both campaigns read the blogs and it’s important that we frame the conversation with that in mind. Right now Fox News is talking about WHY the Hillary Supporters who are hold outs won’t support Obama. We MUST drive the message home that it is about HOW Hillary “lost” not the fact that she lost. The media is still waiting for the “unity” of the Democratic Party. They still believe we may eventually just give in. It’s up to us to let them know that ain’t happening.

    Ha! The Democratic Party is DEAD to me. Not only am I not “giving in” this election. I’m not going back. PERIOD.

    Any candidate other than Mark Warner would not get my vote. Warner gets my vote because he was a great governor.

    From here on out, I vote as an Green-leaning independent who supports the 30% solution. Women candidates on the ballot will get my vote regardless of their political party.

  55. Carolyn,

    I don’t know. Jim Lehrer is friends with George Bush and probably with McCain. But the media seems to be responding to pressure from Wall Street and big oil to get Obama elected. We’ll have to wait and see. It’s going to be interesting. McCain has nothing to lose by being aggressive.

  56. I have no fear for McCain; Obama’s people have already issued a disclaimer because McCain’s strength is foriegn policy. (FOX NEWS this morning)
    Why does his majesty bother to show up if he is already explaining why he is going to lose the debate? How frickin pathetic can he stand to be?
    If O is this weak at home, what the heck is going to do in the real world?
    Send Bambi home! No BS, No Racism, NOBAMA!

  57. Great Post BB

    What gxm said…

    I have a feeling that BO will be straight nasty. I remember a Hill debate with him, where he took the initiative and you could almost see him aiming for the throat-re Hill on the Wall-Mart board.

    Then I found this: (Daily Mail article Feb 23 2008)
    “Michelle also is under attack for joining the board of a food company where she allegedly took part in a 2005 decision to close a pickle and relish plant in La Junta, Colorado, putting 150 mostly Hispanic labourers out of work.

    The small town was devastated.

    “It totally amazed me when they closed it,” said La Junta Mayor

    Don Rizzuto, who had believed that Michelle and her husband were “the champions of the little guy”.”

  58. um, wasn’t it Reverend Wright who said that AIDS was a plot by the US government to hurt African Americans?
    And isn’t The Clinton Foundation heavily involved in AIDS projects in Africa?

  59. RD,

    Isn’t it interesting that Obama managed to change the topic of this debate from domestic policy to foreign affairs? Rahm Emmanuel did the negotiating for him. Apparently James Meredith is upset about it too. Let’s hope that gets some publicity on Friday. I won’t hold my breath though.

  60. sorry for my previous post. Wasn’t thinking straight

  61. I read on this blog or another that two of the five people who are supplying questions for the candidates are from Obama’s camp! How is this fair? How is it that this man continues to manipulate the MSM?
    He will certainly know what questions are going to be asked by his supporters right? So as long as he can memorize an answer he will seem as though he has at least a general knowledge of what is going on.
    I wish McCain well during the debate, he is a bright man with much to offer this country. Obama has already “fixed” the debate by having two of the five questioners on his own payroll.
    Old Miss? Give me a break, yea what a nice set up for Obama, more racist remarks coming up, from Obama himself. Can you just hear it? He’ll probably take credit for ending the riots there!
    Oh God, I wish our party would have been honest and not so corrupt, the history the democratic party is making this year is that, never have we seen so much corruption in an election year, not just by the candidate but by the DNC themselves.
    It was no mistake that Obama’s speech, not Hillary’s would be on the day of the I have a dream speech. They are so transparent, yet they believe they have gotten away with it.
    On November 4 I will remember my girl Hillary, and proudly cast my vote for McCain and see our Hillary back in the race in 2012.
    Obama must be stopped, I never for a second believed that Hillary or Bill support Obama for president, they are being far too gracious to a man that called them racists.
    I will be back in the democratic party in 2012 to vote for Hillary and my party better have cleaned itself up by then. The voters will do all they can to clean up our party by 2012, and if any of them had any class at all they would step down, but like leeches they hang on, hoping to suck one more drop of blood out of the American people. Enough with ignoring the fact that blatant cheating went on, not only by Obama but the entire DNC, including the supers who were paid off.
    The American people want change, not the same old Chicago style thuggery that has ruled that city for 77 years.
    McCain 2008
    Hillary Clinton 2012

  62. daddy’s darlin’

    I really doubt if the debate questions are being supplied by people from either camp. Jim Lehrer will be working with his PBS news team to decide what to ask. I expect him to go easy on Obama, but I don’t think the fix is in to that point.

  63. Not being a fan or a follower of the political game, could it be possible that the DNC is looking to make history and have potential future bragging rights of “We had the first black President”. That they may use in future elections.

    I don’t know if that would have any future affects on the voting public or not, but maybe they though about it.

    Knowing all to well that when the economy has down turns, the incumbent party usually pays for it at election time. Meaning they could run almost anybody this November, and have a real good shot of winning.

    Just a thought from a non political person.

  64. For an astrological breakdown of the upcoming McCain and Obama debate, got to http://www.robertphoenix.com

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